S. Korea reports 286

S. Korea reports 286,294 new COVID-19 infections on Wed.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=krDxKoLmtbs Oakland News Now – S. Korea reports 286,294 new COVID-19 infections on Wed. – video made by the YouTube channel with the logo in the video’s upper left hand corner. OaklandNewsNow.com is the original blog post for this type of video-blog content. 신규확진 28만6294명…수요일 기준 5주만에 20만명대로 South Korea reported fewer than 300-thousand new […]

S. Korea reports 286,294 new COVID-19 infections on Wednesday

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XqEPqDWiP7U Oakland News Now – S. Korea reports 286,294 new COVID-19 infections on Wednesday – video made by the YouTube channel with the logo in the video’s upper left hand corner. OaklandNewsNow.com is the original blog post for this type of video-blog content. 수요일 코로나 신규확진 286294명…중대본 “대면진료 확대…요양시설엔 ‘찾아가는 진료’ 시행” South Korea is […]

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