Dr. Kyla Johnson-Trammell Superintendent

OUSD Superintendent: I Hear Your Frustration, Pain, and Anger About Our Criminal Justice System

I Hear Your Frustration, Pain, and Anger About our Criminal Justice System, and I Feel It, too. Dear OUSD Community, As you know, we’ve had a lot going on in the District. But like you, I have also been focused on the disturbing news from across the country. Once again in the news are the […]

Oakland Schools Superintendent On Passage Of OEA – OUSD Tentative Agreement, Reopening Phase

Letter from Dr. Kyla Johnson-Trammell Superintendent, Oakland Unified School District (OUSD) Dear Oakland Unified Community, The Oakland Unified School District (OUSD) is excited to announce that the Oakland Education Association (OEA), the teachers’ union, has informed us their membership voted to pass the Tentative Agreement reached by OEA and OUSD to support the return of […]

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