
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts And Sciences Surpasses Women, POC Goals, In Membership Invites

Los Angeles – The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences is extending invitations to join the organization to 819 artists and executives who have distinguished themselves by their contributions to theatrical motion pictures. The 2020 class is 45% women, 36% underrepresented ethnic/racial communities (people of color, or p.o.c), and 49% international from 68 countries. […]

“Rampage” Coming To DVD; “George” Jason Liles Will Be At San Diego Comic Con 2018

Rampage, the special-effects movie that is a kind of cross between a giant monster movie and a Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson movie, is coming to DVD. As part of a promotional effort, the man who played the CGI ape called “George” is coming to San Diego Comic Con 2018. His name is Jason Liles. Rampage, […]

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