Senator Bernie Sanders Endorses Rebecca Kaplan For Oakland City Council At Large 2020

Bernie Sanders endorses Rebecca Kaplan

Oakland – We are honored to share the huge news that Senator Bernie Sanders has weighed in on the Oakland City Council At Large race, endorsing Council President Rebecca Kaplan. Former Berkeley Mayor and longtime friend of Senator Sanders, Gus Newport, called Rebecca Kaplan to let her know that Senator Sanders has decided to endorse her, as both Kaplan and Sanders continue to work to strengthen our democracy, and protect community. Rebecca Kaplan has been a strong advocate of fairness and justice, in the face of a handful of billionaires who are seeking special loopholes for themselves to the laws everyone else has to follow. After Kaplan said Lyft should not be exempt from taxes or granted other monopolies and special treatment, Lyft has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars attacking Kaplan – more than any other candidate this election. Bernie Sanders has, throughout his life, been a powerful advocate for tax fairness, and making sure billionaires pay their fair share.

Said Mayor Newport; “I am just so pleased that my dear friend Bernie Sanders has endorsed Rebecca Kaplan. She is the most progressive candidate and has the experience of effective policy making Oakland needs. Oakland voters should re-elect Kaplan to the Oakland City Council At-Large seat. Rebecca and Senator Bernie Sanders share core values, and both believe the billionaire corporate money in politics has to stop.”

Council President Rebecca Kaplan stated: “I am incredibly touched and honored to receive the endorsement of Senator Bernie Sanders. I appreciate his many years of dedicated leadership fighting for a more humane and equitable society, and our shared commitment to fundamental fairness, as we work to make sure our democracy is not for sale, and that the needs of workers and community are protected.”

Rebecca is proud to also have the endorsement and support of the Alameda County Democratic Party, firefighters, nurses, the Sierra Club, numerous community leaders, and more. For more endorsements please visit

Senator Bernie Sanders Endorses Rebecca Kaplan For Oakland City Council At Large 2020
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