OUSD Oakland Schools Use Crowdfunding To Help Unemployed Families Due To COVID-19

Oakland Unified School District OUSD

From an Oakland Unified School District press release sent to Zennie62Media, a horrible situation due to COVID-19.

Numerous OUSD Oakland Schools Turn to Crowdfunding to Support Students and Families as Covid-19 Shelter in Place Causes Loss of Countless Jobs

Oakland, CA – As we announced on Monday, March 30, with the announcement of a major need for support for the Esperanza Elementary School community, the Covid-19 pandemic is wreaking havoc on the economy and causing many Oakland parents to lose their jobs. At Esperanza, updated numbers show about 80% of families have one parent who has lost a job, and more than 60% have two parents who have lost their jobs. But Esperanza is far from alone in having a community with serious needs.

Across OUSD, there are numerous schools where principals, teachers, staff and other supporters have started GoFundMe or other campaigns to raise money to support students and their families. Here is a list of some of the campaigns. Most of the campaigns go into the details of what they’re looking for and why, but suffice it to say each one involves loss of jobs for families most of whom were already furthest from opportunity. In the case of some schools, there are unaccompanied minors who work and pay rent themselves and they are no doubt adversely impacted by the shelter in place.
● Bridges Academy ES (two campaigns): https://www.gofundme.com/f/feeding-our-students-and-families

● REACH Academy ES: https://www.gofundme.com/f/feed-and-support-reach-academy-families?utm_medium=email&utm_source=product&utm_campaign=p_email%2B2300-co-team-welcome

● Elmhurst United Middle School: https://www.gofundme.com/f/elmhurst-newcomers?utm_medium=copy_link&utm_source=customer&utm_campaign=p_lico+share-sheet&fbclid=IwAR2_cLeusJjGLoF-imm_sekXe-xgLkcLfrGHGE_qz1JFTh7MyLmbZ1z3bMo

● Roosevelt MS: https://www.gofundme.com/f/covid-relief-for-oakland-immigrant-families

● United For Success Academy MS: https://www.gofundme.com/f/UFSA-families

● Oakland International High School: https://www.classy.org/give/114223/#!/donation/checkout

● Rudsdale Newcomer School:
And there’s one campaign that is not specifically related to the pandemic, but certainly shows a situation that’s exacerbated by the shelter in place, as it’s for an OUSD family that is facing serious challenges since the father, the primary breadwinner, was taken into custody by ICE agents. His children are OUSD students, but we can’t say where in the interest of protecting their identity.

● OUSD family needs help: https://www.gofundme.com/f/oakland-family-ripped-apart-by-ice

This Covid-19 outbreak is putting enormous strain on potentially thousands of Oakland families, so we are asking the community to come together to support each other so we all get through these challenges.
About the Oakland Unified School District
In California’s most diverse city, Oakland Unified School District (OUSD) is dedicated to creating a learning environment where “Every Student Thrives!” More than half of our students speak a non-English language at home. And each of our 83 schools is staffed with talented individuals uniting around a common set of values: Students First, Equity, Excellence, Integrity, Cultural Responsiveness and Joy. We are committed to preparing all students for college, career and community success.

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OUSD Oakland Schools Use Crowdfunding To Help Unemployed Families Due To COVID-19
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