SF Bay Area Bicycle Is Back With – Bike to Oak Barrel: Oakland, Piedmont,Emeryville, Berkeley

Bike to Oak Barrel: Oakland, Piedmont,Emeryville, Berkeley From YouTube Channel: November 25, 2020 at 06:00AM ONN – SF Bay Area Bicycle Is Back With – Bike to Oak Barrel: Oakland, Piedmont,Emeryville, Berkeley SF Bay Area Bicycle writes: 2020-11-13: 24 mile, 1390 ft gain ride to Oak Barrel wine making/homebrew store to get some yeast. Starting … Read more

Peralta Community College District Unveils New Center For Liberal Arts At The College of Alameda

Peralta Community College District

Alameda, Ca – The Peralta Community College District (PCCD) today unveiled its latest accomplishment under an ambitious, multimillion-dollar capital improvement plan: completion of the New Center for Liberal Arts (Building H) at the College of Alameda. The nearly 54,000 square foot, building offers specialized facilities for programming in the divisions of Liberal Studies and Language … Read more

City Seeks To Remove Humanist Hall: Oakland Event Space Called Nuisance, Could Be COVID-19 Flashpoint

Humanist Hall

David Oertel, The President of Humanist Hall located at 390 27th Street, Oakland, CA, is in trouble. But, from the looks of things, the man who owns the facility that was once the home of The Wellstone Democratic Club I was a member of, thinks he’s getting into what the late Representative John Lewis would … Read more

Jaguar Wright’s Story About Mary J Blige Was Unnecessary Put Down Of Successful Black Woman

Jaguar Wright’s Story About Mary J Blige Was Unnecessary Put Down Of Successful Black Woman

Jaguar Wright’s Story About Mary J Blige Was Unnecessary Put Down Of Successful Black Woman ONN – Jaguar Wright’s Story About Mary J Blige Was Unnecessary Put Down Of Successful Black Woman – vlog by Zennie62 YouTube Jaguar Wright’s Story About Mary J Blige Was Unnecessary Put Down Of Successful Black Woman Note from Zennie62Media’s … Read more

Berkeley Unified School Board Meeting Nov 18, 2020

Berkeley Unified School Board Meeting Nov 18, 2020 From YouTube Channel: November 19, 2020 at 03:30PM ONN – Note from Zennie62Media and Oakland News Now: this video-blog post demonstrates the full and live operation of the latest updated version of an experimental Zennie62Media , Inc. mobile media video-blogging system network that was launched June 2018. … Read more

YouTuber Goes Longboarding Around Berkeley and Oakland

YouTuber Goes Longboarding Around Berkeley and Oakland

New Route From YouTube Channel: November 17, 2020 at 12:30AM ONN – Exploring a new neighborhood. Longboarding around Berkeley and Oakland. Note from Zennie62Media and Oakland News Now: this video-blog post demonstrates the full and live operation of the latest updated version of an experimental Zennie62Media , Inc. mobile media video-blogging system network that was … Read more

Ben Bartlett, Berkeley City Councilmember, Speaks At Cred Merchant Solutions Event

Cred Merchant Solutions Event From YouTube Channel: October 31, 2019 at 04:56PM ONN – Ben Bartlett, Berkeley City Councilmember, Speaks At Cred Merchant Solutions Event Dan Schatt, CEO & Co-Founder of Cred, Ally Medina, Mayor of Emeryville, and Ben Bartlett, Berkeley City Councilmember, speak to a crowded room of excited attendees at the Cred Merchant … Read more

New Presidents of Laney College, College of Alameda Announced by Peralta Community College District

Dr. Rudy Besikof and Dr. Nathaniel Jones III

Dr. Rudy Besikof appointed President of Laney College and Dr. Nathaniel Jones III appointed President of College of Alameda Oakland — The Peralta Community College District has appointed Dr. Rudy Besikof President of Laney College and Dr. Nathaniel Jones III President of the College of Alameda. Dr. Besikof served as Interim President at Laney and … Read more

Dr. Kyla Johnson-Trammell, OUSD Superintendent, On Oakland’s Kamala Harris, Vice President

Norman Rockwell's famous painting of a little girl in a white dress walking into school that perfectly illustrates the fight for civil rights in education. That little girl was six year old Ruby Bridges.

Dear Oakland Unified Community, You’re looking at Norman Rockwell’s famous painting of a little girl in a white dress walking into school that perfectly illustrates the fight for civil rights in education. That little girl was six year old Ruby Bridges, and she had to be escorted by federal marshals enforcing the integration of her … Read more

Ben Bartlett Berkeley Councilmember Wins Re-Election, Thanks Constituents, Supporters

Ben Bartlett Berkeley Councilmember Wins Re-Election, Thanks Constituents, Supporters

Ben Bartlett Berkeley Councilmember Wins Re-Election, Thanks Constituents, Supporters ONN – Ben Bartlett Berkeley Councilmember Wins Re-Election, Thanks Constituents, Supporters – vlog by Zennie62 YouTube Ben Bartlett Berkeley Councilmember Wins Re-Election, Thanks Constituents, Supporters Councilmember Bartlett gained 70 percent of the vote in a three-way race. Stay tuned. Note from Zennie62Media’s Zennie62 YouTube and Oakland … Read more

College of Alameda Vice President Honored for Free Food Program During Covid-19

Dr. Tina Vasconcellos, Vice President of Student Services at College of Alameda

Dr. Tina Vasconcellos, Vice President of Student Services at College of Alameda, was honored by Congresswoman Barbara Lee for her leadership in feeding students and community members during the COVID-19 pandemic. Tatyana Kalinga, District Director for Congresswoman Barbara Lee (CA-13), presented Dr. Vasconcellos with a letter of commendation from Congresswoman Lee at the College of … Read more

Full Oakland, Berkeley, California, East Bay Election Results For 2020 Election

Election 2020 Oakland Alameda County

Here Are The Full Oakland California, Berkeley, California Election Results For The 2020 Election, Including Measures, And Results For Piedmont And San Leandro Who will win the 2020 Election for Oakland City Council? Will Lynette Gibson-McElhaney retain her District Three Seat, or will Moms 4 Housing leader Carroll Fife emerge with 51 percent of the … Read more

Berkeley Conversations: Critical Race Theory and the 2020 Election

Berkeley Conversations: Critical Race Theory and the 2020 Election From YouTube Channel: October 19, 2020 at 02:22PM ONN – This roundtable discussion will consider how the racial uprising in the aftermath of the deaths of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor, on-going police violence and social unrest, a possible shift in race-consciousness among White voters, the … Read more

Ben Bartlett Berkeley Councilmember On CITRIS Blockchain For The Public Good Panel

Ben Bartlett Berkeley Councilmember on CITRIS Research Exchange: Blockchain for the public good panel From YouTube Channel: October 28, 2020 at 11:11PM ONN – Ben Bartlett Berkeley Councilmember On CITRIS Blockchain For The Public Good Panel By CITRIS Research Exchange, which reports… Speaker(s): Panelists include Brian Behlendorf (Executive Director, Hyperledger), Berkeley Councilmember Ben Bartlett (Partner, … Read more

Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf Holds Town Hall on Violence Prevention, Same Tired Views

Oakland Mayor Schaaf Town Hall

Oakland Town Hall on Violence Prevention From YouTube Channel: October 29, 2020 at 10:40PM ONN – Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf Holds Town Hall on Violence Prevention, Same Tired Views Last night, Mayor Schaaf held a virtual town hall meeting to discuss the rise in gun violence in Oakland since the Coronavirus hit the industrialized World. … Read more

Senator Bernie Sanders Endorses Rebecca Kaplan For Oakland City Council At Large 2020

Bernie Sanders endorses Rebecca Kaplan

Oakland – We are honored to share the huge news that Senator Bernie Sanders has weighed in on the Oakland City Council At Large race, endorsing Council President Rebecca Kaplan. Former Berkeley Mayor and longtime friend of Senator Sanders, Gus Newport, called Rebecca Kaplan to let her know that Senator Sanders has decided to endorse … Read more

Walter Wallace Jr. Mentally Ill Black Man Shot Multiple Times By Phili Police, But Mom Called Cops

Walter Wallace Jr. Mentally Ill Black Man Shot Multiple Times By Phili Police, But Mom Called Cops

Walter Wallace Jr. Mentally Ill Black Man Shot Multiple Times By Phili Police, But Mom Called Cops

ONN – Walter Wallace Jr. Mentally Ill Black Man Shot Multiple Times By Phili Police, But Mom Called Cops – vlog by Zennie62 YouTube

Walter Wallace Jr. Mentally Ill Black Man Shot Multiple Times By Phili Police, But Mom Called Cops

It’s for reasons like this that Oakland City Council At Large Councilmember Rebecca Kaplan and Berkeley City Councilmember Ben Bartlett and many others have called for major reforms in how police departments work with the black population. As this vlog shows, the left side is where Walter Wallace Jr. was shot, but the right shows an officer not shooting a white man brandishing a knife.

Now, Philadelphia is the focus of police versus protestors and just days before the 2020 Presidential Election.

Stay tuned.

Note from Zennie62Media’s Zennie62 YouTube and Oakland News Now Today Blog SF Bay Area: this video-blog post demonstrates the full and live operation of the latest updated version of an experimental Zennie62Media , Inc. mobile media video-blogging system network that was launched June 2018. This is a major part of Zennie62Media , Inc.’s new and innovative approach to the production of news media. What we call “The Third Wave of Media”. The uploaded video is from a vlogger with the Zennie62 on YouTube Partner Channel, then uploaded to and formatted automatically at the Oakland News Now site and Zennie62-created and owned social media pages. The overall objective is smartphone-enabled, real-time, on the scene reporting of news, interviews, observations, and happenings anywhere in the World and within seconds and not hours. Now, news is reported with a smartphone: no heavy and expensive cameras or even a laptop are necessary. The secondary objective is faster, and very inexpensive media content news production and distribution. We have found there is a disconnect between post length and time to product and revenue generated. With this, the problem is far less, though by no means solved. Zennie62Media is constantly working to improve the system network coding and seeks interested content and media technology partners.


Councilmember Ben Bartlett, Berkeley City Council, Legislation on Group Violence Intervention

Ben Bartlett, Berkeley Councilmember, Asks Us To Reach Down Deep And Give Back During The Pandemic

Ben Bartlett and the Berkeley City Council Introduces Legislation on Group Violence Intervention (GVI) Program – to address Gun Violence in the Community

Berkeley – Berkeley has been experiencing an alarming rise in shootings throughout the City. This year alone, there have been more than 30 shootings, including one occurring on the night of October 21, 2020 that tragically left a woman gravely injured in a drive-by shooting on Prince Street in South Berkeley.

“The recent heartbreaking gun violence must come to an end, and I am ready to work collaboratively with our community in developing an effective program to achieve that goal,” Mayor Jesse Arreguin said.

Today, Councilmember Bartlett introduced urgent legislation and is calling on the City to establish a Group Violence Intervention Program (GVI), or “Operation Ceasefire,” which will assemble an inter-jurisdictional working group of law enforcement agencies, community members, and support services providers to address the cascading cycles of gun violence.

Co-sponsored by Mayor Arreguin and Councilmember Rashi Kesarwani, the item will be discussed at today’s City Council meeting if approved to be agendized. “By looking at the success of similar programs in other cities and catering it towards the needs of Berkeley, we can develop safe communities together,” Mayor Arreguin said.

Specifically, the program will identify young adults (ages 18-30) who are at greatest risk of being involved in gun violence, develop an intervention team to communicate directly and respectfully to at-risk individuals, implement an intervention plan to provide wrap-around and support services, and create a public education campaign to promote these efforts.

In cities throughout the country, GVI has proven to be an effective tool for reducing homicides and strengthening trust between community members and law enforcement. The City has the power to act now to develop its own GVI program to address the tragic rise in shootings and homicides plaguing our city.

In recognition of the interlocking geographic nature of those committing gun crimes as well as their victims, the GVI program will be centered on Berkeley. However, it should also be connected to and work in concert with community workers in neighboring jurisdictions including Oakland, Richmond, Antioch, and San Francisco.

“GVI aligns with our goals of reimagining policing, and is a more robust version of the Specialized Care Unit envisioned in the George Floyd Community Safety Act,” Councilmember Bartlett said. “The program also paves the way for greater regional collaboration, protecting communities from gun violence in Berkeley and across the Bay Area. People have put in years of work developing this model. Let’s raise up the community’s efforts and create lasting peace in the streets. Our children deserve to be safe.”

Berkeley IGS Poll: Defeat For California Prop 16, Diversity, Prop 21, Rent Control, Unless Young Voters Show

nstitute of Governmental Studies, University of California, Berkeley

Berkeley IGS Poll: Defeat For California Prop 16, Diversity, Prop 21, Rent Control, Unless Young Voters Show.

Was just passed a wake-up call press release on a UC Berkeley Institute Of Government Studies poll that, once again, points to the need for California to split into two states, something that may never happen in this blogger’s lifetime. Cut to the chase: Prop 16 and Prop 21 are in trouble unless young people get out and vote in large numbers.

Close Elections Forecast for Proposition 15 (Split Roll Property Taxes) and Proposition 22 (App-based Drivers)
Prop. 16 (Diversity) and Prop. 21(Rent Control) trail

by Mark DiCamillo, Director, Berkeley Institute Of Governmental Studies Poll

The final pre-election Berkeley IGS Poll finds that Californians are closely divided on two of the most contentious of this year’s state ballot propositions. These include Proposition 15, the “split roll” initiative to tax commercial and industrial properties based on current market value instead of its purchase price, and Proposition 22, the app-based drivers initiative whose aim is to classify such workers as independent contractors rather than employees. In both cases slightly more of those polled said they either already had or were intending to vote Yes than were voting No. However, neither initiative had reached the 50% plus one voter threshold needed for passage two weeks before Election Day at the time the poll was completed.

The poll found 49% of voters in favor of Prop. 15 and 42% on the No side, with 9% undecided. Yet, this lead was less than half the 15-point advantage found in a similar Berkeley IGS Poll last month. When comparing the two polls, the proportion of voters opposed to the initiative had increased 8 points, while support for Prop. 15 was stagnant. If history is any guide, when late campaign shifts toward the No side are observed in heavily contested and well-financed ballot measures like Prop. 15, its lead tends to reduce further in the closing weeks, resulting in a closer outcome.

With regard to Prop. 22, 46% of the voters polled were voting Yes to have app-based drivers be treated as independent contractors, while 42% were voting No to classify them as employees. A sizable 12% were undecided. The early mid-September Berkeley IGS Poll found 39% of likely voters intend to vote Yes on Prop. 22 and 36% are on the No side, with 25% undecided. The relatively large proportions of undecided voters in both polls suggest that many voters were having a difficult time reaching a final decision on this initiative. How these late-deciding voters ultimately come to judgment will likely determine its fate.

The poll finds less support for two other, closely watched measures on the statewide election ballot. These include Proposition 16, an initiative to bring greater diversity into public employment, education, and contracting decisions and overturn a previously approved 1996 ballot initiative, Proposition 209, that banned such affirmative action programs, and Proposition 21, an initiative to expand the authority of local governments to enact rent control laws on residential property. Both measures trailed by double-digit margins in the latest poll, with each receiving less than 40% support.

IGS Co-Director Eric Schickler commented that “the fates of Propositions 15 and 22 will be important signals of whether the state’s Democrats can translate their electoral advantage into substantive policy changes in taxes and corporate governance.”

Berkeley IGS Data
Berkeley IGS Data

Voters in conflict over competing arguments relating to Proposition 15

In an attempt to better understand voter motivations behind the vote on Prop. 15, the poll asked voters whether they agreed or disagreed with two statements that have been made about Proposition 15, one by initiative proponents and the other by its opponents. The results demonstrate the conflict that many voters face when making a final voting decision on this initiative.

When asked the statement that Prop. 15 will bring much needed revenues to the state’s public schools, community colleges and local governments, 47% of voters agree, while 37% disagree. Opinions about the need for these additional revenues were highly correlated with voting preferences on Prop. 15, with those voting Yes overwhelmingly in agreement (79% to 8%), while No voters disagreed 76% to 13%. Significantly, undecided voters were more likely to agree than disagree, 40% to 13%, although nearly half (47%) had no opinion.

On the other hand, an even larger majority agree that the proposed changes to the way commercial and industrial properties are to be taxed under Prop. 15 would only be the first step in bringing about similar changes to the way residential properties are taxed in the future. A 56% majority of likely voters agreed with this statement, while 19% disagreed and 25% had no opinion. Voters opposed to the initiative overwhelmingly concurred with the statement, 72% to 13%. And even a plurality of Prop. 15’s supporters agreed (47% to 24%), although many had no opinion.

Voting preferences on Prop. 15 vary across major segments of the electorate

The poll finds clear partisan and ideological divisions in voter preferences on Prop. 15. Democrats and self-described liberal voters were favoring the initiative by large margins, while Republicans and conservatives were one-sided in their opposition.

Homeowners were intending to vote No by 10 points, while renters were supporting Prop. 15 by 25 points. Regionally, support for the initiative was greatest among voters in Los Angeles County, the San Francisco Bay Area, while majorities of voters in Orange County and the Central Valley were opposed.

Opinions on Prop. 15 also varied by a voter’s age and educational background. Voters under age 40 were among the initiative’s strongest backers, while pluralities of voters age 50 or older were voting No, especially those age 75 or older. Majorities of voters holding a bachelors’ degree and those who had completed post graduate work were lining up on the Yes side, while pluralities of non-college graduates were voting No.

Subgroup variations on Prop. 22 (App-based Drivers)

Republicans were supporting Prop. 22, the app-based drivers initiative 71% to 21%, while Democrats were opposed, although not by as large a margin, 52% to 34%.  No Party Preference and minor party voters were closely divided on the initiative.

Views of Prop. 22 also differed by political ideology as large majorities of conservatives were voting Yes and majorities of liberals were voting No. Significantly, the poll found self-described political moderates backing the initiative by thirteen points, 49% to 36%, with 15% undecided.

There were also big differences in voting preferences by age.  The poll found majorities of voters under age 40 on the No side, while pluralities of voters age 50 or older were in favor, in particular, those age 75 or older, who supported it two to one.

On a regional basis, Yes side voters were outnumbering No voters on Prop. 22 across all regions of the state with the exception of the San Francisco Bay Area where it trailed by twenty points and Los Angeles County and the counties north of San Francisco where voters were divided.

While differences were also evident between voters living in union-affiliated households and those in non-union households, these differences were not as large as might be expected given the nature of the initiative and the fact that the state’s labor unions are among its strongest opponents.  Voters living in union-affiliated households were opposing the initiative by 51% to 40%, while voters in non-union households were voting in favor 47% to 41%.

In addition, the poll found the state’s Latinos and Asian American voters closely divided on the initiative, while Black voters were backing it by 20 points and whites favoring it by 5 points.

Voting preferences on Prop. 16 (Diversity in Public Employment, Education and Contracting)

When asked how they would vote on Prop. 16, the poll found just 38% of voters backing the measure, while 49% were opposed.  While Democrats were supporting the initiative by a nearly two-to-one margin (57% to 26%), Republicans were nearly unanimous in their opposition, with 86% voting No and just 6% voting Yes.  Majorities of No Party Preference and minor party voters were also lining up on the No side.

Voting preferences also differed widely by a voter’s self-described political ideology, with more than eight in ten conservatives voting No, and large majorities of liberals voting Yes.  However, political moderates, a major swing voting bloc, were opposing Prop. 16 by twenty-three points.

Opposition to Prop. 16 was broad-based across the state’s major geographic regions, with majorities or pluralities of voters in nearly all regions voting No.  The lone exception was the nine-county San Francisco Bay Area, where voters were narrowly in favor, 48% to 40%.

While Prop. 16 was being backed by the state’s Black voters by twenty-five points, the state’s Latino voters were about evenly divided.  On the other hand, the poll found Asian American voters now joining whites in opposing the initiative.

IGS Co-Director Cristina Mora noted that “the absence of strong Latino support for Proposition 16 is surprising given that the community remains significantly underrepresented in higher education and public employment in California and would stand to benefit from the Proposition’s passage.”

Women voters, another key segment, were closely dividing their votes, with 41% voting Yes and 44% voting No.  By contrast, men were heavily on the No side, 54% to 35%.

In addition, the poll found differences in voting preferences by education, with voters non-college graduates opposing Prop. 16 five to three, while voters who had completed post graduate work were backing the initiative by eleven points.


Voter preferences on Prop. 21 (Rent Control)

With regard to Prop 21, just 37% of the voters polled were on the Yes side, while 48% were voting No, and another 15% undecided.  Just two years ago California voters rejected a similar rent control ballot initiative 59% to 41%.

The partisan divide in voter preferences on Prop. 21 resembles that of Prop. 16. While Democrats were supporting the initiative roughly two to one (53% to 29%), Republicans were overwhelmingly opposed, 83% to 9%.  Pluralities of No Party Preference and minor party voters were also lining up on the No side.

In addition, conservative voters were solidly opposed, while liberals, especially those describing themselves as very liberal were voting Yes.  Political moderates were also voting No by seventeen points.

As would be expected, big differences are seen between renters and homeowners on the rent control initiative, with renters backing the initiative 50% to 34%, but homeowners opposed by an even greater 61% to 26% margin.

Preferences on Prop. 21 were also tied to the income level of voters.  Majorities of voters at the upper end of the income scale were voting No, while pluralities of voters at the lower end were on the Yes side. Middle-income voters, those whose households earned between $40,000 and $100,000 annually, were also narrowly on the No side.

The poll found the state’s whites opposing the rent control initiative by a wide margin. Black voters were backing the rent control initiative greater than two to one. Latinos were also supportive by a narrower 10-point margin; while the state’s Asian American voters were narrowly on the No side.

There were gender differences on Prop. 21 as well, with male voters opposed by seventeen points (52% to 35%) and women about evenly divided.

About the Institute of Governmental Studies Survey

The findings in this report are based on a Berkeley IGS Poll completed by the Institute of Governmental Studies (IGS) at the University of California, Berkeley. The poll was administered online in English and Spanish October 16-21, 2020 among 6,686 California registered voters, of whom 5,352 were considered likely to vote or had already voted in this year’s election.The survey was administered by distributing email invitations to stratified random samples of the state’s registered voters. Each email invited voters to participate in a non-partisan survey conducted by the University and provided a link to the IGS website where the survey was housed. Reminder emails were distributed to non-responding voters and an opt-out link was provided for voters not wishing to receive further email invitations.Samples of registered voters with email addresses were provided to IGS by Political Data, Inc., a leading supplier of registered voter lists in California, and were derived from information contained on the state’s official voter registration rolls.  Prior to the distribution of emails, the overall sample was stratified by age and gender in an attempt to obtain a proper balance of survey respondents across major segments of the registered voter population.To protect the anonymity of survey respondents, voters’ email addresses and all other personally identifiable information derived from the original voter listing were purged from the data file and replaced with a unique and anonymous identification number during data processing.  In addition, post-stratification weights were applied to align the overall sample of registered voters to population characteristics of the state’s registered voters.  Likely voters were identified based on a voter’s stated interest in and intention to vote in the election and factoring in their history of voting in past elections.

The sampling errors associated with the results from the survey are difficult to calculate precisely due to the effects of sample stratification and the post-stratification weighting. Nevertheless, it is likely that findings based on the sample of likely voters in the election are subject to a sampling error of approximately +/-2 percentage points at the 95% confidence level.

Detailed tabulations reporting the results to each question can be found at the Berkeley IGS Poll website at https://www.igs.berkeley.edu/research/berkeley-igs-poll.

Question wording

Taxes such properties based on current market value, instead of the purchase price.  Fiscal impact:  Increased property taxes on commercial properties worth more than $3 million providing $6.5 billion to $11.5 billion in new funding to local governments and schools.  (If the election were held today how would you vote on Proposition 15?) (How did you vote on Proposition 15?)

PROPOSITION 16:  ALLOWS DIVERSITY AS A FACTOR IN PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT, EDUCATION AND CONTRACTING DECISIONS.  LEGISLATIVE CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT.  Permits government decision-making policies to consider race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in order to address diversity by repealing constitutional provisions prohibiting such policies.  Fiscal Impact:  No direct fiscal effect on state and local entities.  The effects of the measure depend on the future choices of state and local government entities and are highly uncertain. (If the election were held today how would you vote on Proposition 16?) (How did you vote on Proposition 16?)

PROPOSITION 21:  EXPANDS LOCAL GOVERNMENTS’ AUTHORITY TO ENACT RENT CONTROL ON RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY. INITIATIVE STATUTE.  Allows local governments to establish rent control on residential properties over 15 years old.  Local limits on rate increases may differ from statewide limit.  Fiscal Impact:  Overall, a potential reduction in state and local revenues in the high tens of millions of dollars per year over time.  Depending on actions by local communities, revenue losses could be less or more. (If the election were held today how would you vote on Proposition 21?) (How did you vote on Proposition 21?)

PROPOSITION 22:  EXEMPTS APP-BASED TRANSPORTATION AND DELIVERY COMPANIES FROM PROVIDING EMPLOYEE BENEFITS TO CERTAIN DRIVERS.  INITIATIVE STATUTE.  Classifies app-based drivers as “independent contractors,” instead of “employees,” and provides independent-contractor drivers other compensation, unless certain criteria are met.  Fiscal Impact:  Minor increase in state income taxes paid by rideshare and delivery company drivers and investors.  (If the election were held today how would you vote on Proposition 22?) (How did you vote on Proposition 22?)

Do you agree or disagree with the following statements? (order of statements rotated)

  1. “The proposed changes to how commercial and industrial properties are taxed under this year’s Proposition 15 ballot initiative are only the first step to making other similar changes to the way residential properties are taxed in the future.”
  2. “The additional tax revenues that Proposition 15 would bring to the state’s public schools, community colleges and local governments are needed given the large revenue losses these institutions are facing as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.”
About the Institute of Governmental Studies

The Institute of Governmental Studies (IGS) is an interdisciplinary organized research unit that pursues a vigorous program of research, education, publication and public service. A component of the University of California system’s flagship Berkeley campus, IGS is one of the oldest organized research units in the UC system and the oldest public policy research center in the state.  IGS’s co-directors are Professor Eric Schickler and Associate Professor Cristina Mora.

IGS conducts periodic surveys of public opinion in California on matters of politics and public policy through its Berkeley IGS Poll. The poll, which is disseminated widely, seeks to provide a broad measure of contemporary public opinion, and to generate data for subsequent scholarly analysis.  The director of the Berkeley IGS Poll is Mark DiCamillo. For a complete listing of stories issued by the Berkeley IGS Poll go to https://www.igs.berkeley.edu/research/berkeley-igs-poll

After Sereinat’e Henderson Drive-By Shooting, Berkeley Councilmember Bartlett Calls For Task Force

Serenity Henderson Teen Mom

On Wednesday, 19-year-old Sereinat’e Henderson (which sounds like Sereinity Henderson) was shockingly murdered – shot in a senseless drive-by shooting that’s marked an uptick in gun violence in Berkeley, California in 2020, over 2019.

On Thursday, Sereinat’e Henderson’s family held a vigil at the site in South Berkeley where Henderson was killed. Her family members and Berkeley Councilmember Ben Bartlett gathered to mourn and to remember Sereinat’e and call for an end to the gun violence that has plagued that part of Berkeley this year.

As mentioned here at Oakland News Now, earlier, Berkeley Councilmember Ben Bartlett (who authored a comprehensive police reform legislation called The George Floyd Community Safety Act) holds that The Pandemic is responsible for the uptick in gun violence in Berkeley. He and Berkeley Mayor Jesse Arreguín are forming a regional task force to address the problem. The KRON take left out mention of the role of the Pandemic, and Councilmember Bartlett’s comments; the video-blog above has his thoughts on the Coronavirus and Berkeley gun violence.

Gun Violence Long A Problem In Berkeley City Council Districts 2 and 3

The location of the drive-by-killing of Sereinat’e Henderson, at Harper and Prince Streets near Malcolm X Elementary School, is in a part of Berkeley, South Berkeley, that has been haunted by gun violence for some time. That’s also true for Berkeley City Council District 2. Bartlett said that he and Berkeley Mayor Jesse Arreguín aim to form a task force that includes East Bay Mayors of Oakland, Emeryville, and other cities.

Stay tuned.

Serenity Henderson Teen Mom Shot In Berkeley, Councilmember Ben Bartlett Wants Violence To Stop

Serenity Henderson Teen Mom

Serenity Henderson Teen Mom Killed In Berkeley Shooting, Councilmember Ben Bartlett Wants Gun Violence To Stop
From YouTube Channel: October 23, 2020 at 02:31AM
ONN – Serenity Henderson Teen Mom Killed In Berkeley Shooting, Councilmember Ben Bartlett Wants It To Stop

In this story also covered by KRON TV’s Dan Thorn, Serenity Henderson (who’s spelling is Sereinat’e Henderson) is a 19-year-old mother of a 9-month-old child, and pregnant with her second baby, who was killed in a drive-by shooting on Wednesday. The drive-by shooting reportedly occured at Prince Street near Malcolm X Elementary School, at 1731 Prince St.. The suspect is still at large as of this writing.

On Thursday, Sereinat’e Henderson’s family held a vigil at the site in South Berkeley where the crime occurred. Family members and Berkeley Councilmember Ben Bartlett gathered to remember Sereinat’e and call for an end to the gun violence.

Councilmember Ben Bartlett (who authored a comprehensive police reform legislation called The George Floyd Community Safety Act) holds that The Pandemic is responsible for the uptick in gun violence in Berkeley. He and Berkeley Mayor Jesse Arreguín are forming a regional task force to address the problem. The KRON take left out mention of the role of the Pandemic, and Councilmember Bartlett’s comments; the video-blog above has his thoughts on the Coronavirus and Berkeley gun violence.

Link Between The Pandemic And Gun Violence In Berkeley And Nationwide

That there’s a link between The Pandemic and gun violence is now well-documented. Everytown Research and Policy reports:

As of June 4, 2020, there have been over 1.8 million confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the US. While over 485,000 Americans have recovered from the coronavirus, nearly 108,000 have died.1 Since the onset of COVID-19, the country has seen a rise in gun violence: The number of gun deaths trended higher during the peak coronavirus outbreak period of March through the Memorial Day weekend in May than during the comparable time frame in 2019. This resulted in 354 additional firearm deaths.

Unprecedented increases in gun sales, combined with economic distress and social isolation due to COVID-19, are intensifying the country’s long-standing gun violence crisis. The pandemic highlights the deadliness of weak gun purchase and access laws that allow firearms to fall into the wrong hands, and also sheds light on existing structural inequity. The coronavirus puts vulnerable populations, including women, children, and communities of color, at heightened risk. The lethal impact of these crises, though devastating, helps point the way to laws, policies, and programs that can keep people safe and healthy—now and on the other side of the COVID-19 pandemic. The collision of these two public health crises offers possibility amidst great loss.

Stay tuned.

Note from Zennie62Media and Oakland News Now: this video-blog post demonstrates the full and live operation of the latest updated version of an experimental Zennie62Media , Inc. mobile media video-blogging system network that was launched June 2018. This is a major part of Zennie62Media , Inc.’s new and innovative approach to the production of news media. What we call “The Third Wave of Media”. The uploaded video is from a YouTube channel. When the video is “liked” by Zennie62 YouTube, then it is automatically uploaded to and formatted automatically at the Oakland News Now site and Zennie62-created and owned social media pages. The overall objective here, on top of our is smartphone-enabled, real-time, on the scene reporting of news, interviews, observations, and happenings anywhere in the World and within seconds and not hours – is the use of the existing YouTube social graph on any subject in the World. Now, news is reported with a smartphone and also by promoting current content on YouTube: no heavy and expensive cameras or even a laptop are necessary, or having a camera crew to shoot what is already on YouTube. The secondary objective is faster, and very inexpensive media content news production and distribution. We have found there is a disconnect between post length and time to product and revenue generated. With this, the problem is far less, though by no means solved. Zennie62Media is constantly working to improve the system network coding and seeks interested content and media technology partners.


Berkeley Councilmember Ben Bartlett Tells How Mom’s Landlord Problem Pushed Him To Politics

Ben Bartlett And Jeremy Gardner – Smart Path

Ben Bartlett and Jeremy Gardner – Smart Path
From YouTube Channel: May 2, 2018 at 02:49PM

ONN – Berkeley Councilmember Ben Bartlett Tells How Mom’s Landlord Problem Pushed Him To Politics

The podcast-turned-YouTube video has a misleading title. It should be about how Berkeley Councilmember Ben Bartlett got into politics. In the interview, Councilmember Bartlett tells the story of how his mother’s tenants rights were violated, and how that pushed him to run for Berkeley City Council.

He also talks about Smart Path, and other tech-oriented ideas, but the start of the interview is about how Councilmember Ben Bartlett‘s political career started.

This is part of the sponsored “The Bartlett Files”, formed to distribute the vast amount of already-identified, but not well-known, online content related to his work.

Stay tuned.

Note from Zennie62Media and Oakland News Now: this video-blog post demonstrates the full and live operation of the latest updated version of an experimental Zennie62Media , Inc. mobile media video-blogging system network that was launched June 2018. This is a major part of Zennie62Media , Inc.’s new and innovative approach to the production of news media. What we call “The Third Wave of Media”. The uploaded video is from a YouTube channel. When the video is “liked” by Zennie62 YouTube, then it is automatically uploaded to and formatted automatically at the Oakland News Now site and Zennie62-created and owned social media pages. The overall objective here, on top of our is smartphone-enabled, real-time, on the scene reporting of news, interviews, observations, and happenings anywhere in the World and within seconds and not hours – is the use of the existing YouTube social graph on any subject in the World. Now, news is reported with a smartphone and also by promoting current content on YouTube: no heavy and expensive cameras or even a laptop are necessary, or having a camera crew to shoot what is already on YouTube. The secondary objective is faster, and very inexpensive media content news production and distribution. We have found there is a disconnect between post length and time to product and revenue generated. With this, the problem is far less, though by no means solved. Zennie62Media is constantly working to improve the system network coding and seeks interested content and media technology partners.


Now-Councilmember Ben Bartlett Speaks On Berkeley Values In 2011

Ben Bartlett Speaks On Berkeley Values

Ben Bartlett speaks on Berkeley values
From YouTube Channel: April 27, 2011 at 06:34PM
ONN – Now-Councilmember Ben Bartlett Speaks On Berkeley Values In 2011

Ben Bartlett owner of Bartlett Coffee shop speaks at the
Berkeley city hall.

Note from Zennie62Media and Oakland News Now: this video-blog post demonstrates the full and live operation of the latest updated version of an experimental Zennie62Media , Inc. mobile media video-blogging system network that was launched June 2018. This is a major part of Zennie62Media , Inc.’s new and innovative approach to the production of news media. What we call “The Third Wave of Media”. The uploaded video is from a YouTube channel. When the video is “liked” by Zennie62 YouTube, then it is automatically uploaded to and formatted automatically at the Oakland News Now site and Zennie62-created and owned social media pages. The overall objective here, on top of our is smartphone-enabled, real-time, on the scene reporting of news, interviews, observations, and happenings anywhere in the World and within seconds and not hours – is the use of the existing YouTube social graph on any subject in the World. Now, news is reported with a smartphone and also by promoting current content on YouTube: no heavy and expensive cameras or even a laptop are necessary, or having a camera crew to shoot what is already on YouTube. The secondary objective is faster, and very inexpensive media content news production and distribution. We have found there is a disconnect between post length and time to product and revenue generated. With this, the problem is far less, though by no means solved. Zennie62Media is constantly working to improve the system network coding and seeks interested content and media technology partners.


A Nightingale Sang In Berkeley Square, Ben Bartlett

A Nightingale Sang In Berkeley Square, Ben Bartlett

A Nightingale Sang In Berkeley Square, Ben Bartlett
From YouTube Channel: November 26, 2016 at 04:33PM

Note from Zennie62Media and Oakland News Now: this video-blog post demonstrates the full and live operation of the latest updated version of an experimental Zennie62Media , Inc. mobile media video-blogging system network that was launched June 2018. This is a major part of Zennie62Media , Inc.’s new and innovative approach to the production of news media. What we call “The Third Wave of Media”. The uploaded video is from a YouTube channel. When the video is “liked” by Zennie62 YouTube, then it is automatically uploaded to and formatted automatically at the Oakland News Now site and Zennie62-created and owned social media pages. The overall objective here, on top of our is smartphone-enabled, real-time, on the scene reporting of news, interviews, observations, and happenings anywhere in the World and within seconds and not hours – is the use of the existing YouTube social graph on any subject in the World. Now, news is reported with a smartphone and also by promoting current content on YouTube: no heavy and expensive cameras or even a laptop are necessary, or having a camera crew to shoot what is already on YouTube. The secondary objective is faster, and very inexpensive media content news production and distribution. We have found there is a disconnect between post length and time to product and revenue generated. With this, the problem is far less, though by no means solved. Zennie62Media is constantly working to improve the system network coding and seeks interested content and media technology partners.


Ben Bartlett, Berkeley City Councilman, On Issuing a Muni Bond On The Blockchain

Issuing A Muni Bond On The Blockchain

Issuing a Muni Bond on the Blockchain
From YouTube Channel: May 31, 2018 at 02:12PM

ONN – Ben Bartlett, Berkeley City Councilman, On Issuing a Muni Bond On The Blockchain

Where the video reports:

Issuing a Muni Bond on the Blockchain with Jase Wilson of Neigborly and Ben Bartlett of the City of Berkeley.

BlockFin is the World’s Largest Event Covering Blockchain in Financial Services. BlockFin is co-located with LendIt Fintech 2018. View more videos at https://ift.tt/35C58T1

Stay tuned. This post part of The Bartlett Files.

Note from Zennie62Media and Oakland News Now: this video-blog post demonstrates the full and live operation of the latest updated version of an experimental Zennie62Media , Inc. mobile media video-blogging system network that was launched June 2018. This is a major part of Zennie62Media , Inc.’s new and innovative approach to the production of news media. What we call “The Third Wave of Media”. The uploaded video is from a YouTube channel. When the video is “liked” by Zennie62 YouTube, then it is automatically uploaded to and formatted automatically at the Oakland News Now site and Zennie62-created and owned social media pages. The overall objective here, on top of our is smartphone-enabled, real-time, on the scene reporting of news, interviews, observations, and happenings anywhere in the World and within seconds and not hours – is the use of the existing YouTube social graph on any subject in the World. Now, news is reported with a smartphone and also by promoting current content on YouTube: no heavy and expensive cameras or even a laptop are necessary, or having a camera crew to shoot what is already on YouTube. The secondary objective is faster, and very inexpensive media content news production and distribution. We have found there is a disconnect between post length and time to product and revenue generated. With this, the problem is far less, though by no means solved. Zennie62Media is constantly working to improve the system network coding and seeks interested content and media technology partners.


Re-Elect Cheryl Davila and Ben Bartlett Says Berkeley Friends Of Adeline Post To Black Voters

Cheryl Davila And Ben Bartlett Berkeley Councilmembers (Photo courtesy Berkeley Tenants Union)

Berkeley – A blog called “Friends Of Adeline” has a post that hits one right between the eyes with the title “For ‘Black’ Berkeleyans, There Are Only Two: Re-Elect Cheryl Davila and Ben Bartlett”, and referring to Berkeley City Councilmembers Ben Bartlett of District 3 and Cheryl Davila of District 2. Here it is, below. I’m posting it here, because absent this action, it’s not the easiest content to find in online search, yet it should be seen and read by many.

Here it is:

For ‘Black’ Berkeleyans, There Are Only Two: Re-Elect Cheryl Davila and Ben Bartlett
October 22, 2020 Friends of Adeline (Photo Courtesy Berkeley Tenants Union)

By Paul Lee

Friends of Adeline

Since I believe that the dangerous mythology of “race,” which has no basis in science, is the root of the even more dangerous reality of racism, I’ve enclosed all “racial” terms in quotes so as not to legitimize either. — PL.

I don’t know if African American Berkeley City Council members Cheryl Davila and Ben Bartlett are friends. Frankly, I don’t care.

What matters to me and, I could assert with confidence, most “black” Berkeleyans is that, more often than not, they can be counted on to do right by us.

This is more than could be said for their council colleagues and the rest of those in our city’s mostly-spineless, sellout, in-the-pocket-of-developers government.

‘Blackness’ Ain’t Enough

However, Ben and Cheryl shouldn’t be supported because they’re “black,” although this can offer the advantages of familiarity and personal investment. Fundamentally, it’s a question of character and commitment. We, as an oppressed people, have learned from painful betrayals that “all skin folk ain’t kinfolk.”

For example, it would be both obscene and terribly destructive if someone who looks like us were to run for office, but only did so at the behest and with the support of rich, “white” real estate interests. This would only facilitate and legitimize the complete colonization or takeover of what’s left of “black” Berkeley.

Forgotten Islands

I’m 60 years old and for all of my life and longer “black” Berkeley — that is, the historically “black” enclaves in the south and west of the city — have been islands of official, damnable neglect.

Indeed, the only branch of government to consistently pay attention to these districts has been the police department, but that’s not the kind of attention that anyone would want because it’s about containment and control under the cover of fighting crime.

‘Mississippi West’

But the real crime began when “black” and other non-“white” peoples were herded by redlining into these districts like cattle, then abandoned to their own devices to make them viable communities — without the supports accorded to the rest of the city, meaning the “white” parts.

With bravery, sacrifice, ingenuity and vision, we did this, despite the racism of Berkeley’s “Mississippi West” government, as many of us called it.

We recognized that it only differed from the infamous Southern bastion of “racial” segregation in how it structured its inequality, which was more urbane and less obviously violent — with the notable exception of the police, whose habitual brutality against us made believable the rumor that many of these officers were recruited from the South.

In another respect, Berkeley was worse than its Southern cousin because it didn’t begin to desegregate its schools, thru compulsory busing, until 1968 — that is, 14 years after the U. S. Supreme Court declared this U. S. brand of apartheid unconstitutional.

But there were also subtler, but not less damaging, forms of violence. Obligating these majority-“black” districts to have to create, from scratch, and sustain, without support, what others could take for granted was a psychic, emotional and material assault upon our dignity.


That’s why we need Cheryl and Ben to remain in office. That’s also why we and our allies must fight to put more people like them on the council and in other positions of authority — people who care about and work for all of Berkeley, not just rich, “white” Berkeley, including the entitled newcomers.

Most “white” Berkeleyans don’t have a clue about any of this history, which, for us, hasn’t fundamentally changed. We are where we began — at the bottom, ignored, isolated, not seriously considered in the councils of power, where we are occasionally spoken about, but rarely given the respect to speak for ourselves.

Only Two

But where we once survived, and even thrived, in “a place of our own,” as one longtime African American resident described “black” Berkeley, nourished and protected by businesses and institutions that we built, most of which collapsed under the weight of successive economic downturns and a drug scourge that hit us first and hardest, now we’re being forced out of all that we had left — our homes.

And who listens to us? Who fights for us? Only Cheryl and Ben, dependably. That’s pathetic and unjust, but it’s also par for the course in this faux “progressive” city, where, as usual, we’re compelled to mostly rely upon ourselves.

Of course, two reliable city council members, no matter how enlightened, can’t alone protect the interests of “black” Berkeleyans. However, as veteran politicians, they can and do occasionally sway, negotiate with or pressure their colleagues to do right by us.


However, in our long fight for recognition, equity and a justice that was never simple, we have real allies, most of whom don’t look like us and aren’t from here. Just as we couldn’t care less if Cheryl and Ben are best buds, we aren’t interested in what motivates our allies.

We simply accept them as comrades in the fight to make Berkeley in reality what it has fooled the world to believe that it is, but has never been — namely, an inclusive city, where everyone is given the dignity, opportunity, security and justice that should be the common lot of all people.

If you’re an ally, do whatever you can to maintain Cheryl’s and Ben’s positions.

If you aren’t, considered becoming one because — and I ask you to trust me on this because I’ve lived it — Berkeley’s greatest strength has always been its rich cultural diversity, even though our government has almost never supported this.

Perhaps, ironically, that’s what made it so unique and powerful — because the people themselves marshaled it as a resource.

Which Way, Berkeley?

Berkeley’s best future can and should be built upon its past — by learning from its mistakes and benefitting from its successes. Until we can increase their number, Cheryl and Ben are the best hope for this freer, fairer future, or at least a hedge against the obnoxious continuance of its ugly past.

We deserve better. Our children and grandchildren deserve still more. That’s why we’re asking you: Support and vote for Cheryl and Ben. Thank you.

Opinion: Re-Elect Ben Bartlett, Berkeley City Council Member District Three, A Champion For Residents

Ben Bartlett For City Council Campaign Launch Speech

That Berkeley City Councilmember Ben Bartlett should face challengers in the 2020 Election is wild to me. When one considers the many accomplishments Bartlett has done for Berkeley, and what work he’s started and that’s left to be done, and then look at his opponents and what they offer, that Bartlett’s re-election should be a point of debate is, well, unusual, for several reasons.

First, consider that each and every member of the Berkeley City Council has endorsed Ben for re-election. That means this:

Jesse Arreguín, Berkeley Mayor
Sophie Hahn, Berkeley Vice Mayor & City Councilmember
Rashi Kesarwani, Berkeley City Councilmember
Cheryl Davila, Berkeley City Councilmember
Kate Harrison, Berkeley City Councilmember
Susan Wengraf, Berkeley City Councilmember
Rigel Robinson, Berkeley City Councilmember
Lori Droste, Berkeley City Councilmember
Tom Bates, Former Berkeley Mayor
Max Anderson, Former Berkeley Councilmember, District 3

.. all of those Berkeley representatives not only want Ben Bartlett to retain his seat, but that they pay attention to him regarding policy formation. Not one of Councilmember Bartlett’s opponents can make that claim. It also means that, again, unlike his opponents, Berkeley residents don’t have to concern themselves with Bartlett’s ability to gain votes for his initiatives representing them.

Second, having all of the Berkeley City Council backing him also means Councilmember Bartlett understands something else his challengers don’t: governance. Governance, simply put, means how the business of government works.

Ben Bartlett’s Constant Focus For South Berkeley Has Been Extremely Affordable Housing

In addition to governance, Councilmember Bartlett’s main focus from the start of his first term has been the development of extremely affordable housing. For example, Mr. Bartlett’s office wrote the grant that allowed Resources for Community Development to gain $40 Million Dollars in affordable housing for South Berkeley. He has also backed a number of initiatives to advance the development of more extremely affordable housing that deserve a book unto themselves.
By contrast, one of Councilmember Bartlett’s challengers is a realtor who’s in favor of pro-market-rate and expensive housing in the middle of the worst homeless crisis in modern history, and The COVID-19 Pandemic.
In addition, she is not even supporting the passage of State Proposition 16. That means she’s not in favor of the re-installation of much-needed affirmative action laws designed to cause social equity.

Councilmember Bartlett Backs Police Spending Reformation In The Wake Of George Floyd

In addition to housing advocacy, Councilmember Bartlett advanced and assisted in the passage of a number of items of legislation designed to focus police spending on alternative crime fighting practices. Thanks to his leadership, and relationships with fellow Berkeley City Councilmembers, Berkeley became a national leader in police reform.

I could go on and on, but I’ll cut to the chase: re-elect Berkeley Councilmember Ben Bartlett.

San Francisco Police Officers Heavy Handed Treatment Of YouTuber Ends Peacefully

Huge Audit Fail In San Francisco Police Headquarters!!!!

From YouTube Channel: October 17, 2020 at 07:47PM

ONN – SF Police Officers Heavy Handed Treatment Of YouTuber Ends Peacefully

The YouTuber at the channel called Bay Area Transparency made this live-vlog in the middle of an encounter with San Francisco Police Officers that seems to have started with him making the video. Since the YouTuber at the channel called Bay Area Transparency did not at all explain what happened, and talked over the police officers, it is hard to understand exactly what happened.

One thing: Oakland Police would have not acted like that at all. They are trained to allow video-blogging, and I have seen that in action. What they will not do is talk on your YouTube video. But, in all of my years vlogging in Oakland, I’ve never once had a problem with Oakland Police.

I’d like to find out more about what happened here.

And while you’re at it, check out the video featuring Berkeley Councilmember Ben Bartlett asking you to vote for the passage of Proposition 16. Prop 16 would end Prop 209, which ripped out affirmative action programs in California, and effectively reduced black attendance rates at UC Berkeley.

Stay tuned.

Note from Zennie62Media and Oakland News Now: this video-blog post demonstrates the full and live operation of the latest updated version of an experimental Zennie62Media , Inc. mobile media video-blogging system network that was launched June 2018. This is a major part of Zennie62Media , Inc.’s new and innovative approach to the production of news media. What we call “The Third Wave of Media”. The uploaded video is from a YouTube channel. When the video is “liked” by Zennie62 YouTube, then it is automatically uploaded to and formatted automatically at the Oakland News Now site and Zennie62-created and owned social media pages. The overall objective here, on top of our is smartphone-enabled, real-time, on the scene reporting of news, interviews, observations, and happenings anywhere in the World and within seconds and not hours – is the use of the existing YouTube social graph on any subject in the World. Now, news is reported with a smartphone and also by promoting current content on YouTube: no heavy and expensive cameras or even a laptop are necessary, or having a camera crew to shoot what is already on YouTube. The secondary objective is faster, and very inexpensive media content news production and distribution. We have found there is a disconnect between post length and time to product and revenue generated. With this, the problem is far less, though by no means solved. Zennie62Media is constantly working to improve the system network coding and seeks interested content and media technology partners.


Ben Bartlett, Berkeley District 3 Councilmember, Says Yes On Prop 16

Ben Bartlett, Berkeley District 3 Councilmember, Says Yes On Prop 16

Ben Bartlett, Berkeley District 3 Councilmember, Says Yes On Prop 16
From YouTube Channel: October 17, 2020 at 12:21AM

ONN – Ben Bartlett, Berkeley District 3 Councilmember, Says Vote Yes On Prop 16

According to Ballotpedia, Proposition 16 is a constitutional amendment that would repeal Proposition 209, passed in 1996, from the California Constitution. Proposition 209 stated that discrimination and preferential treatment were prohibited in public employment, public education, and public contracting on account of a person’s or group’s race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin. Therefore, as Councilmember Bartlett explained, Proposition 209 banned the use of affirmative action involving race-based or sex-based preferences in California.

Without Proposition 209, the state government, local governments, public universities, and other political subdivisions and public entities would—within the limits of federal law—be allowed to develop and use affirmative action programs that grant preferences based on race, sex, color, ethnicity, and national origin in public employment, public education, and public contracting.

A Proposition 16 “yes” vote supports this constitutional amendment to repeal Proposition 209 (1996), which stated that the government and public institutions cannot discriminate against or grant preferential treatment to persons on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in public employment, public education, and public contracting.

Vote “yes” for Prop 16.

Stay tuned.

Note from Zennie62Media and Oakland News Now: this video-blog post demonstrates the full and live operation of the latest updated version of an experimental Zennie62Media , Inc. mobile media video-blogging system network that was launched June 2018. This is a major part of Zennie62Media , Inc.’s new and innovative approach to the production of news media. What we call “The Third Wave of Media”. The uploaded video is from a YouTube channel. When the video is “liked” by Zennie62 YouTube, then it is automatically uploaded to and formatted automatically at the Oakland News Now site and Zennie62-created and owned social media pages. The overall objective here, on top of our is smartphone-enabled, real-time, on the scene reporting of news, interviews, observations, and happenings anywhere in the World and within seconds and not hours – is the use of the existing YouTube social graph on any subject in the World. Now, news is reported with a smartphone and also by promoting current content on YouTube: no heavy and expensive cameras or even a laptop are necessary, or having a camera crew to shoot what is already on YouTube. The secondary objective is faster, and very inexpensive media content news production and distribution. We have found there is a disconnect between post length and time to product and revenue generated. With this, the problem is far less, though by no means solved. Zennie62Media is constantly working to improve the system network coding and seeks interested content and media technology partners.


Rep Barbara Lee Issues Statement On Nov 2020 Endorsements Counters Oakland Mayor Schaaf Voting Guide

Rep Barbara Lee Issues Statement On Nov 2020 Endorsements Counters Oakland Mayor Schaaf Voting Guide

Rep Barbara Lee Issues Statement On Nov 2020 Endorsements Counters Oakland Mayor Schaaf Voting Guide

ONN – Rep Barbara Lee Issues Statement On Nov 2020 Endorsements Counters Oakland Mayor Schaaf Voting Guide

I received an email that contained a statement from U.S. Congresswoman Barbara Lee, and here’s the text, verbatim:

Statement regarding Congresswoman Barbara Lee’s Endorsements for the November 2020 Election

Oakland, CA – Congresswoman Barbara Lee’s campaign released the following statement today regarding Rep. Lee’s endorsements in the 2020 election.

“Congresswoman Barbara Lee has not endorsed any candidate running for the Oakland City Council, nor has she endorsed any candidate running for the Peralta Community College District Board of Trustees. Any reference to Congresswoman Lee on a voter guide or slate card endorsing Councilmembers or Trustees, or any reference to prior Congressional recognition by any of the candidates or the candidates’ supporters, is inappropriate and misleading and should not be viewed as an endorsement in any form.”

For a list of Congresswoman Lee’s official endorsements please see below:

President & Vice President: Joe Biden & Kamala Harris

Yes on 15; Schools and Communities First

Yes on 16: Opportunity for All

Yes on 17: Free the Vote

Yes on 18: Vote for Our Future

No on 20: Stop the Prison Spending Scam

Yes on 21 : Keep Families in Their Homes

No on 22: Protect Drivers and Customers

Yes on 25: End Money Bail

Yes on Measure SS: Oakland Police Accountability

Yes on Measure II: Berkeley Police Accountability

Yes on Measure Z: For an Inclusive, Affordable, and Livable Alameda

Yes on QQ: A Vote for Oakland Youth

The statement is a direct counter to this paragraph by Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf in Oakland News Now, here: https://oaklandnewsnowblog.com/oakland-mayor-schaaf-picks-lynette-gibson-mcelhaney-treva-reid-more-in-2020-voters-guide/u-s-news/13/10/2020/63626/

…and from her letter that’s a voting guide:

“I’m also super passionate about electing Derreck Johnson for At-Large City Council – as is Kamala Harris. A 3rd-generation, gay, African American Oaklander raised by a single mother in the Acorn housing projects, he graduated from an HBCU and started House of Chicken & Waffles in Jack London Square, where 70% of employees have been formerly incarcerated. He’s the former Chair of Oakland’s Workforce Development Board and in 2012 Congresswoman Barbara Lee presented him with the City of Oakland’s Citizen Humanitarian Award. His life experiences are particularly needed as Oakland meets this moment to advance racial justice and help our economy recover.”

Stay tuned.

Note from Zennie62Media and Oakland News Now: this video-blog post demonstrates the full and live operation of the latest updated version of an experimental Zennie62Media , Inc. mobile media video-blogging system network that was launched June 2018. This is a major part of Zennie62Media , Inc.’s new and innovative approach to the production of news media. What we call “The Third Wave of Media”. The uploaded video is from a vlogger with the Zennie62 on YouTube Partner Channel, then uploaded to and formatted automatically at the Oakland News Now site and Zennie62-created and owned social media pages. The overall objective is smartphone-enabled, real-time, on the scene reporting of news, interviews, observations, and happenings anywhere in the World and within seconds and not hours. Now, news is reported with a smartphone: no heavy and expensive cameras or even a laptop are necessary. The secondary objective is faster, and very inexpensive media content news production and distribution. We have found there is a disconnect between post length and time to product and revenue generated. With this, the problem is far less, though by no means solved. Zennie62Media is constantly working to improve the system network coding and seeks interested content and media technology partners.


Candidate Forum for AC Transit Ward 1

Candidate Forum For Ac Transit Ward 1

Candidate Forum for AC Transit Ward 1
From YouTube Channel: October 13, 2020 at 11:45PM
ONN – Join the League of Women Voters Berkeley Albany Emeryville for a Candidate Forum for AC Transit Ward 1 candidates. Partnering for this forum is the League of Women Voters West Contra Costa County.
All candidates, candidate supporters, and audience members followed the League of Women Voters’ ground rules.

Note from Zennie62Media and Oakland News Now: this video-blog post demonstrates the full and live operation of the latest updated version of an experimental Zennie62Media , Inc. mobile media video-blogging system network that was launched June 2018. This is a major part of Zennie62Media , Inc.’s new and innovative approach to the production of news media. What we call “The Third Wave of Media”. The uploaded video is from a YouTube channel. When the video is “liked” by Zennie62 YouTube, then it is automatically uploaded to and formatted automatically at the Oakland News Now site and Zennie62-created and owned social media pages. The overall objective here, on top of our is smartphone-enabled, real-time, on the scene reporting of news, interviews, observations, and happenings anywhere in the World and within seconds and not hours – is the use of the existing YouTube social graph on any subject in the World. Now, news is reported with a smartphone and also by promoting current content on YouTube: no heavy and expensive cameras or even a laptop are necessary, or having a camera crew to shoot what is already on YouTube. The secondary objective is faster, and very inexpensive media content news production and distribution. We have found there is a disconnect between post length and time to product and revenue generated. With this, the problem is far less, though by no means solved. Zennie62Media is constantly working to improve the system network coding and seeks interested content and media technology partners.


Re-Elect Rebecca Kaplan Over Sidebotham, Johnson For Oakland City Council At-Large In 2020

Rebecca Kaplan Oakland City Council At-Large

In the 2020 Oakland Elections, Oakland City Councilmember Rebecca Kaplan is facing a major challenge from friend and perennial campaigner Nancy Sidebotham, and newcomer Derreck Johnson.

Nancy is an incredible member of the Oakland political world, but her main advantage is in pointing out problems, less than offering solutions. I like Derreck Johnson, and his run represents a need for more black male participation in Oakland politics. That said, he has no previous Oakland political experience at all, and no knowledge of municipal governance. As much as his efforts and his errors in business are good teachers for him, and for anyone entering politics, and draw media racism he’s not ready to lead Oakland at this point in time, Moreover, he’s the latest manchurian candidate offered up by my godsister Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf. Libby should just work to make friends with Rebecca. I’ve said that before, I’ll say it again.

Anyway, when I think of Rebecca, I think of what I contend is her signature, lasting effort. The one that shows good Oakland City Council work in action: The Broadway Free Transit Shuttle that’s now an Oakland institution.

I also think of the many ideas she’s formed to help Oakland’s budget, as well as the many, many small efforts she has made to ease the lives of Oaklanders. It does not matter if it’s a City Council motion that passes, or co-authoring legislation to get Oakland’s speeding problem under control, the fact is, the total number of legal changes she has made for Oaklanders has not been effectively chronicled. The point is, experience matters.

The Oakland City Council faces the very real prospect of having a membership consisting of no one with over one year of experience. And that’s in the middle of a Pandemic. Rebecca must be re-elected to assure the maintenance of institutional memory, so that current political biases don’t cause a misunderstanding, and there fore a mishandling, of government. How to work with Oakland City Staff is more important than anything. Hiring the right people to represent the councilmember is equally more important than anything. We’re in the dark with Derreck Johnson, and even my friend Nancy Sidebotham – but not with Rebecca Kaplan, the Oakland City Council President.

With all of that, why is Rebecca opposed? Well, I will say that she gained the backing of the Democratic Party, as well as a list of notables the party pointed to: “SEIU Local 1021, the Sierra Club, Block by Block Organizing Network (BBON), Former State Assemblyman Sandre Swanson, California Nurses Association (CNA), Firefighters Local 55, Northern California Carpenters Regional Council, Black Women Organized for Political Action PAC, Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance (APALA), Alameda Labor Council, Alameda County Building Trades Council, Sprinkler Fitters Local 483, Former Mayor Elihu Harris, Vice Mayor Larry Reid, President Pro Tem Dan Kalb, Councilmembers Sheng Thao, Nikki Fortunato-Bas and Noel Gallo, Oakland Port Commissioner Michael Colbruno, Founder of She the People Aimee Allison, Pastor J. Alfred Smith Sr., Reverend Harold Mayberry, California Young Democrats National Committee Representative Igor Tregub, Cat Brooks, and many more endorsing Rebecca Kaplan.”

I add myself to that list, and I am proud to endorse my long time friend. Rebecca and I have three things in common: first, we’re both ostracized to some extent for being ourselves, me as a straight, black, tech-oriented guy with a Jewish last name who “talks white”, she for being butch lesbian and Jewish. Then, we’re both urban planning and economics grad school grads from MIT for her and Berkeley for me, and we both love Oakland.

Vote for Rebecca Kaplan.

Oaklandside’s Attack On Derreck Johnson In Oakland City Council Race Was Racist – UPDATE

Oaklandside’s Attack On Derreck Johnson In The Oakland City Council Race Was Racist

Oaklandside’s Attack On Derreck Johnson In The Oakland City Council Race Was Racist

ONN – Oaklandside’s Attack On Derreck Johnson In The Oakland City Council Race Was Racist

The Oaklandside, a new online publication by the person who owns Berkeleyside and that has a $3 million grant from Google, owes Derreck Johnson, a candidate in the Oakland City Council race for the At-Large Seat occupied by Rebecca Kaplan (who I endorsed), an apology (and just maybe a chunk of that 3 million). It’s recent post attacking him for filing bankruptcy was nothing short of racist in my view as an Oakland black media entrepreneur in the time of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor.

UPDATE: As I wrote here, this must be reported:

In this case, some who are white, just could not accept that my actions were out of anger for the racist Oaklandside post, and first assumed that I was backing Derreck Johnson, when I openly said I was supporting Rebecca Kaplan, and then, on their own, guessed that Derreck, Mayor Schaaf, and I all went to Skyline High School together.

When a friend of mine who’s white texted me with that question about Skyline High School (where I am Class of 80 and Libby is Class of 1981), I called and let him know how upset with him I was. I said “You can’t accept the fact that my concern for what was written about him was purely because I perceived it as racist, huh? Do you realize that’s racist?”

As my friend is prone to do, he laughs nervously and tries to change the subject, but this time I kept focus. The problem was the Oaklandside post was truly institutionally racist, and it doesn’t matter what a person thinks to the contrary, even if they’re black. In Oakland, too many of us black folks are too willing to put down someone else black anyway – it’s a crabbarrel problem of massive proportions that helps no one.

The fact is that, according to Derreck himself, he went to Bishop O’Dowd High School, not Skyline High School. And so that leads back to my point: the desire to not see a racist act and deflect eyes from view keeps it as justifiable. That’s what my friend was trying to do, and he needs to stop doing it. As I said to him “We can’t allow a point of view like yours to fester because, little by little, these racist stories build up, until we get George Floyd all over again.”

No more racial profiling in media. If Derreck’s run has done anything, it’s shown a spotlight on that problem. It has to stop.

Donald Trump’s Businesses Have Filed For Bankruptcy Many Time Yet He’s Considered Successful

The Washington Post reported that Donald Trump’s businesses filed for bankruptcy six times. In all of the media coverage, no reporter or columnist ever blasted Donald Trump for bragging about his success. By contrast, Derreck Johnson’s business filed for bankrupcy and here is the Oaklandside’s Darwin BondGraham (and its editors hiding behind him) to say he’s not successful. Johnson is black. Trump is white. There should be one standard of fact: both started and ran businesses that employed people. And in Johnson’s case, he gave black men and women out of prison another chance at life. That’s successful.

Derreck Johnson Oakland City Council At Large 2020 Candidate Interview
Derreck Johnson Oakland City Council At Large 2020 Candidate Interview

And, as a momentary aside, I’m proud to report that Zennie62Media’s OaklandNewsNow.com that you’re reading is twice the size of Oaklandside in online traffic, and with a fraction of it’s budget. And it’s black owned and operated, whereas Oaklandside has a black editor, but is white owned, and the person who wrote the post is white and male.

Oaklandside’s Attack On Derreck Johnson Reflects A Classic Pattern Of Media Racism

Anyway, Oaklandside accused Derreck Johnson of being so proud as a black man to run television commercials saying he’s “successful”, that he needed to be taken down a notch by getting out “the truth”. The truth as Oaklandside saw it. The truth as Oaklandside was presented with by a source. I say that because I know where the information came from, and who gave it to Oaklandside, regardless of what it claims. Moreover, it’s no secret: bankruptcy information is publicly available, folks.

What Oaklandside did was simply make phone calls around town to form a story around the information it was given. If Oaklandside were truly interested in “the truth” it would have produced an article with information about the businesses of all of the candidates, without sensationalism. If Oaklandside was were truly interested in “the truth”, it would have worked with Mr. Johnson to run a positive story about what problems he experienced as a black man keeping his business going.

The story Oaklandside’s racist lens caused it to miss was one that needs to be told at a time when everyone from Facebook to Google has some kind of initiative focused on financing black businesses, in the wake of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor. Think about it. As Marcus Burke put in for The World Economic Forum “Following the murders of Breonna Taylor, George Floyd and many other Black people at the hands of police, companies have started to take a stand against systemic racism.” Obviously, Oaklandside showed itself to be completely tone-deaf to the times.

In the paper “Media Representations and Impact on the Lives of Black Men and Boys”, by the Topos Partnership with The Opportunity Agenda, the authors observe:

A robust body of research documents how the overall presentation of black males in the media is distorted in a variety of ways, relative to the real-world facts. While individual studies tend to focus on a single genre or medium — such as TV fiction shows, magazine advertising, or video games — the research taken as a whole reveals broad patterns, including:

Negative associations exaggerated — particularly criminality, unemployment, and poverty. The idle black male on the street corner is not the “true face” of poverty in America, but he is the dominant one in the world as depicted by media.
Positive associations limited — particularly, sports, physical achievement in general, virility, and musicality. While the media’s version of America is populated by some black males intended to inspire, they tend to represent a relatively limited range of qualities to the exclusion of a variety of other everyday virtues.
The “problem” frame — Due to both distortions and also accurate and sympathetic discussion, black males tend to be overly associated with intractable problems.
Missing stories — Many important dimensions of black males’ lives, such as historical antecedents of black economic disadvantage and persistence of anti-black male bias, are largely ignored by the media.

In Derreck Johnson’s case, Oaklandside missed a great chance to have him tell his story of what led to the problems he experienced with his business. Moreover, Oaklandside worked to, as the authors wrote about media bias against black men, “Negative associations exaggerated — particularly criminality, unemployment, and poverty.” In other words, the Oaklandside’s seems to be upset that Johnson didn’t say he had been in financial trouble. Note, Johnson didn’t break any law, so that was the best it could do in attacking Derreck Johnson.

The Times Are Changing – The LA Times

In these times, America is beginning to wake up to the media racism that has worked to constantly paint blacks in a negative light. The kind of media racism that has been active in Oakland and San Francisco Bay Area media for far too long. And, let’s face it, the kind of media racism that was served up to feed the desires of some in Oakland who are white for the most part, and just don’t want to believe anything positive about anyone black who dares say they’re successful, or holds a title. Those persons want to push blacks into the familiar image of being poor, downtrodden, and criminally inclined. The kind of media The Oaklandside produced makes them oh so happy. Sad stuff that must stop.

In that, I must say it’s great The Los Angeles Times called out its own history of racism.

But, even then, The Los Angeles Times leaves out the racist lens that’s still applied today, and one that Oaklandside uses. Moreover, one would think that other mainstream media news publications would follow the Los Angeles Times’ lead, (like The San Francisco Chronicle, which has its own problems with racism as one can see here, and here, too.) but to this date, crickets. For many who are white, racism only exists when the n-word is used or a black person is physically harmed. But real racism is evident in all aspects of life, and in many ways, and in media, it’s expressed in how blacks are portrayed.

As I saw it, here’s the truth: Derreck Johnson did establish and run a business in Oakland that employed people, most notably black ex-prisoners who needed help. Stop it right there: that’s the success story that should be told, and that Derreck has the right to crow about. It’s clearly a story Oaklandside didn’t even think to try to tell, even though it was starring them in right in the face. Oaklandside was way too focused on putting a cyber-knee in Derreck Johnson’s online neck.

I got wind of this via a phone call from a friend. I called Derreck Johnson and we talked extensively. I told him that my first introduction to him was from an email from Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf. I said it wasn’t the first time my godsister advanced a candidate to challenge Councilmember Rebecca Kaplan. I also told him that, for those reasons, I thought of him as a Manchurian candidate. He laughed and understood and because I gave him a video platform to talk about running for office and about himself. I never sought to put him down. Blacks in America have had enough of media racism.

Unlike Oaklandside, I asked and gave Derreck Johnson a chance to tell his story:

And in this update, media racism comes from, of all places, a black publication’s representative.

Stay tuned.

Note from Zennie62Media and Oakland News Now: this video-blog post demonstrates the full and live operation of the latest updated version of an experimental Zennie62Media , Inc. mobile media video-blogging system network that was launched June 2018. This is a major part of Zennie62Media , Inc.’s new and innovative approach to the production of news media. What we call “The Third Wave of Media”. The uploaded video is from a vlogger with the Zennie62 on YouTube Partner Channel, then uploaded to and formatted automatically at the Oakland News Now site and Zennie62-created and owned social media pages. The overall objective is smartphone-enabled, real-time, on the scene reporting of news, interviews, observations, and happenings anywhere in the World and within seconds and not hours. Now, news is reported with a smartphone: no heavy and expensive cameras or even a laptop are necessary. The secondary objective is faster, and very inexpensive media content news production and distribution. We have found there is a disconnect between post length and time to product and revenue generated. With this, the problem is far less, though by no means solved. Zennie62Media is constantly working to improve the system network coding and seeks interested content and media technology partners.


Ben Bartlett Berkeley Councilmember On Domestic Violence Awareness Month; Gets EB Stonewall Backing

Ben Bartlett Berkeley Councilmember On Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Ben Bartlett Berkeley Councilmember On Domestic Violence Awareness Month
From YouTube Channel: October 10, 2020 at 03:39AM

ONN – Ben Bartlett Berkeley Councilmember On Domestic Violence Awareness Month

During Domestic Violence Month 2020, Berkeley Councilmember Ben Barlett (who introduced the Berkeley City Council’s George Floyd Community Safety Act) took time to express his support for all persons and organizations impacted by domestic violence.

In addition, Councilmember Bartlett scored the November 2020 Election backing of the legendary East Bay Stonewall Democratic Club as he runs for Council District 3 re-election.

The legendary organization sited Councilmember Bartlett’s first-term accomplishments like:

1) Passing tenant protection ordinances, streamlining affordable housing developments, and funding anti-displacement programs
2) Reallocating Berkeley police funding to the creation of an unarmed Specialized Care Unit
3) Fundingthe creation of a feasibility study for an African American Holistic Resource Center to help reduce healthinequities
4) Passing a Health Equity and Innovation Zone.

For The Bartlett Files.

Stay tuned.

Note from Zennie62Media and Oakland News Now: this video-blog post demonstrates the full and live operation of the latest updated version of an experimental Zennie62Media , Inc. mobile media video-blogging system network that was launched June 2018. This is a major part of Zennie62Media , Inc.’s new and innovative approach to the production of news media. What we call “The Third Wave of Media”. The uploaded video is from a YouTube channel. When the video is “liked” by Zennie62 YouTube, then it is automatically uploaded to and formatted automatically at the Oakland News Now site and Zennie62-created and owned social media pages. The overall objective here, on top of our is smartphone-enabled, real-time, on the scene reporting of news, interviews, observations, and happenings anywhere in the World and within seconds and not hours – is the use of the existing YouTube social graph on any subject in the World. Now, news is reported with a smartphone and also by promoting current content on YouTube: no heavy and expensive cameras or even a laptop are necessary, or having a camera crew to shoot what is already on YouTube. The secondary objective is faster, and very inexpensive media content news production and distribution. We have found there is a disconnect between post length and time to product and revenue generated. With this, the problem is far less, though by no means solved. Zennie62Media is constantly working to improve the system network coding and seeks interested content and media technology partners.


2020 Emeryville City Council Candidates Forum

2020 Emeryville City Council Candidates Forum

2020 Emeryville City Council Candidates Forum
From YouTube Channel: October 10, 2020 at 01:10AM
ONN – Check out the League of Women Voters of Berkeley, Albany, Emeryville’s 2020 Emeryville City Council Candidates Forum. The League of Women Voters is a non-partisan political organization that encourages informed and active participation in government and influences public policy through education and advocacy. The League never supports or opposes candidates for elective office or political parties, but sometimes takes positions on ballot measures.

Note from Zennie62Media and Oakland News Now: this video-blog post demonstrates the full and live operation of the latest updated version of an experimental Zennie62Media , Inc. mobile media video-blogging system network that was launched June 2018. This is a major part of Zennie62Media , Inc.’s new and innovative approach to the production of news media. What we call “The Third Wave of Media”. The uploaded video is from a YouTube channel. When the video is “liked” by Zennie62 YouTube, then it is automatically uploaded to and formatted automatically at the Oakland News Now site and Zennie62-created and owned social media pages. The overall objective here, on top of our is smartphone-enabled, real-time, on the scene reporting of news, interviews, observations, and happenings anywhere in the World and within seconds and not hours – is the use of the existing YouTube social graph on any subject in the World. Now, news is reported with a smartphone and also by promoting current content on YouTube: no heavy and expensive cameras or even a laptop are necessary, or having a camera crew to shoot what is already on YouTube. The secondary objective is faster, and very inexpensive media content news production and distribution. We have found there is a disconnect between post length and time to product and revenue generated. With this, the problem is far less, though by no means solved. Zennie62Media is constantly working to improve the system network coding and seeks interested content and media technology partners.


UC Berkeley Law School COVID Conversations: Bob Bauer, Jack Goldsmith On Trump

Covid Conversations: Bob Bauer And Jack Goldsmith

Covid Conversations: Bob Bauer and Jack Goldsmith
From YouTube Channel: October 9, 2020 at 03:23PM

ONN – UC Berkeley Law School COVID Conversations: Bob Bauer, Jack Goldsmith On Trump

Professor Amanda Tyler talks with Bob Bauer and Jack Goldsmith about their new book “After Trump: Reconstructing the Presidency.”

Recorded live via Zoom October 8, 2020

Note from Zennie62Media and Oakland News Now: this video-blog post demonstrates the full and live operation of the latest updated version of an experimental Zennie62Media , Inc. mobile media video-blogging system network that was launched June 2018. This is a major part of Zennie62Media , Inc.’s new and innovative approach to the production of news media. What we call “The Third Wave of Media”. The uploaded video is from a YouTube channel. When the video is “liked” by Zennie62 YouTube, then it is automatically uploaded to and formatted automatically at the Oakland News Now site and Zennie62-created and owned social media pages. The overall objective here, on top of our is smartphone-enabled, real-time, on the scene reporting of news, interviews, observations, and happenings anywhere in the World and within seconds and not hours – is the use of the existing YouTube social graph on any subject in the World. Now, news is reported with a smartphone and also by promoting current content on YouTube: no heavy and expensive cameras or even a laptop are necessary, or having a camera crew to shoot what is already on YouTube. The secondary objective is faster, and very inexpensive media content news production and distribution. We have found there is a disconnect between post length and time to product and revenue generated. With this, the problem is far less, though by no means solved. Zennie62Media is constantly working to improve the system network coding and seeks interested content and media technology partners.


Ben Bartlett And Berkeley City Council Bans Tear Gas, Pepper Spra, Smoke For Protests

Berkeley City Council Bans Tear Gas Permanently And Pepper Spray/smoke For Protests During Covid 19

Berkeley City Council Bans Tear Gas Permanently and Pepper Spray/Smoke for Protests during COVID-19
From YouTube Channel: June 11, 2020 at 09:35PM

ONN – Ben Bartlett And Berkeley City Council Bans Tear Gas, Pepper Spra, Smoke For Protests

Note from Zennie62Media and Oakland News Now: this video-blog post demonstrates the full and live operation of the latest updated version of an experimental Zennie62Media , Inc. mobile media video-blogging system network that was launched June 2018. This is a major part of Zennie62Media , Inc.’s new and innovative approach to the production of news media. What we call “The Third Wave of Media”. The uploaded video is from a YouTube channel. When the video is “liked” by Zennie62 YouTube, then it is automatically uploaded to and formatted automatically at the Oakland News Now site and Zennie62-created and owned social media pages. The overall objective here, on top of our is smartphone-enabled, real-time, on the scene reporting of news, interviews, observations, and happenings anywhere in the World and within seconds and not hours – is the use of the existing YouTube social graph on any subject in the World. Now, news is reported with a smartphone and also by promoting current content on YouTube: no heavy and expensive cameras or even a laptop are necessary, or having a camera crew to shoot what is already on YouTube. The secondary objective is faster, and very inexpensive media content news production and distribution. We have found there is a disconnect between post length and time to product and revenue generated. With this, the problem is far less, though by no means solved. Zennie62Media is constantly working to improve the system network coding and seeks interested content and media technology partners.


2020 Candidate Forum for Berkeley District 6

2020 Candidate Forum For Berkeley District 6

2020 Candidate Forum for Berkeley District 6
From YouTube Channel: September 22, 2020 at 01:56AM
ONN – See the Candidate Forum for Berkeley City Council District 6 candidates, sponsored by the League of Women Voters of Berkeley, Albany, Emeryville . The League of Women Voters is a non-partisan political organization that encourages informed and active participation in government and influences public policy through education and advocacy. The League never supports or opposes candidates for elective office or political parties, but sometimes takes positions on ballot measures.

Note from Zennie62Media and Oakland News Now: this video-blog post demonstrates the full and live operation of the latest updated version of an experimental Zennie62Media , Inc. mobile media video-blogging system network that was launched June 2018. This is a major part of Zennie62Media , Inc.’s new and innovative approach to the production of news media. What we call “The Third Wave of Media”. The uploaded video is from a YouTube channel. When the video is “liked” by Zennie62 YouTube, then it is automatically uploaded to and formatted automatically at the Oakland News Now site and Zennie62-created and owned social media pages. The overall objective here, on top of our is smartphone-enabled, real-time, on the scene reporting of news, interviews, observations, and happenings anywhere in the World and within seconds and not hours – is the use of the existing YouTube social graph on any subject in the World. Now, news is reported with a smartphone and also by promoting current content on YouTube: no heavy and expensive cameras or even a laptop are necessary, or having a camera crew to shoot what is already on YouTube. The secondary objective is faster, and very inexpensive media content news production and distribution. We have found there is a disconnect between post length and time to product and revenue generated. With this, the problem is far less, though by no means solved. Zennie62Media is constantly working to improve the system network coding and seeks interested content and media technology partners.


2020 Berkeley District 3 Candidate Forum

2020 Berkeley District 3 Candidate Forum

2020 Berkeley District 3 Candidate Forum
From YouTube Channel: September 22, 2020 at 01:16AM
ONN – Catch the 2020 Candidate Forum for Berkeley City Council District 3 candidates. The League of Women Voters is a non-partisan political organization that encourages informed and active participation in government and influences public policy through education and advocacy. The League never supports or opposes candidates for elective office or political parties, but sometimes takes positions on ballot measures.

Note from Zennie62Media and Oakland News Now: this video-blog post demonstrates the full and live operation of the latest updated version of an experimental Zennie62Media , Inc. mobile media video-blogging system network that was launched June 2018. This is a major part of Zennie62Media , Inc.’s new and innovative approach to the production of news media. What we call “The Third Wave of Media”. The uploaded video is from a YouTube channel. When the video is “liked” by Zennie62 YouTube, then it is automatically uploaded to and formatted automatically at the Oakland News Now site and Zennie62-created and owned social media pages. The overall objective here, on top of our is smartphone-enabled, real-time, on the scene reporting of news, interviews, observations, and happenings anywhere in the World and within seconds and not hours – is the use of the existing YouTube social graph on any subject in the World. Now, news is reported with a smartphone and also by promoting current content on YouTube: no heavy and expensive cameras or even a laptop are necessary, or having a camera crew to shoot what is already on YouTube. The secondary objective is faster, and very inexpensive media content news production and distribution. We have found there is a disconnect between post length and time to product and revenue generated. With this, the problem is far less, though by no means solved. Zennie62Media is constantly working to improve the system network coding and seeks interested content and media technology partners.


In Defense Of Bill Clinton And Joe Biden: The Truth About The Need For The 1994 Crime Bill

The 1994 Crime Bill

Former President Bill Clinton has come under intense attack for his full-throated defense of the crime bill of 1994 what is really called the violent crime control and law enforcement act of nineteen ninety four. It seems to me that the people who are talking (even the pundits on for example MSNBC Joy Reid, for example, and others) either weren’t really paying attention then, or and didn’t read the crime bill, or perhaps read the crime bill and forgot what it consisted of, and forgot the events that gave rise to its creation and passage.

Let me share with you but one of those events. July 1st 1993 was really a bright sunny day in San Francisco and afternoon about one o’clock and i went to the Royal Exchange to hang out early at the great Cal bar (for University of California at Berkeley students like myself, I got my master’s degree in city planning from Cal was on the Alumni Board from 98 2001 1998-2000 actually 2003 but I digress).

Bottom line is it was a great day but the television / switched to KTVU Channel 2 because just around oh three o’clock or so at that time there are reports of a shooting at 101 California Street.

Now to give you an idea where 101 California Street is with respect to wear Royal Exchange is. Royal Exchange is on Sacramento at Front Street here. If you go down Front Street, this is California. 101 California is right there, so basically just go down the block across California over here and the giant skyscraper that is 101 California is right there designed by Phillip Johnson – a steel and glass, iconic skyscraper that , when it was proposed, was unlike anything San Francisco had seen before. That’s another story.

A man by the name of Gian Luigi Ferri went up to the 34th floor to a law firm called Pettit and Martin. He got off the elevator and started to randomly shoot people using assault weapons.

There was a woman that I knew from Cal who worked at Pettit and Martin as associate. Just started, did Terry Presite, and I was worried for Terry. I was able to call her but couldn’t get a hold of her. Gian Luigi Ferri walked through her office and eventually killed nine people, injured seven others, ruining the lives of many, and impacted lives of countless people forever.

Pettit and Martin closed in 2001. That event, and others like it, gave rise to a call for a sweeping crime bill in 1994. A 363 page document that was sweeping far-reaching in scope – so for anyone to say that it negatively impacted the black community like the black folks all did did all this stuff really doesn’t know what they’re talking about to begin with.

For example, do you realize that the Violence Against Women Act started with a 1994 Crime Bill with a with the same bill that many are criticizing? Do you realize that the start of funding for halfway houses for escape places for victims of domestic violence started with the crime bill? Do you realize that the 1994 Crime Bill had an assault weapons ban that we have not had the collective will to establish today in an era of mass shooting after mass shooting after mass shooting?

Do you realize that? Do you realize that the that same bill that Bill Clinton is getting so much negative publicity for is the same bill that put 1,000 cops on the street? That funded and gave rise to community policing? They had a provision within it that said the US Justice Department was supposed to give an annual report on the use of excessive force by police programs around the United States – something that was never done.

So have you ever bothered to read the damn bill? No, you have not.

Do you realize what was going on at the time? No you don’t.

It made Oakland a safer community. It allowed us to hire more cops. It allowed us to get assault weapons off the street. We had gun buyback programs – including that, it was really effective.

The main overarching problem then in the 90s drugs were considered to be a problem of the black poor okay particularly heroin drugs weren’t thought of as being a white problem, even though all we knew we knew white folks did drugs and marijuana, but it was thought of as being a black problem.

Today, drugs are thought of, particularly heroin, as being not just a black problem but a white problem – which means it’s everybody’s problem. So now the 1994 crime bill that was so good then, because it only focused on drugs and you know black and the idea was that holy focus on black folks is now today thought out by some is being bad because hey white people new use drugs and right folks have a problem.

So now we’ve got to decriminalize everything.

You see what I’m getting at? It was okay to criminalize it when it was focused in the black community, but now that it’s a white problem oh we have to decriminalize it. Think about it. Think about what I’m saying to you. Think hard about what I’m saying to you, and at the same time we don’t have an assault weapons ban.

And you know something else that came out of the Violence Against Women Act which is still active: The Cyber Crimes Act, the act to prevent cyber bullying, which is installed in 2005 as a rider provision,

Do you know what you’re talking about when you criticize this bill? Yes there are parts of it that should not have been there, but given the climate of the times they were appropriate. Given what was happening in then they were appropriate. And again, it did sunset.

The real problem we have not solved since then is we still have an assault weapons problem. In fact, it’s enormous. We have open carry laws that people are openly defending in Georgia, walking around airports with their assault weapons saying oh this is okay at a time when terrorism is a concern, a big one, including domestic terrorism.

So in this context you’re going to tell me that the 1994 crime bill was this terrible thing? I think you need to reassess what you’re talking about, you really do.