Oakland Redistricting Commission Final District Map for Review and Comment

Oakland Redistricting Commission Proposes Final District Map for Review and Comment

15-member Commission tasked with setting new district boundaries for the Oakland City Council and School Board

Oakland, CA – Oakland’s independent Redistricting Commission is seeking public review and comment on Draft Map F3, the only map under consideration for final adoption. The proposed final district map and corresponding census data is available on the Commission’s website.

The public is encouraged to submit comments on the proposed final district map during the public review period. The deadline to submit written comments is January 18 at 5pm.Public comment will also be accepted during the Commission’s meeting on January 19, 2022 at 4pm.

Email/written comments may be submitted to: [email protected]

Surveys can be completed via the Commission’s website: www.surveymonkey.com/r/oaklandredistricting

The Commission will continue to hold special meetings until a final map is adopted by the Commission. The final map must receive 9 votes to be officially adopted.

The public is encouraged to regularly check the Commission’s website for current meeting information. (https://www.oaklandca.gov/boards-commissions/redistricting-commission#meetings)


On Wednesday, January 5, 2022, Oakland’s independent Redistricting Commission held a special meeting to continue review of the formally proposed draft maps, Map F3 and Map K3.  The Commission failed to adopt a final map by December 31, 2021, which is the deadline mandated by the Oakland City Charter.

The Commission engaged in live mapping during the January 5th meeting and received public comment on draft maps Map F3 and Map K3, which have been available for public review since December 13, 2021. The Commission voted to continue to revise Draft Map F3 and reject Draft Map K3. The motion narrowly passed by a simple majority vote, making Draft Map F3 the only map under consideration for final adoption. The Commission will continue to revise Draft Map F3 until it meets all legal requirements set forth in the City Charter, the Federal Voting Rights Act (1965) and the California FAIR MAPS Act (2019).

To stay informed of Oakland’s redistricting process, visit: www.oaklandca.gov/redistricting and select the ‘Provide Input’ icon at the top of the page.

Stay tuned.