Rebecca Kaplan: Oakland City Council President Asks Berkeley To Offer Sites For RVs


Oakland, CA – On March 26th 2019, Oakland City Council President Kaplan called on Berkeley to refocus on identifying viable alternative sites for RVs, rather than immediately adopting a vote on a ban at today’s council meeting. Kaplan is calling for increased regional collaboration on homeless solutions, and is helping to seek applicants to operate allowable RV sites on public land in Oakland, with sanitation and services. (Link to RFP)

In a letter sent to the Berkeley Mayor and City Council that March 26th morning, (Link to Letter), President Kaplan stated: “Citing RVs and making them move from location to location has not resulted in a decrease in the number of individuals who are homeless. In fact, it can exacerbate the situation by creating debt and instability for families and individuals who have already experienced displacement. By designating allowed, managed locations we can have waste collection and prevent sewage from getting into the streets, and provide more humane solutions. I ask you to pause on this vote, and instead identify adequate alternative locations for RVs. I extend my hand to work with you to jointly expand safe, effective allowed RV locations. I am committed to strengthening our partnership and to tackle homelessness as a region. I appreciate your time and look forward to engaging with you further on this matter.”

President Kaplan has been encouraging the development of expanded housing options, including use of faith-based properties and providing sites for RV’s. These proposals were approved by the City Council in Spring of 2018. [link to homeless solutions reso]. Now as we move to the implementation phase, we are looking to hire an Operations Manager to assure the safe parking sites are well cared for and the residents and neighbors feel safe.

President Kaplan is also advocating for regional solutions to our homelessness crisis and looks forward to expanding our efforts together with colleagues in Berkeley and throughout the region.

Rebecca Kaplan: Oakland City Council President Asks Berkeley To Offer Sites For RVs
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