California Legislature

City Seeks To Remove Humanist Hall: Oakland Event Space Called Nuisance, Could Be COVID-19 Flashpoint

David Oertel, The President of Humanist Hall located at 390 27th Street, Oakland, CA, is in trouble. But, from the looks of things, the man who owns the facility that was once the home of The Wellstone Democratic Club I was a member of, thinks he’s getting into what the late Representative John Lewis would […]

Oakland City Council Wants California To Give Affordable Housing Entities Priority to Purchase Homes

The Oakland City Council calls for State Legislation to Give Affordable Housing Entities Priority to Purchase Residential Homes Up For Tax Auction The Oakland City Council (unanimously) passed a resolution, introduced by Oakland Council member At-Large Rebecca Kaplan, that would support the California State Legislature enacting legislation that would support affordable housing by requiring that […]

Oakland City Council President Rebecca Kaplan Calls For New Solutions To Speeding Problem

Rebecca Kaplan Calls for New Solutions to Oakland’s Speeding Problems & Requests Support From the State Legislature at the October 6, 2020 Oakland City Council Meeting Oakland, CA —It seems that every day there is a report of a fatal hit and run or reckless speeding that has resulted in serious injury on Oakland’s streets. […]

Rebecca Kaplan Wants New Solutions To Oakland’s Speeding Problems, Wants State Legislature Support

Oakland — It seems that every day there is a report of a fatal hit and run or reckless speeding that has resulted in serious injury on Oakland’s streets. It has become a precarious endeavor for anyone, but especially the elderly and children, to cross the street or even walk on the sidewalk. We need […]

Oakland City Council 2020 Race: Union Committee To Replace Lynette Gibson McElhaney With Carroll Fife, Kaplan, Formed

 The 2020 Oakland City Council race gets stranger and stranger as documents show (it’s always “documents show”, huh) that the Alameda Labor Council and the AFL-CIO have formed a committee called “Oakland 2020 Committee to Replace Lynette Gibson McElhaney And Elect Carroll Fife and Rebecca Kaplan to the Oakland City Council, sponsored by Alameda […]

As Raiders Open Las Vegas Allegiant Stadium, Oakland Preps A’s Billion-Dollar Subsidy Ballpark

In Las Vegas, the once-Oakland Raiders did everything it could do to make the unofficial soft-opening of the still-under construction Allegiant Stadium a special event. And why not? Allegiant Stadium is a brand new symbol of what many (including me) hope Las Vegas can be, yet again, post-Pandemic: a tourist mecca for the World. The […]

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