President Trump Calls Omarosa Manigault-Newman A “Lowlife” At “Bikers for Trump” Rally


President Donald Trump never hides his feelings, especially when its someone who accuses him of being racist and using the N-word.

Such was the case 40 minutes ago when, according to an email to Zennie62Media and from White House Press Pool reporter Eli Stokols, Donald Trump called former Trump White House Aide, Apprentice winner, and Trump confidant Omarosa Manigault-Newman “a lowife”, and after the announcement of her tell-all book about her time working for him in the White House. Here’s the email:

From: “Stokols, Eli”
Date: August 11, 2018 at 3:37:22 PM EDT
Subject: Pool report #6A – Omarosa comment
After shaking hands for 5 minutes, Trump stood back atop the dais and asked the bikers for their thoughts on the press. They heckled; one person shouted “throw ‘me out.” When a reporter asked about NAFTA negotiations with Mexico, someone shouted “Build the wall.”

POTUS responded to one shouted question from the pool, which was about Omarosa Manigault-Newman and her new book.

“Lowlife,” Trump said. “She’s a lowlife.”

And with that he stepped back into the crowd and pool was escorted out of the ballroom. Vans are rolling away from the residence as of 3:36 p.m.

Eli Stokols
LA Times, Washington Bureau

Wow. Well, that’s certainly going to gin up a reaction from Omarosa, who already has reasons to want Trump to suffer public embarassment.

Sadly, this has nothing to do with running the country, and is every reminder of how off-the-rails America has gone under Trump. This kind of news would be unheard of under President Obama.

Stay tuned.

President Trump Calls Omarosa Manigault-Newman A “Lowlife” At “Bikers for Trump” Rally
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