Rebecca Kaplan Announces Oakland Permit Desk Extended Hours



OAKLAND, CA – As part of a larger housing strategy, Oakland City Council President Rebecca Kaplan and the Oakland Council budget team secured additional funding for extended evening hours at the permit desk to assist small homeowners and others seeking to build Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) in the FY 2019-2021 Budget amendments (Link to Budget Funding).

The City of Oakland Planning and Building Department has already begun a pilot program to extend counter hours to 7:00PM every other Tuesday through September.

Oakland City Council President Rebecca Kaplan has been working with City of Oakland staff to make adding an ADU easier and more convenient as part of a broader housing strategy. The hope is that Oakland can add more units of housing quickly to aid in the crisis.

Council President Rebecca Kaplan was also able to secure an additional $250,000 for ADU technical assistance. President Kaplan stated, “We know Oakland has a housing crisis and we to build more housing, especially housing that is affordable to middle and working-class Oakland residents. It was critical to fight for extended hours at the permit desk to accommodate working people in their want to add space to rent to those in need or even their family members. Next, I look forward to reviewing how we are utilizing our affordable housing impact fees and how to most quickly get out our monies into the hands of developers who can build much needed affordable housing.”

All business conducted during the extended permitting hours will still occur at the Planning & Building counters located in 250 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza, on the 2nd floor. Customers can drop in or make an appointment in advance by calling the Appointment Hotline at (510) 238-3940. Customers using the extended service hours are also able to access the building’s parking garage below – located on 16th St. at Clay St. – free of charge, 5 – 7pm.

Planning & Building Counter Fall Service Extended Hours (alternate Tuesdays):

● October 1, 15, & 29 | 4-7pm

● November 5 &19 | 4-7pm

● December 10 | 4-7pm

Upcoming at the Community and Economic Development (CED) Committee on Tuesday, October 22nd, will be President Rebecca Kaplan’s resolution on releasing affordable housing money (Link to Article) and expanding the Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA). Rebecca Kaplan is fighting for more money for affordable housing construction to be released in a timelier fashion so our local developers can more quickly build housing for our unsheltered neighbors. And at CED on Tuesday November 12th, will be a report back on an audit of the affordable housing impact fees (Link to Post) which will give the City a clearer picture of funds available.

Rebecca Kaplan Announces Oakland Permit Desk Extended Hours
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