President Trump Signs Government Shutdown Lost Wage Compensation Bill

President Donald Trump

President Trump signed the “Government Employee Fair Treatment Act of 2019,” into law, moments ago (via White House email to Zennie62Media). The bill “requires the compensation of government employees for wages lost, work performed, or leave used during a lapse in appropriations that begins on or after December 22, 2018, and entitles excepted employees to use leave during a lapse in appropriations,” according to the White House communication from the Office Of The Press Secretary:

On Wednesday, January 16, 2019, the President signed into law:

S. 24, the “Government Employee Fair Treatment Act of 2019,” which requires the compensation of government employees for wages lost, work performed, or leave used during a lapse in appropriations that begins on or after December 22, 2018, and entitles excepted employees to use leave during a lapse in appropriations.

The Shutdown called for by President Trump, and because he has not received the funding request he asked for to build a boarder wall between the United States and Mexico, is the longest ever at 26 days, and counting.

Stay tuned.

President Trump Signs Government Shutdown Lost Wage Compensation Bill
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