The “WOJLOO” Forum, or “West Oakland, Jack London, Old Oakland” candidates forum was held after what Jesse A.J. Smith, the only Oakland Mayoral Election Candidate who covers the races only using Jack Dorsey’s micro-blogging platform Twitter (should be using his Oakland News Now account and his own blog) tweeted as “Scandal! Tonight’s forum at the senior center next to Bobby Hutton park was almost cancelled, on account of a new policy saying they can’t host political events. It’s good though. The de Fremery house got us.”
#oakmtg Scandal! Tonight’s forum at the senior center next to Bobby Hutton park was almost cancelled, on account of a new policy saying they can’t host political events. It’s good though. The de Fremery house got us. Cc @tdlove5 @eastbaycitizen
— Jesse A.J. Smith 4 Oakland Mayor (@OakSmith2018) September 13, 2018
Among the Oakland Mayoral Election candidates in attendance, were (and in the order they were seated left to right) Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf, Oakland Community Leader Ken Houston, Oakland Activist Cat Brooks, Oakland Tax Consultant Nancy Sidebotham, Oakland Entrepreneur Saied Kamarooz, and Oakland Activist Jesse A.J. Smith. (Oakland Mayor’s Race candidates Pamela Price, couldn’t attend, Marchon Tatmon was not there, and Peter Liu wasn’t invited to be in it. Peter Liu’s racist antics on social media should not be allowed – the rules should be changed to expressly forbid the expression of racism in Oakland as a candidate for office. Oakland has to take a legal stand against people like Peter Liu, and not ignore his actions.)
Small but packed venue! This is good, we about to have an up close and personal conversation! #Oakmayor #WestOakland #oakmtg
— TDL (@tdlove5) September 13, 2018
What follows is the presentation of each and every video made on Twitter from the forum and courtesy of Tonya Love, who posted them via her Twitter account @tdlove5. (I also must note the video sound quality is better this time). The videos are listed in reverse chronological order and with no commentary from this blogger. Watch, listen, use your own judgment, but please do vote in the Oakland Elections!
Jesse A.J. Smith was allowed to make an opening statement, but, after not allowing him to be in the debate, they gave him the option to participate; he elected to speak and then to sit and tweet.
I get a couple minutes to speak but will not be on the dais. I had the option, but this is so wonk intensive, I wouldn’t be a good contributor as a single-issue candidate. Happy to let it focus on @nancy6368 @SAiED4Oakland @CatsCommentary @KHouston4Mayor and @LibbySchaaf. #oakmtg
— Jesse A.J. Smith 4 Oakland Mayor (@OakSmith2018) September 13, 2018
Jessie Smith gives and opening citing Brooks and Karamooz has having community creditentials and that we are in this venue BC is Black Panthers #oakmayor #oakmtg #westoakland
— TDL (@tdlove5) September 13, 2018
Here’s Ken Houston giving his opening statement, and who finally attended an Oakland candidates forum this year (he came to my Oakland Sports Forum in 2014):
Since this is Ken Houston’s first debate with everyone (that I’ve been to) here is his opening statement #oakmayor #oakmtg #westoakland
— TDL (@tdlove5) September 13, 2018
Question around development at Jack London square. Pledge to speak to neighborhood to address issues around it and help restrain Bldg heights, mixed use, reopen ferry terminal fire station, etc part 1 #oakmayor #oakmtg #westoakland
— TDL (@tdlove5) September 13, 2018
Question around development at Jack London square. Pledge to speak to neighborhood to address issues around it and help restrain Bldg heights, mixed use, reopen ferry terminal fire station, etc part 2 #oakmayor #oakmtg #westoakland
— TDL (@tdlove5) September 13, 2018
Question around development at Jack London square. Pledge to speak to neighborhood to address issues around it and help restrain Bldg heights, mixed use, reopen ferry terminal fire station, etc part 3 #oakmayor #oakmtg #westoakland
— TDL (@tdlove5) September 13, 2018
Question around development at Jack London square. Pledge to speak to neighborhood to address issues around it and help restrain Bldg heights, mixed use, reopen ferry terminal fire station, etc part 4 #oakmayor #oakmtg #westoakland
— TDL (@tdlove5) September 13, 2018
Jobs questions from Oakland Works! #oakmayor #oakmtg #westoakland part 1
— TDL (@tdlove5) September 13, 2018
Jobs questions from Oakland Works! #oakmayor #oakmtg #westoakland part 2
— TDL (@tdlove5) September 13, 2018
Jobs questions from Oakland Works! #oakmayor #oakmtg #westoakland part 6
— TDL (@tdlove5) September 13, 2018
Education question #oakmayor #oakmtg #westoakland part 1 (sorry I missed KH answer because my phone rang. ?)
— TDL (@tdlove5) September 13, 2018
Education question #oakmayor #oakmtg #westoakland part 2
— TDL (@tdlove5) September 13, 2018
Education question #oakmayor #oakmtg #westoakland part 3
— TDL (@tdlove5) September 13, 2018
Question from Prescott Neighborhood again on developers in their community who are hostile to suggestions from residents. How will you empower residents? #oakmayor #oakmtg #westoakland part 1
— TDL (@tdlove5) September 13, 2018
Question from Prescott Neighborhood again on developers in their community who are hostile to suggestions from residents. How will you empower residents? #oakmayor #oakmtg #westoakland part 2
— TDL (@tdlove5) September 13, 2018
Question from Prescott Neighborhood again on developers in their community who are hostile to suggestions from residents. How will you empower residents? #oakmayor #oakmtg #westoakland part 3
— TDL (@tdlove5) September 13, 2018
Question about West #Oakland BART #oakmayor #oakmtg #westoakland part 2
— TDL (@tdlove5) September 13, 2018
Question about West #Oakland BART #oakmayor #oakmtg #westoakland part 3
— TDL (@tdlove5) September 13, 2018
Question (last one!!) from West Oakland neighbors. Would you support parking areas for those living in RV’s? #oakmayor #oakmtg #westoakland part 1
— TDL (@tdlove5) September 13, 2018
Question (last one!) on supporting parking spaces for folks living in their RV’s? #oakmayor #oakmtg #westoakland part 2
— TDL (@tdlove5) September 13, 2018
Question (last one!) on supporting parking spaces for folks living in their RV’s? #oakmayor #oakmtg #westoakland part 3
— TDL (@tdlove5) September 13, 2018
Question (last one!) on supporting parking spaces for folks living in their RV’s? #oakmayor #oakmtg #westoakland part 4
— TDL (@tdlove5) September 13, 2018
Stay tuned.