A Statistical Example Of Anti-Black Racism By Berkeley Police

Berkeley Police Officers At Work (photo courtesy www.sott.net)

The following is part of an agenda report to the Berkeley City Council on police practices against African Americans by Berkeley Police. It’s by the Berkeley Mayor’s Fair and Impartial Policing Working Group. The Fair and Impartial Policing Working Group has received three contemporaneous studies of the BPD’s stops as published on the City’s Open … Read more

Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf and Police Chief LeRonne Armstrong Announce New Dedicated Liaisons to Non-English Speaking Communities

Oakland Police Chief LeRonne Armstrong

Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf and Police Chief LeRonne Armstrong Announce New Dedicated Liaisons to Non-English Speaking Communities to Increase Safety and Trust Note, just an hour after Mayor Schaaf’s Office issued the press release this post is based on, Oakland City Council President Nikki Fortunado Bas issued a tweet that she met with Police Chief … Read more

Oakland Police Chief Armstrong To Restore Dedicated Chinese-Speaking Officer In Chinatown

Oakland Police Chief LeRonne Armstrong

Oakland Police Chief Armstrong To Restore Dedicated Chinese-Speaking Officer In Chinatown ONN – Oakland Police Chief Armstrong To Restore Dedicated Chinese-Speaking Officer In Chinatown – vlog by Zennie62 YouTube Oakland Police Chief Armstrong To Restore Dedicated Chinese-Speaking Officer In Chinatown At the behest of Oakland City Council President Nikki Fortunado Bas, and according to her … Read more

Oakland Police Chief LeRonne Armstrong Announces New Executive Team, Darren Allison, Assistant COP

Oakland Police Chief LeRonne Armstrong Announces New Executive Team, Darren Allison, Assistant COP

Oakland Police Chief LeRonne Armstrong Announces New Executive Team, Darren Allison, Assistant COP ONN – Oakland Police Chief LeRonne Armstrong Announces New Executive Team, Darren Allison, Assistant COP – vlog by Zennie62 YouTube Oakland Police Chief LeRonne Armstrong Announces New Executive Team, Darren Allison, Assistant COP New email from The Oakland Police Department reads as … Read more

Vallejo Police Slam City of Vallejo For Illegal Emergency Action

Vallejo Police Association

Vallejo, Ca – The Vallejo Police Officers’ Association today slammed a proposed “declaration of emergency” by the City of Vallejo and its Chief of Police calling it “illegal and dangerous to citizens, public safety, police and the rule of law.”

The City has called a special meeting and placed a “declaration of emergency” on the City Council agenda for Tuesday, Oct. 6, that seeks to give unprecedented powers to City Manager Greg Nyhoff to circumvent state and local laws and regulations.

The City claims the declaration is necessary to deal with the current crime wave, which necessarily concedes that the City’s neglect and mismanagement has resulted in conditions of disaster or extreme peril to the safety of all residents, the VPOA says.

“The City does not need to declare an emergency to hire more police officers to protect citizens and businesses. It just needs to hire more cops, which it has been unable to do for years because it refuses to provide competitive wages and benefits to attract candidates – either entry level or laterals,” said members of the VPOA.

While the lack of effective City leadership is not in doubt, the VPOA said it will challenge its declaration in court and pursue all legal and administrative remedies. The proposed declaration “would allow it to bypass all civil service rules and other regulations to give the City Manager authoritarian powers until the City itself declares that the so-called emergency is over,” VPOA members added.

“This so-called declaration of emergency should cause everyone grave concern. The City effectively seeks to set aside due process, Civil Service Rules, and established law to create a dictatorship in response to its own administrative failures. This is a dangerous, illegal power grab concocted by the City’s administration that violates laws, public safety and everyone’s rights as citizens and employees of the City of Vallejo,” the VPOA warned.

They pointed out that City Manager Greg Nyhoff has been with the Vallejo for three years and Police Chief Shawny Williams has been onboard for a year.

“They are trying to pass this ’emergency’ as being necessary due to past administrations’ decisions. The reality is that Nyhoff and Williams have been, and are at, the helm, and should be held accountable. Accountability does not mean that we cast aside the checks and balances that are required of democracy,” VPOA members said.

The VPOA says the City’s and Chief’s admitted mismanagement, neglect, and incompetence for the past decade are to blame for the City’s current condition.

The City has failed to prioritize the police department. Instead of taking funds away from budgeted police officer positions to hire a $500,000 a year Assistant Police Chief to sit behind a desk, the City should be focusing their efforts on hiring highly qualified officers and developing actual strategies for a sustainable police force.

The VPOA says the so-called ‘state of emergency’ “opens the door to cronyism and is an excuse to hire more unaccountable administrative bureaucrats that will do nothing to help citizens impacted by crime.” The declaration itself says that the City wants to hire more administrators, even noting that there “is a vacant Assistant Chief position” which the City created in July without increasing the Police Department’s budget.

The VPOA said the Vallejo’s leadership is citing its own failure to implement police reforms as a ruse to justify its unprecedented action. After repeated attempts to meet with Assistant Chief Joe Allio regarding the OIR Group’s recommended reforms, the VPOA sent the City a letter on September 16, 2020 formally encouraging City leaders to work with the union to make progress on the recommendations.

Despite the VPOA’s public support of the OIR Group’s recommendations, the City did not reach out to schedule a meeting until October 1, 2020, only hours before giving notice of this proposed declaration of emergency.

“The reason Vallejo is awash in crime is that the City has starved the department of necessary funds to hire patrol officers to protect citizens,” said members of the VPOA.

“The City can’t declare an emergency when they are the one that caused the emergency. The City’s incompetent leadership has mismanaged Vallejo for the past decade. Now their solution is to declare an emergency and give unprecedented powers and authority to themselves, the people that created the situation,” members of the VPOA said.

The VPOA has offered to work with the City and Chief to implement recommendations from two independent studies of the Vallejo Police Department. One study found the VPD was unbiased and non-discriminatory in its use of force and the other study provided 45 recommendations for changes and reform. The VPOA support both studies and their reform initiatives.

“The OIR Group recommendations are important steps for the future of the Vallejo Police Department, and the VPOA maintains its commitment to work with the City toward implementing those recommendations. Nothing in the OIR Group’s report suggests or the principles in 21st Century Policing requires the City to circumvent state and local laws and regulations,” they added.

The Vallejo Police Officer’s’ Association (VPOA) was incorporated in 1957. The VPOA is the recognized bargaining unit between all Vallejo Police Officer’s and the City of Vallejo. Members include all ranks of officer’s – Captains, Lieutenants, Sergeants, Corporals and Officer’s. The VPOA does not represent the Chief of Police or the Assistant Chief of Police

The business function of the VPOA is to protect the collective interests of the members of the Vallejo Police Department and provide benefits to its members.

The VPOA is also committed to the safety and security of the citizens of Vallejo and the protection of life and property.

For more information, please visit www.vallejopoa.org

Vallejo Police Officers’ Assn. Supports Police Reforms Urges City, Chief To Work With VPOA For Change

Vallejo Police Association

Vallejo, Calif. – The Vallejo Police Officers’ Association today urged the City of Vallejo to join together in making important changes and reforms to improve policing, public safety, bring the department into 21 Century policing, and to build trust and credibility for police officers, the City and future generations.

“In light of the fact that VPOA members are typically the only representatives of the City directly interacting with the community on a daily basis, we urge the City to prioritize implementing these changes as soon as possible to advance public safety and to ensure our police force is at the forefront of improving and enhancing community relationships, openness, fairness, and public and police safety,” the VPOA letter says.

Specifically, the VPOA called upon the City to work together to adopt the vast majority of recommended reforms and changes from two independent studies commissioned by the City of Vallejo.

The first independent study by Police Strategies LLC in June on use of force concluded that Vallejo police officers are racially unbiased and equitable in their application of force. The second independent report by OIR Group in May offered 45 recommended changes and reforms to VPD.

“As the use of force is a critical component in the national discussion on policing, this is something we should all celebrate and take great pride in as we discuss local reforms,” the VPOA letter to the city states. The VPOA said it believes the report’s data is import in guiding positive changes.

The second independent report by the OIR Group offered 45 recommendations to improve policing in Vallejo. The letter to the city states that VPD has implemented a handful of the recommendations, but overall, it notes that “progress has been slow, sowing doubt as to the City’s commitment to improving and modernizing the Vallejo Police Department. As the VPOA has stated on numerous occasions, the members support the vast majority of the OIR Group’s recommendations.”

The letter to the City and Chief says that despite the shared objectives of the Chief and VPOA officers, the Office of the Chief of Police has rejected the VPOA’s repeated requests to collaborate on implementing these reforms in a timely manner.

“While we in the midst of a national discussion on the relationship between law enforcement and the communities they serve, it is critical that we inform before we reform, as any meaningful discussion must be rooted in fact to avoid politicizing public safety,” the VPOA board of directors wrote in a letter to City leaders and the Vallejo Chief of Police.

The VPOA letter urges the Chief and City leadership to meet and confer on the handful of recommendations that require more evaluation and consideration.

“As Chief Williams has publicly professed his belief in the tenets of 21st Century Policing, it is appropriate to remind the City of two principles of this important philosophy,” the latter states:

“First, 21st Century Policing recognizes that in order to achieve internal legitimacy, law enforcement agencies should involve employees in the process of developing policies and procedures. As the elected representatives of the sworn personnel of the Vallejo Police Department, this letter of support and collaboration from the VPOA should be recognized as an incredible opportunity to move the Department forward in a positive direction.

“Second, 21st Century Policing acknowledges that law enforcement agencies should proactively promote public trust by initiating positive non-enforcement activities to engage communities. To achieve this goal, we must significantly enhance our staffing. The City of Vallejo needs to immediately hire more highly qualified police officers and focus upon increased diversity of race, gender, and ethnicity in its recruiting effort.

“We need these officers now. As the Chief noted in his Exceptional Policing Model, the City of Vallejo needs 180 police officers. Right now, we have roughly 60 percent of the staffing necessary to protect Vallejo. This must change to ensure the safety of the public and our police officers. In summary, the VPOA wants to see positive change for the community, for the City, for ourselves, and for future generations. We urge the City to work with us to make these substantive changes as quickly as possible to the benefit of all stakeholders.”

The VPOA letter urges immediate action and cooperation from the city because the VPOA is “deeply concerned by the current rise in crime, including rape, robbery, and assault, as well as the escalating murder rate which is on pace to make 2020 the deadliest year on record.”

“As guardians of the City and its residents, our members are not currently afforded the staffing, tools, and equipment that are necessary to stem the tide of violence that is overtaking our beloved community. As we struggle to protect our residents’ homes and businesses, it is time to acknowledge that an understaffed and ill-equipped police force is destined to fail in its mission to keep the community safe,” the letter says.

The Vallejo Police Officers’ Association (VPOA) is the recognized bargaining unit between all Vallejo Police Officers and the City of Vallejo. Members include all ranks of Officers. The VPOA is committed to the safety and security of the citizens of Vallejo and the protection of life and property. For more information please visit www.vallejopoa.com

VPOA Letter

VPOA Letter to City Re OIR Reforms by Zennie Abraham on Scribd

Note: this post based on press release sent to Zennie62Media from the VPOA.

Oakland Police Department Response To Question Of Boogaloo Boys Officer Violating Code

Oakland Police Department Response To Question Of Officer Violating Code In Boogaloo Boys Problem

Oakland Police Department Response To Question Of Officer Violating Code In Boogaloo Boys Problem

ONN – Oakland Police Department Response To Question Of Officer Violating Code In Boogaloo Boys Problem

Oakland Police Department Response To Question Of Officer Violating Code In Boogaloo Boys Problem

The City Of Oakland released this statement and, in response to my blog post, sent it to me in the latest email thread I established – one that included the Mayor of Oakland and the Oakland City Council.


The Oakland Police Department’s Departmental General Order C-1 is designed for regulations and specifications regarding uniforms, civilian clothing, and equipment for Police Department members, reserve officers and employees. This order outlines uniforms and appearance for police personnel and professional staff. C-1 does not dictate attire for an officer assigned to a specialized unit that involves undercover plain clothes operations. This is intentional for the undercover officer’s safety so the officer can dress in a manner that does not identify him or her as a police officer while they are undercover.

As stated in the attached message the concerns of the community have been shared with all Department plain clothes officers. Chief Manheimer and all members of the Oakland Police Department share community concerns when perceptions or references are made that would associate OPD with any extremist groups. The Department recognizes and understands the pain and suffering caused by such extremist groups who are intolerant and instill fear and hatred in our community. OPD stands with our community and will not tolerate any hate crime against anyone in our community.

Officer Johnna Watson

Public Information Officer

Office of the Chief of Police

Oakland Police Department

My response:


I was about to, and will, post this, but the response is troubling. I was informed of, but have not seen, the written responses to this on Mark Zuckerberg’s site (and I say that way, because that’s what Facebook is and I know him). I would not have done this, and for one of many reasons, but paramount among them is this statement: “C-1 does not dictate attire for an officer assigned to a specialized unit that involves undercover plain clothes operations. This is intentional for the undercover officer’s safety so the officer can dress in a manner that does not identify him or her as a police officer while they are undercover.”

Johnna, I wish you would have called me as a sounding board before you wrote that. The main problem is that Oaklanders now, by the thousands did recognize the officer, and had zero idea he was undercover because he looked like an officer in uniform who decided to put on a type of Hawaiian shirt that the Boogaloo Boys wear.

Also, and I say this as one who has lived in Oakland since 1974, was a red carpet teenage greeter for the Black Filmmakers Hall of Fame in 1975, saw Oakland mature into a city that was proud to have black civic managers (many who were legendary), and myself came to just 8 NFL Owner votes of bringing the 2005 Super Bowl to Oakland. None of this is done without some respect for institutional memory and for protocol. This, the police constantly putting out statements, is such that Oakland Mayor Elihu Harris would have called you and Chief Manheimer into his office, and the conversation would not have been a good one. The simple rule: let the Mayor of Oakland talk – not you or the Chief of Police. This is out of line. It’s unraveling at a frightening rate of speed.

The Mayor of Oakland represents the community over you, yet both you and Chief Manheimer respond as if Mayor Schaaf does not exist. It’s not helping the Mayor. We have a Strong Mayor system for a reason – this is one of those reasons. Let the Mayor do her job and speak for the City of Oakland.

With much love and respect for you all. God bless.


Note from Zennie62Media and Oakland News Now: this video-blog post demonstrates the full and live operation of the latest updated version of an experimental Zennie62Media , Inc. mobile media video-blogging system network that was launched June 2018. This is a major part of Zennie62Media , Inc.’s new and innovative approach to the production of news media. What we call “The Third Wave of Media”. The uploaded video is from a vlogger with the Zennie62 on YouTube Partner Channel, then uploaded to and formatted automatically at the Oakland News Now site and Zennie62-created and owned social media pages. The overall objective is smartphone-enabled, real-time, on the scene reporting of news, interviews, observations, and happenings anywhere in the World and within seconds and not hours. Now, news is reported with a smartphone: no heavy and expensive cameras or even a laptop are necessary. The secondary objective is faster, and very inexpensive media content news production and distribution. We have found there is a disconnect between post length and time to product and revenue generated. With this, the problem is far less, though by no means solved. Zennie62Media is constantly working to improve the system network coding and seeks interested content and media technology partners.


Oakland Interim Police Chief Manheimer’s Boogaloo Boys Officer Scandal: Black Police Chief Needed

Oakland Interim Police Chief Manheimer’s Boogaloo Boys Officer Scandal: Black Police Chief Needed

Oakland Interim Police Chief Manheimer’s Boogaloo Boys Officer Scandal: Black Police Chief Needed

ONN – Oakland Interim Police Chief Manheimer’s Boogaloo Boys Officer Scandal: Black Police Chief Needed

Enough is enough. Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf must hire a black chief of police. I have said this before and even laid out the history of Oakland and black police chief hires. The problem today is Mayor Schaaf’s selections have formed bad working conditions for African American Officers, and been insensitive to the need of blacks in Oakland.

It’s time for change. Now.

Stay tuned.

Oakland Interim Police Chief Manheimer’s Boogaloo Boys Officer Scandal: Black Police Chief Needed

Note from Zennie62Media and Oakland News Now: this video-blog post demonstrates the full and live operation of the latest updated version of an experimental Zennie62Media , Inc. mobile media video-blogging system network that was launched June 2018. This is a major part of Zennie62Media , Inc.’s new and innovative approach to the production of news media. What we call “The Third Wave of Media”. The uploaded video is from a vlogger with the Zennie62 on YouTube Partner Channel, then uploaded to and formatted automatically at the Oakland News Now site and Zennie62-created and owned social media pages. The overall objective is smartphone-enabled, real-time, on the scene reporting of news, interviews, observations, and happenings anywhere in the World and within seconds and not hours. Now, news is reported with a smartphone: no heavy and expensive cameras or even a laptop are necessary. The secondary objective is faster, and very inexpensive media content news production and distribution. We have found there is a disconnect between post length and time to product and revenue generated. With this, the problem is far less, though by no means solved. Zennie62Media is constantly working to improve the system network coding and seeks interested content and media technology partners.


Susan Manheimer Interim Chief Covers For Oakland Police Officer Wearing Boogaloo Boys Hawaiian Shirt

Do Oakland Police Have Racist Boogaloo Boys As Cops? Some Think So After This Officer Photo

Susan Manheimer Interim Chief Covers For Oakland Police Officer Wearing Boogaloo Boys Hawaiian Shirt

Two days ago, I wrote the following account:

Do Oakland Police Have Racist Boogaloo Boys As Cops? Some Think So After This Officer Photo

The Boogaloo Boys are a group described as in Refinery 29 as “mostly white, heavily armed men who claim they have a “libertarian” bent, and have shown up to protests against police violence in recent weeks armed to the teeth and looking to start a race war.” One man, Air Force Sgt. Steven Carrillo, was charged in the shooting of Dave Patrick Underwood, a federal officer in Oakland during a George Floyd protest.

They are also known for wearing Hawaiian shirts.

This vlog is based on a Facebook post made 9 hours ago. It reads (by one resident) “If you are not familiar with the Boogaloo Bois, you should be. They are one of the scarier far right militia/racist types. Wearing Hawaiian type shirts is their thing. Here, we see one of them in the Oakland police department.”

The person who took and posted the video wrote “I’m watching a team of at least 15 OPD serve a warrant on a black family with small child in West Oakland right now, with assault rifles out.
One of the cops is wearing a Hawaiian shirt under his plate carrier. I called out “hey Boogaloo boy! Since when does OPD dress like Nazis?” They know what it is. (It’s all over now, cops have left)”

I am in the process of reaching out to the Oakland Police, and to Oakland elected officials, for answers to this.

Stay tuned.

After posting the content, I sent it to the Mayor of Oakland, the Oakland Police Media, and several Oakland City Councilmembers. The Oakland Police Public Information Officer said she would follow-up with me on the matter. I am still waiting.

UPDATE, here is the Oakland Police Department emailed response, followed by my answer to it.

Meanwhile, this happened…

On Facebook, an Oaklander posted an email from Susan Manheimer, the Oakland Interim Police Chief. It’s words, as you can see, were shocking. Rather than say she was investigating the matter, and leaving it at that, Manheimer bypassed OPD Media, and wrote that there was no connection between Hawaiian shirts and any extremist group. That, even though she admitted reading my blog post.

Why the Interim Police Chief would risk being seen as defending an officer who might be a member of the racist Boogaloo Boys is alarming, and could lead to her fast ouster. I think it should, personally.

There is only one answer here, and it’s not a good one. The Oakland Police Commission and Mayor of Oakland must step in. And we know where that can lead.

This is the email Manheimer wrote:

Thank you for your email inquiry questioning whether an officer wearing a Hawaiian shirt is an extremist who should be investigated.

While Hawaiian shirts or palm trees may be worn by members of different groups they’re also worn and sold universally – in fact there was a big sale today at Macy’s as I was shopping and saw many diverse individuals purchasing and wearing the Hawaiian

attire made famous by Tommy Bahama – including my dress today that I just noticed had a Hawaiian palm tree pattern – although it could be a Floridian shirt as I purchased it in Key West on a recent trip.

I can assure you that Hawaiian attire or the palm tree insignia is no more significant of alignment of a certain extremist group than it is of appreciating colorful attire, having a license plate from certain states, or even visiting Hawaii where you will

find thousands of vacationers sporting them.

Here is the picture I took of the sale at Macy’s today after seeing that blog post suggesting that somehow wearing Hawaiian shirts are now an extremist indicator.

Oakland Police Chief's Photo
Oakland Police Chief’s Photo

I should have photographed the cashier line in which I saw many racially diverse individuals waiting to purchase these shirts. I just thought it would be intrusive.

I will copy this email myself to our Police Commission so that they can be aware of this issue and that there is universal appeal of Hawaiian attire and it has not been colored by one specifically

aligned extremist group.

Yours In Service,

Susan E. Manheimer

Interim Chief of Police

Oakland Police Department

Office of Chief of Police

455 7th Street

Oakland, CA. 94607

Stay tuned, folks!

Monitor Warshaw’s Report On Oakland Police Chief Kirkpatrick False Statement; Need For Oversight


Oakland – This week, Robert Warshaw, The Federal Monitor over the Oakland Police Department released a new report, detailing deception and cover-up at the top of OPD. As many in Oakland’s communities work against police misconduct, we face the institutional leaders that cover-up those actions.

NEWS: Read about Former Oakland Police Chief Kirkpatrick’s lawsuit against the City of Oakland, here.
Compliance Monitor, Robert Warshaw, released this week his report on the shooting of Joshua Pawlik, and the subsequent investigation and public statements by OPD Chief and Mayor which sought to justify the shooting and avoid fully investigating it, stating:

“OPD’s initial press releases and our early conversations with Chief Kirkpatrick and others raised serious concerns that the Department had concluded that the shooting was justified even before its investigations were complete.”

Mr. Warshaw’s report shines a light on OPD, former Chief of Police Anne Kirkpatrick, and Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf for failing to properly investigate the shooting. According to the report, former Chief Kirkpatrick displayed bias from the start of the investigation, rather than the appropriate objectivity required of her, stating the night that Mr. Pawlik was killed, the shooting “looked good.” In OPD’s investigation, they failed to look at the video evidence and relied heavily on the officers’ account of the events. The Oakland Police Commission was the only aspect of the investigation process that functioned as designed, bringing objectivity and professionalism into the proceedings.

Oakland has had a long history of police misconduct and failure to properly investigate. This has caused the Oakland community to demand that there be greater police accountability. The Compliance Monitor’s report on the Pawlik killing and OPD’s unprofessional investigation that followed such a significant use of force highlights the need for the Oakland Police Commission to be independent and effective, as a civilian oversight body, that is separate from the police chain of command. Oakland voters will have the opportunity to support this independence with the Police Commission ballot measure on the November ballot.

Several months ago, former OPD Chief Kirkpatrick denounced the independent Police Commission, which had disagreed with her handling of the Pawlik investigation. This Federal Monitor report shows that Kirkpatrick’s statements were incorrect, and the Police Commission’s efforts to seek a full and fair investigation are vindicated.

Link to Shooting of Joshua Pawlik by Oakland Police Officers: A Report of the Monitor/Compliance Director:

Anne Kirkpatrick, Former Oakland Police Chief, Files Lawsuit Against City Of Oakland

Ex Police Chief Anne Kirkpatrick Brainlessly Blasts Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf, Police Commission

Press Release: “Oakland Police Chief Anne Kirkpatrick was Fired in Retaliation for Exposing Oakland Police Commission Corruption, Abuse of Power, According to Whistleblower Lawsuit Filed Today. Kirkpatrick Seeks Damages from City for Retaliatory Firing.”

San Francisco — Attorneys for former Oakland Police Chief Anne Kirkpatrick filed a whistleblower lawsuit today alleging that she was fired in retaliation for challenging corruption and abuse of power by members of the Oakland Police Commission.

“Rather than address the serious issues Chief Kirkpatrick raised, the City of Oakland, through Mayor Libby Schaaf and the members of Police Commission, fired the most progressive police chief in the city’s history for blowing the whistle on the Commission’s misconduct,” said attorney R. James Slaughter of the law firm of Keker Van Nest & Peters, which filed the lawsuit in U.S. District Court, Northern District of California (see attachment of filed lawsuit).

The suit alleges that Oakland Police Commissioners routinely abused their power, corruptly looked for special treatment from the Police Department, frequently abused and harassed OPD staff, interfered in day-to-day police operations, and sought unlawful access to confidential documents. Chief Kirkpatrick was wrongfully terminated for standing up to the Commission’s misconduct and reporting its unlawful actions.

Chief Kirkpatrick’s suit seeks monetary damages that includes lost pay, benefits, and damages for loss of future earnings through injury to her professional reputation due to her wrongful termination.

The lawsuit alleges that Kirkpatrick served with success and distinction as chief of police. During Chief Kirkpatrick’s three-year tenure, the Oakland’s homicide rate decreased to its lowest level in 20 years and the City was on pace for a 64-year low homicide rate at the time of her termination. Her reform efforts included OPD’s implementation of new policies, strategy, and training around police-citizen encounters.

“But a series of incidents involving individual Police Commissioners ultimately drove the Chief to submit multiple reports of inappropriate and unlawful conduct to the Oakland City Attorney’s Office, the City Administrator, and the Mayor of Oakland—the officials she understood had the capacity to take action to stop the Commissioners’ unlawful conduct and prevent future recurrences,” according to the lawsuit.

But City leaders all ignored Chief Kirkpatrick’s repeated reports of Commission misconduct. “Instead, the Police Commission and Mayor orchestrated Chief Kirkpatrick’s termination in retaliation for the Chief’s repeated whistleblowing,” the lawsuit states.

Among the illegal actions that the lawsuit details are how Commissioners Ginale Harris and Jose Dorado made illegal demands of the police department for personal gain; that Commissioner Harris sought to have a towing ticket fixed and publically made derogatory remarks toward a Black public defender; and that the commission itself was inappropriately directing Oakland Police Department staff.

By late fall of 2019 the Commission was publicly bullying and berating Chief Kirkpatrick’s staff at Commission hearings. Chief Kirkpatrick wrote a formal complaint that highlighted “her belief that the commissioners’ behavior could be retaliation for the Chief’s report of Harris’s challenge to her tow ticket,” according the lawsuit. The City and Commission’s behaviors and attitudes were an impediment to the cultural transformation of OPD that the Chief was working so hard on within the department. The city and commission were not only acting illegally, but eroding Chief Kirkpatrick’s reform efforts.

“The facts will show that Chief Kirkpatrick repeatedly blew the whistle on corrupt actions by the Police Commission, shining a light on their illegal actions, inappropriate influence, abuse of powers, and harassment of city staff,” Slaughter added. “In retaliation, Mayor Libby Schaaf and the Police Commission unlawfully fired her for blowing the whistle on these illegal actions by Police Commissioners.”

This post based on press release from Singer Associates to Zennie62Media, Inc.

Kirkpatrick v. Oakland Complaint US District Court Northern California by Zennie Abraham on Scribd

Robert Warshaw Report Points Mayor Of Oakland, Police Department Faults In Shooting Of Joshua Pawlik

Oakland Police Department

The Joshua Pawlik Shooting is the focus of the just released report by Robert Warshaw, the Thelton E. Henderson court-appointed monitor of the Oakland Police Department in the wake of the events of The Riders Case. Below, is a digitized version of the report. You can also download it here. You can also read former … Read more

Michael J. Gennaco Skelly Officer Report On OPD Officers Actions In Shooting Of Joshua Pawlik

Oakland Police Department

SKELLY RECOMMENDATION Oakland Police Department April 2020 SUBJECTS: Lieutenant Alan Yu Sergeant Francisco Negrete Officer William Berger Officer Craig Tanaka Officer Brandon Hraiz Officer Josef Phillips Michael Gennaco Skelly Officer 323-821-0586 7142 Trask Avenue | Playa del Rey, CA 90293 OIRGroup.com SKELLY RESPONSE: Pursuant to the California Constitution and the Manual of Rules (“MOR”) of … Read more

Repeal Oakland City Charter’s Police And Fire Binding Arbitration Protection – Len Raphael

Len Raphael CPA Oakland

Repeal Oakland City Charter’s Binding Arbitration Protection for Police Officers and Fire Fighters The time has come for Oakland to remove some or all binding arbitration protection for uniformed police and fire disciplinary matters and compensation. Arbitrator decisions overrule decisions by the Chief of Police, City Administrator, and the Police Commission. Binding arbitration is enshrined … Read more

Oakland Police Department 2020 Police Racial Discipline Study: Black Officers Treated Poorly

Oakland Police Department Racial Disparity Study

Basic conclusion of the Oakland Police Department 2020 Police Racial Discipline Study is that “black officers were more likely to have an investigative case sustained against them than officers of other races.” Zennie62Media digitized the text from the entire study so it can be read “in the raw”. It is below. The page numbers corespond … Read more

City Of Oakland Encourages Residents To Apply For Measure LL Oakland Police Commission – Updated

City of Oakland

City of Oakland Encourages Oakland Residents To Apply for Measure LL Police Commission – Updated UPDATE: Application Deadline Extended to June 30, 2020 Oakland – Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf and the Selection Panel for the Oakland Police Commission today announced the opening of the application process to serve on the Oakland Police Commission. The Police … Read more

City of Oakland Encourages Oakland Residents To Apply For Measure LL Police Commission

City of Oakland

Oakland – Mayor Libby Schaaf and the Selection Panel for the Police Commission today announced the opening of the application process to serve on the Oakland Police Commission. The Police Commission was established in October 2017 after voters approved Measure LL with over 83% support on the November 8, 2016 ballot. HIGHLIGHT: Tom Hanks 2020 … Read more

Oakland, California Has Not Hired A Black Chief Of Police Since 2011. Why?

Oakland, California Has Not Hired A Black Chief Of Police Since 2011. Why?

Oakland, California Has Not Hired A Black Chief Of Police Since 2011. Why? ONN – Oakland, California Has Not Hired A Black Chief Of Police Since 2011, Why? This week, Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf hired Susan Manheimer, the newly retired San Mateo Chief of Police, to become the Interim Chief of Police in Oakland. While … Read more

Lorie Carter Owens, Oaklanders, Must Understand Oakland Police Chief History And Blacks

Lorie Carter Owens, Oaklanders, Must Understand Oakland Police Chief History And Blacks

Lorie Carter Owens, Oaklanders, Must Understand Oakland Police Chief History And Blacks ONN – Lorie Carter Owens, Oaklanders, Must Understand Oakland Police Chief History And Blacks Oaklander Lorie Carter Owens took time to engage me in the Facebook Group NAACP Oakland, and because I made the video blog called “Susan Manheimer: Oakland Mayor Schaaf’s Allergy … Read more

Oakland Police Chief Kirkpatrick Fired By Mayor Schaaf Night Before Police Commission Meeting

Oakland Police Chief Kirkpatrick Fired By Mayor Schaaf Night Before Police Commission Meeting

Oakland Police Chief Kirkpatrick Fired By Mayor Schaaf Night Before Police Commission Meeting ONN – Oakland Police Chief Kirkpatrick Fired By Mayor Schaaf Night Before Police Commission Meeting Oakland – The official byline behind the firing of Oakland Police Chief Anne Kirkpatrick goes like this: On Thursday, February 20, 2020, the Oakland Police Commission voted … Read more

LeRonne Armstrong Does Want To Be Oakland Police Chief, Wilson Riles

Leronne Armstrong Does Want To Be Oakland Police Chief, Wilson Riles

LeRonne Armstrong Does Want To Be Oakland Police Chief, Wilson Riles ONN – LeRonne Armstrong Does Want To Be Oakland Police Chief, Wilson Riles After this Vlogger blogged that Deputy Chief LeRonne Armstrong should be the next Oakland Police, former Oakland City Councilmember Wilson Riles chimed in on Facebook with “He does not want to … Read more

Oakland Police Chief Anne Kirkpatrick Fired By Mayor Libby Schaaf, Police Commission, Livestream

Oakland Police Chief Anne Kirkpatrick Fired By Mayor Libby Schaaf, Police Commission, Livestream

Oakland Police Chief Anne Kirkpatrick Fired By Mayor Libby Schaaf, Police Commission, Livestream ONN – Oakland Police Chief Anne Kirkpatrick Fired By Mayor Libby Schaaf, Police Commission, Livestream Zennie62Media’s Oakland News Now was the first to release the rumor that this action was going to be taken, and was done last night. 26 hours later, … Read more

Rumor: Oakland Police Chief Anne Kirkpatrick Fired By Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf

Rumor: Oakland Police Chief Anne Kirkpatrick Fired By Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf

Rumor: Oakland Police Chief Anne Kirkpatrick Fired By Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf ONN – Rumor: Oakland Police Chief Anne Kirkpatrick Fired By Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf Rumor: Oakland Police Chief Anne Kirkpatrick Fired By Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf UPDATE: • Oakland Police Chief Anne Kirkpatrick Fired By Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf • LeRonne Armstrong For … Read more

President Donald Trump, First Lady Melania Trump State Of The Union Address Special Guests

2020 State Of The Union Address

President Donald J. Trump and First Lady Melania Trump Announce Special Guests for the State of the Union Address President Donald J. Trump and First Lady Melania Trump are pleased to announce that the following individuals will be their special guests for the President’s third State of the Union address: Tony Rankins from Cincinnati, Ohio: … Read more

City Of Oakland Wants Oakland Residents To Apply For Police Commission

City of Oakland

The City Of Oakland sent the following press release to Zennie62Media. Oakland, CA – Mayor Libby Schaaf and the Selection Panel for the Police Commission today announced the opening of the application process to serve on the Oakland Police Commission. The Police Commission was established in October 2017 after voters approved Measure LL with over … Read more