Oakland Councilmember

Judge John Sutter Dies: Former Oakland Councilmember Was A Quiet Giant, Good Listener

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N0H-6nxrSYs ONN – Judge John Sutter Dies: Former Oakland Councilmember Was A Quiet Giant, Good Listener – video by the YouTube channel in the video’s upper left hand corner. Judge John Sutter Dies: Former Oakland Councilmember Was A Quiet Giant, Good Listener Judge John Sutter graduated from Oakland High School, went to Harvard, and then […]

Oakland Councilmember Rebecca Kaplan Speech Honoring Dorothy King (March 31 2021)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d2kjJjJMGz4 ONN – Honoring Dorothy King (March 31 2021) – video by the YouTube channel in the video’s upper left hand corner. I was honored speak at the homegoing service for the amazing Dorothy King, an Oakland leader committed to social justice. I am pleased to present the council resolution, to honor her life and […]

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