Star Trek Actors Who Passed On – An Active List

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As one who has interviewed a number of Star Trek actors from William Shatner to Denise Crosby, and the members of the Cast of Star Trek: Discovery at San Diego Comic Con, I am particularly sensitive to the news of any one of what I call our Star Trek Family passing on – actors, content makers, and fans. I happened to see a list (this one) that was started back in 2000 and has been updated when necessary. So, I am re-posting it here. if anyone has a name that should be added to the list, email me at

Live Long and Prosper

Star Trek Actors Who Died – A Comprehensive List With Episodes Or Movie Designations

This revised list is essentially identical to the last one. The difference,
aside from a couple of uncredited roles being added, is that the cause of
death has been listed, if it was available.

This list now contains the names of deceased actors who have acted in a Star
Trek episode. It
includes the year of the actor’s birth and death, the role(s) they played in
Star Trek, the episode(s) in which they appeared and the cause of death,
where it was available. More comments after the list.

1) John Abbott 1905-96, Ayleborne, “Errand Of Mercy”

2) Stanley Adams 1915-77, Cyrano Jones, “The Trouble With Tribbles”,
suicide by gunshot.

3) Dame Judith Anderson 1898-1992, High Priestess T’Lau, “STIII: The
Search For Spock”, pneumonia.

4) John Anderson 1922-92, Kevin Uxbridge, “The Survivors”, heart attack.

5) Barry Atwater 1918-78, Surak, “The Savage Curtain”, stroke.

6) Ed Bakey ?-!988, Fop#1, “All Our Yesterdays”

7) Arthur Batanides 1922-2000, Lt. D’Amato, “That Which Survives”,
natural causes.

8) Hal Baylor 1918-98, Policeman, “The City On The Edge Of Forever”

9) Melvin Belli 1907-96, Gorgan, “And The Children Shall Lead”,
pancreatic cancer, stroke, pneumonia

10) Joseph Bernard ?-1995, Tark, “Wolf In The Fold”

11) Bibi Besch 1940-96, Dr. Carol Marcus, “STII: The Wrath Of Khan”,
breast cancer

12) Whit Bissell 1909-96, Mr. Lurry, “The Trouble With Tribbles”,
Parkinson’s disease

13) David Brian 1914-93, John Gill, “Patterns Of Force”, cancer and heart

14) Peter Brocco 1903-93, Claymare, “Errand Of Mercy”, heart attack

15) Georgia Brown 1933-92, Helena Rozhenko, “Family” “New Ground”

16) Karl Bruck 1906-87, King Duncan, “The Conscience Of The King”

17) Merritt Butrick 1959-89, T’Jon in “Symbiosis”, Dr David Marcus in
“STII: The Wrath Of Khan” “STIII: The Search For Spock”, died of AIDS

18) Roger C. Carmel 1929-86, Harcourt Fenton “Harry” Mudd, “Mudd’s Women”
“I Mudd”, Halliwell’s says drug overdose while IMDb says suicide

19) Ted Cassidy 1932-78, Ruk in “What Are Little Girls Made Of?”, a voice
in “The Corbomite Maneuver”, during heart surgery

20) John Colicos 1928-2000, Kor, “Errand Of Mercy” “Blood Oath” “The Sword
Of Kahless” “Once More Unto The Breach”, series of heart attacks

21) Christopher Collins 1949-94, Durg in “The Passenger”, assistant in
“Blood Oath”, Capt. Kargan in “A Matter Of Honor”, Grebnedlog in “Samaritan

22) Elisha Cook Jr. 1902-95, Samuel T. Cogley, “Court Martial”, stroke

23) Glen Corbett 1923-93, Zefrem Cochrane, “Metamorphosis”, lung cancer

24) Chuck Courtney 1930-2000, Davod, “Patterns Of Force”

25) Bob Cummings 1908-90, Gunner #1, “STIII: The Search For Spock”

26) James Daly 1918-78, Flint, “Requiem For Methuselah”, heart attack
(Tyne Daly’s father)

27) Maryesther Denver 1918-80, Witch #3, “Catspaw”

28) Richard Derr 1918-92, Commodore Barstow in “The Alternative Factor”,
Admiral Fitzgerald in “The Mark Of Gideon”, pancreatic cancer

29) Charles Drake 1912-94, Commodore George Stocker, “The Deadly Years”

30) Michael Dunn 1935-73, Alexander, “Plato’s Stepchildren”, suicide (had
an IQ of 178)

31) Kay Elliot 1923-82, Stella Mudd, “I Mudd”

32) Morgan Farley 1898-1988, Hacom in “Return Of The Archon’s”, old Yang
scholar in “The Omega Glory”, natural causes

33) Paul Fix 1902-83, Dr. Mark Piper, “Where No Man Has Gone Before”

34) Joy Garrett 1945-93, Annie, “A Fistful Of Datas”, liver failure

35) Walter Gotell 1924-97, Kurt Mandl, “Home Soil”, cancer

36) Richard Hale 1892-1981, Goro, “The Paradise Syndrome”, cardiac arrest

37) Kevin Peter Hall 1955-91, Leyor, “The Price”, died of AIDS

38) John Hancock 1941-92, Admiral Haden, “The Wounded” “The Defector”,
heart attack

39) John Hoyt 1905-91, Dr. Phillip Boyce, “The Cage”/”The Menagerie”,
lung cancer

40) Jeffrey Hunter 1926-69, Capt. Pike, “The Cage”/”The Menagerie”, head

41) Steve Ihnat 1935-72, Garth of Izar, “Whom Gods Destroy”, heart attack

42) Jill Ireland 1936-90, Leila Kalomi, “This Side Of Paradise”, cancer

43) Brian Keith 1921-97, Mullibok, “Progress”, suicide

44) DeForest Kelley 1920-99, Leonard H. “Bones” McCoy, almost every
episode of the original series, the first 6 movies and “Encounter At
Farpoint”, stomach cancer

45) Persis Khambatta 1950-98, Lt. Ilia, “Star Trek: The Motion Picture”,
heart attack

46) Richard Kiley 1922-99, Seyetik, “Second Sight”, bone marrow disease

47) Ted Knight 1923-86, Carter Winston (voice), “Survivor” (animated
series), cancer

48) Bart La Rue 1932-90, Guardian’s voice in “The City On The Edge Of
Forever”, newscaster in “Patterns Of Force”, announcer in “Bread And
Circuses”, Yarnek’s voice in “The Savage Curtain”

49) Paul Lambert 1923-97, Melian in “When The Bough Breaks”, Dr. Clarke in
“Devil’s Due”

50) Robert Lansing 1929-94, Gary 7, “Assignment Earth”, cancer

51) Marc Lenard 1924-96, Romulan Commander in “Balance Of Terror”, Klingon
Commander in “Star Trek: The Motion Picture”, Sarek in “Journey To Babel”
“STIII: The Search For Spock” “STIV: The Voyage Home” “STVI: The
Undiscovered Country”, multiple myeloma

52) Felix Locher 1882-1969, Dr. Robert Johnson, “The Deadly Years”

53) John Lormer 1906-86, Tamar in “Return Of The Archons”, old man in “For
The World Is Hollow And I Have Touched The Sky”, Dr. Theodore Haskins in
“The Cage”/”The Menagerie”

54) Celia Lovsky 1897-1979, T’Pau, “Amok Time”, natural causes

55) Keye Luke 1901-91, Donald Corey, “Whom Gods Destroy”, stroke

56) Ken Lynch 1910-90, Chief Engineer Vandenberg, “Devil In The Dark”,

57) Gene Lyons 1921-74, Ambassador Robert Fox, “A Taste Of Armageddon”

58) Oliver McGowan 1907-71, Caretaker, “Shore Leave”

59) John McLiam 1918-94, Fento, “Who Watches The Watchers”, Parkinson’s

60) Charles Macaulay 1927-99, Jaris in “Wolf In The Fold”, Landru in “The
Return Of The Archons”, metastic cancer

61) Theo Marcuse 1920-67, Korob, “Catspaw”, road accident

62) Joan Marshall ?-1992, Lt. Areel Shaw, “Court Martial”

63) Charles Maxwell 1913-93, Virgil Earp, “Spectre Of The Gun”

64) William Meader ?-1979, Board Officer, “Court Martial”

65) John Megna 1952-95, Fat little boy, “Miri”, died of AIDS

66) Joseph Mell 1915-77, Earth trader, “The Cage”/”The Menagerie”, heart

67) Arnold Moss 1910-89, Anton Karidian, “The Conscience Of The King”,
lung cancer

68) Leonard Mudie 1884-1965, Survivor #2, “The Cage”/”The Menagerie”,
heart ailment

69) Kermit Murdock 1908-81, Prosecutor, “All Our Yesterdays”

70) Reggie Nalder 1911-91, Ambassador Shras, “Journey To Babel”, bone

71) David Oliver 1962-92, young man, “Cost Of Living”, died of AIDS

72) Susan Oliver 1937-90, Vina, “The Cage”/”The Menagerie”, cancer

73) David Opatoshu 1918-96, Anon 7, “A Taste Of Armageddon”

74) Frank Overton 1918-67, Elias Sandoval, “This Side Of Paradise”, heart

75) Ed Peck 1917-92, Col. Fellini, “Tomorrow Is Yesterday”, heart attack

76) Vic Perrin 1916-89, voice aboard pilot vessel in “The Corbomite
Maneuver”, voice of Metron and Gorn in “Arena”, voice of Nomad in “The
Changeling”, Tharn in “Mirror, Mirror”

77) Christopher Pettiet 1976-2000, Boy, “High Ground”, drug overdose

78) Angelique Pettyjohn 1943-92, Shana, “The Gamesters Of Triskelion”,

79) Janos Prohaska 1921-74, Ape and Bird in “The Cage” (this footage was
not included in “The Menagerie”), the Horta in “Devil In The Dark”, the
Mugato in “A Private Little War”, Yarnek in “The Savage Curtain”, plane

80) Bill Quinn 1912-94, McCoy’s father, “STV: The Final Frontier”

81) Logan Ramsey 1921-2000, Claudius Marcus, “Bread And Circuses”

82) Thomas Rasulala 1939-91, Capt. Donald Varley, “Contagion”, heart

83) Guy Raymond 1911-97, Trader/Bartender, “The Trouble With Tribbles”

84) Bert Remsen 1925-99, Kubus, “The Collaborator”

85) Adam Roarke 1937-96, C.P.O. Garison, “The Cage”/”The Menagerie”

86) Davis Roberts 1917-93, Dr. Ozaba in “The Empath”, Lewis in “Devil In
The Dark”, heart attack

87) Gene Roddenberry 1921-91, The Great Bird Of The Galaxy, cardiac arrest

88) Willard Sage 1922-74, Thann, “The Empath”

89) Franklyn Seales 1952-90, crewmember, “Star Trek: The Motion Picture”,
died of AIDS

90) Charles Seel 1898-1980, Ed, “Spectre Of The Gun”

91) Madge Sinclair 1938-95, Capt. Silva La Forge in “Interface”, USS
Saratoga Captain in “STIV: The Voyage Home”, leukemia

92) Eve Smith 1906-97, elderly patient, “STIV: The Voyage Home”

93) Abraham Sofaer 1896-1988, Thasian in “Charlie X”, voice of the Melkot
in “Spectre Of The Gun”, congestive heart failure

94) Rudy Solari ?-1991, Salish, “The Paradise Syndrome”, cancer

95) Michael Strong 1925-80, Dr. Roger Korby, “What Are Little Girls Made
Of?”, cancer

96) Liam Sullivan 1923-98, Parmen, “Plato’s Stepchildren”

97) Vic Tayback 1929-90, Jojo Krako, “A Piece Of The Action”, heart

98) Torin Thatcher 1905-81, Marplon, “The Return Of The Archons”, cancer

99) John Warburton 1887-1981, Romulan Centurion, “Balance Of Terror”,

100) Richard Webb 1919-93, Lt. Commander Benjamin Finney, “Court Martial”,

101) Michael Witney ?-1983, Tyree, “A Private Little War”, heart attack

102) Ian Wolfe 1896-1992, Septimus in “Bread And Circuses”, Mr. Atoz in
“All Our Yesterdays”, natural causes

103) Ray Young ?-1999, Morka, “Visionary”, lung cancer

104) Michael Zaslow 1944-98, Darnell in “The Man Trap”, Ensign Jordan in “I
Mudd”, old man in “STVIII: First Contact”, Lou Gehrig’s disease

Star Trek Actors Who Passed On – An Active List
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