George Floyd

Conservative Pat Robertson Says Derek Chauvin Should Be Put Under Jail For Killing George Floyd ONN – Conservative Pat Robertson Says Derek Chauvin Should Be Put Under Jail For Killing George Floyd – vlog by Zennie62 YouTube Conservative Pat Robertson Says Derek Chauvin Should Be Put Under Jail For Killing George Floyd The 700 Club’s Pat Robertson said, today, that while he is pro police, he is not sticking […]

Oakland Has Tradition Of Riots After Racist Crimes – George Floyd Derek Chauvin Murder Case Is Nigh

Oakland Has Tradition Of Riots After Racist Crimes – George Floyd Derek Chauvin Murder Case Is Nigh ONN – Oakland Has Tradition Of Riots After Racist Crimes – George Floyd Derek Chauvin Murder Case Is Nigh – vlog by Zennie62 YouTube Watch the vlog Oakland Has Tradition Of Riots After Racist Crimes – George Floyd […]

Oakland Police Warning Of Car-Jackings On The Rise Is Scary Stuff – We Must Fight Back!

Imagine driving along Oakland’s Broadway Avenue, headed toward Jack London Square and in the objective of having great Everett & Jones Barbeque. As you stop at the traffic light at 14th and Broadway, some dude runs out in front of your car, points a gun at you, and yells “GET OUT OF THE CAR!” That’s […]

From “DeFund The Police” To “Ban Bad Cops” As A Policy Focus In Oakland And America

The murders of Oscar Grant, Eric Garner, Michael Brown, Tamir Rice, Walter Scott, Alton Sterling, Philando Castile, Stephon Clark, Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, and the latest reported name of Daniel Prude, all have one story in common: their lives were ended by police officers. Moreover, there’s story after story, after story, of commonly […]

Oakland’s New Police Chief LeRonne Armstrong’s Swearing In Ceremony At McClymonds High School

McClymonds High School Serves as Backdrop for City of Oakland’s Swearing in Ceremony for new Police Chief, LeRonne Armstrong, McClymonds Alumnus Oakland, CA — A sunny Monday morning at McClymonds High School looked very different than it has for the past eleven months. A crowd had gathered for a special event in which the school […]

OUSD Superintendent: Black History Month is Here, But We Need More than A Celebration

From OUSD Superintendent Dr. Kyla Johnson-Trammell Dear Oakland Unified Community, I am both proud to say we are now in Black History Month, and disheartened to know that in our world, it is quite clear that the forces that try to diminish Black voices and heritage have been emboldened. The past year has been wrought […]

Oakland Schools News: OUSD Students and Staff In Homeroom Documentary Movie

OUSD Students and Staff Featured in New Documentary Homeroom Heading to 2021 Sundance Film Festival This Month Oakland – Starting in 2019, a documentary film crew worked in OUSD watching the educational process and seeing the lives of students, along with staff and families. The intent was to show urban education through the eyes of […]

Dave Stewart: Oakland Athletics Star Submits Letter Of Intent To Buy Coliseum Land For $115 Million

The baseball great and his development partner wants to team with a tribal lands developer for the light-on-specifics proposal focusing tribal casino and hotel development on the Coliseum land. Livestream above at 4:20 PM EST December 26th 2020. A source who wished to remain anonymous sent to this vlogger a seven-page copy of a document […]

Berkeley Conversations: Critical Race Theory and the 2020 Election

Berkeley Conversations: Critical Race Theory and the 2020 Election From YouTube Channel: October 19, 2020 at 02:22PM ONN – This roundtable discussion will consider how the racial uprising in the aftermath of the deaths of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor, on-going police violence and social unrest, a possible shift in race-consciousness among White voters, the […]

Councilmember Ben Bartlett, Berkeley City Council, Legislation on Group Violence Intervention

Ben Bartlett and the Berkeley City Council Introduces Legislation on Group Violence Intervention (GVI) Program – to address Gun Violence in the Community Berkeley – Berkeley has been experiencing an alarming rise in shootings throughout the City. This year alone, there have been more than 30 shootings, including one occurring on the night of October […]

After Sereinat’e Henderson Drive-By Shooting, Berkeley Councilmember Bartlett Calls For Task Force

On Wednesday, 19-year-old Sereinat’e Henderson (which sounds like Sereinity Henderson) was shockingly murdered – shot in a senseless drive-by shooting that’s marked an uptick in gun violence in Berkeley, California in 2020, over 2019. On Thursday, Sereinat’e Henderson’s family held a vigil at the site in South Berkeley where Henderson was killed. Her family members […]

Serenity Henderson Teen Mom Shot In Berkeley, Councilmember Ben Bartlett Wants Violence To Stop

Serenity Henderson Teen Mom Killed In Berkeley Shooting, Councilmember Ben Bartlett Wants Gun Violence To Stop From YouTube Channel: October 23, 2020 at 02:31AM ONN – Serenity Henderson Teen Mom Killed In Berkeley Shooting, Councilmember Ben Bartlett Wants It To Stop In this story also covered by KRON TV’s Dan Thorn, Serenity Henderson (who’s spelling […]

Opinion: Re-Elect Ben Bartlett, Berkeley City Council Member District Three, A Champion For Residents

That Berkeley City Councilmember Ben Bartlett should face challengers in the 2020 Election is wild to me. When one considers the many accomplishments Bartlett has done for Berkeley, and what work he’s started and that’s left to be done, and then look at his opponents and what they offer, that Bartlett’s re-election should be a […]

Oaklandside’s Attack On Derreck Johnson In Oakland City Council Race Was Racist – UPDATE

Oaklandside’s Attack On Derreck Johnson In The Oakland City Council Race Was Racist ONN – Oaklandside’s Attack On Derreck Johnson In The Oakland City Council Race Was Racist The Oaklandside, a new online publication by the person who owns Berkeleyside and that has a $3 million grant from Google, owes Derreck Johnson, a candidate in […]

Ben Bartlett Berkeley Councilmember On Domestic Violence Awareness Month; Gets EB Stonewall Backing

Ben Bartlett Berkeley Councilmember On Domestic Violence Awareness Month From YouTube Channel: October 10, 2020 at 03:39AM ONN – Ben Bartlett Berkeley Councilmember On Domestic Violence Awareness Month During Domestic Violence Month 2020, Berkeley Councilmember Ben Barlett (who introduced the Berkeley City Council’s George Floyd Community Safety Act) took time to express his support for […]

Oakland Public Ethics Commission Complaint On Lane Partners Not About Lynette Gibson-McElhaney

This Oakland Public Ethics Commission Complaint comes under the subhead-line of ‘bone-headed reports by fake news folks with racist agendas” and refers to an Oakland Public Ethics Commission Complaint that was filed against a firm called Lane Partners, represented by Andrew Haydel. The matter was before the Oakland Public Ethics Commission, and in it’s agenda […]

Berkeley Councilmember Ben Bartlett On Safety for All: George Floyd Community Safety Act

This Ben Bartlett post called “Safety for All: George Floyd Community Safety Act” by Berkeley Councilmember Ben Bartlett appears on Medium. Here’s an excerpt: In all 50 states and more than 145 cities, Americans are calling for legitimate police accountability, an end to police brutality, and the transformation of the police system itself. The killing […]

Were Kansas City Chiefs Fans Booing Racial Unity Members Of Ticket Buying Right Wing Protest Effort?

Were Kansas City Chiefs Fans Booing Racial Unity Members Of Ticket Buying Right Wing Protest Effort? From YouTube Channel: September 11, 2020 at 03:00AM ONN – Were Kansas City Chiefs Fans Booing Racial Unity Members Of Ticket Buying Right Wing Protest Effort? After watching NFL players representing both the Kansas City Chiefs and the Houston […]

Derreck Johnson Oakland City Council At-Large 2020 Candidate Interview – UPDATE

Derreck Johnson Oakland City Council At-Large 2020 Candidate Interview From YouTube Channel: September 8, 2020 at 05:52PM ONN – Derreck Johnson Oakland City Council At-Large 2020 Candidate Interview – UPDATE While not my first choice for the Oakland City Council At-Large Seat occupied by Rebecca Kaplan (whom I endorsed) Derreck Johnson is a new face […]

Susan Manheimer Interim Chief Covers For Oakland Police Officer Wearing Boogaloo Boys Hawaiian Shirt

Susan Manheimer Interim Chief Covers For Oakland Police Officer Wearing Boogaloo Boys Hawaiian Shirt Two days ago, I wrote the following account: Do Oakland Police Have Racist Boogaloo Boys As Cops? Some Think So After This Officer Photo The Boogaloo Boys are a group described as in Refinery 29 as “mostly white, heavily armed men […]

Oakland, Berkeley, SF Bay Area White Folks Must Stop Telling Black Folks What Racism Is

I’ve noticed a really annoying trend in the San Francisco Bay Area of late, more specifically the last six years, and more intensely over the last four years (which happens to coincide with the election of Donald Trump as POTUS). It’s white folks telling black folks what racism is. The most bothersome examples pop-up in […]

Do Oakland Police Have Racist Boogaloo Boys As Cops? Some Think So After This Officer Photo

Do Oakland Police Have Racist Boogaloo Boys As Cops? Some Think So After This Officer Photo The Boogaloo Boys are a group described as in Refinery 29 as “mostly white, heavily armed men who claim they have a “libertarian” bent, and have shown up to protests against police violence in recent weeks armed to the […]

Oakland George Floyd Protest August 26 2020

Oakland George Floyd Protest August 26 2020 From YouTube Channel: August 27, 2020 at 02:10PM ONN – Please Help Me Like, Share & Subscribe!! Subscribe to Hot News Today: Note from Zennie62Media and Oakland News Now: this video-blog post demonstrates the full and live operation of the latest updated version of an experimental Zennie62Media […]

Doc Rivers Blasts GOP Fear-Mongering After Jacob Blake Shooting During Mavs Clippers Game 5 Presser

Doc Rivers Blasts GOP Fear-Mongering During Post-Game Press Conference Mavericks Clippers Game 5 From YouTube Channel: August 26, 2020 at 12:23AM ONN – Doc Rivers Blasts GOP Fear-Mongering During Post-Game Press Conference Mavericks Clippers Game 5 This started out as a routine-for-the-NBA-Bubble press conference with LA Clippers coach Doc Rivers. But he then took it […]

Barry Wesley’s Waking Nightmare

Barry Wesley’s Waking Nightmare ONN – Barry Wesley’s Waking Nightmare Colorado State Offensive Lineman Barry Wesley took a summer job selling roofing never expecting that ot may cost him his life. Scott Gudmundsen, age 65, faces felony charges after holding Wesley and co-worker Kyle Farrell at gunpoint on June 11 and accusing them of being […]

Robert Warshaw Report Points Mayor Of Oakland, Police Department Faults In Shooting Of Joshua Pawlik

The Joshua Pawlik Shooting is the focus of the just released report by Robert Warshaw, the Thelton E. Henderson court-appointed monitor of the Oakland Police Department in the wake of the events of The Riders Case. Below, is a digitized version of the report. You can also download it here. You can also read former […]

Oakland City Council Fakes Defunding Police, Slashes Community Services Says Cat Brooks

Oakland – Tuesday night July 21, 2020, The Oakland City Council had the historic opportunity to address the decades-long budget inequity that has left police with the lion’s share of our tax dollars and many residents without healthcare, housing, and critical social services during the pandemic. Councilmembers Reid, McElhaney, Taylor, Gallo, and Mayor Schaaf chose […]

Ben Bartlett, Berkeley Councilmember: California Blockchain Innovation Zone

Ben Bartlett, Berkeley Councilmember, wrote this on Medium on Dec 4, 2019. He called it a “Framework for an Intrastate Regulatory Safe Harbor / Sandbox”. Councilmember Ben Bartlett: Technology is at its best when used to address fundamental human needs. While the internet represents a technological breakthrough of foundational significance, much of its potential to […]

On BerkDOT, Berkeley Councilmember Ben Bartlett Says George Floyd Community Safety Act Curbs Racism

On BerkDOT, Berkeley Councilmember Ben Bartlett Says George Floyd Community Safety Act Curbs Racism ONN – On BerkDOT, Berkeley Councilmember Ben Bartlett Says George Floyd Community Safety Act Curbs Racism BerkDOT, a proposal to off-load parking citations work from the Berkeley Police Department to a new Berkeley Department of Transportation, is up for consideration by […]

Oakland Police Commission Enacts Landmark Policy On Asphyxia & Neck Holds

Oakland – Oakland’s Police Commission late Thursday night unanimously enacted the strongest language in the nation banning the use of neck holds and protecting individuals from asphyxia (when someone is deprived of oxygen) in encounters with police. The policy comes in the aftermath of the murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis, who died of asphyxia […]

Oakland City Council District 3 2020 Election Race: Lynette Gibson McElhaney, Carroll Fife + 5 Challengers

Lynette Gibson McElhaney, the incumbent, two-term, Oakland City Council District Three Councilmember has managed to draw six challengers as of this writing: Jesse Alexander, Carroll Fife, Brandi Haskins, Noel Pico, Meron Semedar, and Faye Taylor. Of course, the last time Councilmember McElhaney was in this position, it was 2016. In 2016, a field that once […]

NFL Commissioner Goodell, Mayor Of Chicago, Bears Sam Acho, Join Pro Athletes In West Chicago

NFL Commissioner Goodell, Mayor Of Chicago, Bears Sam Acho, Join Pro Athletes In West Chicago ONN – NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell, Lori Lightfoot, The Mayor Of Chicago, and Chicago Bears Sam Acho, join current Bears Michell Trubiski and other pro athletes from different sports In West Chicago. The mission: take down an abandoned liquor store […]

Berkeley Councilmember Ben Bartlett’s Statement On The Berkeley City Council’s Police Defund Actions

Berkeley Councilmember Ben Bartlett’s Statement On The Berkeley City Council’s Police Defund Actions ONN – Berkeley Councilmember Ben Bartlett’s Statement On The Berkeley City Council’s Police Defund Actions The Berkeley City Council voted to defund the Berkeley Police Department by $9.3 million. Ben Bartlett provided the following statement at Zennie62Media’s request. Councilmember Bartlett reports: On […]

Cam Newton Signs With New England Patriots In Deal Advanced By George Floyd, Black Lives Matter

Cam Newton Signs With New England Patriots In Deal Advanced By George Floyd, Black Lives Matter ONN – Cam Newton Signs With New England Patriots In Deal Advanced By George Floyd, Black Lives Matter Note from Zennie62Media and Oakland News Now: this video-blog post demonstrates the full and live operation of the latest updated version […]

Bishop Bob Jackson Wants To Rename Oakland Streets In Wake Of George Floyd Murder

Renaming the street names in Oakland – Bishop Bob Jackson ONN – Bishop Bob Jackson Wants To Rename Oakland Streets In Wake Of George Floyd Murder Listen as Bishop Bob Jackson speaks to KIPX 5 News reporter Da Lin regarding Racism and Renaming of the street names in Oakland, CA. Note from Zennie62Media and Oakland […]

Aireon Tavarres Works To Save Oakland’s Black Lives Matter Protest Murals In Downtown

Open air art museum will Oakland’s protest murals have a life beyond the ONN – Aireon Tavarres Works To Save Oakland’s Black Lives Matter Protest Murals In Downtown By Localish on YouTube, which reports: In Oakland, the boarded-up shop windows have been covered with the faces of George Floyd, Tony McDade and Breonna Taylor. If […]

Ben Bartlett Berkeley Councilmember Shows Oakland City Council How To Defund Police

Ben Bartlett Berkeley Councilmember Shows Oakland City Council How To Defund Police ONN – Ben Bartlett Berkeley Councilmember Shows Oakland City Council How To Defund Police Raw transcript from video: Hey, you know, I tell you something just really pisses me off. the City of Oakland just made this rush to stuff something in as […]

Ben Bartlett Berkeley Councilmember Says California Will Rollout #CalCoin “Soon”

Ben Bartlett Berkeley Councilmember Says California Will Rollout #CalCoin “Soon” ONN – Ben Bartlett Berkeley Councilmember Says California Will Rollout #CalCoin “Soon” On Twitter, Bartlett writes “As Berkeley goes so goes the nation. At the state level we have been working up a version of the New York plan. It’s called #CalCoin We will be […]

Oakland School Board Votes To Eliminate OUSD Police Department: George Floyd Resolution

Oakland School Board Votes To Eliminate OUSD Police Department: George Floyd Resolution ONN – Oakland School Board Votes To Eliminate OUSD Police Department: George Floyd Resolution Note from Zennie62Media and Oakland News Now: this video-blog post demonstrates the full and live operation of the latest updated version of an experimental Zennie62Media , Inc. mobile media […]

Oakland Youth Lead Black Organizing Project’s “Police Free Schools” March

Oakland youth march for police-free schools  ONN – Oakland Youth Lead Black Organizing Project’s “Police Free Schools” March Chanting “no justice, no peace,” young protesters led a march through Oakland, California on Tuesday to demand police-free schools. Raw transcript: chancing no justice no peace young protesters led a march through Oakland California on Tuesday […]

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