Joe Tuman

City Seeks To Remove Humanist Hall: Oakland Event Space Called Nuisance, Could Be COVID-19 Flashpoint

David Oertel, The President of Humanist Hall located at 390 27th Street, Oakland, CA, is in trouble. But, from the looks of things, the man who owns the facility that was once the home of The Wellstone Democratic Club I was a member of, thinks he’s getting into what the late Representative John Lewis would […]

Don’t Believe Donald Trump’s Terrorism Claims For The Wall – Joe Tuman

Donald’s Trump’s claim that “The Wall” stops a “significant terrorist threat against America” isn’t true. Here’s why Oakland, CA – Today, in an act of desperation, President Donald Trump hosted a meeting with leading members of both bodies of Congress to find money for his wall and end the government showdown, and while it was […]

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