Police Bodycam Video Shows Speeding Police Officer Hitting Man While Driving With 1 Hand At 80 mph

Police Bodycam Video Shows Speeding Police Officer Hitting Man While Driving With 1 Hand At 80 Mph


Oakland News Now

Police Bodycam Video Shows Speeding Police Officer Hitting Man While Driving With 1 Hand At 80 mph

– video made by the YouTube channel with the logo in the video’s upper left hand corner. OaklandNewsNow.com is the original blog post for this type of video-blog content.

Read story below. ~ This is what the cops don’t want you to know. https://ift.tt/3AAkrtl

Houston Texas – Bodycam video shows Houston cop speeding, driving with 1 hand before hitting and killing pedestrian with police car.

Ofc. Orlando Hernandez, 25, was driving upwards of 80 mph along Reed Road, the video shows.

Newly released body-camera footage shows the high-speed moments before a Houston cop drove his police cruiser onto a sidewalk Dec. 4 and killed 62-year-old Michael Wayne Jackson, who was walking to his barber.

Prosecutors have yet to present the case to a grand jury, Harris County district attorney’s office spokesperson Dane Schiller said Monday. On Dec. 30, the Houston Police Department released two video clips from bodycams worn by driving officer Orlando Hernandez and his partner officer Anthony Aranda. Both officers are 25 years old with fewer than five years on the force and currently are listed as active duty, according to an HPD spokesperson.

Hernandez at times drove the 6,300-pound Ford Police Intercepter between 80 and 100 mph down Reed Road, according to the cruiser’s speedometer shown in a five-minute clip from his bodycam. Traffic on Reed Road is limited to 40 mph. The cops were driving with lights and siren activated to help another officer apprehend five individuals allegedly involved in a carjacking who reportedly fled on foot after a short pursuit.

Jackson was walking west on the sidewalk in the 4100 block of Reed Road near Scott Street as Hernandez’s cruiser approached from the east around 5:40 p.m. Several cars were stopped at a red light at the Reed Road and Scott Street intersection, police said. As Hernandez sped toward the intersection, video shows the officer turn the steering wheel nearly 180 degrees to avoid colliding with other cars. Hernandez’s cruiser slid slightly right, jumping the sidewalk and hitting Jackson before slamming into a Dumpster bin in a nearby parking lot.

Body-cam video indicates that Hernandez hit Jackson about 34 seconds after passing through the intersection at Cullen Boulevard, a distance of 3,755 feet, according to information compiled from Google Maps and a diagram from HPD’s crash report. This distance would suggest Hernandez traveled at an average speed of 75 mph before he drove onto the sidewalk. In a frame before Hernandez attempted to turn the wheel, the cruiser’s speedometer showed 60 mph.

“I need HFD here,” Hernandez radioed to dispatch. “I just got wrecked out, uh, Scott and Reed. One male patient is going to be knocked unconscious, not breathing, uh, bleeding from the head.”

“Sir, sir, sir,” Hernandez said as he shook Jackson’s lifeless body. “Wake up, sir.”

In the days after the crash, the victim’s brother speculated that the officer behind the wheel was ill-trained.

“It looks like to me, maybe the guys couldn’t drive that well,” Timothy Jackson said. “They just weren’t ready. Their skill level in pursuits maybe wasn’t that good, because they came out of the street onto the sidewalk. They put anybody that’s on the sidewalk in danger.”

Houston police have yet to close the case, and it is unclear if prosecutors will pursue charges against Hernandez. For both officers, a preliminary 3-day placement on administrative duties has already tolled.

~ How to file a complaint against a police officer: https://ift.tt/3HGOanP

~ Is it the job of the police to protect you? The Supreme Court has ruled on numerous occasions that police are under no obligation to protect you!https://ift.tt/3pWeODa

~ Top most dangerous jobs in America. https://ift.tt/3pTTKwS

~ A police officers job is just so hard we just can’t expect them to be accountable to the people they’re supposed to be serving and protecting. How dare we question authority or demand transparency and accountability from the people who carry guns to enforce the laws of this benevolent government.

~ Always Record the Police!

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Police Bodycam Video Shows Speeding Police Officer Hitting Man While Driving With 1 Hand At 80 mph
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