Oakland Unified School District Thanks Voters for Measure J, Which Funded Facilities Projects

Oakland Unified School District OUSD

Oakland Unified School District OUSD Highlights Numerous Major Facilities Projects and Thanks Voters for Approving Measure J Which Funded the Projects

Oakland – Over the past month, OUSD has been showing off facilities projects that came to fruition largely because of the support of Oakland voters. Measure J enabled the District to totally rebuild the Glenview Elementary School campus, create a new high school building at Madison Park Academy, rebuild much of the Fremont High School campus and add an academic building, and build a new Central Kitchen that will create tens of thousands of meals a day and provide educational opportunities for students across Oakland.

In each case, the District held a news conference to show the community the features of the new facilities. (One is set for later this week at the Central Kitchen.) Staff from KDOL, the District’s TV station, did a video about each project sharing messages from the speakers including architects and contractors, city leaders, teachers, principals, the OUSD Superintendent and the Board of Education. Numerous speakers at each school thanked the voters for passing Measure J and enabling the completion of the projects.

Below are three KDOL videos that, in order, highlight the rebuilt Glenview Elementary campus, the new Madison Park Academy high school building, and the Fremont High School project.

About the Oakland Unified School District

In California’s most diverse city, Oakland Unified School District (OUSD) is dedicated to creating a learning environment where “Every Student Thrives!” More than half of our students speak a non-English language at home. And each of our 81 schools is staffed with talented individuals uniting around a common set of values: Students First, Equity, Excellence, Integrity, Cultural Responsiveness and Joy. We are committed to preparing all students for college, career and community success.

To learn more about OUSD’s Full Service Community District focused on academic achievement while serving the whole child in safe schools, please visit OUSD.org and follow us @OUSDnews.

Post based on press release from OUSD to Zennie62Media.

Oakland Schools: OUSD Unveiled New Campus at Glenview Elementary at Friday Press Conference

Oakland Unified School District OUSD

The Oakland Unified School District sent this press release to announce a press conference held last Friday on a new campus at Glenview Elementary. As that even was missed by this space, here’s the information that was sent, which will be augmented by additional news presented here at Oakland News Now:

OUSD to Unveil New Campus at Glenview Elementary at Friday Press Conference
School is Ready to Welcome Students When District Reopens for In-Person Learning

Oakland – On Friday, October 9, OUSD is celebrating a major milestone in the form of the completion of a rebuilt school. The freshly completed Glenview Elementary, which sits at the corner of La Cresta Avenue and Hampel Street, is now ready to welcome students back to class once conditions related to the pandemic allow the District to reopen for in-person instruction. The school was almost entirely torn down in 2016 for the rebuilding project. The only thing that remained was the facade on the front of the school. And there are lots of other amazing features.

New Glenview Elementary Campus in Oakland
New Glenview Elementary Campus in Oakland
New Glenview Elementary Campus in Oakland
New Glenview Elementary Campus in Oakland
New Glenview Elementary Campus in Oakland
New Glenview Elementary Campus in Oakland

The old school building had undersized and under-equipped classrooms, but those are history. The new building has high-performance classrooms that are right-sized, healthy and comfortable, and achieve 21st century goals for learning environments. The retention of the iconic porch and portico element was pivotal in the design of the new building. The architect said that while it was challenging, it anchored the new building in the same location as the original building and allowed for the cherished stairs, outdoor terraces, and architectural landmark to remain.

The new multi-use room with a stage and a basketball court will be enjoyed by students, parents and the community, and the roll-up doors allow larger indoor/outdoor gatherings. The library’s location and design with its built-in amphitheater seating, flexible layout, and restroom support school and community use.
Multi-use room with stage & basketball court.
The school was also built with sustainability as a major driver of the design. The school is resource conscious, consumes less energy, and provides natural lighting throughout. It is well-insulated, has efficient radiant heating systems and LED lighting, ceiling fans are used for cooling and comfort, windows are operable and energy management systems were installed to manage energy consumption.

“This is a moment we have all been waiting years to see,” said Superintendent Kyla Johnson-Trammell. “A time when we get to celebrate the rebirth of a beloved school. The newly rebuilt Glenview Elementary will serve generations of Oakland children, as a warm, welcoming and supportive environment for learning. It is beautiful inside and out, and any Oakland student would be proud to call Glenview their school. Likewise, the campus will serve as an important community center for residents in the Dimond Park area. We thank the taxpayers of Oakland for supporting this important work to ensure our students have the kind of learning environment that all young people need and deserve.”

Stay tuned.

Wellstone Democratic Club: Oakland School Board OUSD Candidates Before Endorsement Meeting

Oakland Unified School District OUSD

Oakland School Board Endorsement Information for Wellstone Democratic Club Four of the seven Oakland Unified School District (OUSD) Board seats are up for election in Nov, making 2020 critical. The fact that no incumbents are running presents even more opportunity to reshape the school board. The board currently has a majority of pro-privatizers and directors … Read more