NFL Reports That Only 1.7 Percent Of Players Have Tested Positive For The Virus To Date

NFL Reports That Only 1.7 Percent Of Players Have Tested Positive For The Virus To Date

NFL Reports That Only 1.7 Percent Of Players Have Tested Positive For The Virus To Date

ONN – NFL Reports That Only 1.7 Percent Of Players Have Tested Positive For The Virus To Date

The NFL Press Conference was held just until an hour ago. The league posted this comprehensive press release:

The NFL hosted a call with members of the media on August 12, 2020 to discuss initial results of COVID-19 testing as 2020 training camps opened. The NFL’s COVID-19 testing is conducted by BioReference Laboratories and results are analyzed by IQVIA, an independent third-party company. More information on the NFL and NFLPA’s jointly aligned COVID-19 health and safety protocols can be found here.

Key Takeaways:


As a precondition to entering training camp, intake testing was done on all players and personnel.

9,983 players and personnel tested
New positives: 170 players and personnel, or 1.7 percent
Of that group, 2,840 were players
New positives: 53 players, or 1.9 percent


Players and personnel continue to be tested on an ongoing basis as practices and camps continue.

Through August 11, 109,075 total tests completed among players and personnel (includes intake testing)
All players and personnel: Positivity rate of 0.46 percent
Players: Positivity rate of 0.81 percent
The overall positivity rate has not exceeded 1.7 percent for any club since testing began.


Dr. Allen Sills, NFL Chief Medical Officer


Dr. Allen Sills: Good afternoon, everybody. Pleased to give you some updates this afternoon about our testing program and specifically some of our initial experience and how that informs some of our decisions about going forward.

So, I think you’re all aware that we had a four-day intake process for all of our players, coaches, and staff, all of our personnel, meaning that they underwent three tests done over four different days. We did that very deliberately based on, again, experience from other sports and what we’ve seen with experience of other leagues around the world to try to reduce, obviously, the risk of anyone coming in and infecting a team environment. I think it’s also important to realize that when you look at entry testing, intake testing, you’re obviously not learning anything about the team environment because you haven’t even been together. You’re just seeing what is everyone bringing in from their own experiences. And then, obviously, in this case, we had players, coaches, and staff coming from around the country and even around the world.

So, I do have some numbers that I can give to you and share with you on that and I’ll do in a moment. The other thing I think we’d like to talk about is a little bit about the decision about testing going forward. I think everyone is aware that our protocol has stated, our agreement with the NFL Players Association, that we would do daily testing for the first 14 days and that we would then look at the positivity rates, and if those were below 5 percent, then we would transition to every other day testing. I think some of you are probably aware that we have reached a decision together with the Players Association to continue daily testing until further notice. And I wanted to talk a little bit about that decision and why we made that decision, as well as how it relates to the data that we’ve been gathering.

So, let me talk through each of those sequentially. First of all, on the intake, we tested 9,983 people – players, coaches, other staff – upon their intake. New positives, meaning people without a known history of COVID infection leading up to that intake were 170 people, so that’s 1.7 percent. The total number of players tested out of that group was 2,840 and the total number of players that were new positives, meaning again, no history of COVID infection leading up to that intake, was 53, which I believe computes to 1.9 percent.

So, that again is a snapshot of what we found when everyone came together for that intake. Again, you know that the rookies came in first, the veterans subsequent to that, and then the coaches and staff came in at the time of the rookies. So, that reflects that snapshot and what we were dealing with when we came in. I think it’s important to recognize that in those positive case numbers that I just gave you, not every single one of those positive tests meant that that person was actively infected.

And I think we talked about this last week, one of the challenges of testing is interpreting the test results with the clinical results. So, people can test positive, obviously because they are actively infected, that’s one reason. They can also test positive because they’ve been previously infected and they still have some viral debris around, or they can test positive if they just have viral remnants that they’ve touched on a surface or anything of that nature. So, a positive test does not mean a new COVID infection, but the number that I’m giving you is the total number of positive tests that we had at that intake.

Since that time, with the monitoring phase, we’ve done through yesterday, through August 11, we’ve done 109,075 COVID tests. Again, players, coaches, and staff. The overall positivity rate for those tests has been 0.46 percent, or less than half of a percent, and the overall positivity rate if we look at players alone is 0.81 percent, so, again, less than one percent.

And we’ve also looked at that positivity rate not just for the league as a whole, but we’ve looked at it on a club-by-club basis. We’ve looked at each club and we’ve looked at that each day and the overall test positivity rate has not exceeded 1.7 percent for any club since we started testing.

So, I think I mentioned early on in the first part of my remarks that as you’re aware, our protocol said if the positive test rate is less than 5 percent, we would go to every other day testing. We’ve agreed with the Players Association to continue daily testing. Why would we make that decision?

Well, I think there are a couple of important reasons. Number one, we did make a couple of changes to the protocol last week. We spoke about that, we talked about trying to confirm positive tests and doing that with a two-step process that we outlined last Friday. So, that was a substantial change to the protocol, and one of the other factors that was in part of that change was starting to use these point-of-care machines, which are the rapid antigen tests that are available on-site. We explained that that was part of our confirmatory process.

So, in addition to those two reasons, I think we’ve also recognized that we’re constantly learning from the testing results and we’ve learned as I mentioned a minute ago, not every positive test reflects a new infection. In fact, we’ve categorized those positive results into persistent positives, meaning someone previously infected, unconfirmed positives, meaning an isolated positive surrounded by negative tests before and after, and then obviously those tests which reflect potential new infection.

So, I think the bottom line is we are continuing to learn a great deal from our testing results and I think that given the protocol changes that we recently made, as well as the use of this additional point-of-care technology, and the recognition that we are about to go into more of team-based activity during training camp, that we and the Players Association together felt that it was prudent to extend the daily testing until further notice.

So, that’s an agreement that we reached with them today and we look forward, obviously, to continuing to track these rates and seeing what else we’ll learn because I’m convinced we will continue to learn a great deal over the coming weeks with those test results.

Last thing I’ll say, and then I’ll stop for your questions is: Going forward we certainly want to continue to report our test data to you, but I think it’s important to realize that we plan to release that data combined with the clinical outcomes. Because at the end of the day what we’re really interested in is: how many new COVID infections are we detecting? That’s really the measure of infection control that we’re interested in. And so, as I mentioned earlier, just reporting a number of positive tests really doesn’t give you that data piece because the total number of positive tests reflects those other conditions that we’ve already talked about. So, I think you can have an expectation going forward that we will release on a regular cadence the clinical data referable to any of these new infections that I mentioned.

I’ll stop there, and we can do some questions.

QUESTION: Two-part question. First part, when you did the intake testing and then you mention the 109,075 tests, is that 109,075 tests since the intake or does that include the intake?

And then the second part of it is, when we’re talking about the positivity rates, the new cases, do you have that broken down in terms of symptomatic or not, whether anyone has been hospitalized, etc.?

Sills: That number, 109,000, does include that intake, and then the second part — I think you’re asking about the positive cases during the monitoring phase, is that correct, that was your question?

QUESTION: The overall, you know, outcomes of whether or not there have been, there are some guys who have been on the reserve COVID list for over two weeks now and I’m wondering: Do we have a breakdown in terms of how many of the positives were actually symptomatic, whether anybody had serious medical outcomes or not?

Sills: Yeah, right, I understand your question now. We are still gathering that data about the clinical outcomes because again we’re trying not only to monitor: were they symptomatic or not?, but we’re trying to determine would they fall into that bucket of persistent positives or unconfirmed positives. So, as you can imagine with 109,000 tests, there’s a lot of data quality and data cleaning that we want to do to make sure we get accurate numbers from that, and as I said, that number includes tests that we did up until yesterday. So we’ve got a little bit more work to do to define that cohort. I think we will have that number for you. I’m not aware of anyone that has had what I would call “severe illness” up until this point.

QUESTION: This isn’t specifically related to testing but obviously it’s something that’s been very much in the news related to college football. I was hoping you could take us through a little bit more about what the extra cardiac screening is that’s in the protocol: what players who had previously tested positive or had the antibodies, positive antibody test, are going through, and maybe share a little bit more with us about what you have learned from that screening and how much of a concern that is for you guys at the league level.

Sills: We’ve certainly been aware of the potential for cardiac complications ever since we began putting the protocols together. We had a group that has been advising us on that, a group of sports cardiologists; they’ve learned and looked at the data that has emerged over the intervening months since the pandemic began.

So, it is written into our protocols, as you mentioned, that anyone with a known previous COVID infection or that presents with a new obvious infection, that those individuals should undergo, at a minimum, a 12-lead EKG, troponin levels — which are blood tests for heart function — as well as an echocardiogram. There’s the option to do additional screening tests at the discretion of the team physician, and then there’s a recommendation again, if those players have been a documented positive case, that they undergo a graded exertion protocol, again, under the direction of the team physician.

So, that is written into our protocols, and I thinks it’s something as I said, that has been on the minds of our team physicians throughout.

And, it’s on the minds of our players. So, I think there are important and ongoing conversations when players have tested positive about what those screening tests mean and what’s the best way to rule out any of those complications. So, it is something we’ll continue to monitor and I think one of the opportunities that we will have will be to contribute our data as we’ve done all these evaluations and look at that group as a whole and see what we’ve learned and what the outcomes have showed us. Because that’s obviously an important issue right now for all of the sports medicine world.

QUESTION: Just to follow up on the question about the myocarditis, if I pronounced that properly, of the 109,000 tests done, there has been no team player or personnel who has indicated any type of heart issue like that?

Sills: I don’t have all the outcomes of the cardiac data. I wasn’t prepared to bring that to you today, so we’ll have to get back to give you any more color on that. Again, I think all of you are aware that there’s been at least one player that publicly has been identified that they detected a cardiac abnormality not related to COVID as a result of cardiac screening that was done as part of our protocol, so certainly there have been some things that have been identified, but to your point of which of those are COVID-related, I think those are things that we’re still sorting through very much, and we’ll have to get back to you on that.

QUESTION: And just to quickly follow up that, is there a lot of data on viruses, coronaviruses in general, and that heart issue in particular as far as any that we can go by for percentages or likelihoods in your deliberations about how safe it is to proceed?

Sills: Well, I think all of us in medicine have known for a long time that you can have cardiac complications after viral illnesses and after even bacterial illnesses, there are a number of conditions that can have cardiac complications, so that’s not a new phenomenon in medicine. I think what’s unclear at this point is what’s the prevalence of those changes after COVID-19 infection and how might it relate to either severity or duration of illness.

So, those are questions that are still unknown to the medical community at large, and that’s why again I think we in the NFL will have an important opportunity to contribute what we’re finding to the world’s body of knowledge there as they continue to explore that issue.

QUESTION: What’s the status of gameday protocols for a number of positive tests that could happen, say, before a game? I don’t want to use the word outbreak, but if there are several tests or positives within a position group, things like that.

Sills: Well, we’re still finalizing some aspects of the gameday protocols, and so we’ll obviously be releasing those and have some updates with regard to that, but I think that, again, when you look at interpreting the data, one of the things that we do is, we’re looking on a day by day basis.

Again, these testing results and the screening results and the clinical reporting, it happens on a day by day basis, and that’s being monitored not only by us at the league, but at the NFL Players Association, their medical advisors, and our infectious disease consultants and advisors, and so we’re watching not just about gameday, but throughout and trying to see: are we meeting our standards for safety in our facilities?

As we approach gameday, certainly, again, we will have a very specific protocol in place about what testing and reporting looks like, but I think it’s hard to make exact number cutoffs in terms of what an algorithm would point you in one direction or the other. What we have to look at obviously – again, I illustrate that with the positive test dilemma that I showed you today, for example – if you just said, well, this many positive tests, you really have to dig into that and say, how many of those positive tests represent really new infections, or are those positive tests persistent, or are they unconfirmed; so, delineating that takes some clinical judgement, which we have to use in conjunction with those protocols.

So, our goal is all the same, to have the safest possible environment for everyone. We want to try to ensure that there’s no one – player, coach, staff member, official, anyone – who steps onto a field with an active COVID infection. That’s our goal. And everything that we build in the protocol will be based around that premise of how we do all that we can to ensure that no one steps on the field who is actively infected.

QUESTION: Do you guys have any numbers on how many players have gotten coronavirus since the start of the pandemic, even from before arriving at camp? Do you know that number yet?

Sills: We can get you the number, I don’t have it in front of me here, of how many have reported a positive test. The other challenge with that is: we certainly know that there were some people who did not have a known positive test but tested positive for antibodies, which suggested they had in fact been infected or exposed, and then there were other individuals who came in who basically had every symptom in the book of the coronavirus infection, but they never got tested, so clinically they would have met the diagnosis, but they didn’t have a test that documented that.

So, that’s what makes those determinations a little bit difficult, but we know that there are some that are in those two categories I just mentioned because they’re some of the people who had what I would call an unconfirmed positive test after arrival, which most likely reflects the fact that they did have a previous infection or exposure before they came in.

QUESTION: Just wanted to double check, did you say 109,000 tests that the NFL has conducted so far?

Sills: Yes, 109,075.

QUESTION: There have been a handful of players who have been on the list for more than two weeks, 15+ days. Have there been any serious cases of COVID among the players?

Sills: Again, I think when you talk about serious illness, people may define that differently, but I’m not aware of anyone that’s been seriously ill to this point. I think you have to, again, recognize that people go on and off those lists for a variety of reasons. Sometimes it’s because they have an active infection. Sometimes it’s because they’re a close contact, or they’re being quarantined, perhaps they have a household member who’s actively infected and someone’s being extra cautious. So, there are a variety of reasons why someone may appear on those lists. I think the other thing to recognize, as I said before, is that returning from an active infection means not just clearing your symptoms, but it also means going through any additional screening as we talked about, as well as this graded exertion protocol in taking a go slow approach, so in that sense, people’s illness journey may be very different, and you may see varying amounts of time in terms of recovery, and so, again, I think that’s why you’ll see some variability in perhaps duration on those lists.

QUESTION: Are you able to delineate or separate how many people have tested positive since the intake process; in other words, since they got clearance into the team facility, how many have tested positive since then? Or is that one of the positivity rates you quoted earlier?

Sills: Well, the positivity rates that I quoted to you is reflective of that total number of positives that we have. I have a total number, but, what we’re trying to do is separate that number out, as I mentioned before. We think we’d like to stop reporting just positive tests and start talking about persistent positives versus unconfirmed versus these potential new infections because that is what’s much more meaningful, right?

You know, what you really want to detect is your testing program. What you’re really looking to find are people who may be newly infected. That’s the whole point of having our surveillance program, so I think you understand how it gets complicated very quickly when you’re trying to sort out who’s truly a new infection from those other conditions that I mentioned, but it’s the new infections that are the ones that are the obvious trigger. You still have to go through contact tracing, isolation, etc., for everybody, but once you confirm it’s a positive, then those are obviously the people that you are most concerned they represent those new infections.

So, I think as we look to report that data to you going forward, we think it’s important to segregate it out, and we just haven’t completed that – as I said, I’ve given you the data up through yesterday. It takes a little bit of time to go back and match clinical outcomes, symptoms, and all of that with those positive tests. So, we will have that. I just didn’t have that for you today, and that’s why I said I just gave you the overall positivity rate.

When I say those positivity rates that I gave you, that includes not just these new infections, but people who may be persistent positive or unconfirmed positive, so what that shows us is that we never even got anywhere near that 5 percent threshold, even if we include people who we know are persistent positives or unconfirmed positives. So, to that point, undoubtedly our total number of those new infection positives is going to be even quite a bit lower than those percentages that I gave you.

QUESTION: So, do you view that as a positive in terms of how the protocols are working, or is that simply that people prior to coming to training camp had kept themselves clear?

Sills: I think it’s both, because, again, the intake numbers I think we were pleasantly surprised at how few positive tests we had, and I think since that time that positivity rate that I gave you reflects the fact that our teams, players, staff, and coaches have done a terrific job of staying uninfected, so I do think it’s both. I think the two different bits of data I gave you point to each one of those conclusions: the intake data suggests just what you’ve said, that when people came in, there really were, in my view, a relatively low number of positive tests, and since that time, our positivity rate, even given all the caveats I gave you, suggests that we’ve been doing a really good job of keeping out new infections.

QUESTION: Did you have an expectation going into, before testing, of what you thought the initial numbers would be?

Sills: If I’ve learned anything through this pandemic it’s to not make predictions. So, I don’t know that I had a number in mind. I just think that given the fact that as our clubs were coming together and the fact that we had players coming together from a large number of hotspots at that time, I would not have been surprised if the numbers had been substantially higher. So, as I said before, I was pleasantly surprised at the low numbers on intake.

Stay tuned.

Note from Zennie62Media and Oakland News Now: this video-blog post demonstrates the full and live operation of the latest updated version of an experimental Zennie62Media , Inc. mobile media video-blogging system network that was launched June 2018. This is a major part of Zennie62Media , Inc.’s new and innovative approach to the production of news media. What we call “The Third Wave of Media”. The uploaded video is from a vlogger with the Zennie62 on YouTube Partner Channel, then uploaded to and formatted automatically at the Oakland News Now site and Zennie62-created and owned social media pages. The overall objective is smartphone-enabled, real-time, on the scene reporting of news, interviews, observations, and happenings anywhere in the World and within seconds and not hours. Now, news is reported with a smartphone: no heavy and expensive cameras or even a laptop are necessary. The secondary objective is faster, and very inexpensive media content news production and distribution. We have found there is a disconnect between post length and time to product and revenue generated. With this, the problem is far less, though by no means solved. Zennie62Media is constantly working to improve the system network coding and seeks interested content and media technology partners.


Gov. Jerry Brown on DNC, Biden, Trump, Climate Change & More (Full, Unedited Interview)

Gov. Jerry Brown on DNC, Biden, Trump, Climate Change & More (Full, Unedited Interview)
From YouTube Channel: August 22, 2020 at 02:29PM
ONN – Jerry Brown served as California’s Governor 4 times, and also served as California’s Secretary of State, Attorney General, Mayor of Oakland, and ran for President 3 times.

During this DNC week, we kicked off this week’s conversation by talking about the virtual nature of this year’s event.

“It worked, in fact, you could hear the speeches a little better, and hear the content, the expression, without all the atmospherics, the applauding, the hijinks, and all the rest,” Brown said, admitting that going virtual did remove some of the excitement.

The conversation turned to the Democratic nominee himself, former Vice President Joe Biden.

Brown and Biden entered elected office within two months of each other, Biden as a member of Delaware’s New Castle County Council in November 1970, and Brown as California’s Secretary of State in January 1971.

Both men have also run for President three times apiece,.

“You see what you get, you get what you see,” Brown said of Biden. “He’s had a lot of experience, he’s not flamboyant, he’s not a show-horse.

One other trait the two men share is their more advanced age: Biden is 77, Brown is 82.

Given the fact that Biden, should he win, would be the oldest first-term President in US history, the question of age has cropped up occasionally throughout the campaign.

So, is Biden too old to be President?

“No,” Brown laughed. “I don’t think I’m too old to be President. I’m 82… I feel I’m at the peak of my understand and experience.”

“Remember, energy is good… being young, and not knowing everything, you’re bolder, you’ll take risks, you’ll innovate,” Brown cautioned. “But as you get older, you understand things, you’ve made your mistakes, so you’re wiser… Biden looks pretty good, he’s got at least four years in him, maybe more.”

From electoral politics, the conversation turned to matters of the state.

First, on the environment, and the tumultuous week that the Golden State has experienced, from record heat in Death Valley and rolling blackouts, to some 500+ wildfires that have ravaged the state, with no major signs of containment or slowing down.

“Climate is getting warmer, it’s changing… we’re going to have more of this, this is just a little taste of what’s coming,” Brown warned. “Wherever you are in the world, we have to pull together, and climate change, like this virus, ought to be something that brings us together, because we’re all facing the same thing.”

Brown said that people have a “call to arms,” that the increased temperatures and fires will only get worse over the next five years, so the answer must be to get to zero-carbon emissions in society by 2045.

“We need radical change in the way things are going on.”

Also continuing to hammer California? Coronavirus.

To date, California has experienced more than 659,000 confirmed cases, the most of any state.

Brown, who serves as an advisor on Governor Newsom’s economic recovery task force, echoed the sentiment of his predecessor, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, who in an August 9 appearance on The Issue is claimed that the state may have reopened too quickly

“Obviously we opened too soon, because the virus expanded,” Brown said. “But I have to say, as a Governor, this thing is complicated. People are yelling and screaming, ‘we’ve gotta work,’ ‘we’ve got to get to school,’ ‘we’ve got to get to our jobs,’… we’ve got millions of people who, without the money, can’t make it, can’t feed their families, so the Governor had a tough decision to make, things looked better, and, as it turned out, he had to turn back.”

While California could have reacted differently, Brown said the ultimate problem was the response at the federal level, blaming President Trump for not having mobilized manufacturing to ramp up testing capacity.

“[The President needs] to have mobilized manufacturing so that we could have had millions of tests a day,” Brown said.

“We should have closed down completely for four months and had the federal government pay the difference, then we could have gotten over it.”

The conversation wrapped up with a discussion of the future after this presidential election.

“No matter who’s President, we have a big challenge, because we’ve been spending all this money, we have a lot of unemployment, we have a lot of businesses that went out of business and aren’t coming back.”

If President Trump wins re-election, Brown said he believes that there will be enormous polarization and discontent. If Biden prevails, Brown admits that miracles won’t be performed, but that there will be calm and bipartisanship brought about by Biden’s skill and empathy.

“The Issue Is:” with Elex Michaelson is California’s only statewide political show. Watch full episodes at

Note from Zennie62Media and Oakland News Now: this video-blog post demonstrates the full and live operation of the latest updated version of an experimental Zennie62Media , Inc. mobile media video-blogging system network that was launched June 2018. This is a major part of Zennie62Media , Inc.’s new and innovative approach to the production of news media. What we call “The Third Wave of Media”. The uploaded video is from a vlogger with the Zennie62 on YouTube Partner Channel, then uploaded to and formatted automatically at the Oakland News Now site and Zennie62-created and owned social media pages. The overall objective is smartphone-enabled, real-time, on the scene reporting of news, interviews, observations, and happenings anywhere in the World and within seconds and not hours. Now, news is reported with a smartphone: no heavy and expensive cameras or even a laptop are necessary. The secondary objective is faster, and very inexpensive media content news production and distribution. We have found there is a disconnect between post length and time to product and revenue generated. With this, the problem is far less, though by no means solved. Zennie62Media is constantly working to improve the system network coding and seeks interested content and media technology partners.


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Patriots FB Dan Vitale, Leigh Steinberg Client, Takes Voluntary Opt-Out Of 2020 NFL Season

Patriots Fb Dan Vitale, Leigh Steinberg Client, Takes Voluntary Opt Out Of 2020 Nfl Season

Patriots FB Dan Vitale, Leigh Steinberg Client, Takes Voluntary Opt-Out Of 2020 NFL Season ONN – Patriots FB Dan Vitale, Leigh Steinberg Client, Takes Voluntary Opt-Out Of 2020 NFL Season Former Northwestern Wildcat, and 2016 NFL Draftee Dan Vitale, who this vlogger met at the Leigh Steinberg Super Bowl Party in 2016, in San Francisco, … Read more

Powerful. This Trump-voting grandma from Indiana has had enough of Trump and his sidekicks

Powerful. This Trump Voting Grandma From Indiana Has Had Enough Of Trump And His Sidekicks

Powerful. This Trump-voting grandma from Indiana has had enough of Trump and his sidekicks ONN – “But what is the one thing that Mike Pence says? “Oh, Mr. President, you’re doing such a wonderful job, our administration is handling this Coronavirus wonderfully.” If I hear him say that one more time, I’m going to puke.” … Read more

Greg McConnell Of Oakland Jobs & Hosing Coalition, Has COVID-19, Needs Our Prayers

Greg Mcconnell Of Oakland Jobs & Hosing Coalition, Has Covid 19, Needs Our Prayers

Greg McConnell Of Oakland Jobs & Hosing Coalition, Has COVID-19, Needs Our Prayers ONN – Greg McConnell Of Oakland Jobs & Hosing Coalition, Has COVID-19, Needs Our Prayers According to a call I received, Greg was hospitalized with breathing problems yesterday., and due to the Coronavirus. Please pray for his speedy recovery. Stay tuned. Note … Read more

Las Vegas Raiders Allegiant Stadium Ironworkers Lawsuit: Derr & Isbell, Builders Didn’t Pay Them

Allegiant Stadium

A giant civil lawsuit (case number 2:20-cv-00716) against many of the major contractors involved in the building and construction of The NFL Raiders Las Vegas Stadium now called Allegiant Stadium, including Derr & Isbell Construction, Merrill Iron & Steel, Inc., and the Mortenson-McCarthy Las Vegas Stadium Joint Venture, was filed April 21, 2020, in U.S. … Read more

McDonalds Food Workers In Oakland Strike Against Racism And Economic Inequality

Usa: Food Workers Strike In Oakland Against Racism And Economic Inequality

USA: Food workers strike in Oakland against racism and economic inequality ONN – McDonalds Food Workers In Oakland Strike Against Racism And Economic Inequality Subscribe to our channel! As part of a national movement calling on black people and allies to strike for better work conditions, BLM activists gathered with minimum wage activists in … Read more

Port of Oakland Update July 2020 Commercial Real Estate Director Pamela Kershaw

Port Update July 2020 Commercial Real Estate Director Pamela Kershaw

Port Update July 2020 Commercial Real Estate Director Pamela Kershaw ONN – Port of Oakland Update July 2020 Commercial Real Estate Director Pamela Kershaw Port of Oakland real estate view: tough now, but ‘sky’s the limit’ Tenants rethink work as COVID-19 hits hard, find peace on the water COVID-19 has caused upheaval for Port of … Read more

The Future Of Education, Alice Waters, Finding Love During COVID-19

The Future Of Education, Alice Waters, Finding Love During Covid 19

The Future of Education, Alice Waters, Finding Love During COVID-19 ONN – The Future Of Education, Alice Waters, Finding Love During COVID-19 The Future of Education Gov. Gavin Newsom announced all children in 3rd grade and up must wear a mask to school — the first order of its kind in the nation. Also, schools … Read more

Georgia Gov. Kemp’s Anti-Mask Executive Order Against Atlanta Mayor Bottoms Is Illegal

Atlanta Mayor Lance Bottoms And Governor Kemp

On Tuesday, Republican Georgia Governor Brian Kemp issued an executive order that was really against Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms and her order for that City’s residents to wear masks in public – and that makes this blogger’s head scratch. Did he, or his staff, bother to read the laws of his own great State … Read more

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Statement On Approval Of FY 2021 Energy and Water Development Funding Bill

Congresswoman Barbara Lee

Washington, D.C. – Congresswoman Barbara Lee (CA-13), a senior member of the House Appropriations Committee, released the following statement on the approval of the fiscal year 2021 Energy and Water Development Funding Bill. The House Appropriations Committee today approved the fiscal year 2021 Energy and Water Development and Related Agencies bill on a vote of … Read more

Mike Mulvaney Says Coronavirus Is Not SARS, But Doesn’t Know It’s SARS-Cov-2, SARS Was SARS-Cov-1

Mike Mulvaney Says Coronavirus Is Not Sars, But Doesn’t Know It’s Sars Cov 2, Sars Was Sars Cov 1

Mike Mulvaney Says Coronavirus Is Not SARS, But Doesn’t Know It’s SARS-Cov-2, SARS Was SARS-Cov-1 ONN – Mike Mulvaney Says Coronavirus Is Not SARS, But Doesn’t Know It’s SARS-Cov-2, SARS Was SARS-Cov-1 Note from Zennie62Media and Oakland News Now: this video-blog post demonstrates the full and live operation of the latest updated version of an … Read more

Las Vegas Stadium Authority Raiders Stadium Completion Date Moved From October 2020 To December 2020

Las Vegas Stadium Authority Raiders Stadium Completion Date Moved From October 2020 To December 2020

Las Vegas Stadium Authority Raiders Stadium Completion Date Moved From October 2020 To December 2020 ONN – Las Vegas Stadium Authority Raiders Stadium Completion Date Moved From October To December 2020 Per LVSA Report Buried in the latest publicly-available progress report on the former Oakland Raiders Las Vegas Stadium called Allegiant Stadium, is a sentence … Read more

With Raiders On Hook For $650 Mil BofA Loan, Las Vegas Stadium Event Cancellations Add Worry

With Raiders On Hook For $650 Mil Bofa Loan, Las Vegas Stadium Event Cancellations Add Worry

With Raiders On Hook For $650 Mil BofA Loan, Las Vegas Stadium Event Cancellations Add Worry ONN – With Raiders On Hook For $650 Mil BofA Loan, Las Vegas Stadium Event Cancellations Add Worry With the cancellation of the Cal vs. UNLV Football Game, now some sports business industry observers wonder if the Las Vegas … Read more

Port Of Oakland News: Imports Increased 1.9 Percent

Port Of Oakland Welcomes Biggest Ship Ever This Week Msc Anna

Port of Oakland imports up 1.9 percent in June Surprise gain for inbound cargo as 10 percent of voyages canceled, but overall volume down Oakland, Calif. – July 9, 2020: Port of Oakland loaded import volume grew 1.9 percent last month from June 2019, according to data released today. The gain was unexpected given that … Read more

Oakland A’s Pitcher Jake Diekman Concerned About MLB Season Because Of COVID-19 Testing Delays

Oakland A’s Pitcher Jake Diekman Voices Concerns About Mlb Season With Delays In Coronavirus Testing

Oakland A’s pitcher Jake Diekman voices concerns about MLB season with delays in coronavirus testing ONN – Oakland Athletics left-handed pitcher Jake Diekman speaks with the media via Zoom on Tuesday where he expresses his concerns about the safety for teams and the ability for Major League Baseball to successfully pull-off a safe 60-game season … Read more

Tom Hanks Of Oakland’s Skyline High School, On COVID-19 Recovery, New Film ‘Greyhound’ On TODAY

Tom Hanks Talks About His Recovery From Coronavirus And New Film ‘greyhound’ | Today

Tom Hanks Talks About His Recovery From Coronavirus And New Film ‘Greyhound’ | TODAY ONN – Tom Hanks Of Oakland’s Skyline High School, On COVID-19 Recovery, New Film ‘Greyhound’ On TODAY Tom was on TODAY this morning, and the NBC show posted this on YouTube: Oscar winner Tom Hanks joins TODAY to talk about how … Read more

Coronavirus Is In The Air Scientists Say, But WHO Is Not Telling People That. Why?

Coronavirus Is In The Air Scientists Say, But Who Is Not Telling People That. Why?

Coronavirus Is In The Air Scientists Say, But WHO Is Not Telling People That. Why? ONN – Coronavirus Is In The Air Scientists Say, But WHO Is Not Telling People That. Why? Note from Zennie62Media and Oakland News Now: this video-blog post demonstrates the full and live operation of the latest updated version of an … Read more

Insight Terminal Solutions Oakland Bulk And Oversized Terminal Focus Of Job Seeking Utah Counties

Insight Terminal Solutions Oakland Bulk And Oversized Terminal Focus Of Job Seeking Utah Counties

Insight Terminal Solutions Oakland Bulk And Oversized Terminal Focus Of Job Seeking Utah Counties ONN – Insight Terminal Solutions Oakland Bulk And Oversized Terminal Focus Of Job Seeking Utah Counties An inaccurate and wholly biased Salt Lake Tribune article that’s full of typos, discusses Insight Terminal Solutions reorganization effort but tells falsehoods about the Utah … Read more

MLB Spring Training 2.0 Exposes Virus Concerns By: Joseph Armendariz

Mlb Spring Training 2.0 Exposes Virus Concerns By: Joseph Armendariz

MLB Spring Training 2.0 Exposes Virus Concerns By: Joseph Armendariz ONN – On this second day of spring training 2 .0 Major League Baseball players have tested positive for the Coronavirus the two notable players are Yankees DJ Lemahieu and Luis Cessa .Will this spark a halt to the 2020 season Note from Zennie62Media and … Read more

Giant Brooklyn Fourth Of July 2020 March For Black Lives Matter Shows Movement Is Mainstream

Giant Brooklyn Fourth Of July 2020 March For Black Lives Matter Shows Movement Is Mainstream

Giant Brooklyn Fourth Of July 2020 March For Black Lives Matter Shows Movement Is Mainstream ONN – Giant Brooklyn Fourth Of July 2020 March For Black Lives Matter Shows Movement Is Mainstream This Black Lives Matter March, going on now in Brooklyn, New York, shows that (contrary to some who say otherwise) Black Lives Matter … Read more

City Of Oakland’s Mid-Cycle Budget Cuts $14.3 Million From Police Department

City of Oakland

Oakland’s Mid-cycle Budget Cuts $14.3 Million from Police Budget, Invests Additional $50 million to Address Racial Disparities Community investments include violence prevention, housing and homelessness, COVID economic relief, arts and culture, and bridging the digital divide Oakland, CA – Amidst a national conversation about racism and calls to defund the police in favor of repairing … Read more

Morehouse College Cancels Fall Sports Season Due To Coronavirus Fears, May Start Wave Of HBCUs

Morehouse College Cancels Fall Sports Season Due To Coronavirus Fears, May Start Wave Of Hbcus

Morehouse College Cancels Fall Sports Season Due To Coronavirus Fears, May Start Wave Of HBCUs ONN – Morehouse College Cancels Fall Sports Season Due To Coronavirus Fears, May Start Wave Of HBCUs Note from Zennie62Media and Oakland News Now: this video-blog post demonstrates the full and live operation of the latest updated version of an … Read more

Novak Djokovic And Wife Test Positive For Coronavirus After Adria Tour, Kids Negative

Novak Djokovic And Wife Test Positive For Coronavirus After Adria Tour, Kids Negative

Novak Djokovic And Wife Test Positive For Coronavirus After Adria Tour, Kids Negative ONN – Novak Djokovic And Wife Test Positive For Coronavirus After Adria Tour, Kids Negative Note from Zennie62Media and Oakland News Now: this video-blog post demonstrates the full and live operation of the latest updated version of an experimental Zennie62Media , Inc. … Read more

Port Of Oakland Update June 2020 Board President Cestra Butner On Black Lives Matter

Port Update June 2020 Board President Cestra Butner

Port Update June 2020 Board President Cestra Butner ONN – Port Of Oakland Update June 2020 Board President Cestra Butner On Black Lives Matter Port of Oakland Board President speaks out for social justice ‘There’s no question we support Black Lives Matter’ – ‘Ces’ Butner Oakland, Calif. – June 19, 2020: Port of Oakland Board … Read more

Ces Butner, Port Of Oakland Board President: Port Supports Black Lives Matter No Question

Cestra Ces Butner Port Of Oakland (Photo courtesy Port of Oakland)

Oakland – Port of Oakland Board President Ces Butner denounced social injustice today as West Coast dockworkers prepared to protest racism. The Port of Oakland must stand up for what’s right, President Butner declared in an online video interview distributed to employees and the public. “There’s no question that we stand behind the Black Lives … Read more

Backlash Against CNA Nurses Union At St. Rose Hospital In Hayward, California

Backlash against CNA Nurses Union at St. Rose Hospital in Hayward

Hayward, CA – More than 50 nurses, healthcare workers and medical staff demonstrated in front of St. Rose Hospital to let the public know that St. Rose is safe, protects patients and staff from COVID-19, and is a safe and secure facility. The nurses and healthcare workers criticized statements from the California Nurses Association (CNA) … Read more

L.A. Rams Defensive Tackle Sebastian Joseph-Day Says “Racial Justice Begins With Our Schools”

L.A. Rams Defensive Tackle Sebastian Joseph Day

L.A. Rams DT Sebastian Joseph-Day Releases Op-ed Demanding Equal Education Reform L.A. Rams Player and Member of Players Coalition Highlights Importance of Racial Justice Beginning with Our Schools Los Angeles – Los Angeles Rams nose tackle Sebastian Joseph-Day published an op-ed on Medium demanding equal education for all children regardless of race or economic status. … Read more