Chris Peeples

Howard Terminal Ballpark For Oakland A’s Unreasonable From A Transportation View – Chris Peeples

Zennie62Media note: the legendary AC Transit Board Member H. E. Christian (Chris) Peeples sent over the letter you’re about to read to Zennie62Media so his objections to the Howard Terminal Ballpark Site for the Oakland A’s could be seen by the general public. To make sure his words were 100 percent represented, this separate Oakland […]

Darrell Carter Of Montclair Greater Oakland Democratic Club, UC Berkeley, Passes

Darrell Carter Of Montclair Greater Oakland Democratic Club, UC Berkeley, Passes ONN – Darrell Carter Of Montclair Greater Oakland Democratic Club, UC Berkeley, Passes I received an email from Chris Peeples, long time Piedmont Avenue Neighborhood Improvement League (PANIL) and AC Transit Board Member, sharing the sad news of Dr. Darrell Carter, former member of […]

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