Pete Buttigieg Announces Bold Action Plan To Combat White Nationalism And The Gun Lobby

Mayor Pete Buttigieg Announces Bold Action Plan to Combat the National Threat Posed by Domestic Terror and the Gun Lobby

Pete Buttigieg’s new approach lays out bold policies supported by sustained political engagement

South Bend, IN — Today, Mayor Pete Buttigieg released a bold action plan to meet the urgent national security crisis posed by white nationalism and the gun lobby that is threatening communities across America.

The Pete Buttigieg plan not only identifies the policies that must be enacted to to stem the rising tide of gun violence, but includes the concrete action needed to build and sustain political power to put those policies in place.

“After foreign terrorist attacks, airport travelers now have to take off their shoes. After three mass shootings in a single week, Congress takes off for recess,” said Buttigieg. “The cycle of cut-and-paste condemnation and inaction must give way to a new approach of urgency and action. One that recognizes we must not only propose smart policy, but also build and sustain political power to ensure those ideas are enacted.”

The Pete Buttigieg plan outlines bold policies and political measures necessary to stop the rise of white nationalism and the pernicious influence of the NRA before a new President takes office in 2021 — because action cannot wait. These actions include:

Pete Buttigieg Policies to Stop Domestic Terrorism and Prevent Gun Violence

Invest $1 billion in preventing and combating radicalization and violent extremism:

Increase the FBI’s domestic counterterrorism field staff

Revitalize the DHS Office of Targeted Violence and its Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) Task Force

Train law enforcement to address the link between gender-based violence and domestic terrorism.

Expand our ability to track hate by allowing the CDC to study links between white supremacist group and gun violence and restore federal funding to the Global Terrorism Database.

Make background checks universal and close the loopholes that allow dangerous individuals to acquire and keep guns.

Ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines.

Support red flag laws that disarm domestic abusers.

Prevent hate crime offenders from having access to guns.

Establish a nationwide gun licensing system.

Pete Buttigieg Political Action to Put Policies in Place

Mobilize the public to pressure the Senate to reconvene and immediately act on gun safety and hate.

Build the power of grassroots groups who won’t accept the status quo anymore by contributing or volunteering with gun violence prevention organizations.

End the Senate filibuster as we know it.

Empower local leaders to coordinate and take action to combat hate.

Strengthen the social fabric of our nation by creating more opportunities for national service.