OaklandLocalNews.com Content Theft Website Steals From Oakland News Now – Report It To Google

Oaklandlocalnews.com Content Theft Website Steals From Oakland News Now – Report It To Google

OaklandLocalNews.com Content Theft Website Steals From Oakland News Now – Report It To Google

There are a number of scraper sites that have popped up and have content obviously scraped from other legitimate news websites like OaklandNewsNow.com.

Why someone thinks this is legal to do is a wonder. Its one thing to have an excerpt but to just make a scraper site to take up space is nothing short of online harassment.

The way I fight back is to have this content out there and pointing right at the offending site, in this case, OaklandLocalNews.com.

Tell Danny Sullivan over at Google about this site and report it for removal from Google search.

Why Are Content Theft Sites On The Rise?

Why are these annoying content theft sites on the rise? It’s a reflection of the value that the right content at the right time can generate, and often in real money. But what’s happening now is content tools have emerged that seem to make the practice too easy. They must be stopped.

There’s a difference between content theft and social media style sharing. Sharing boosts the importance of the shared content; theft does not do that.

Stay tuned.

OaklandLocalNews.com Content Theft Website Steals From Oakland News Now – Report It To Google
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