City Of Oakland Eviction Moratorium

Statewide Residential Eviction Moratorium Ends But Not Oakland’s Eviction Moratorium

Oakland, CA – On September 30 2021, the State of California’s Rent Eviction Moratorium ends. This end date has no impact on the City of Oakland. Oakland’s moratorium on evictions and rent increases will continue until the Local Emergency is terminated by Oakland City Council.     Got Rent Problems? Tenants and property owners in need of financial assistance for past due rent may be […]

City Of Oakland Eviction Moratorium Not Impacted By Federal Ruling

Oakland –– A recent federal court ruling regarding the nationwide eviction moratorium adopted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) does not change the City of Oakland’s current eviction and rent increase moratorium, which remains in effect during the COVID emergency and until rescinded by the Oakland City Council. On March 27, 2020, […]

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