
Visiting West Oakland’s Acorn Projects for the first annual Acorn Day | “Stains N K8nes” Oakland News Now – Visiting West Oakland’s Acorn Projects for the first annual Acorn Day | “Stains N K8nes” – video made by the YouTube channel in the video’s upper left hand corner. Here on “TherealmvpTV”, we provide you with numerous content, that the audience can engage with and learn from by giving the […]

Oakland 2020 Youth Poet Laureate Greer Nakadegawa-Lee Calls All Teen Poets, Artists, Writers

Calling all teen poets, visual artists, and writers in Oakland! Greer Nakadegawa-Lee (, Oakland’s 2020 @youthpoetlaureate, is curating a collection of teen creative work for Oakland Public Library’s website and a zine. Greer says: “Even if you are new to writing and art, we’d love to hear from you. These two prompts [“What makes you […]

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