Thai Cave Rescue

Thai Cave Rescue Update: Four Boys Out As President Trump Hogs Credit

Thai Cave Rescue Update: it took not 18, but 90 divers and what was reported to be a three hour trip for each young boy, but the attempt to rescue 12 boys from a large cave trail in Thailand is going well, thus far. It’s too bad President Donald Trump had to take to Twitter […]

Thai Cave Rescue Update News: Mission Started 40 Minutes Ago

The Thai Cave Rescue started approximately 40 minutes ago in Thailand. Since the media have been forced out of the main rescue area, and a tarp was constructed to shield it from the view of cameras, there’s no word of exactly what’s going on, other than the rescue was started, and Elon Musk’s engineers reportedly […]

Elon Musk The Boring Co Making Kid-Sized Sub To Rescue Boys From Thai Cave

Will Elon Musk save trapped boys in Thai Cave Rescue? Elon Musk, the PayPal alum who became a billionaire, and started both Space X and Tesla, and the Boring Co., has sent a team of engineers from the same nfrastructure and tunnel construction company tasked with building the foundation for the Hyperloop to help in […]

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