Oakland OUSD Issues Strict COVID-19 RULES For Today’s Madison Park Academy Press Conference

The new high school building at Madison Park Academy.

Oakland – The Oakland Unified School District or OUSD is not taking any chances ahead of its Madison Park Academy Press Conference. It issued this press release:

COVID RULES for Today’s Madison Park Academy Press Conference

Oakland, CA — For anyone planning to attend today’s press conference at Madison Park Elementary as noted in this press release from Monday evening, there are some rules you will have to follow, per the OUSD legal department. They are as follows:

● Masks must be worn at ALL times (unless the speaker cannot be heard with their mask on)
● Any microphone used must be wiped down/disinfected before each speaker
● Maintain at least 6 feet of distance between everyone at ALL times
● No sharing of anything (e.g., pens, paper, etc.)
● No one should attend who has any COVID symptoms (John Sasaki will do a verbal check with everyone (OUSD staff and non-OUSD personnel) when they arrive)
● No using the restroom
● Stay outdoors at ALL times unless explicitly permitted by John Sasaki
● For those that do go inside the building, John Sasaki will need to escort you and open all doors
● Anyone who fails to comply with these rules, their application, or related direction from John Sasaki may be asked to leave the event

If you have any questions, please contact communications director, John Sasaki.

This is all well and good, but I wonder if anyone bothered to check if Madison Park Elementary was sanitized prior to the press event? COVID-19 is all over: in the air, and on certain surfaces. OUSD gave no indication that the new building was sanitized before the press conference.

On top of that, consider that on January 24th 2020, COVID-19 was the focus of a classified Senate briefing, but just what was said we have not been told. Why was the meeting classified? What does the U.S. Government know that we do not know. Not a good situation.

Stay tuned.

Oakland OUSD Issues Strict COVID-19 RULES For Today’s Madison Park Academy Press Conference
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