Oakland OUSD Staff Members Receive Numerous Separate Accolades From Outside District

Oakland Unified School District OUSD

13 Oakland Unified School District Staff Members Receive Numerous Separate Accolades From Outside of District

Oakland – Staff members from across Oakland Unified School District are receiving remarkable recognition to finish off the 2020-21 school year. They include teachers, classified employees, football coaches and a social worker / project manager, and they’re being honored by local and national organizations.

This is Classified School Employees Week, and just days after OUSD announced its nine 2021 Classified School Employees of the Year, the Alameda County Office of Education has announced its nine Classified School Employees of the Year. Four of them are from OUSD. They are paraprofessional Tanya Beck from CCPA, truck driver from transportation services, Solomon Hutalla, school security officer, Melvin Phillips from Fremont High School, and district family engagement specialist in the Office of Equity, Munera Mohsin. To read more, click here.

The U.C. Berkeley Social Welfare magazine featured alumnus Brian McGhee, who is a social worker and project manager for African American Male Achievement at McClymonds High School. He also served as the 2021 Commencement Speaker for Berkeley’s Social Welfare Undergraduate Graduation.

Skyline High School varsity football coach, Joe Bates was named 2021 Football Coach of the Year by San Francisco 49ers PREP and U.S. Bank. For winning the award, Coach Bates and the Skyline football program will receive a grant from the 49ers Foundation. For details about the award, click here.

Skyline’s football team finished second in the Oakland Athletic League this year, losing the Silver Bowl to McClymonds High School, whose head coach, Michael Peters was recognized as the 2021 Coach of the Year by the National Coalition of Minority Football Coaches. The NCMFC will honor Coach Peters at its annual convention at the end of May for advancing diversity in the high school ranks and demonstrating integrity, character and excellence. You can read the letter Coach Peters received from NCMFC here.

Six OUSD teachers have been recognized as Science Super Star teachers in the 2020-21 school year by Community Resources for Science (CRS). The six teachers are Tracy Dordell from New Highland Academy, Gloria Garcia from Melrose Leadership Academy, Melissa Frost from Lincoln Elementary, Elizabeth Cooke from Grass Valley Elementary, and Ann Park and 2021 OUSD Teacher of the Year, Jessica Jung, both from Bridges Academy. These teachers have earned CRS recognition for Excellence in Elementary Science Teaching for bringing engaging, standards-aligned science learning to their students. The Science Super Star Teachers will be honored during a virtual Celebration of Inspiration in STEM tonight, May 20 at 5:30 p.m.

“This is exactly why I love leading Oakland Unified School District, because I know our students have people like these outstanding staff members supporting them every day,” said Superintendent Kyla Johnson-Trammell. “On our campuses, on the fields of play, in the classroom, and all across our District, our staff is the best anywhere. I congratulate all of them for their successes, and look forward to working alongside them on behalf of our students long into the future.”

About the Oakland Unified School District

In California’s most diverse city, Oakland Unified School District (OUSD) is dedicated to creating a learning environment where “Every Student Thrives!” More than half of our students speak a non-English language at home. And each of our 81 schools is staffed with talented individuals uniting around a common set of values: Students First, Equity, Excellence, Integrity, Cultural Responsiveness and Joy. We are committed to preparing all students for college, career and community success.

To learn more about OUSD’s Full Service Community District focused on academic achievement while serving the whole child in safe schools, please visit OUSD.org and follow us @OUSDnews.

Post based on press release to Zennie62Media from OUSD.

Oakland OUSD Staff Members Receive Numerous Separate Accolades From Outside District
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