The SF Chronicle Is A Racist Publication. Oakland Residents Should Not Use It To Silence Black Views

The SF Chronicle Is A Racist Publication. Oakland Residents Should Not Use It To Silence Black Views

The SF Chronicle Is A Racist Publication. Oakland Residents Should Not Use It To Silence Black Views ONN – The SF Chronicle Is A Racist Publication. Oakland Residents Should Not Use It To Silence Black Views – vlog by Zennie62 YouTube Watch the vlog The SF Chronicle Is A Racist Publication. Oakland Residents Should Not … Read more

President Biden Executive Order On Tackling The Climate Crisis At Home And Abroad

President Joe Biden

The United States and the world face a profound climate crisis. We have a narrow moment to pursue action at home and abroad in order to avoid the most catastrophic impacts of that crisis and to seize the opportunity that tackling climate change presents. Domestic action must go hand in hand with United States international … Read more

Biden White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki, National Economic Council Director Brian Deese Press Briefing, January 22, 2021

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki, Second Press Briefing, January 21, 2021

Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jen Psaki and National Economic Council Director Brian Deese January 22, 2021 James S. Brady Press Briefing Room 1:03 P.M. EST MS. PSAKI: Good afternoon, everyone. Happy Friday. Today, we are joined by National Economic Council Director Brian Deese, who will highlight some key aspects of the executive orders the … Read more

Oakland Breonna Taylor Bust That Was Vandalized Has Been Removed And Everyone Is Asking Who Did It?

Oakland Breonna Taylor Bust That Was Vandalized Has Been Removed And Everyone Is Asking Who Did It?

Oakland Breonna Taylor Bust That Was Vandalized Has Been Removed And Everyone Is Asking Who Did It? ONN – Oakland Breonna Taylor Bust That Was Vandalized Has Been Removed And Everyone Is Asking Who Did It? – vlog by Zennie62 YouTube The bust of Breonna Taylor that was made and installed in front of the … Read more

Is Nashville Downtown Explosion On Christmas Day Domestic Economic Terrorism Post Tornado, COVID-19?

Is Nashville Downtown Explosion On Christmas Day Domestic Economic Terrorism Post Tornado, COVID-19?

Is Nashville Downtown Explosion On Christmas Day Domestic Economic Terrorism Post Tornado, COVID-19? ONN – Is Nashville Downtown Explosion On Christmas Day Domestic Economic Terrorism Post Tornado, COVID-19? – vlog by Zennie62 YouTube The Nashville Downtown Explosion may have been done to collect insurance money for struggling businesses impacted by COVID-19, the Tornado and the … Read more

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Wins Re-Election: Historic Figure In World Politics Issues Statement

Congresswoman Barbara Lee

Oakland-based Congresswoman Barbara Lee is to politics around here (California’s 13th Congressional District) like Stonehenge is to civilization: a monument. She will be celebrated forever as the only U.S. Congressperson to vote against The Iraq War , having done so on September 18, 2001, and after the horrific events of September 9, 2001 – what … Read more

In Defense Of Bill Clinton And Joe Biden: The Truth About The Need For The 1994 Crime Bill

The 1994 Crime Bill

Former President Bill Clinton has come under intense attack for his full-throated defense of the crime bill of 1994 what is really called the violent crime control and law enforcement act of nineteen ninety four. It seems to me that the people who are talking (even the pundits on for example MSNBC Joy Reid, for example, and others) either weren’t really paying attention then, or and didn’t read the crime bill, or perhaps read the crime bill and forgot what it consisted of, and forgot the events that gave rise to its creation and passage.

Let me share with you but one of those events. July 1st 1993 was really a bright sunny day in San Francisco and afternoon about one o’clock and i went to the Royal Exchange to hang out early at the great Cal bar (for University of California at Berkeley students like myself, I got my master’s degree in city planning from Cal was on the Alumni Board from 98 2001 1998-2000 actually 2003 but I digress).

Bottom line is it was a great day but the television / switched to KTVU Channel 2 because just around oh three o’clock or so at that time there are reports of a shooting at 101 California Street.

Now to give you an idea where 101 California Street is with respect to wear Royal Exchange is. Royal Exchange is on Sacramento at Front Street here. If you go down Front Street, this is California. 101 California is right there, so basically just go down the block across California over here and the giant skyscraper that is 101 California is right there designed by Phillip Johnson – a steel and glass, iconic skyscraper that , when it was proposed, was unlike anything San Francisco had seen before. That’s another story.

A man by the name of Gian Luigi Ferri went up to the 34th floor to a law firm called Pettit and Martin. He got off the elevator and started to randomly shoot people using assault weapons.

There was a woman that I knew from Cal who worked at Pettit and Martin as associate. Just started, did Terry Presite, and I was worried for Terry. I was able to call her but couldn’t get a hold of her. Gian Luigi Ferri walked through her office and eventually killed nine people, injured seven others, ruining the lives of many, and impacted lives of countless people forever.

Pettit and Martin closed in 2001. That event, and others like it, gave rise to a call for a sweeping crime bill in 1994. A 363 page document that was sweeping far-reaching in scope – so for anyone to say that it negatively impacted the black community like the black folks all did did all this stuff really doesn’t know what they’re talking about to begin with.

For example, do you realize that the Violence Against Women Act started with a 1994 Crime Bill with a with the same bill that many are criticizing? Do you realize that the start of funding for halfway houses for escape places for victims of domestic violence started with the crime bill? Do you realize that the 1994 Crime Bill had an assault weapons ban that we have not had the collective will to establish today in an era of mass shooting after mass shooting after mass shooting?

Do you realize that? Do you realize that the that same bill that Bill Clinton is getting so much negative publicity for is the same bill that put 1,000 cops on the street? That funded and gave rise to community policing? They had a provision within it that said the US Justice Department was supposed to give an annual report on the use of excessive force by police programs around the United States – something that was never done.

So have you ever bothered to read the damn bill? No, you have not.

Do you realize what was going on at the time? No you don’t.

It made Oakland a safer community. It allowed us to hire more cops. It allowed us to get assault weapons off the street. We had gun buyback programs – including that, it was really effective.

The main overarching problem then in the 90s drugs were considered to be a problem of the black poor okay particularly heroin drugs weren’t thought of as being a white problem, even though all we knew we knew white folks did drugs and marijuana, but it was thought of as being a black problem.

Today, drugs are thought of, particularly heroin, as being not just a black problem but a white problem – which means it’s everybody’s problem. So now the 1994 crime bill that was so good then, because it only focused on drugs and you know black and the idea was that holy focus on black folks is now today thought out by some is being bad because hey white people new use drugs and right folks have a problem.

So now we’ve got to decriminalize everything.

You see what I’m getting at? It was okay to criminalize it when it was focused in the black community, but now that it’s a white problem oh we have to decriminalize it. Think about it. Think about what I’m saying to you. Think hard about what I’m saying to you, and at the same time we don’t have an assault weapons ban.

And you know something else that came out of the Violence Against Women Act which is still active: The Cyber Crimes Act, the act to prevent cyber bullying, which is installed in 2005 as a rider provision,

Do you know what you’re talking about when you criticize this bill? Yes there are parts of it that should not have been there, but given the climate of the times they were appropriate. Given what was happening in then they were appropriate. And again, it did sunset.

The real problem we have not solved since then is we still have an assault weapons problem. In fact, it’s enormous. We have open carry laws that people are openly defending in Georgia, walking around airports with their assault weapons saying oh this is okay at a time when terrorism is a concern, a big one, including domestic terrorism.

So in this context you’re going to tell me that the 1994 crime bill was this terrible thing? I think you need to reassess what you’re talking about, you really do.

Select Remarks from Night Two of the 2020 Democratic National Convention: “Uniting America”

MILWAUKEE—The Democratic National Convention Committee (DNCC) released a selection of excerpts from the remarks of speakers as prepared for delivery who will address the Democratic National Convention tonight, August 18, from 9:00-11:00 PM ET. The theme of Tuesday’s program is “Leadership Matters.” A moment like now demands real leadership. A leader who has the experience and character to … Read more

“We Mean Business” SF Unionists Protest SF POA & Demand Defunding of Police & Ending Militarization

“we Mean Business” Sf Unionists Protest Sf Poa & Demand Defunding Of Police & Ending Militarization

“We Mean Business” SF Unionists Protest SF POA & Demand Defunding of Police & Ending Militarization From YouTube Channel: July 27, 2020 at 04:38PM ONN – Trade unionists from AFSCME 3299 at UC, CFA, SEIU USWW, AFT 2121 and UESF protested the San Francisco Police Officers Association POA on July 27, 2020 and called for … Read more

ILWU “Bloody Thursday”1934 General Strike Commemoration At SSA Terminal Port Of Oakland

Ilwu “bloody Thursday”1934 General Strike Commemoration At Ssa Terminal Port Of Oakland

ILWU “Bloody Thursday”1934 General Strike Commemoration At SSA Terminal Port Of Oakland ONN – The ILWU, other unions, community activists and supporters commemorated the “Bloody Thursday” when 2 strike supporters were murdered by the San Francisco police in 1934. It led to the San Francisco general strike. The commemoration also discussed the recent racist attacks … Read more

ILWU Juneteenth Voices Speak Out At Port Of Oakland

Ilwu Juneteenth Voices Speak Out At Port Of Oakland

ILWU Juneteenth Voices Speak Out At Port Of Oakland ONN – Participants in the ILWU Juneteenth rallies and marches spoke out about the police terror, systemic racism and the role of the unions in this fight. This took place on June 19, 2020 at the Port of Oakland where the first rally took place. Additional … Read more

Angela Davis At The Port Of Oakland: Speech to ILWU Juneteenth Work Action On June 19, 2020

Angela Davis At The Port Of Oakland: Speech To Ilwu Juneteenth Work Action On June 19, 2020

Angela Davis At The Port Of Oakland: Speech to ILWU Juneteenth Work Action On June 19, 2020 ONN – On Juneteenth 2020 at the Port of Oakland, Angela Davis made a statement on Juneteenth and the role of the ILWU in the struggle against discrimination, racism and war. This took place on 2020 Juneteenth June … Read more

“Jana Wilson” On Facebook Looks And Is Used Like A Fake Profile Designed To Spread Controversy

“jana Wilson” On Facebook Looks And Is Used Like A Fake Profile Designed To Spread Controversy

“Jana Wilson” On Facebook Looks And Is Used Like A Fake Profile Designed To Spread Controversy ONN – “Jana Wilson” On Facebook Looks And Is Used Like A Fake Profile Designed To Spread Controversy A Facebook profile page with the name “Jana Wilson” took to attack a Zennie62Media post from Oakland District 6 Councilmember Loren … Read more

130,000 Troops Along California Coast Setting Up Level 1 Check Points And Treatment Centers

130,000 Troops Along California Coast Setting Up Level 1 Check Points And Treatment Centers

130,000 Troops Along California Coast Setting Up Level 1 Check Points And Treatment Centers ONN – 130,000 Troops Along California Coast Setting Up Level 1 Check Points And Treatment Centers Saturday evening, Zennie62Media Vlogger Donald Richardson texted me this: “Tomorrow there will be a visible military presence in California up and down the coast. My … Read more

280lbs Of Cocaine Seized By U.S. Customs And Border Protection Port Huron


PORT HURON, Mich. – U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), Office of Field Operations at the Blue Water Bridge arrest Canadian citizen in possession of more than 280lbs of cocaine. The seizure took place on October 21st, when members of the CBP Port Huron Anti-Terrorism and Contraband Enforcement Team were conducting routine outbound inspections on … Read more