Oakland McClymonds High Campus Deemed Safe For Students And Staff To Occupy

McClymonds High Campus Oakland

Eight Months After Discovery of TCE Under the McClymonds High Campus, the School has been Deemed Safe for Students and Staff to Occupy

Oakland Unified School District OUSD
Oakland Unified School District OUSD

Oakland – Oakland Unified School District (OUSD) leadership will hold a news conference on Friday, October 16, 2020, to discuss the final determination about the safety of McClymonds High School, which had to shut down during the spring semester because of a toxic chemical that was found in the groundwater under the school. One month before the world radically changed because of the Covid pandemic, OUSD decided to close the McClymonds campus to students and staff because of the discovery of trichloroethylene, or TCE, under the school. Now, eight months later, the school has been deemed safe to return to for all students and staff.

In the weeks that followed the February closure, McClymonds students were divided up and moved to several different campuses. In the meantime, District staff, along with a group of experts from Alameda County and the State of California worked to take samples all across the campus, especially inside the school buildings. On Friday, the District is publicly sharing that the state Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) says the testing shows the campus is safe for the school community to return to once everyone is able to go back to in-person teaching and learning at all schools.

District staff will also discuss the environmental injustices that have been perpetrated on the people of Oakland and all urban areas for far too long, and how the TCE situation at McClymonds is emblematic of those injustices.

Stay tuned for the news conference livestream here.

About the Oakland Unified School District

In California’s most diverse city, Oakland Unified School District (OUSD) is dedicated to creating a learning environment where “Every Student Thrives!” More than half of our students speak a non-English language at home. And each of our 81 schools is staffed with talented individuals uniting around a common set of values: Students First, Equity, Excellence, Integrity, Cultural Responsiveness and Joy. We are committed to preparing all students for college, career and community success.

To learn more about OUSD’s Full Service Community District focused on academic achievement while serving the whole child in safe schools, please visit OUSD.org and follow us @OUSDnews.

Port of Oakland Reports Best September For Import Volume In Its History

Port Of Oakland

From Press Release: Port of Oakland has best September ever for import volume

Imports up 10.6 percent, exports up 5 percent compared to Sept. 2019

Oakland – October 14, 2020: The Port of Oakland experienced its best September ever for import cargo volume. The Port said 93,916 twenty-foot (TEU) full import containers last month beat a 2019 record of 84,901 TEUs. The Port also said today that containerized import volume jumped 10.6 percent in September compared to 2019 totals. Exports were also up 5 percent compared to September 2019. Total TEUs for September were 225,809 up 9.3 percent compared to September 2019 when TEUs were 206,539.

The Port attributed the boost in imports to U.S. retailers stocking up in preparation for the traditional holiday shopping season. Consumer products combined with pandemic-related items such as personal protective supplies helped make September a record-breaking month.

“Several months into this pandemic, we are now seeing positive signs by these cargo volume totals,” said Port of Oakland Maritime Director Bryan Brandes. “As retailers make sure shelves are well-stocked, we’re waiting to see if consumers begin shopping early this holiday season.”

The Port said it’s seeing retailers hedging against another possible COVID wave this winter. Retailers appear to be building up their stocks as they continue to see the spread of more factory closures and lockdowns.

Compared to last year, this year’s first nine months show full imports up 0.4 percent and full exports down 0.2 percent.

About the Port of Oakland

The Port of Oakland oversees the Oakland Seaport, Oakland International Airport, and nearly 20 miles of waterfront including Jack London Square. The Port’s 5-year strategic plan – Growth with Care – pairs business expansion with community benefits, envisioning more jobs and economic stimulus as the Port grows. Together with its business partners, the Port supports more than 84,000 jobs. Connect with the Port of Oakland and Oakland International Airport through Facebook, or with the Port on Twitter, YouTube, and at www.portofoakland.com.

From press release sent to Zennie62Media from The Port of Oakland.

City Of Oakland, Working Solutions, Launch Home-Based Business Grant Program

City of Oakland

Oakland – The City of Oakland received $36.9 million in State of California CARES Act funding. Of that amount, the Oakland CARES Act Home-Based Business Grant Program will distribute $500,000 in grants of $2,000 to $4,000 to home-based, for-profit businesses in Oakland. Working Solutions, a Bay Area nonprofit, is administering the application and grant-making process. The grant application period closes at 11:59 p.m. on Monday, November 2. Online applications in four languages are available at: https://www.workingsolutions.org/oakland-home-based-grants.

“We recognize that revenue from a home-based business is often a major source of household income for our entrepreneurs, and losses due to the pandemic are pushing vulnerable populations to the brink of economic and housing insecurity,” said Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf. “This grant program supports Oakland’s entrepreneurial spirit reflected in the wide variety of home-based businesses found in The Town.”

Priority will be given to home-based businesses representing a broad geographic diversity in Oakland, especially those located in low-income areas or otherwise historically vulnerable communities; those who have received $4,000 or less in funding from the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP); and those with annual gross business revenue under $150,000. The grant amounts of $2,000 to $4,000 will be based on gross revenue of the home-based business.

“Working Solutions is proud to partner with the City of Oakland to make grants to home-based small business owners in Oakland who are struggling due to the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Sara Razavi, CEO of Working Solutions. “This grant program will provide immediate relief to local home-based business owners, who face their own unique challenges during this crisis, and is an important follow-up to our work with the City this spring and summer through the Oakland Small Business Emergency Grant Program.”

In order to be eligible for this grant program, the business must:

Be verified as a for-profit, home-based business in Oakland;
Have a valid Oakland business license;
Have been in operation prior to March 1, 2019;
Be able to demonstrate negative impacts to the business from the COVID-19 pandemic;
Certify that the home-based business income represents the majority (>50%) of the applicant’s total individual income; and
Be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident (due to restrictions associated with federal CARES Act funding sources).

Business owners who previously received a grant from the Oakland Small Business Emergency Grant Program (between April and July 2020) are eligible to apply for this grant program.

Grant funds may be used for COVID-19-related costs and losses, such as payroll; rent or mortgage payments; utilities or other operating expenses; or fixtures, supplies, and other non-construction site modifications needed to satisfy COVID-19 distancing and mitigation requirements. Funds may not be used for new construction or building improvements.

Other Grant and Support Programs Available

This is the latest CARES Act-funded program launched by the City of Oakland. Grant programs for small businesses, individual artists and arts nonprofits,

community-serving nonprofits and low-income renters and homeowners were announced in September. Additionally, free legal advice webinars and consultations on lease negotiations for small businesses were announced last week. Businesses may only receive a grant from one CARES Act-funded program. Learn more about the $36.9 million in CARES Act Funding at: oaklandca.gov/CaresAct

About Working Solutions

Working Solutions is a nonprofit microlender and the First to Believe in start-up and early-stage businesses. As a U.S. Treasury-certified Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI), Working Solutions provides diverse entrepreneurs with affordable capital, customized business consulting, and community connections to increase economic opportunity in the San Francisco Bay Area. To date, Working Solutions has made over $27 million in microloans and grants to more than 1,300 local businesses and provided over 14,000 consulting hours.

This post based on a press release from the City of Oakland to Zennie62Media.

Vallejo Police Slam City of Vallejo For Illegal Emergency Action

Vallejo Police Association

Vallejo, Ca – The Vallejo Police Officers’ Association today slammed a proposed “declaration of emergency” by the City of Vallejo and its Chief of Police calling it “illegal and dangerous to citizens, public safety, police and the rule of law.”

The City has called a special meeting and placed a “declaration of emergency” on the City Council agenda for Tuesday, Oct. 6, that seeks to give unprecedented powers to City Manager Greg Nyhoff to circumvent state and local laws and regulations.

The City claims the declaration is necessary to deal with the current crime wave, which necessarily concedes that the City’s neglect and mismanagement has resulted in conditions of disaster or extreme peril to the safety of all residents, the VPOA says.

“The City does not need to declare an emergency to hire more police officers to protect citizens and businesses. It just needs to hire more cops, which it has been unable to do for years because it refuses to provide competitive wages and benefits to attract candidates – either entry level or laterals,” said members of the VPOA.

While the lack of effective City leadership is not in doubt, the VPOA said it will challenge its declaration in court and pursue all legal and administrative remedies. The proposed declaration “would allow it to bypass all civil service rules and other regulations to give the City Manager authoritarian powers until the City itself declares that the so-called emergency is over,” VPOA members added.

“This so-called declaration of emergency should cause everyone grave concern. The City effectively seeks to set aside due process, Civil Service Rules, and established law to create a dictatorship in response to its own administrative failures. This is a dangerous, illegal power grab concocted by the City’s administration that violates laws, public safety and everyone’s rights as citizens and employees of the City of Vallejo,” the VPOA warned.

They pointed out that City Manager Greg Nyhoff has been with the Vallejo for three years and Police Chief Shawny Williams has been onboard for a year.

“They are trying to pass this ’emergency’ as being necessary due to past administrations’ decisions. The reality is that Nyhoff and Williams have been, and are at, the helm, and should be held accountable. Accountability does not mean that we cast aside the checks and balances that are required of democracy,” VPOA members said.

The VPOA says the City’s and Chief’s admitted mismanagement, neglect, and incompetence for the past decade are to blame for the City’s current condition.

The City has failed to prioritize the police department. Instead of taking funds away from budgeted police officer positions to hire a $500,000 a year Assistant Police Chief to sit behind a desk, the City should be focusing their efforts on hiring highly qualified officers and developing actual strategies for a sustainable police force.

The VPOA says the so-called ‘state of emergency’ “opens the door to cronyism and is an excuse to hire more unaccountable administrative bureaucrats that will do nothing to help citizens impacted by crime.” The declaration itself says that the City wants to hire more administrators, even noting that there “is a vacant Assistant Chief position” which the City created in July without increasing the Police Department’s budget.

The VPOA said the Vallejo’s leadership is citing its own failure to implement police reforms as a ruse to justify its unprecedented action. After repeated attempts to meet with Assistant Chief Joe Allio regarding the OIR Group’s recommended reforms, the VPOA sent the City a letter on September 16, 2020 formally encouraging City leaders to work with the union to make progress on the recommendations.

Despite the VPOA’s public support of the OIR Group’s recommendations, the City did not reach out to schedule a meeting until October 1, 2020, only hours before giving notice of this proposed declaration of emergency.

“The reason Vallejo is awash in crime is that the City has starved the department of necessary funds to hire patrol officers to protect citizens,” said members of the VPOA.

“The City can’t declare an emergency when they are the one that caused the emergency. The City’s incompetent leadership has mismanaged Vallejo for the past decade. Now their solution is to declare an emergency and give unprecedented powers and authority to themselves, the people that created the situation,” members of the VPOA said.

The VPOA has offered to work with the City and Chief to implement recommendations from two independent studies of the Vallejo Police Department. One study found the VPD was unbiased and non-discriminatory in its use of force and the other study provided 45 recommendations for changes and reform. The VPOA support both studies and their reform initiatives.

“The OIR Group recommendations are important steps for the future of the Vallejo Police Department, and the VPOA maintains its commitment to work with the City toward implementing those recommendations. Nothing in the OIR Group’s report suggests or the principles in 21st Century Policing requires the City to circumvent state and local laws and regulations,” they added.

The Vallejo Police Officer’s’ Association (VPOA) was incorporated in 1957. The VPOA is the recognized bargaining unit between all Vallejo Police Officer’s and the City of Vallejo. Members include all ranks of officer’s – Captains, Lieutenants, Sergeants, Corporals and Officer’s. The VPOA does not represent the Chief of Police or the Assistant Chief of Police

The business function of the VPOA is to protect the collective interests of the members of the Vallejo Police Department and provide benefits to its members.

The VPOA is also committed to the safety and security of the citizens of Vallejo and the protection of life and property.

For more information, please visit www.vallejopoa.org

Oakland Walks 4 Schools Virtual Walkathon To Raise Funds For OUSD Schools #OaklandWalks

Oakland Public Education Fund

Oakland Walks 4 Schools Virtual Walkathon, Aims to Take 30 Million Steps to Raise Funds for OUSD Schools This October

The Oakland Public Education Fund (https://www.oaklandedfund.org/) is launching its inaugural Oakland Walks 4 Schools Walkathon this October. #OaklandWalks will inspire students, parents, school staff, and community members to get safe and healthy exercise during the pandemic while raising money for some of Oakland’s most underserved public schools.
Oakland Walks 4 Schools is expecting:

● 3,000 students, parents, and community members to participate
● A total of 30 million steps to be taken
● Thousands of dollars to be raised for Oakland public schools

Participants will track as many safe and socially-distant steps as possible during the month of October; this includes laps around the block, weekend hikes, and even steps inside the home. And for every step a donation will be made to an Oakland school to purchase art supplies, books, technology, and other educationally engaging materials.
“Despite the fact that we are in distance learning, our students and schools still need supplies,” says OUSD Superintendent Kyla Johnson-Trammell. “We are grateful that the Ed Fund is engaging our community with this fundraiser that’s fun for the whole family and fosters physical fitness. Especially given the challenges that the pandemic is presenting all of us, it’s critical that children and adults exercise regularly to stay healthy and better manage our stress. I thank in advance everyone who takes some of the 30 million steps on behalf of the students of Oakland.”

Alexandria Medina, Executive Director of the Oakland Public Education Fund adds, “The Oakland Public Education Fund is committed to creating safe and healthy environments where all students can thrive. Physical fitness and mental health go hand in hand and the Oakland Walks 4 Schools fundraiser is a chance to help raise money for underserved schools while encouraging wellness for all. We see this as a win-win for all Oakland public school kids, their families, and the greater Oakland community.”

Community members, businesses, and philanthropic organizations are encouraged to learn more and get involved at:​ ​www.​oaklandwalks4schools.com

About the Oakland Public Education Fund:

The Oakland Public Education Fund (“the Ed Fund”) leads the development and management of community resources in Oakland public schools so that all students can learn, grow, and thrive. Learn more at ​www.oaklandedfund.org
About the Oakland Unified School District
In California’s most diverse city, Oakland Unified School District (OUSD) is dedicated to creating a learning environment where “Every Student Thrives!” We are committed to preparing all students for college, career and community success.​ www.ousd.org

This post based on a press release from the Oakland Public Education Fund to Zennie62Media, Inc.

Today: Oakland High School Giveaway Of $40,000 Of Computers Courtesy Of RRRComputer.org

Oakland Unified School District OUSD

Oakland – On Wednesday, September 30, more than a dozen students will receive refurbished MacBook Air computers, in the second day of this giveaway from RRRComputer.org, a San Francisco-based non-profit organization. The first day was last week when about 20 students received the devices, in a program that is separate from the #OaklandUndivided campaign. The second half of the group of 40 students receive their computers on Wednesday afternoon.

RRRComputer.org is in the business of collecting computers, refurbishing them, and donating them to young people. “It is important that the students get the laptops to do their homework online so that they can pass their classes during the Covid-19 shelter in place order,” said Hue Mach, RRRComputer.org Founder. “It is a matter of either not passing and being unable to go on to college or having a higher education. We need to help these students who are unable to buy a laptop to do their work online.”

OUSD and Oakland High School thank Mr. Mach and RRRComputer.org for supporting Oakland’s students.

WHAT: Refurbished MacBook Air Giveaway to Oakland High Students
WHEN: 2:30 p.m., Wednesday, September 30
WHERE: Oakland High School, 1023 MacArthur Blvd

About the Oakland Unified School District

In California’s most diverse city, Oakland Unified School District (OUSD) is dedicated to creating a learning environment where “Every Student Thrives!” More than half of our students speak a non-English language at home. And each of our 81 schools is staffed with talented individuals uniting around a common set of values: Students First, Equity, Excellence, Integrity, Cultural Responsiveness and Joy. We are committed to preparing all students for college, career and community success.

To learn more about OUSD’s Full Service Community District focused on academic achievement while serving the whole child in safe schools, please visit OUSD.org and follow us @OUSDnews.

Post based on press release from OUSD to Zennie62Media, Inc.

OUSD Unveils New High School Building at Madison Park Academy, School In East Oakland

Oakland Unified School District OUSD

On Tuesday, OUSD Unveils New High School Building at Madison Park Academy, School in East Oakland Neighborhood with Troubled Past

Oakland – East Oakland’s Sobrante Park neighborhood, a shining new feature will have a huge impact on the lives of countless young people. The Madison Park Academy (MPA) campus has a new building for its high school students. The building has 14 classrooms, two labs, six offices and other staff space.

Ten years ago, the idea of a new school building here may have seemed next to impossible. MPA is located in an area that, historically, many people avoided. “It used to be one of the largest dope traps in Oakland, because there’s one way in and one way out. So, they could protect their turf,” said OUSD Board of Education Director, James Harris in 2019. “As kids, we went to school on MacArthur, they’d say man, don’t go anywhere near Sobrante Park because it was so dangerous that you didn’t know what could happen. A lot of kids would come in and get robbed.”

A quick look at a classroom inside the new high school building at Madison Park Academy.

But now, the area has gone through a renaissance, and the resurgence of the school has been a major catalyst for change. None of it would have happened, were it not for the dedication of MPA’s Executive Principal, Lucinda Taylor, who pushed this project for more than eight years, and ensured her students had a say in the finished product. “We’ve talked to students, they’ve had a real say in how the garden areas are going to be constructed. They’ve seen the design, they’ve been instrumental in choosing textures and tiles in classrooms. It’s just been a community project,” she said last year.

The new high school building at Madison Park Academy.
The new high school building at Madison Park Academy.

“This means a lot for our engineering program,” said engineering teacher, Tawana Guillaume last year about her students who do robotics projects. “We need a lot of space, we have a lot of equipment, we’re kind of crammed in our classroom in our portable. So, the opportunity for our students to really spread out to work on large-scale projects, to have this space to be creative, it will be amazing.”

Beyond the new high school building, the project includes a renovated main parking lot, and a renovated kitchen, along with a new remote snack bar. It balances a welcoming atmosphere and accessibility with security and safety with its appropriate use of lighting, ADA-compliant walkways and spaces, and network of ornamental gates. It’s designed to provide a healthy, clean and durable environment that promotes effective teaching and learning. The building systems are designed to provide exceptional indoor air quality with a high degree of user control through the use of high-efficiency filtration. As noted above, it also includes an area set aside as a school garden for students to develop and maintain.

The new high school building at Madison Park Academy.
The new high school building at Madison Park Academy.

The $36 million project was funded through Measure B, Measure J and Fund 25. “We thank the voters of Oakland for seeing our students’ needs and supporting them with this beautiful new building,” said Superintendent Kyla Johnson-Trammell in 2019. “We know that Madison Park is already producing many business and community leaders of tomorrow. Very soon, the people of Oakland will see their investment in these students paying remarkable dividends.”

Although some staff has already been on-site, the new building will welcome all staff and students once the community has been allowed to move beyond the restrictions in place because of the COVID pandemic.

Media is welcome at this event. Adherence to social distancing and mask-wearing guidelines is mandatory.

WHAT: Madison Park Academy New High School Building Ribbon-Cutting & News Conference
WHEN: Noon, Tuesday, September 29
WHERE: Madison Park Academy, 400 Capistrano Drive

About the Oakland Unified School District

In California’s most diverse city, Oakland Unified School District (OUSD) is dedicated to creating a learning environment where “Every Student Thrives!” More than half of our students speak a non-English language at home. And each of our 81 schools is staffed with talented individuals uniting around a common set of values: Students First, Equity, Excellence, Integrity, Cultural Responsiveness and Joy. We are committed to preparing all students for college, career and community success.

To learn more about OUSD’s Full Service Community District focused on academic achievement while serving the whole child in safe schools, please visit OUSD.org and follow us @OUSDnews.

This post based on a press release from OUSD to Zennie62Media, Inc.

City of Oakland, Community Vision, Launch Oakland Nonprofit Organization Grant Program

City of Oakland

Oakland – The City of Oakland received $36.9 million in State of California CARES Act funding. Of that, approximately $850,000 will go to grants to support Oakland-based nonprofit organizations that have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The grant program will support about 34 nonprofits with grants of $20,000 to $25,000 each.

The grants are available to Oakland nonprofits with an annual budget of less than $1 million that are currently providing programs and services that address the impact of COVID-19 and the needs of low-income residents and businesses in the following areas: Health & Human Services; Economic & Workforce Development; Legal Support; Food Security; Homeless and Renter Support Services; and Education. The application period opened today (Wednesday, September 23) at 9 a.m., and closes at 5 p.m. on Wednesday, October 14, 2020. Online applications are available at: communityvisionca.org/oaklandcares

“These grants are a step in preserving Oakland’s nonprofit ecosystem that helps feed, clothe, shelter and counsel our most vulnerable residents,” said Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf. “While the needs of our community have increased during the pandemic, many of these nonprofits have seen their funding dry up, putting both the organizations and those they serve at greater risk.”

The following general eligibility criteria will be used:

Nonprofits must provide proof of 501(c)3 status or fiscal sponsorship agreement.

Nonprofits must have a total annual budget and actual expenses of less than $1 million for the applicant’s current and previous fiscal year. If an organization is fiscally sponsored, this limit is related to the organization’s expenses, not the total expenses of the fiscal sponsor.

Nonprofits must be located in Oakland and be currently providing programs and services that address the impact of COVID-19 and the needs of low-income residents and businesses in Oakland.
Nonprofits must currently provide services to disinvested populations (including Black; immigrant; aged; children; homeless; low and very low-income) in the following areas: Health & Human Services; Economic & Workforce Development; Legal Support; Food Security; Homeless and renter support services; and Education. Applicants will be required to provide a brief narrative overview of their. (Nonprofits in the arts community should apply for grants through the previously announced arts nonprofit grant program.)
Nonprofits must have been in business in Oakland for at least three years, with appropriate documentation of this fact (such as 990s, audited financial statement, or business license, etc.).
Applicants will be required to identify the programmatic need or loss of organization income due to COVID-19 business interruption such as:

Lack of program funding, contract funding, or grant agreements that were impacted because of the applicant’s inability to deliver services
Reduction in payroll, jobs, furloughs, or other significant costs
Programs that had to be suspended due to COVID-19
Preference will be given to nonprofit organizations located in, and serving census tracts deemed eligible for the federal Opportunity Zone program.
Preference will be given to nonprofit organizations that can demonstrate deep community roots, trust in the community, and those who base their work on the stated needs/wants of the community they serve.

The grants will help preserve nonprofit services to some of Oakland’s most disinvested populations and help prevent nonprofit displacement. Distribution of the CARES Act grants for Oakland nonprofits is through a partnership between the Economic & Workforce Development Department and Community Vision. Community Vision, formerly the Northern California Community Loan Fund, is a trusted intermediary that will administer the fund.

“COVID-19 has further emphasized the vast inequities present in our society and the reality that our economic system does not prioritize communities of color and low-income communities,” said Catherine Howard, Community Vision’s senior vice president of programs. “We’re pleased to partner with the City of Oakland to provide support to nonprofits working to meet the most vital needs across the city.”

To assist applicants, helpful FAQs have been posted at: communityvisionca.org/oaklandcares/FAQ. Webinars for nonprofits interested in applying for a grant will be hosted on: Wednesday, September 30, in both English (at 11 a.m.) and Spanish (at 1 p.m.). Interested applicants can also schedule consultation calls with Community Vision staff by visiting communityvisionca.org/oaklandcares. Materials will be available in Spanish at communityvisionca.org/oaklandcares/spanish.

In addition to administering the grant program, Community Vision will host virtual technical assistance workshops and one-on-one counseling. The schedule will be announced shortly at communityvisionca.org/oaklandcares

This is the latest CARES Act-funded grant program launched by the City of Oakland. Grant programs for small businesses, individual artists and arts nonprofits, and low-income renters and homeowners as well as an RFQ to fund support for low- and moderate-income renters and homeowners were announced earlier this month. Learn more about the $36.9 million in CARES Act Funding at: oaklandca.gov/topics/coronavirus-aid-relief-and-economic-security-cares-act-funding

This post based on press release from The City of Oakland to Zennie62Media.

City Of Oakland, Main Street Launch Open Grant Program For Oakland Small Businesses

City of Oakland

Oakland – The City of Oakland received $36.9 million in State of California CARES Act funding. More than $4 million of those funds will go to the Oakland CARES Act Small Business Grant Program to support Oakland small businesses that have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The program anticipates distributing $10,000 grants to 402 Oakland small businesses.

Grants may be used to cover day-to-day operating costs, such as worker payroll, rent and fixed debts. The application period for the small business grants opened today (Tuesday, September 22) at 1 p.m., and ends at 5 p.m. on Monday, October 12, 2020. Online applications in four languages are available at: https://mainstreetlaunch.org/oakland-cares-act-grant/

“Many Oakland small businesses that employ our residents and provide vital goods and services for us all have suffered greatly during the closures to combat the spread of COVID-19,” said Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf. “These CARES Act-funded grants are meant to help sustain the local, independent merchants that add so much to our community as they pivot to new business models for the pandemic and post-pandemic economies.”

Eligibility requirements:

· Be an existing for-profit business since March 1, 2019 with a commercial location in Oakland

· Be able to demonstrate adverse business impacts from the COVID-19 pandemic

· Have gross revenues under $2,000,000 in 2019

· Have a current City of Oakland business license

· Have no City of Oakland life safety code violations

· Be in compliance with all County Health Orders and State Regulations

· Have not received a Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loan of more than $10,000

· Have not received a grant from the Oakland CARES Fund for Artists and Arts Non-profits

· Have at least one, but no more than 50 full-time equivalent employees, including the business owner(s)

The following businesses are not eligible for funding through this grant program: Nonprofits, passive income real estate businesses, cannabis-related businesses, adult entertainment businesses, franchises, any business involved in bankruptcy proceedings or religious organizations (See FAQs for complete list).

Disbursement of grants funds to the selected recipients is anticipated to be completed by Friday, October 30, 2020.

The grants will help prevent displacement and closures of small businesses that contribute to the City’s diversity, vibrancy and character. Distribution of the CARES Act grants for small businesses is through a partnership between the City of Oakland’s Economic & Workforce Development Department and Main Street Launch. A trusted intermediary focused on equitable economic development, Main Street Launch is administering the Oakland CARES Act Small Business Grant Program.

“Main Street is looking forward to helping Oakland’s small businesses at this critical moment in the city’s recovery from the pandemic,” said Jacob Singer, CEO of Main Street Launch. “By helping the City provide these grants to support Oakland’s dynamic small business community, we collectively envision a time when we will all be able to gather together again in support of the businesses that make Oakland a unique and lively place to work and live.”

To assist applicants, answers to frequently asked questions have been posted at: https://mainstreetlaunch.org/oakland-cares-act-grant/ Support for technical questions is also available by emailing [email protected].

To align with the Oakland City Council’s direction and equity goals, the funds will be allocated to prioritize both geographic diversity throughout Oakland, and districts containing vulnerable communities, as represented by the Opportunity Zone-qualified and Opportunity Zone-designated census tracts. $2 million of grants have been specifically earmarked for businesses located in Opportunity Zone-designated census tracts. These historically vulnerable communities were selected based on aggregated demographic characteristics of each tract’s resident population as reported by the U.S. Census.

This is the latest CARES Act-funded grant program launched by the City of Oakland. Grant programs for low-income renter and homeowner relief and artists and arts nonprofits as well as an RFQ to fund support for low- and moderate-income renters and homeowners were announced earlier this month. Learn more about the $36.9 million in CARES Act Funding at: https://www.oaklandca.gov/topics/coronavirus-aid-relief-and-economic-security-cares-act-funding

Oakland’s Zendaya, Yahya Abdul-Mateen II, Awele Makeba Score Emmy Awards For 2020

Oakland Unified School District OUSD

Oakland – The annual celebration for excellence in television entertainment, the 72nd Emmy Awards show on ABC on Sunday night, September 20, was a huge night for Oakland Unified School District, and people with roots here. The District can add three Emmys to the collection of awards amassed throughout the years by alumni, staff, former students, and other connected artists.

First off, Zendaya, who is from Oakland and whose mother taught at Fruitvale Elementary, won for Lead Actress in a Drama for her work in HBO’s Euphoria. Another winner was 2004 McClymonds High School graduate, Yahya Abdul-Mateen II, who took the Emmy for Supporting Actor in a Limited Series or Movie for his work in Watchmen on HBO. And lastly, current students from across the District can celebrate the win by We Are The Dream: The Kids of the Oakland MLK Oratorical Fest, an HBO documentary, which took home the Emmy for Outstanding Children’s Program.

Emmy Awards 2020
Emmy Awards 2020

Zendaya’s mother, Claire Stoermer, taught at Fruitvale for 20 years, and Zendaya used to visit the school and even helped tutor the students. In more recent years, she has visited Fruitvale and other schools to support today’s students. In winning the Emmy for Lead Actress in a Drama, she beat out industry heavyweights including Jennifer Aniston, Sandra Oh, and Laura Linney. She also became the youngest woman to win the category at just 24 years old. Her acceptance speech brought tears to the eyes of many who watched it.


Supporting Actor winner, Yahya Abdul-Mateen II, grew up in West Oakland, and attended school in Emeryville before going to McClymonds for his high school career. For years, he has remained close with McClymonds social worker, Relonda McGhee. “Yahya was destined for greatness, so it is awesome that he has won his first Emmy Award,” she said. “Yahya surprised me with a visit at school in February, 2018. As I do all Mack Family when they come see me, I had him speak to my class. He did so and sponsored a young lady for her Prom. He asked who had the highest GPA and the lowest. This student was bold enough to admit her grades had dropped, and he promised to pay for her Prom if she worked hard to bring her grades back up. She did and he sent me the money for her. That’s just him. I couldn’t be more excited that Yahya is now receiving this recognition. He’s a great actor, and an even better person.”


Yahya Abdul-Mateen II
Yahya Abdul-Mateen II

Lastly, the win by the documentary, We Are The Dream: The Kids of the Oakland MLK Oratorical Fest, is a win for all Oakland students who have and will take part in the District’s annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Oratorical Fest. And in particular, it’s a win for Executive Producer, Mahershala Ali, who was born in Oakland, and for Skyline High School Drama Teacher, Awele Makeba (right), the producer of the Oratorical Fest. “HBO’s documentary was a precious gift to OUSD, the City of Oakland, and especially our children and families,” she said. “It’s definitely a community affair. The Emmy elevates the documentary to a whole other level, not only lifting up our talented youth, amplifying their potent voices nationally, but centering 4-11 year olds, predominantly children of color, in a proud legacy of being on the right side of racial and social justice, honoring the life and dream of Reverend, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.”

Skyline High School Drama Teacher, Awele Makeba
Skyline High School Drama Teacher, Awele Makeba

You can learn more about the documentary and watch it for free here:

“Nothing about these Emmy wins comes as a surprise to me,” said Superintendent Kyla Johnson-Trammell. “I have helped judge the MLK Oratorical Fest, and see regularly how amazing the students are, and how remarkable the event is for them. The documentary did a beautiful job of sharing all that goes into the speeches, and what taking part means for our young people. As for Zendaya and Yahya, knowing their roots are here in Oakland, I have followed their careers, and see, like everyone else, their extraordinary talents. Their Emmy wins just confirm what we already knew. I want to personally congratulate Zendaya, Yahya Abdul-Mateen II, Mahershala Ali, Ms. Awele at Skyline, and all the students, staff and families who make the MLK Oratorical Fest the amazing event that it is. All of you do a wonderful job of showing the heart and brilliance of Oakland.”

About the Oakland Unified School District

In California’s most diverse city, Oakland Unified School District (OUSD) is dedicated to creating a learning environment where “Every Student Thrives!” More than half of our students speak a non-English language at home. And each of our 81 schools is staffed with talented individuals uniting around a common set of values: Students First, Equity, Excellence, Integrity, Cultural Responsiveness and Joy. We are committed to preparing all students for college, career and community success.

To learn more about OUSD’s Full Service Community District focused on academic achievement while serving the whole child in safe schools, please visit OUSD.org and follow us @OUSDnews.


This post based on a press release from OUSD to Zennie62Media.

City Of Oakland, Center For Cultural Innovation Launch Grant Programs For Artists, Nonprofits

City of Oakland

Oakland, CA – The City of Oakland received $36.9 million in State of California CARES Act funding. Through the Oakland CARES Fund for Artists and Arts Nonprofits, $1.425 million of those funds will go to support individual artists and arts nonprofit organizations that have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The Oakland CARES Arts Organizational Grant will award grants of up to $20,000 to arts nonprofits, while the Oakland CARES Individual Artist Grant seeks to support individual artists with grants of up to $3,000 each. The application period for both grants opened today (Monday, September 21) at 9 a.m., and ends at 1 p.m. on Friday, October 9, 2020. Online applications in four languages are available at: cciarts.org/Oakland_CARES_Fund.html

“Our vibrant arts and culture community is a vital part of our community and contributes immensely to our collective sense of belonging, which is what makes Oakland a unique and special place,” said Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf. “We know Oakland artists and arts nonprofits are struggling, and these CARES Act-funded grants offer financial help as we collectively work to help them survive this crisis.”

Individual Artist Grants

Current, full-time Oakland residents who make their primary income as freelancers or employees in the arts sector may apply. Applicants must make the majority (50%+) of their individual income from the arts sector through any combination of sales of art, freelance work, and/or employment. This includes fine artists, including literary, visual, and performing artists; musicians; teaching artists; culture bearers; artist members of collective-based or cooperative creative social enterprises; and specialized artist workers (e.g., lighting or sound designers, fabricators, and the like). Grants of up to $3,000 will be awarded to approximately 160 individuals.

Nonprofit Organizational Grants

Oakland-based 501(c)3 arts nonprofits; fiscally sponsored arts organizations; or 501(c)3 incorporated cultural land trusts with a primary function of arts and/or culture activities and services may apply. Eligible organizations must have a yearly budget under $2.5 million based on the most recently completed fiscal year that ended before March 1, 2020.

Grant amounts will be based on nonprofit’s actual budget size of the most recently completed fiscal year using the following tiers:

For budgets up to $999,999, grants will be up to $10,000
For budgets of $1 million-$1,499,999, grants will be up to $15,000
For budgets of $1.5-$2.5 million, grants will be up to $20,000

The arts nonprofit must not have received more than $20,000 through the SBA’s Paycheck Protection Program or received a National Endowment for the Arts (CARES) award. Additionally, applicants, and employees or board members of applicant organizations, who have a conflict of interest (family or financial relationships) with the boards, staff, or directors of CCI or of City of Oakland’s elected officials and their employees are ineligible.

Both Grant Programs

Applicants for both grants will be asked to provide a detailed explanation of financial losses or incurred expenses due to COVID-19. Notifications to grant recipients are anticipated on Friday, October 30, 2020.

The grants will help prevent displacement among artists and closures of arts nonprofits. Artists and public-benefiting arts organizations are the backbone of the City’s diversity and vibrancy of cultural identity and expression. Distribution of the CARES Act grants for the arts is through a partnership between the Economic & Workforce Development Department’s Cultural Affairs Division and the Center for Cultural Innovation (CCI), a trusted intermediary focused on the economic security of people in the arts.

“Artists, culture workers, and arts nonprofits need our support but are all too often overlooked. We are delighted to partner with the City of Oakland, with the knowledge that they understand how important the arts are to the civic life of communities,” said Laura Poppiti, Center for Cultural Innovation’s Grants Program Director.

To assist applicants, FAQs have been posted at: cciarts.org/Oakland_CARES_Fund.html Support for technical questions is also available. English-speaking applicants are asked to email [email protected] with the subject line “Oakland CARES Fund Tech Support” and provide your full name and telephone number for assistance. For those completing applications in Spanish, Chinese (Traditional), or Vietnamese, please email [email protected] or call (510) 238-4949.

The Oakland CARES Fund for Artists and Arts Nonprofits will distribute support to reflect the cultural and geographic diversity of the city of Oakland – including those in historically underserved communities that are especially vulnerable financially due to this economic crisis.

Although not factors in grant decisions, we strongly encourage the following with financial needs to apply: individual applicants of, or organizations that primarily serve, historically marginalized communities, which may include, but are not limited to, African and African American, Arab, Asian and Asian American, Latinx, Middle Eastern, Native American and Indigenous, Pacific Islander; Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Queer, Transgender, and Gender-Variant people; people with disabilities; women; and those who are low-income, have high debts, have difficulty obtaining or retaining sources of income, or live in immigrant and refugee communities.

This is the latest CARES Act-funded grant program launched by the City of Oakland. Grant programs for low-income renter and homeowner relief and an RFQ to fund support for low- and moderate-income renters and homeowners were announced earlier this month. Learn more about the $36.9 million in CARES Act Funding at: https://www.oaklandca.gov/topics/coronavirus-aid-relief-and-economic-security-cares-act-funding

Post based on a press release from City of Oakland to Zennie62Media.

City of Oakland Seeks Applicants for New Homeless Advisory Commission

City of Oakland

City of Oakland Seeks Applicants for New Homeless Advisory Commission. 9-member board recommends strategies to remedy homelessness and advises on priorities for Vacant Parcel Tax funds for homeless services

Oakland, CA – The City of Oakland is establishing its first-ever Homeless Advisory Commission and is seeking nine qualified Oakland residents to sit on the inaugural board. City Councilmembers make recommendations on Commissioners to the Mayor, who appoints them for the Council’s confirmation.

The Homeless Advisory Commission was created by Measure W, the Vacant Parcel Tax ballot measure, a special parcel tax on vacant properties to support homeless services and address illegal dumping, passed by Oakland voters in November 2018. The Homeless Advisory Commission is charged with making recommendations to the City Council about strategies to remedy homelessness and providing oversight of the Vacant Property Tax, which is anticipated to generate about $7 million per year for homeless and illegal dumping services.

“The impacts of COVID-19 on our economy in general, and on housing insecurity and homelessness in particular, make this Commission more important than ever,” said Mayor Schaaf. “I look forward to collaborating with the Council in seating and launching Oakland’s first-ever Homeless Advisory Commission in November 2020.”

The Homeless Advisory Commission will:

Review financial and operational reports related to the expenditure of the Vacant Parcel Tax homeless services fund.
Publish recommendations on how to prioritize the allocation of funds for services and programs for homeless people and the impacts of programs funded by the Vacant Property Tax.
Make recommendations to the Mayor and the City Council regarding homelessness priorities and present budget recommendations for the prioritization of Vacant Parcel Tax funds for each two-year budget.
Review and respond to the City’s Homeless Encampment Policy and the Permanent Access to Housing (PATH) plan.
Hear reports on the housing, programs, and services for people experiencing homelessness in Oakland, including street outreach, homeless shelters, transitional housing, housing exits, and permanent supportive housing.

The Homeless Advisory Commission is comprised as follows:

Consists of nine (9) members who are all residents of the City.
No less than half of the members must be residents of heavily impacted neighborhoods.
No fewer than two (2) members must be currently homeless, formerly homeless or low- income, as the term “low income” is defined by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development.
No fewer than three (3) members must have professional expertise in, or be providers of, homeless services or housing, with priority given to individuals with a background in affordable housing, shelter management, or public health.
No fewer than one (1) representative must have financial expertise.
Members may fulfill more than one (1) of these criteria for the purposes of meeting these requirements.

Applications are new being accepted. Oaklanders interested in being considered for nomination should submit their application online at https://oakland.granicus.com/boards/w/8552f8c4c0e15460/boards/36365

The application period closes on Friday, October 16. The goal is to present a list of Commissioners for City Council’s confirmation in November 2020.

Oakland is suffering a serious housing crisis, making housing at all levels of affordability, and particularly affordable housing, scarce and unavailable for many Oakland residents. The 2019 point-in-time count estimated that there are 4,071 homeless people in Oakland, up 47% from two years ago. This represents about half of the total number of unsheltered residents in Alameda County.

Post based on press release from City of Oakland to Zennie62Media, Inc.

Chevron Ecuador Victory in International Court Over Lawsuit Fraud

Chevron Corporation

Chevron scores Another Giant Chevron Ecuador Legal Win

San Ramon, Ca – The District Court of The Hague this week ruled in favor of Chevron Corporation in its dispute with the Republic of Ecuador, upholding a 2018 arbitral award rendered by an international tribunal administered by the Permanent Court of Arbitration. This is yet another defeat for disgraced attorney Steven Donziger, who U.S. and international courts have found used fraud, bribery and extortion in an environmental lawsuit against the oil company in Ecuador.


In its unanimous award, issued pursuant to the U.S.-Ecuador Bilateral Investment Treaty, the international arbitral tribunal found that a $9.5 billion Ecuadorian judgment against Chevron was procured through egregious fraud and corruption by the plaintiffs’ legal team, including bribery of the presiding judge and ghostwriting of the judgment. It held the judgment unenforceable under international law. The tribunal also rejected the underlying environmental allegations against Chevron. In its award, the tribunal found that a Chevron subsidiary completed an environmental remediation program supervised and approved by the Republic of Ecuador and that the Republic released the environmental claims on which the fraudulent Ecuadorian judgment was based. Any responsibility for current environmental conditions in Ecuador lies with the state-owned oil company, which continues to operate in the same area today.

The District Court of The Hague upheld the award in full and rejected the Republic of Ecuador’s attempt to set it aside, noting that “the fraudulent character of the Lago Agrio judgement and the proceedings preceding it is common ground between the parties.” The court found that the international tribunal acted within its remit when issuing the award, and that the award was well reasoned and complied with the applicable law and public policy. The court concluded that the international tribunal’s orders properly sought to “remove the consequences of a fraudulent judgment that was rendered by a corrupt judge.” The court held that “because none of the setting aside grounds brought forward by Ecuador succeed, the claims will be denied.”

The court’s ruling follows decisions from courts in Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Gibraltar and the U.S. rejecting the fraudulent Ecuadorian judgment against Chevron. In July, Argentina’s highest court unanimously rejected the plaintiffs’ bid to enforce the corrupt judgment, bringing to an end the last pending recognition proceeding against Chevron. Even Ecuador finally admitted in a public filing earlier this year that the $9.5 billion judgment issued by its courts against Chevron is “fraudulent.” Chevron’s arbitration against the Republic of Ecuador is now in its final stage, where the company is seeking to recover from the Republic of Ecuador costs it has incurred to expose and defend against the fraud.

Chevron Corporation is one of the world’s leading integrated energy companies. Through its subsidiaries that conduct business worldwide, the company is involved in virtually every facet of the energy industry. Chevron explores for, produces and transports crude oil and natural gas; refines, markets and distributes transportation fuels and lubricants; manufactures and sells petrochemicals and additives; generates power; and develops and deploys technologies that enhance business value in every aspect of the company’s operations. Chevron is based in San Ramon, Calif. More information about Chevron is available at www.chevron.com.

City of Oakland Gets $4.5M In CARES Act Money For Low-and-Moderate-Income Renters And Homeowners

City of Oakland

City of Oakland Awarded $4.5M in CARES Act Funding to Support Low- and Moderate-Income Renters and Homeowners Affected by COVID-19

Oakland –– The City of Oakland was awarded $4,532,841 in Community Development Block Grant CARES Act (CDBG-CV) funding by the United States Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD). The funds will provide housing service support to prepare for, prevent, and respond to the impacts that the Coronavirus pandemic have had and continue to have on low- to moderate-income renters and homeowners of Oakland.

CDBG is a division of the City’s Housing & Community Development Department that works to support decent housing, suitable living environments, and economic opportunities, principally for community low – and moderate-income individuals. CDBG-CV housing service categories for this award are:

Housing Stabilization & Protection
Affordable Housing Operations Support
Production and Preservation

“The focus of our department’s efforts is on the preservation, protection, and production of housing solutions”, said Shola Olatoye, Director of Housing & Community Development. “This latest CARES Act funding award will help support these efforts and move us closer to this goal.”

The City recently released this Request for Qualifications (RFQ) to attract partnering agencies who will process applications and award financial assistance to renters and homeowners in compliance with CDBG-CV regulations. The CDBG division will monitor the overall process working closely with each agency to ensure compliance and targeted outcomes.

Agencies must have a registered account with the City of Oakland’s iSupplier online system to view and respond to this RFQ.


Register with City of Oakland’s iSupplier
Respond to RFQ No. 228530

More application information and support:

Program information: Gregory Garrett, CDBG Manager,

[email protected]

General RFQ information: Paula Peav, Contract Analyst, [email protected]

This is the latest CARES Act-funded grant program launched by the City of Oakland. Grant programs for low-income renter and homeowner relief launched earlier this month. Learn more about the programs supported by the City’s $36.9 million in CARES Act Funding:

Post based on press release from City of Oakland to Zennie62Media.

Vallejo Police Officers’ Assn. Supports Police Reforms Urges City, Chief To Work With VPOA For Change

Vallejo Police Association

Vallejo, Calif. – The Vallejo Police Officers’ Association today urged the City of Vallejo to join together in making important changes and reforms to improve policing, public safety, bring the department into 21 Century policing, and to build trust and credibility for police officers, the City and future generations.

“In light of the fact that VPOA members are typically the only representatives of the City directly interacting with the community on a daily basis, we urge the City to prioritize implementing these changes as soon as possible to advance public safety and to ensure our police force is at the forefront of improving and enhancing community relationships, openness, fairness, and public and police safety,” the VPOA letter says.

Specifically, the VPOA called upon the City to work together to adopt the vast majority of recommended reforms and changes from two independent studies commissioned by the City of Vallejo.

The first independent study by Police Strategies LLC in June on use of force concluded that Vallejo police officers are racially unbiased and equitable in their application of force. The second independent report by OIR Group in May offered 45 recommended changes and reforms to VPD.

“As the use of force is a critical component in the national discussion on policing, this is something we should all celebrate and take great pride in as we discuss local reforms,” the VPOA letter to the city states. The VPOA said it believes the report’s data is import in guiding positive changes.

The second independent report by the OIR Group offered 45 recommendations to improve policing in Vallejo. The letter to the city states that VPD has implemented a handful of the recommendations, but overall, it notes that “progress has been slow, sowing doubt as to the City’s commitment to improving and modernizing the Vallejo Police Department. As the VPOA has stated on numerous occasions, the members support the vast majority of the OIR Group’s recommendations.”

The letter to the City and Chief says that despite the shared objectives of the Chief and VPOA officers, the Office of the Chief of Police has rejected the VPOA’s repeated requests to collaborate on implementing these reforms in a timely manner.

“While we in the midst of a national discussion on the relationship between law enforcement and the communities they serve, it is critical that we inform before we reform, as any meaningful discussion must be rooted in fact to avoid politicizing public safety,” the VPOA board of directors wrote in a letter to City leaders and the Vallejo Chief of Police.

The VPOA letter urges the Chief and City leadership to meet and confer on the handful of recommendations that require more evaluation and consideration.

“As Chief Williams has publicly professed his belief in the tenets of 21st Century Policing, it is appropriate to remind the City of two principles of this important philosophy,” the latter states:

“First, 21st Century Policing recognizes that in order to achieve internal legitimacy, law enforcement agencies should involve employees in the process of developing policies and procedures. As the elected representatives of the sworn personnel of the Vallejo Police Department, this letter of support and collaboration from the VPOA should be recognized as an incredible opportunity to move the Department forward in a positive direction.

“Second, 21st Century Policing acknowledges that law enforcement agencies should proactively promote public trust by initiating positive non-enforcement activities to engage communities. To achieve this goal, we must significantly enhance our staffing. The City of Vallejo needs to immediately hire more highly qualified police officers and focus upon increased diversity of race, gender, and ethnicity in its recruiting effort.

“We need these officers now. As the Chief noted in his Exceptional Policing Model, the City of Vallejo needs 180 police officers. Right now, we have roughly 60 percent of the staffing necessary to protect Vallejo. This must change to ensure the safety of the public and our police officers. In summary, the VPOA wants to see positive change for the community, for the City, for ourselves, and for future generations. We urge the City to work with us to make these substantive changes as quickly as possible to the benefit of all stakeholders.”

The VPOA letter urges immediate action and cooperation from the city because the VPOA is “deeply concerned by the current rise in crime, including rape, robbery, and assault, as well as the escalating murder rate which is on pace to make 2020 the deadliest year on record.”

“As guardians of the City and its residents, our members are not currently afforded the staffing, tools, and equipment that are necessary to stem the tide of violence that is overtaking our beloved community. As we struggle to protect our residents’ homes and businesses, it is time to acknowledge that an understaffed and ill-equipped police force is destined to fail in its mission to keep the community safe,” the letter says.

The Vallejo Police Officers’ Association (VPOA) is the recognized bargaining unit between all Vallejo Police Officers and the City of Vallejo. Members include all ranks of Officers. The VPOA is committed to the safety and security of the citizens of Vallejo and the protection of life and property. For more information please visit www.vallejopoa.com

VPOA Letter

VPOA Letter to City Re OIR Reforms by Zennie Abraham on Scribd

Note: this post based on press release sent to Zennie62Media from the VPOA.

Oakland Schools OUSD Successfully Argues To Keep Education Funding In Federal Lawsuit

Oakland Unified School District OUSD

Oakland – An effort by the U.S. Department of Education to take public education dollars away from Oakland Unified School District and countless other Districts and give it to private schools in Oakland and elsewhere has failed, and leadership from OUSD had a role in defeating it.

OUSD Students
OUSD Students
OUSD Students
OUSD Students
OUSD Students
OUSD Students

U.S. Secretary of Education, Betsy DeVos, had created a rule that directed districts to give private schools a larger share of federal coronavirus aid – money that would otherwise have gone to public schools such as here in OUSD. If the rule had gone forward, OUSD would have been forced to distribute $1.8 million to local private schools through the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act Private School Program. That would have been more than 10% of the $14 million in federal funding sent to OUSD. All told, it was DeVos’ plan to send $2 billion in federal education dollars to private schools.

According to the Washington Post, “Lawmakers from both parties said that most of the Cares Act’s K-12 education funding was intended to be distributed to public and private elementary and secondary schools using a long-employed formula based on how many poor children they serve. But DeVos said she wanted money sent to private schools based on the total number of students in the school, not how many students from low-income families attended. That would have sent hundreds of millions of dollars more to private schools than Congress had intended.”

California and other states sued the federal government to reverse the rule, and OUSD was a party to the lawsuit. Johanna Hoffmann, the District’s Middle School and Private School specialist in Strategic Resource Planning, submitted a declaration in support of the lawsuit. Included in the declaration was this powerful argument that OUSD deserved as much money as possible to support its students. “The transition to distance learning has been particularly challenging for OUSD’s lower income students and, because of the high percentage of low-income students within our district, OUSD is significantly impacted by these challenges. Low-income students lack technology access, which prevents them from accessing remote learning materials. OUSD serves a large number of students that lack access to devices and high-speed internet at home, leaving the students unable to learn remotely. From what we have seen, private school students are more likely to live in homes with good internet access and computers.”

After receiving a collection of information, a federal judge ruled that the move by DeVos violated the law, relying in part on the information included in Hoffman’s declaration. DeVos then dropped the rule. That means OUSD gets to keep most of the $1.8 million for District students, plus the rest of the $14 million.

“What a relief it is that the federal judge saw the DeVos rule for what it was, a way to take money from public school students who need it, and give it to schools that serve primarily students of great privilege,” said Superintendent Kyla Johnson-Trammell. “When it comes to food insecurity, the need for technology in the home, and many other metrics, our students deserve all the support they can get from the federal government. I thank the State of California for leading the legal fight and I applaud Johanna Hoffmann in Strategic Resource Planning for the outstanding work she put in to help convince the court to rule on the side of our nation’s public school students.”

About the Oakland Unified School District

In California’s most diverse city, Oakland Unified School District (OUSD) is dedicated to creating a learning environment where “Every Student Thrives!” More than half of our students speak a non-English language at home. And each of our 81 schools is staffed with talented individuals uniting around a common set of values: Students First, Equity, Excellence, Integrity, Cultural Responsiveness and Joy. We are committed to preparing all students for college, career and community success.

To learn more about OUSD’s Full Service Community District focused on academic achievement while serving the whole child in safe schools, please visit OUSD.org and follow us @OUSDnews.

This post based on a press release from the Oakland OUSD to Zennie62Media.

Economic Renewal Agenda: Congresswoman Barbara Lee Joins Senator Markey, Rep. Haaland, Grassroots Coalition

Congresswoman Barbara Lee

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Joins Senator Markey, Rep. Haaland, Grassroots Coalition in Announcing Economic Renewal Agenda

Today, Rep. Barbara Lee joined U.S. Senator Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.) and Congresswoman Deb Haaland (NM-01) and a coalition of grassroots groups; labor unions; Black, Brown and Indigenous leaders from across the country to introduce a bold plan for economic renewal known as the Agenda to Transform, Heal, and Renew by Investing in a Vibrant Economy, or THRIVE Agenda. In the Senate the resolution is led by Senator Markey, Cory A. Booker (D-N.J.), Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.), Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.), Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), Tom Udall (D-N.M.), Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.), Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), Jeffrey A. Merkley (D-Ore.), and Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.). In the House of Representatives, the resolution is led by Rep. Haaland, Debbie Dingell (MI-12), Donald McEachin (VA-04), Sheila Jackson Lee (TX-18), Raul Grijalva (AZ-03), Rosa DeLauro (CT-03), Brendan Boyle (PA-02), Barbara Lee (CA-13), Ilhan Omar (MN-05), and Ro Khanna (CA-17).

Eighty members of Congress across both chambers have already endorsed the THRIVE resolution as original co-sponsors. THRIVE lays out the unifying principles necessary to build a society that enables dignified work; increased racial, economic, gender, and environmental justice; healthy communities; and a stable climate. The THRIVE agenda is built on eight pillars, which span from creating millions of good, safe jobs with access to unions to averting climate catastrophe while investing in Black, Brown, and Indigenous communities.

A copy of the THRIVE Agenda resolution can be found HERE. A one-page overview of the THRIVE Agenda can be found HERE.

“The current COVID-19 crisis once again illustrates the legacy that racism and white supremacy has had in our country, and the desperate need to address the inequality that continues today,” said Congresswoman Barbara Lee. “We cannot change 400 year old systems of oppression without a fight. This resolution is an important step in addressing the issues of economic inequality, climate change, and empowering workers.”

“The solutions to help rebuild from the current health and economic crisis will help combat another – the climate crisis. The THRIVE Agenda is the kind of economy-wide job and justice creation mobilization we will need,” said Senator Markey. “We can and must do more than simply rebuild our economy, we must transform it — into an economy and a democracy that works for all Americans and saves the planet. We can thrive as we recover, and I thank Rep. Haaland and my Senate colleagues for their partnership on this important agenda.”

“The promise of the American dream should be available and accessible to everyone, but right now, our country is facing crises that are fatefully intertwined: tens of millions of people are unemployed, the COVID-19 pandemic rages, racial and economic injustice are rampant , and the climate crisis is accelerating,” said Congresswoman Deb Haaland, Vice Chair of the House Natural Resources Committee. “I grew up in a culture that welcomes everyone, a culture in which we support each other in times of need so everyone thrives. We have an opportunity to not just recover from these interlocking crises, but to thrive by creating millions of good paying, union, clean, green jobs while building a more just, healthy, and stable economy that leaves no one behind.”

Senate Co-sponsors

“COVID-19 has exposed and exacerbated many of the inequalities in our country, from racial injustices to economic inequity and exposure to pollution,” said Senator Booker. “We still have so much work to do to stop the spread of this virus, but as we prepare for the long recovery ahead we must ensure we are laying the foundation to address climate change and build a more just country for everyone.”

“Climate change exacerbates the racial and economic inequalities the coronavirus pandemic has laid bare, and with millions out of work and at risk of losing their homes, their health care, and their loved ones, the time for bold, forward-thinking action is now,” said Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer. “While President Trump and Congressional Republicans continue to ignore climate change, I am proud to work with my Democratic colleagues and many advocates and progressive groups on the THRIVE agenda. Even in the face of a global pandemic, we can and must develop solutions to the climate crisis that create good jobs, invest in communities, and ensure healthy lives for everyone regardless of your zip code.”

“Our economy works for the wealthy and well-connected instead of struggling families, especially families of color,” said Senator Warren.“These unprecedented public health and economic crises have only made these longstanding injustices worse and we need big, bold structural solutions. I am thrilled to be introducing the THRIVE Agenda with my colleagues and dozens of grassroots groups to revive our economy and tackle the ongoing crises of COVID-19, climate change, racial injustice, public health, and economic inequity.”

“We are currently facing the worst health and economic crisis in modern history,” said Senator Sanders. “Climate change is a global emergency already devastating our communities and threatens the future of our planet. Half-measures are not going to get us out of this. Now is the time to act boldly— to work from the ground up to transform our society and economy to work for all of us. What this resolution says is that we must and we will create an America based on the principles of justice. Economic justice. Racial justice. Social justice. Environmental justice.”

“While progress has been made over the years, significant work remains to achieve true equality and justice for all,” said Senator Wyden.“Congress must take deliberative and decisive action to tear down systemic barriers and invest in those communities that are often oppressed or forgotten.”

“Oregonians and Americans in every corner of our country are hurting in so many ways. They’re crying out for racial justice, while also fighting to pay their bills and stay safe from raging wildfires and the coronavirus,” said Senator Merkley. “If there’s one thing we’ve learned from the administration’s handling of the pandemic, it’s that big problems don’t go away if you ignore them. Our communities need a blueprint for a better future that tackles climate chaos and systemic racism and builds back a stronger, more inclusive, sustainable economy. We can turn the page, rise to the moment, and solve big problems, and the THRIVE agenda shows the way.”

“The disregard for communities of color in environmental decisions has had lasting and devastating consequences on their economic opportunities and public health. I am proud to be an original cosponsor of the THRIVE resolution, which lays out a strong agenda that will help our economy recover with good-paying jobs and a healthy environment, clean air, and clean water for everyone,” said Senator Gillibrand.“As we work to rebuild our economy, we must prioritize the economic well-being, health and safety of all Americans, no matter their zip code, by investing in long-term, sustainable solutions rooted in environmental, racial and economic justice.”

“The staggering effects of climate change have been laid bare this week with the horrific fires and record-breaking temperatures,” said Senator Blumenthal. “This environmental crisis, alongside the ongoing public health and racial injustice crises, demands immediate action and leadership – absent from this administration. I am proud to support the THRIVE resolution to put our country on a path toward a more just, healthy, and equitable society every American deserves. Its guiding principles will help revive our country’s economy while tackling climate change, racial injustice, public health, and economic inequity.”

“Marginalized communities—communities of color, low-income communities and Native communities—often bear the worst consequences of environmental pollution that profits the rich and powerful,” said Senator Udall, vice chairman of the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs. “Native American Tribes are still waiting for restoration owed to them from many decades of environmental exploitation, while air, water and toxics pollution caused by big corporations disproportionately affects minority and low-income communities every day. Moving forward, we must chart a new path forward to achieve broader prosperity and environmental justice and prevent the worst effects of climate change by including and empowering those who are most affected. The THRIVE Agenda is designed to create a more just and sustainable future, and we must use this framework to work for an equitably-shared recovery from the intersecting crises we are facing.”

“The THRIVE Agenda provides a visionary framework for economic recovery and climate action, while simultaneously taking on the generational, systemic challenges of racial injustice and economic inequality,” said Senator Heinrich. “That’s why I am proud to support this vision for putting millions back to work building a more fair, resilient, and clean economy for all Americans.”

House Co-sponsors

“Like no other time in our nation’s history, we are facing multiple intersecting and compounding crises that threaten public health, our economic future, and the health of the planet for future generations. The THRIVE Agenda puts forth a bold, transformative vision for our society, economic renewal, racial injustice, public health, and mitigating climate change. I am proud to co-lead this resolution with my House and Senate colleagues, as well as all the groups backing this effort and their tireless fight to address the long standing economic and racial inequities that have plagued us for too long.” – Congresswoman Debbie Dingell

“The current COVID-19 crisis once again illustrates the legacy that racism and white supremacy has had in our country, and the desperate need to address the inequality that continues today. We cannot change 400 year old systems of oppression without a fight. This resolution is an important step in addressing the issues of economic inequality, climate change, and empowering workers.”- Congresswoman Barbara Lee

“To get our country back on track, we need to think big. Now is the time for New Deal-like programs, and the THRIVE Agenda outlines exactly what we need to support the American workforce while advancing an environmentally stable platform. It bolsters unions to ensure these jobs have high wages and strong benefits. It ensures we address the injustices from racist policies that have set back vulnerable communities for generations. And it progresses us towards a sustainable future by mitigating climate change. I’m excited to co-lead this effort and work with the large coalition of supporters to bring the THRIVE Agenda to fruition.” – Congressman Brendan Boyle

“The multiple crises we are facing are deeply intertwined. We need a bold, holistic solution to revive and rebuild our economy in an equitable way that prioritizes people and our environment over corporate interests. I am proud to co-lead this resolution with not only my Democratic colleagues but also with the many advocates and progressive groups working together to create a movement. A return to normal after this pandemic is not enough. The THRIVE Agenda is the renewal plan we need to achieve racial, environmental, and economic justice.” – Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro

“It’s long past time for Congress to take bold action to protect our families, jobs, and planet. At a time when the global pandemic has destroyed lives and livelihoods across the US and exacerbated the inequalities that are impacting our communities, it is more important than ever to tackle this crisis in a comprehensive and equitable form. The THRIVE Agenda puts people first. It creates millions of union jobs, invests directly in Black, Brown, and Indigenous communities, addresses our climate catastrophe, and reinvests in public institutions. It’s time to invest in solutions that meet the scale of the challenges we face.” – Congresswoman Ilhan Omar

“As communities across the nation navigate intersecting crises threatening public health, equal justice under the law and the future of our planet, this much is clear — America cannot go back to normal because normal was never good enough. These compounding crises demand that our response fulfill the promise of America as a ‘garment of shared destiny.’ In that spirit, I am pleased to join my colleagues in introducing the THRIVE agenda, a historic call-to-action for Congress to turn this moment of national pain into the power needed to foster much-needed economic renewal while upholding principles of equal dignity, healing institutionalized harms affecting our communities and making bold investments in a vibrant, green future.” – Congressman Donald McEachin

“As we navigate the COVID-19 crisis, we cannot forget there is another massive crisis looming—climate change. Solving the environmental issues before us requires a whole-of-government response, involving comprehensive policy changes to a myriad of issues before us. I’m proud to join with Congresswoman Haaland on the THRIVE agenda, which will bring together a broad coalition of policymakers to mitigate the impacts of climate change and make sure that our future economic recovery efforts prioritize the needs of the environment,” – Congresswoman Chellie Pingree

A new poll finds that the eight pillars of the THRIVE Agenda are broadly popular across the country. Additionally, a new economic analysis from the University of Massachusetts Amherst finds that a bold economic renewal plan, as outlined in the THRIVE Agenda, would create nearly 16 million new jobs. Under this agenda, these 16 million new jobs would offer safe workplaces, family-sustaining wages and benefits, and access to unions. These workers would be part of a national agenda to deploy clean and affordable public transit, replace lead pipes for clean water, expand wind and solar power, care for our children and the elderly, retrofit buildings to cut costs and pollution, expand manufacturing of clean technologies, restore our wetlands and forests, and grow food sustainably on family farms.

The THRIVE Agenda is supported by more than 200 national and local organizations, including the American Federation of Teachers, Center for American Progress, Church World Service, Climate Justice Alliance, Color of Change, Communications Workers of America, Green New Deal Network, Indigenous Environmental Network, League of Conservation Voters, Movement for Black Lives, People’s Action, Service Employees International Union, Sierra Club, Sunrise Movement, United We Dream.

“To meet this moment, we cannot accept short-term solutions that pretend our problems are siloed and don’t seek to transform the systems that harm Black people,” said Karissa Lewis, National Field director, Movement for Black Lives. “We can’t stop police from murdering Black people, without divesting from policing and investing in Black and Brown communities through secure jobs with living wages and benefits. We can’t address a pandemic that is ravaging Black and Brown people without ensuring access to quality health care and the basic right of not living with or drinking toxic pollutants. Everything is connected, and we do ourselves a grave disservice by maintaining normality when momentum is on our side and the people are demanding more.”

“Indigenous peoples know that everything in life is connected and related,” said Tom BK Goldtooth, Executive Director, Indigenous Environmental Network. “This is also the case with the issues humanity are facing today. The THRIVE Agenda addresses the climate crisis, racial injustice, mass unemployment, economic injustice and the global pandemic while recognizing the importance of recognition of our Indigenous and tribal sovereignty and treaty rights. Indigenous knowledge provides a path forward, acknowledging any form of economic recovery must respect the sacred relationship to Mother Earth, to assure nature and ecosystems are not viewed as capital in a carbon and conservation offset market system and THRIVE recognizes that.”

“We’re thrilled to see so many forces uniting behind this agenda, which delivers a clear mandate for the next administration and Congress to get started on a Green New Deal to tackle climate change and lift us out of economic recession,” said Varshini Prakash, Co-founder and Executive Director, Sunrise Movement. “Between now and November we’re getting to work mobilizing our generation to defeat Trump and elect a new generation of leaders to Congress who will fight to make this vision a reality.”

“Communities across the country cannot afford incremental and piecemeal solutions to the dire intersectional issues we face, including the climate crisis, racial injustice, mass unemployment, and the deadly pandemic, to name a few,” said Michael Brune, Executive Director, Sierra Club. “Our government must rise to the moment and enact the bold, large-scale solutions outlined in the THRIVE Agenda, which lays out a forward-thinking vision that creates millions of secure jobs, supports cleaner air and a more stable climate, takes aim at racial injustice, and invests in the health of frontline communities. The Sierra Club calls on members of Congress to take immediate action and invest in a healthy, just, equitable economic recovery for all.”

“Black, brown, white, and Asian Pacific Islander working-class families are more likely to live in zip codes with hotter temperatures, dirtier air, or more polluted water,” said Rocio Sáenz, International Executive Vice President of the Service Employees International Union. “That’s not an accident. It’s the outcome of policies that force working people to suffer the worst consequences of a changing climate. As frontline service and care workers, SEIU members will fight for the THRIVE Agenda because we want policies that create a secure, livable future for our kids and grandkids.”

“As our nation confronts a global health pandemic, a recession, and as fires rage in California and a White House bent on division and fear rather than confronting the long needed reckoning with racial, environmental and economic justice, the THRIVE agenda helps lay out a plan to meet this moment,” said Randi Weingarten, President, American Federation of Teachers. “It includes investing in equitable public education opportunities, including career and technical education pathways that prepare students for high-quality jobs of the future, and providing for the critical social, emotional academic and digital supports kids need to learn and thrive. After decades of neglecting our schools and other critical public institutions, it’s clear we must put investment at the center of the agenda, and demand the federal government take action to fund our future. THRIVE contains important building blocks in our journey toward a more just and equitable future for all.”

This post based on a press release by Congresswoman Barbara Lee to Zennie62Media.

City of Oakland Opens Additional Respite Centers In Response To Unhealthy Air Quality

City of Oakland

Oakland – On Friday, the City of Oakland activated respite centers in response to unhealthy air quality stemming from the ongoing wildfires in the region.

Today, the City is opening two additional sites that will operate at least through Sunday. These new locations will also be staffed by disaster service workers from the City of Oakland.

Respite Locations in Oakland:

81st Street Library: 1021 81st Ave., Oakland, 1 pm – 7pm
St. Vincent de Paul: 2272 San Pablo Ave., Oakland, 9 am -3 pm
Dimond Library: 3565 Fruitvale Ave., Noon – 7 pm
North Oakland Senior Center: 5714 Martin Luther King Jr. Way, Noon – 5 pm

As of 9 am: The Air Quality Index (AQI) was 183, which is considered Unhealthy. The AQI is forecast to reach Very Unhealthy status later today.

People with heart or lung disease, older adults, children and teens – take any of these steps to reduce your exposure:

Avoid strenuous outdoor activities.
Keep outdoor activities short.
Consider moving physical activities indoors or rescheduling them.

Everyone else – take any of these steps to reduce your exposure:

Choose less strenuous activities (like walking instead of running) so you don’t breathe as hard.
Shorten the amount of time you are active outdoors.
Be active outdoors when air quality is better.

Information on ongoing air quality in the area can be found on the Air District website, http://baaqmd.gov, and residents are encouraged to visit http://acphd.org/air-quality.aspx for health and safety tips.

For updates on available Respite Centers, please visit the City of Oakland website, https://www.oaklandca.gov/.

This post based on a press release sent to Zennie62Media from The City of Oakland.

The Oakland Police Department Solves Multiple Homicide Cases, Recover Cache Of Firearms

Oakland Police Department

Oakland – Today, September 9, 2020, the Alameda County District Attorney’s Office charged Marius Robinson, 47 of Oakland, in connection with the homicide of Robert Coleman, 43, of Oakland.

BACKGROUND: On July 2, 2020, at 4:58PM, Oakland Police Officers responded to a report of a shooting in the area of 72nd Avenue and International Boulevard. When officers arrived on scene they located Mr. Robert Coleman suffering from gunshot wound(s). Mr. Coleman succumbed to his injuries and was pronounced deceased.

On September 3, 2020, the Alameda County District Attorney’s Office charged Sammie Brown, 27, of Stockton, in connection with the homicide of Karongie Bell, 23, of Sacramento.

BACKGROUND: On August 27, 2020, at 8:34PM, Oakland Police Officers responded to a report of a shooting in the 1100 block of 76th Avenue. When officers arrived on scene they located Mr. Karongie Bell suffering from gunshot wound(s). Mr. Bell succumbed to his injuries and was pronounced deceased.

On August 31, 2020, the Alameda County District Attorney’s Office charged Michael Sanders, 19, of Oakland, in connection with the homicide of Sergio Martinez, 22, of Oakland.

BACKGROUND: On August 9, 2020, at 12:19 AM, Oakland Police Officers responded to a report of a shooting in the 8600 block of Holly Street. When officers arrived on scene they located Mr. Sergio Martinez, 22, of Oakland suffering from gunshot wound(s). Mr. Martinez succumbed to his injuries and was pronounced deceased.

On September 8, 2020, the Oakland Police Department’s Ceasefire Team served a criminal search warrant in the 4700 block of Fairfax Avenue and arrested a male adult who investigators believe may be connected with the August 6th, 2020, multiple casualty shooting, which resulted in the homicide of Hung Luu (Sampson). A cache of firearms were recovered (see photo below). Investigators will forward the case to the Alameda County District Attorney’s Office for review and charging.

A total of 5 firearms (many high capacity) were recovered from the criminal search warrant served.

BACKGROUND: On August 6, 2020, at 9:59 PM, Oakland Police Officers responded to the 4500 block of Fairfax Avenue on a report of a shooting. When officers arrived on scene they located four male adults (all Oakland residents) suffering from gunshot wound(s). Mr. Luu succumbed to his injuries and was pronounced deceased. The three other victims were transported to a local hospital and listed in stable condition.

This in an ongoing investigation anyone who has information is asked to contact the Oakland Police Homicide Section at (510) 238-3821.

Investigators would like to thank our community members for working with us to help solve these crimes.

#OPDCARES initiative is about all of us working together as a community, to help stop the tragic loss of life and reduce the level of violence in our city. Collectively, we want to ensure Oaklanders and our visitors are safe in our community.

This post based on a press release from the Oakland Police Department to Zennie62Media.

Postscript vlog:

Oakland OUSD Mourns For Students, Former Students Lost To Car Crash And Gun Violence

Ousd News Conference About Monday’s First Day Of The 2020 21 School Year

Oakland – Four weeks into the new year, and several schools across Oakland Unified School District are in mourning because they have recently lost valued members of their communities. The OUSD District has lost a total of five young people who were getting ready to graduate or had recently graduated. Some had come back to the schools to support the students of today.

Zakiya Thomas attended Oakland Tech and was currently studying at Dewey Academy when she was killed in a car crash. Her cousin Terri’Nae Williams was killed in the same crash. She graduated from Castlemont High School last spring. 19 year old Zavier Patton was a graduate of Skyline High School, who also attended Claremont Middle School. He was a victim of gun violence. Former Oakland High, Fremont High and Skyline High student, Quinton Williams also fell victim to gun violence, as did Skyline graduate, Sampson Luu. Luu also worked in the after school program at Roosevelt Middle School.
Zakiya Thomas.

Zakiya Thomas
Zakiya Thomas

Zakiya Thomas and Terri’Nae Williams were in a car on the night of August 25 heading north on Highway 680 in Walnut Creek when the car exited the freeway at a high rate of speed and crashed into a tree. KTVU News reported there is evidence that one of the girls may have been driving even though neither one of them was an experienced driver. A 47 year old family friend who owned the car also died in the crash. “It’s something that could have been prevented. They didn’t have a license and the person’s car they were in, it was his car. He had a license, so why did he let her drive,” said Adrienne Semien, Zakiya’s mother, to KTVU. Zakiya lost her brother three years ago to gun violence, and Zakiya was her mother’s only remaining child. She was set to graduate from Dewey Academy in December.
Terri’Nae Williams.
Terri’Nae Williams
Terri’Nae Williams

Terri’Nae Williams had just turned 18 years old in June. On a GoFundMe page, her sister, ShayNesha George said she “was an excellent student who was continuously on the honor roll. She was such a caring gentle free spirit. My baby sister had a whole future ahead of her, she loved school and looked forward to going to college and becoming a nurse. She loves fashion and beauty. She was an advocate against violence for Teens on Target in Oakland throughout her four years in high school and after. She was so beautiful, loving, funny, ambitious and strong. She inspired me.” Additionally, Castlemont staff said Terri’Nae was an honor roll student, and on both the Volleyball team and the Cheer team. She was also a student organizer with her 2020 graduating class. Here is a GoFundMe page created in her honor.
Zavier Patton.
Zavier Patton
Zavier Patton

Zavier Patton was a 2019 graduate of Skyline High School where he took part in activities such as African American Male Achievement and played on the varsity boys basketball team. “Zavier was a very good, wise and beautiful soul. He was senselessly taken from this earth on August 15 in a drive by shooting. He is now on the list of innocent victims of crimes. Zavier was 19 years old and about to start his second year at California State University, Northridge. This young man had overcome and accomplished quite a bit at this point in his young life,” said Zavier’s brother, Bryan Bassette, and the rest of the family. Bassette is an assistant principal at Elmhurst United Middle School. “Zavier was an example of exemplary character and inspiration.”

Quinton Williams.

Quinton Williams
Quinton Williams

Also recently lost to gun violence was Quinton Williams who attended Oakland High School, Fremont High and Skyline High. He was another beloved student who had a profound impact on those around him. He spent two years at Fremont High School, where Co-Principal Tom Skjervheim got to know him well. “Quinton was always one of our brightest stars; smart, hard-working and full of promise. In addition to being a star football player, he was also a nearly 4.0 GPA student.” He finished up his education at Gateway to College. His life was cut short on the first weekend of August. Here is a GoFundMe page set up in his honor.
Sampson Luu.
Sampson Luu
Sampson Luu

Lastly, Sampson Luu lost his life to gun violence on August 6. He was a 2015 Skyline High School graduate, and had attended Roosevelt Middle School where he came back to work for EBAYC, the East Bay Asian Youth Center, as a teacher supporting students in the after school program. “Sampson stood for positivity and respect, he wanted to make his community a better place for all and make his family proud. Pray for his parents & his sister in this time of mourning,” said his friend, Erik Ortega on Twitter. Here’s Sampson speaking about his work at Roosevelt and what he felt people need to do in these challenging times.
“Each of these young people leave deep holes in the lives of those they left behind,” said Superintendent Kyla Johnson-Trammell. “As a parent, I can only imagine the anguish their families must be experiencing. I implore anyone who gets behind the wheel of a car to exercise extreme caution, because one small mistake can lead to tragic consequences. My heart goes out to the families of Zakiya and Terri’Nae and their family friend. Likewise, I am always heartbroken when I hear that one of our young people was lost to gun violence. And here we have lost three bright young lives. Zavier, Quinton and Sampson all had profound impacts on their communities and I send my love to their family and friends. To people who think that violence is the answer, I remind you, it never is. You solve nothing when you use a gun, and only leave misery in your wake. I implore everyone to find ways to solve problems peacefully, and to teach our children to do the same.”

OUSD sends its deepest condolences to the families and friends of these five remarkable young people.

About the Oakland Unified School District

In California’s most diverse city, Oakland Unified School District (OUSD) is dedicated to creating a learning environment where “Every Student Thrives!” More than half of our students speak a non-English language at home. And each of our 81 schools is staffed with talented individuals uniting around a common set of values: Students First, Equity, Excellence, Integrity, Cultural Responsiveness and Joy. We are committed to preparing all students for college, career and community success.

To learn more about OUSD’s Full Service Community District focused on academic achievement while serving the whole child in safe schools, please visit OUSD.org and follow us @OUSDnews.

Post based on press release to Zennie62Media from Oakland Unified School District (OUSD)

Two New Murders in Vallejo: Vallejo Police Association Says City At A Record Pace

Vallejo Police Association

Vallejo Police Association Says New Cases Bring Total 2020 Murder Cases to 21, On Pace to be Worst Murder Year in History

Vallejo, CA – Vallejo Police officers are investigating two new murder cases that occurred overnight, according the Vallejo Police Officers Association. The total number of murders in Vallejo now stands at 21, putting the city on a pace to break the worst year on record for murders. In 1994, 30 murders occurred, the highest in city history.

Preliminary reports indicate that around 8:15 p.m. last night, September 2, officers heard gunshots and headed to 201 Maine Street. They searched the area and found bullet casings near Maine and Sacramento Streets. Nearby they found a male suffering from gunshot wounds and was pronounced dead at the scene.

Just after midnight today, September 3, police received a call of gunshots fired in the 100 block of Adele. On arrival officers saw what appeared to be a vehicle collision. Further examination found the cars with a barrage of bullet holes. It appears multiple people may have been shot. One person was transported to the hospital by relatives where he died. Just this week, members of the Vallejo Police Officers? Association (VPOA) demanded the City and Police Chief fully staff and fund VPD to provide levels comparable to other major cities in the Bay Area.

The City is applying a Band-Aid to a serious murder and crime spree when it should be taking long-term actions to correct a life-threatening situation for Vallejo citizens, VPOA said.

The VPOA welcomed the temporary assignment of California Highway Patrol officers to assist the under-staffed and under-funded Vallejo Police Department battle this crime and murder spree. The VPOA praised this last week?s announcement by the Mayor of help from the CHP, but said the City needs to live up to its public safety commitments. The Police Department struggles every day to get a minimum number of officers on the street during each of its three shifts.

The City should have a minimum of eight officers on the street during non-peak hours and 13 during peak workload times. But due to severe staffing limitations, there are generally no more than six officers on the street at any given time in a city of over 120,000. Vallejo oficers respond to approximately 225 911 calls every day. Oakland and Richmond have roughly double the number of police officers per 1,000 residents than Vallejo.

Statistics show Vallejo has just 0.87 officers per 1,000 residents while Oakland has 1.70 officers and Richmond has 1.63 officers per 1,000 residents. The average number of officers per 1,000 population in California is 2.34.

Right now Vallejo police officers are forced to work overtime shifts of up to 16 hours at a time because of chronic understaffing. Fatigue from such long hours results in dangerous working conditions and adversely impacts citizen safety.

Further, the recent Federal grant to hire another eight officers only makes the staffing deficit greater.

The City has funded 122 officers for 10 years and but has yet to see that number actually employed.

Most importantly, the grant does nothing to attract qualified applicants, especially those officers from other agencies that have training and experience that allow them to immediately police the streets of Vallejo instead of going through over a year of training. An independent report from the OIR Group commissioned by the City and released in June says that the Vallejo Police Department?s ?numbers remain well below the peak staffing levels that preceded 2008. There are other residual difficulties as well: salaries are below the market average, the workload is highly demanding, forced overtime is routine. All these factors make it difficult to attract and retain excellent officers.?

The VPOA needs the City and the Police Chief to stand up and take action now to address public safety. The VPOA represents the 105 sworn members of the Department.

Anyone with information about these most recent homicides or any of the homicides that have occurred this year are encouraged to call the Vallejo Police Department Detective Division at (707) 649-5459.

Blue Shield Of California’s BlueSky Initiative And DoSomething.org Launch


First-Ever Mental Health Tips Guide for Students by Students

Self-Care and Remote Learning are top concerns for young people in “The New State of Mind” featuring nearly 75,000 crowdsourced responses

Oakland – Blue Shield of California’s BlueSky Initiative, in partnership with DoSomething.org – the largest organization for young people and social change – launched a first-of-its-kind digital mental-health guide for youth, created for students by students. The guide provides young people with peer-to-peer tips on self-care, managing stress from digital learning, and supporting the mental health of fellow classmates.

With COVID-19 disrupting schooling for more than 55 million students across the United States, DoSomething.org, and the BlueSky Initiative called on their members to submit advice to help students during these difficult times. This campaign, entitled “The New State of Mind,” ran from April through June of this year and generated just under 75,000 tips.

“When we initially launched this campaign with DoSomething, we had no idea how turbulent this school year would be for millions of students, as well as their teachers and parents,” says Bryce Williams, vice president of Mind Body Medicine at Blue Shield of California. “What ‘The New State of Mind’ proves is that young people were not just anxious about the new reality of distance learning and everyday stressors, they were also committed to finding an outlet to talk about their troubles and offer solutions that would not just help them, but help others too.”

The BlueSky Initiative is a multi-year commitment by Blue Shield of California to help put more services into schools to support teens and address youth mental health issues. The release of the guide comes as year two of the program gets underway – following a successful inaugural campaign that saw more than 450 students receive counseling and over 800 teachers trained in mental health awareness.

In addition to publishing the digital mental-health guide for youth, DoSomething and BlueSky created a data-driven report for parents and teachers that highlights students’ mental health concerns and trends since shelter-in-place orders became widespread in March. Through the thousands of submissions, three themes remained consistent across New State of Mind: self-care, remote learning and helping loved ones. Sample tips from across these three core topics include:

Find a creative outlet (from stress baking and planting, to coloring and podcasting)
Get moving and get outside (a walk around the block, a run, or jumping rope)
Expressing emotions (whether it is space to cry, or listening to music to calm down)
Reach out when you need help (face-timing with friends or joining online support groups to meet new ones)
Put aside time for you, but also make time for others (creating a schedule that builds in work and play, to journaling, and being more mindful of others’ unique needs)

As one17-year-old DoSomething member named Alexander notes in the guide, “My plan is to keep in touch with my friends and really pay attention so if I notice if they act differently or become depressed, I can be sure they get help before something tragic happens. The signs are usually there if someone is looking and it’s more important than ever now.”

“This guide comes at a time where young people really needed it most. They are stressed, they are scared, and they are sad,” says Sahara Lake, senior manager of community impact with DoSomething.org. “But what we also found is that there is also a lot of hope among young people. They share great advice on how to grapple with stress, and how to continue to move forward, and that’s a good thing.”

“For anyone dealing with stress or any type of mental health issue, I would like them to know that you are not alone. We can work together as a community to overcome these hardships,” says Colleen, an 18-year-old DoSomething member. “This campaign helped me to reflect on positive energy and thoughts instead of all the negatives, and I’m sure it will do the same for those who pick it up and read it today.”

To access student mental health resources including the complete “The New State of Mind” guide, click on the BlueSky webpage at blueshieldca.com/bluesky.

About Blue Shield of California

Blue Shield of California strives to create a healthcare system worthy of our family and friends that is sustainably affordable. Blue Shield of California is a tax paying, nonprofit, independent member of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association with over 4 million members, 6,800 employees and more than $20 billion in annual revenue. Founded in 1939 in San Francisco and now headquartered in Oakland, Blue Shield of California and its affiliates provide health, dental, vision, Medicaid and Medicare healthcare service plans in California. The company has contributed more than $500 million to Blue Shield of California Foundation since 2002 to have an impact on California communities.
For more news about Blue Shield of California, please visit https://news.blueshieldca.com/

Or follow us on LinkedIn, Twitter, or Facebook.

OUSD’s Grab and Go Student Meal Service Returned to Summer Rules Thursday Sept 3rd

OUSD Grab and Go Meals

OUSD’s Grab and Go Student Meal Service Returning to Summer Rules that Allow All Oakland Children to Receive Food Starting on Thursday, September 3

OUSD Grab and Go Meals
OUSD Grab and Go Meals

Oakland — After the first three weeks of the school year, in which our nutrition services team was required to verify all students receiving food attend our District-run schools, the federal government has made a big change. This week, the U.S. Department of Agriculture reversed course and announced that schools can now return to their grab and go policies from the summer.

Starting tomorrow, Thursday, September 3, all children in Oakland 18 years old and younger, can get food. They can be students in charter or private schools, or homeschooled. Students in our Young Adult Program can also receive food. It will include three meals for each weekday, and two meals for each weekend day. On Thursday, families will be able to pick up ten meals per child, plus other necessities courtesy of our partners across the city and county.

The fall semester policies that began on August 1 had caused a significant decline in participation in the District’s grab and go program, presumably because many families have children in both District-run schools, who could receive food, and charters or other schools, who could not. Another likely explanation is that the previous requirement that families had to show their students attend a District-run school might have scared some people off because they were worried their private information would fall into the hands of the federal government. The District assured families this would not happen, as OUSD does not give private student and family information to the federal government, yet it still likely contributed to the drop-off.

OUSD Grab and Go Meals
OUSD Grab and Go Meals

Our nutrition services staff will be taking attendance at the grab and go events, but families no longer have to prove their students attend District-run schools. “This is an exciting and welcome change,” said OUSD Nutrition Services Executive Director, Irene Reynolds. “Our role is to feed the young people of Oakland. It shouldn’t be to weed out families in need just because their children don’t attend our schools. Hunger is a critical issue in our city, especially now during the pandemic, and we must ensure all children receive the nutritious food they need to get them through this challenging time. We look forward to welcoming all families to our grab and go events on Monday and Thursday mornings, starting tomorrow.”

There are 22 sites across the District where families can pick up food from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., and you can find a map and more information on our website, ousd.org/nutrition.

One additional note: as Monday is the Labor Day national holiday, there will be no grab and go event.

Please don’t forget to wear a mask to protect yourself and those around you.

About the Oakland Unified School District

In California’s most diverse city, Oakland Unified School District (OUSD) is dedicated to creating a learning environment where “Every Student Thrives!” More than half of our students speak a non-English language at home. And each of our 81 schools is staffed with talented individuals uniting around a common set of values: Students First, Equity, Excellence, Integrity, Cultural Responsiveness and Joy. We are committed to preparing all students for college, career and community success.

To learn more about OUSD’s Full Service Community District focused on academic achievement while serving the whole child in safe schools, please visit OUSD.org and follow us @OUSDnews.

City Of Oakland Gets $37M In CARES Act Funding With $5M For Renters, Homeowners

City of Oakland

City of Oakland Receives Nearly $37M in CARES Act Funding – $5M for Renters & Homeowners

Oakland – The City of Oakland received $36.9 million in State of California CARES Act funding. Five million dollars of those funds were allocated for renter and homeowner relief through the Keep Oakland Housed (KOH) partnership of KOH nonprofit partners and other nonprofit organizations. This funding will provide one-time financial assistance to low-income renters and homeowners impacted by COVID-19. The application period opens today, September 1, 2020.

The City’s Housing & Community Development (HCD) Department is the lead manager of the program. The KOH partnership will disperse funds to eligible applicants, with each nonprofit leading the application process for their organization.

Renter applicants may contact:

Bay Area Community Services (BACS) | www.bayareacs.org

(510) 899-9289 (call) | (510) 759-4877 (text)

Catholic Charities East Bay | www.cceb.org | (510) 768-3100
Centro Legal de la Raza | www.centrolegal.org | (510) 422-5669

Homeowner applicants may contact:

Housing and Economic Rights Advocates (HERA) | www.heraca.org | (510) 271-8443 x300

Applicants must be current Oakland residents, a low-income individual or household, and at risk of losing their home.

Funding is extremely limited, and applications will be prioritized based on need, severity of COVID-19 impact, and funding availability.

The City of Oakland’s Moratorium on Evictions remains in place until the lifting of the local emergency order by the City Council. For more information visit the City’s website at:


For more information on the Keep Oakland Housed COVID-19 Relief Financial Assistance program contact: City of Oakland Housing and Community Development, Housing Resource Center at (510) 238-6182.

City Of Oakland: Updated Alameda County Health Orders Take Effect Today August 28 2020

City of Oakland

Updated Alameda County Health Orders Take Effect Today. Outdoor pools and lower-risk personal services, like hair and nail salons, allowed to reopen outdoors

Oakland – On Friday, August 21, the Alameda County Public Health Official issued updated Shelter-in-Place Orders to reopen outdoor swimming pools and outdoor hair salons, nail salons, barbershops, waxing services, skin care and non-medical massages. These Orders exclude services that may require a client to remove their face covering, as well as eyebrow threading and waxing and eyelash treatments. Tattoos, piercings and electrolysis are not allowed to operate indoors or outdoors in alignment with the State of California’s Health Officer Orders issued on July 13. The updated County orders took effect at 8:00 a.m. today, and will continue to be in effect until rescinded, superseded, or amended in writing by the Health Officer.

Additionally, wineries in Alameda County can now offer outdoor tastings by appointment without needing to provide food. In alignment with the State’s Orders, this change does not apply to bars, breweries, pubs or brewpubs.

Guidance for operation of outdoor personal services, outdoor pools, and other industries and businesses that may reopen during the COVID-19 pandemic can be found here: https://covid-19.acgov.org/recovery.page? All businesses must complete a Site-Specific Protection Plan and protocols and procedures to protect customers and employees from COVID-19 must be in place when businesses reopen.

With respect to re-opening City-operated outdoor pools, the City of Oakland is reviewing the Health Order requirements and has begun to resume essential training and American Red Cross certification programs for staff in anticipation of re-opening Lions Pool at Dimond Park starting in mid-September. More specific guidance and plans regarding re-opening for a second City-operated pool will be forthcoming.

To assist businesses allowed to reopen with outdoor services, the City of Oakland has waived all fees and streamlined permitting for business’ use of public rights-of-way, including sidewalks, parking lanes and roadway encroachments, allowing outdoor hair salons, nail salons, barbershops, waxing services, skin care and non-medical massages, under the Flex Streets program. The goal is to spur equitable economic recovery by making it easier for allowed businesses to use portions of the sidewalk, parking lanes and streets to provide personal services, serve food and sell goods. The Department of Transportation (OakDOT) issues permits for the use of the public right-of-way, while the Planning & Building Department issues permits private outdoor areas.

Flex Streets allows businesses to expand allowed business activities outdoors in five ways:

Use the Sidewalks or Parking Lanes
Use Traffic Lanes
Use Private Parking Lots or Other Private Outdoor Areas
Vend from Food Trucks, Trailers or Pushcarts
Use City-owned Outdoor Property

See step-by-step instructions for each of these five uses at: www.oaklandca.gov/FlexStreets

Since Flex Streets launched in June:

228 businesses have applied for use of Sidewalk or Parking Lanes.
There are 15 active applications for Street Use – 6 are for Parklets, 9 for Street closures. The Chinatown Chamber launched their weekly Friday afternoon street closure on August 7.
8 applications for use of Private Parking Lots or Other Private Property have been received.
5 businesses have applied for use of City-Owned Outdoor property.

The majority of the applications to-date have been from restaurants, but City staff anticipate many personal service businesses will apply in the coming days.

The important step is to apply for the permit before you start using the outdoor space, even for privately owned or leased outdoor spaces – including parking lots. Businesses are reminded to review the ADA Accessibility Guidelines for the Flex Streets Program for important details on sidewalk clearances and accessible table requirements.

Businesses seeking guidance on Alameda County guidelines for re-opening should email [email protected]. Businesses and activities authorized under previous orders may continue to operate.

Oakland’s Parks, Recreation & Youth Development also announced the launch of its Fall 2020 Town Enrichment Program, providing social opportunities, sports and fitness, arts and crafts, STEAM, and other fun for children ages 5 to 12 in a safe place. All programs follow current Alameda County Health Orders and CDC guidelines. Registration opens Monday, August 31. Scholarships available.

The Alameda County Health Officer continuously monitors the COVID-19 indicators to determine when it’s safe to lift more restrictions.

Other Re-opening Resources

Visit the City’s Planning Resources for Business Re-Opening website for the latest information on resources to support re-opening, including:

Alameda County Public Health Department’s Guidance on Not Requiring Negative COVID-19 Test Results for Return to Work
County screening guidance for employers in multiple languages
Self-assessment guidance for workers in multiple languages
Information on cleaning/disinfecting businesses
Workplace Safety
A printable face covering sign for businesses in eight languages
ReOpening Guide signs by the Oakland Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce, in partnership with Oaklandish and the Economic Recovery Advisory Council, in four languages.

Business Re-opening & Recovery Survey

To help gauge COVID-19 impacts to Oakland business and what resources would help business owners as they plan for re-opening and recovery, the City has launched a brief Business Re-opening and Recovery Survey. The survey launched in English and additional languages will be added by Wednesday.

Port of Oakland Hybrid Electric Cranes Deliver Major Emissions Savings

Port Of Oakland

Project part of Port’s Seaport Air Quality 2020 and Beyond Plan

Oakland, Calif. – Aug. 24, 2020: The Port of Oakland’s largest marine terminal said today it has cut diesel emissions from all 13 of its massive yard cranes by 95 percent after retrofitting them with hybrid electric engines. Terminal operator Stevedoring Services of America (SSA) said that the project will eliminate about 1,200 metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions annually from each crane.

“Retrofitting our rubber-tire gantry cranes to battery power produced remarkable results,” said Crane Manager Ken Larson, at SSA Marine’s Oakland International Container Terminal (OICT). “We’re impressed with the huge drop in emissions from equipment that we regularly use on the marine terminal.”

SSA said that the clean air project would result in a 93 percent reduction in diesel fuel. The older engines used 10 to 13 gallons of diesel fuel an hour whereas the hybrids use about three-quarters of a gallon an hour, according to Mr. Larson. “We were honestly surprised to learn how little diesel fuel we need to use now,” Mr. Larson said.

The hybrid retrofit is the first project of its type at SSA terminals. SSA replaced 1,000-horsepower diesel generators on its yard cranes with 142-horsepower diesel hybrids. The new power plants have small diesel engines used only to charge a crane’s pack of batteries. Each crane has a housing unit that contains the hybrid generator.

Mr. Larson said that the project was challenging, including the construction of new electrical systems for input power protection when converting current from AC to DC on a crane. Mr. Larson added that the hybrid generators capture energy as a container is lowered. Besides saving fuel and reducing emissions, the hybrid performs better than the older diesel generators because there is no delay in power delivery to the crane.

“We’re delighted with this project because it reflects the way the Port advances its emission reduction goals by focusing on feasible technologies that can perform the heavy work of moving containers,” said Richard Sinkoff, the Port of Oakland’s Director of Environmental Programs and Planning. “It fits ideally in the Port’s Seaport Air Quality 2020 and Beyond Plan. We hope it serves as a model for other marine terminals to follow.”

Rubber-tire gantry cranes are industry workhorses at marine terminals throughout the world. Combined, the thirteen 90-foot-tall cranes can lift as many as 1,000 containers a day on and off trucks at OICT.

“We are pleased that an Air District grant has enabled the completion of the SSA hybrid crane project that will significantly reduce harmful emissions for many years to come,” said Jack Broadbent, Executive Officer of The Bay Area Air Quality Management District (Air District). “The hybrid engine technology installed on these large yard cranes will help improve air quality and protect the health of those in the communities surrounding the Port of Oakland.”

The Air District awarded SSA $5 million in grant funding as part of the Air District’s Community Health Protection Program (CHP – AB134) to replace 13 diesel powered rubber-tire gantry crane engines with Tier 4 Final hybrid engines in order to bring about immediate emissions reductions benefits.

The SSA Terminals project is part of California Climate Investments, a statewide program that puts billions of Cap-and-Trade dollars to work reducing GHG emissions. The Cap-and-Trade program also creates a financial incentive for industries to invest in clean technologies and develop innovative ways to reduce pollution.

California Climate Investments projects include affordable housing, renewable energy, public transportation, zero-emission vehicles, environmental restoration, more sustainable agriculture, recycling, and much more. At least 35 percent of these investments are located within and benefiting residents of disadvantaged communities, low-income communities, and low-income households across California. For more information, visit the California Climate Investments website at: www.caclimateinvestments.ca.gov.

Planning for the crane conversions began after the signing of the CHP Program contract with the Air District on July 5, 2018. The first crane was retrofitted in February of 2019 and the 13th crane was converted in July 2020.

About the Port of Oakland

The Port of Oakland oversees the Oakland Seaport, Oakland International Airport, and nearly 20 miles of waterfront including Jack London Square. The Port’s 5-year strategic plan – Growth with Care – pairs business expansion with community benefits, envisioning more jobs and economic stimulus as the Port grows. Together with its business partners, the Port supports more than 84,000 jobs. Connect with the Port of Oakland and Oakland International Airport through Facebook, or with the Port on Twitter, YouTube, and at www.portofoakland.com.

Post based on press release from Port of Oakland to Zennie62Media.

Oakland Schools News: OUSD Nutrition Services Department Annual Free Lunch Policies For Students

Ousd News Conference About Monday’s First Day Of The 2020 21 School Year

Oakland – Oakland Unified School District announces its policy to serve nutritious meals every school day under the National School Lunch Program, School Breakfast Program, and/or Afterschool Snack Program. Effective July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021, children are eligible for free or reduced-price meals if the household income is less than or equal to the federal guidelines

OUSD Lunch Time
OUSD Lunch Time

Households do not need to turn in an application when the household receives a notification letter saying that all children automatically qualify for free meals when any household member receives benefits from CalFresh, CalWORKs, or FDPIR. Children who meet the definition of foster, homeless, migrant, or runaway, and children enrolled in their school’s Head Start program are eligible for free meals. Contact school officials if any child in the household is not on the notification letter. The household must let school officials know if they do not want to receive free or reduced-price meals.

Applications for the free and reduced-price meal program are available online at this email address: https://family.titank12.com/application/new?identifier=NY34JE Households that want to apply for meal benefits, must fill out one application for all children in the household. Households that need assistance can contact the Nutrition Services Department office at 2850 West Street, Oakland, CA 94608, or by phone at 510 879-1700.

Free Eligibility Scale
Free Eligibility Scale

Households may complete an online application at any time during the school year. If you are not eligible now, but your household income goes down, household size goes up, or a household member starts receiving CalFresh, CalWORKs, or FDPIR, you may complete an application at that time. Information given on the application will be used to determine eligibility and may be verified at any time during the school year by school officials. The last four digits of the Social Security number from any adult household or checking that you do not have a Social Security number is required if you include income on the application.

Households that receive Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) benefits, may be eligible for free or reduced-price meals by completing an online application.

Foster children are always eligible for free meals and may be included as a household member if the foster family chooses to also apply for the non-foster children on the same application. Including foster children as a household member may help the non-foster children qualify for free or reduced-price meals. If the non-foster children are not eligible, this does not keep foster children from receiving free meals. A completed application must be submitted for all children including foster children.

Your child’s eligibility status from last school year will continue into the new school year for up to 30 school days or until the school processes your new application whichever comes first, or your child is otherwise certified for free or reduced-price meals. After the 30 school days, your child will have to pay full price for meals, unless the household receives a notification letter for free or reduced-price meals. School officials do not have to send reminder or expired eligibility notices.

If you do not agree with the decision or results of verification, you may discuss it with school officials. You also have the right to a fair hearing, which may be requested by writing or calling the hearing official: Gabriel Valenzuela at 1000 Broadway, Suite 150, Oakland, 94607. That phone number is (510) 879-4281, and the fax is (510) 879-3678.

Oakland Unified School District is an equal opportunity provider.

About the Oakland Unified School District

In California’s most diverse city, Oakland Unified School District (OUSD) is dedicated to creating a learning environment where “Every Student Thrives!” More than half of our students speak a non-English language at home. And each of our 81 schools is staffed with talented individuals uniting around a common set of values: Students First, Equity, Excellence, Integrity, Cultural Responsiveness and Joy. We are committed to preparing all students for college, career and community success.

To learn more about OUSD’s Full Service Community District focused on academic achievement while serving the whole child in safe schools, please visit OUSD.org and follow us @OUSDnews.

This post based on a press release from OUSD to Zennie62Media, Inc.

Oakland Schools News: OUSD Says 23,000 Chromebooks 7,000 Wireless Hotspot Devices Delivered

Ousd News Conference About Monday’s First Day Of The 2020 21 School Year

Oakland – Just one week after handing out a major round of new #OaklandUndivided Chromebooks that students get to keep, Oakland Unified School District is updating the entire community on the overall effort to get 25,000 computers into the hands of Oakland’s public school students.


We have enough computers in our schools to ensure students have them for immediate use to engage in distance learning. To address the need for devices after schools went into distance learning in the spring, OUSD distributed nearly 23,000 Chromebooks and 7,000 wireless hotspot devices to students on loan from the schools. Most of our students have these loaners, if they haven’t already received their own computer. If your student has yet to receive even a loaner, please contact your school principal. Also, if you have yet to do so, please fill out the Tech Check Survey. Once the #OaklandUndivided campaign began, it became clear that the loaners were only a temporary fix that would soon no longer be needed.


OUSD Devices Delivered
OUSD Devices Delivered


The #OaklandUndivided partnership has purchased 25,000 computers that will replace the loaner devices, and 15,000 hotspots, to ensure every student in need in District-run and charter schools has the computer, internet, and tech support they need and deserve to be successful. In total, the #OaklandUndivided team has already given to students almost 6,000 of the permanent laptops that they can keep, including roughly 4,000 over the past week, plus 2,800 hotspots. These devices have gone out to students weeks earlier than expected, because the supply lines were not quite as backed up as expected.

OUSD Devices Delivered
OUSD Devices Delivered


As more of these new devices arrive, they are first being sent to school sites with high completion rates of the Tech Check Survey to be distributed to students. By the end of September, our goal is that all students in need of a computer and internet – who have completed the survey – will receive their own Chromebooks and hotspots (that they get to keep).


As devices come in for students, the individual school communities will determine when it is safest and least disruptive for their community to distribute the #OaklandUndivided Chromebooks out to students and families. While we await the arrival of touchscreen devices – which are expected to be delivered in the fall – students in TK to first grade and identified students receiving Special Education services will continue to have computers and internet access through their OUSD loaner device.


If you or a student you know needs a device now for remote learning, help spread the word to get everyone connected:


To get a loaner device immediately, contact your school site and let them know your needs.


To receive your permanent laptop and internet device, complete the Tech Check Survey online or with support from school site staff in order to receive a computer and internet access. As of August 24, the families of more than 24,800 students have completed the survey.


OUSD Devices Delivered
OUSD Devices Delivered


Even if you have a device on loan, you should still complete the Tech Check Survey to determine eligibility so you can receive your own, permanent computer and consistent internet access. Families can visit undivided.techexchange.org directly to register online, or connect with their school site for details about receiving their device.


OUSD students with their #OaklandUndivided devices


We thank members of the community who told us they were interested in an update on the progress we have made with the #OaklandUndivided campaign. We could not have gotten this far without the support from our community, and all the amazing people and organizations who have provided financial assistance to this effort. Provided your student qualifies for a device to keep, the school will contact you via email or text with details of how and when to pick it up.


We reached our first goal shortly after we started the campaign, but there are still goals that lie ahead, as we plan to provide computers and internet access to all Oakland students who need them every year moving forward. If you’re interested in joining our #OaklandUndivided movement – here is how you can get involved:


To learn more about #OaklandUndivided, please visit www.oaklandedfund.org/digitaldivide.


To donate a computer or hotspot, contact [email protected].


To make a donation or discuss a potential financial contribution, contact:
● David Silver, Mayor’s Office of Education at [email protected]
● Jonathan Osler, Oakland Public Education Fund at [email protected]
● Curtiss Sarikey, Oakland Unified School District at [email protected]


About the Oakland Unified School District


In California’s most diverse city, Oakland Unified School District (OUSD) is dedicated to creating a learning environment where “Every Student Thrives!” More than half of our students speak a non-English language at home. And each of our 81 schools is staffed with talented individuals uniting around a common set of values: Students First, Equity, Excellence, Integrity, Cultural Responsiveness and Joy. We are committed to preparing all students for college, career and community success.


To learn more about OUSD’s Full Service Community District focused on academic achievement while serving the whole child in safe schools, please visit OUSD.org and follow us @OUSDnews.


Post based on press release from OUSD to Zennie62Media, Inc.

OUSD And Oakland Education Association: OEA Voted to Ratify Agreement On Distance Learning

Ousd News Conference About Monday’s First Day Of The 2020 21 School Year

OUSD and Oakland Education Association Issue Joint Statement Announcing that OEA Members Have Voted to Ratify the Agreement on Distance Learning

Oakland – On Sunday evening, August 23, 2020, Oakland Unified School District and the Oakland Education Association (OEA) are releasing the joint statement below announcing that the members of OEA voted to ratify the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) regarding distance learning. Included in this communication are the statement, this link to an online version of it, and this link to the MOU.

August 23, 2020

Dear Staff, Parents, Students, Partners and School Community:

Congratulations on completing the first couple of weeks of school during this most unique, challenging and unprecedented time. We are pleased to announce that the Oakland Unified School District (OUSD) and Oakland Education Association (OEA) have reached an Agreement that prioritizes health and safety as well as a rigorous learning experience despite the unprecedented challenges we are facing during the COVID-19 pandemic. The agreement has now been ratified by OEA members and will be implemented starting Monday, August 24, 2020.

As you know, Oakland Unified launched the school year in distance learning. OUSD and OEA were in negotiations about the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and Governor Gavin Newsom’s planned response to it in support of more than 2,000 teachers, nurses, counselors and other OEA members that support our students.

While we do not always agree on the details, both OEA and OUSD are passionate about serving Oakland’s students and families. After working diligently to reach an agreement to shape distance learning for all students and OEA members, we are prepared to improve distance learning in order to provide the quality instruction that Oakland’s students need and deserve.

We thank you for your support and patience during this time. We will post details of our new Fall 2020 Distance Learning MOU on the District’s Website and on the OEA Website.

In Partnership,

About the Oakland Unified School District

In California’s most diverse city, Oakland Unified School District (OUSD) is dedicated to creating a learning environment where “Every Student Thrives!” More than half of our students speak a non-English language at home. And each of our 81 schools is staffed with talented individuals uniting around a common set of values: Students First, Equity, Excellence, Integrity, Cultural Responsiveness and Joy. We are committed to preparing all students for college, career and community success.

To learn more about OUSD’s Full Service Community District focused on academic achievement while serving the whole child in safe schools, please visit OUSD.org and follow us @OUSDnews.

Oakland Schools News: OEA and OUSD New Date Set For Ratification Of Tentative Agreement

Oakland Unified School District OUSD

Oakland, CA – On August 12, 2020, the Oakland Unified School District (OUSD) and the Oakland Education Association (OEA) reached a tentative bargaining agreement on distance learning during the COVID-19 pandemic this fall. Our common goal is to provide the best possible education for Oakland students.

This agreement is subject to ratification by OEA members which is now scheduled to occur by the end of day on Friday, August 21, 2020. We look forward to providing additional details and guidance to all students, staff and families in the coming days.

Thank you for your patience as we ramp up the rigorous instruction our students need and deserve.

About the Oakland Unified School District

In California’s most diverse city, Oakland Unified School District (OUSD) is dedicated to creating a learning environment where “Every Student Thrives!” More than half of our students speak a non-English language at home. And each of our 81 schools is staffed with talented individuals uniting around a common set of values: Students First, Equity, Excellence, Integrity, Cultural Responsiveness and Joy. We are committed to preparing all students for college, career and community success.

To learn more about OUSD’s Full Service Community District focused on academic achievement while serving the whole child in safe schools, please visit OUSD.org and follow us @OUSDnews.

About the Oakland Unified School District

In California’s most diverse city, Oakland Unified School District (OUSD) is dedicated to creating a learning environment where “Every Student Thrives!” More than half of our students speak a non-English language at home. And each of our 81 schools is staffed with talented individuals uniting around a common set of values: Students First, Equity, Excellence, Integrity, Cultural Responsiveness and Joy. We are committed to preparing all students for college, career and community success.

To learn more about OUSD’s Full Service Community District focused on academic achievement while serving the whole child in safe schools, please visit OUSD.org and follow us @OUSDnews.

OUSD And Office Depot Give East Oakland Pride Elementary School Backpacks, School Supplies

City Of Oakland And Ousd Have Plan To Close Digital Divide – Press Conference

OUSD Teams up with Office Depot to Provide Backpacks and School Supplies to Students at East Oakland Pride Elementary School Superintendent Kyla Johnson-Trammell to Visit the All-Day Giveaway to Help Honor Teacher as Winner of All-Star Teacher Award Oakland – Office Depot will be at East Oakland Pride Elementary School for much of the day … Read more

U.S. Chamber Calls on Congress To Pass Bills To Address Race-Based Opportunity Gaps


Washington – In a letter sent to all members of Congress, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce today formally endorsed more than a dozen individual bills in Congress that would help close longstanding opportunity gaps that exist for Black Americans and people of color. The move is part of the Chamber’s national Equality of Opportunity initiative … Read more

Sonoma International Film Festival’s SIFF 2.0 Virtual Film Festival 2020 Under Way

Siff 2.0 Film Festival 2020

Sonoma, CA – Sonoma International Film Festival’s new SIFF 2.0 Virtual Film Festival is under way July 30-August 2, 2020. Celebrating its 23ʳᵈ year, the online showcase offers the best in new independent cinema from around the world with a robust lineup of more than 100 features, documentaries and short films that includes a selection … Read more

Harm To Journalism Industry Featured In Historic Tech Giants Antitrust Hearing

Save Journalism Project

Washington – One year after the initial hearing highlighting the damage tech giants have done to the journalism industry, the House Judiciary Committee brought down the gavel against CEOs from the biggest tech companies, Google, Apple, Facebook and Amazon. The Committee had done their homework and they grilled these CEOs with facts and evidence of … Read more

Oakland City Council Fakes Defunding Police, Slashes Community Services Says Cat Brooks

Oakland Police Department

Oakland – Tuesday night July 21, 2020, The Oakland City Council had the historic opportunity to address the decades-long budget inequity that has left police with the lion’s share of our tax dollars and many residents without healthcare, housing, and critical social services during the pandemic. Councilmembers Reid, McElhaney, Taylor, Gallo, and Mayor Schaaf chose … Read more

2020 Oakland ESPY Awards Oakland Athletic League and OUSD Winners Announced

Oakland Unified School District OUSD

SPAAT, Oakland Athletic League and OUSD Announce Winners of Annual Oakland ESPY Awards, Including Middle School Student-Athletes of the Year, the All-Academic Team and High School Student-Athletes of the Year Oakland, CA – In a ceremony Wednesday evening in which young people collectively received more than $20,000 in scholarships, SPAAT, the Student Program for Academic … Read more

OUSD Announces Fall 2020-21 High School Sports Are On Hold Until December 2020

Oakland Unified School District OUSD

Oakland – While the 2020-21 school year begins on Monday, August 10, three weeks from today, with OUSD students studying from home through distance learning, the District and the Oakland Athletic League (OAL) announced today that interscholastic sports will not begin until December, at the earliest. The four month long delay comes mandated by the … Read more

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Statement On Approval Of FY 2021 Energy and Water Development Funding Bill

Congresswoman Barbara Lee

Washington, D.C. – Congresswoman Barbara Lee (CA-13), a senior member of the House Appropriations Committee, released the following statement on the approval of the fiscal year 2021 Energy and Water Development Funding Bill. The House Appropriations Committee today approved the fiscal year 2021 Energy and Water Development and Related Agencies bill on a vote of … Read more

Oakland Schools News: OUSD Announces Plans For Start Of School, Including Distance Learning

City Of Oakland And Ousd Have Plan To Close Digital Divide – Press Conference

Exactly One Month From First Day of 2020-21 School Year, OUSD Announces Plans for Start of School Which Will Include Students Returning to Class in Phases, Starting with a Period of Distance Learning for all Students Text Of Friday July 10th 2020 OUSD Press Conference At End Of This Post Oakland – As Oakland and … Read more

Oakland Police Commission Enacts Landmark Policy On Asphyxia & Neck Holds

Oakland Coalition For Police Accountability

Oakland – Oakland’s Police Commission late Thursday night unanimously enacted the strongest language in the nation banning the use of neck holds and protecting individuals from asphyxia (when someone is deprived of oxygen) in encounters with police. The policy comes in the aftermath of the murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis, who died of asphyxia … Read more