Roger Goodell Hosts 2020 NFL Draft Like Mr. Rogers: What’s The Over / Under He Falls Asleep?

Usa Today Catches Roger Goodell In His Chair At Home

Roger Goodell, the NFL Commissioner AKA face of the league (and friend) is obviously living his best life while hosting the 2020 NFL Draft. It’s all too easy to dismiss his historic performance as planned, as opposed to adjusting to an unusual moment with aplomb. Roger looks all too comfortable.

There’s are several reasons for this. Here’s the most important ones…

1) Roger’s able to work from home. He never has to leave that big man cave downstairs.

Although he’s got nothing on Kliff Kingsbury, AKA Citizen Kane…

Roger Goodell At Home For 2020 Nfl Draft Shelter In Place Plan
Roger Goodell At Home For 2020 NFL Draft Shelter In Place Plan

2) Roger just has to stand and talk for a few minutes, reading some cards, and that’s it.

3) Commissioner Goodell can have an occasional glass of wine and a snack when the camera’s aren’t running.

4) Roger Goodell’s a ham. Period!

Roger Goodell’s Getting Relaxed In This New Variation On His NFL Draft Roll

So, it’s quite clear Roger’s having as much fun hosting the 2020 NFL Draft from his basement as we are watching him. That leads this blogger to one question: what’s the over-under round we catch Roger sleeping in his big chair during the NFL Draft telecast?

Since we’re headed to rounds 4 through 7, my bet is on Round 6.

What say you?

What round will NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell take a snooze while hosting the 2020 NFL Draft? (Of course, if he’s done for the event, then the answer’s “none”, but let’s hope Roger’s not done playing Mr. Rogers.).

UPDATE: NFL VP for Communications Brian McCarthy informs: “Except commish doesn’t announce picks on day 3. This year it will be senior vice presidents Dave Gardi and Dawn Aponte.”

So, over or under, but Goodell did introduce the program for Day Three.

Stay tuned.

Roger Goodell Hosts 2020 NFL Draft Like Mr. Rogers: What’s The Over / Under He Falls Asleep?
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