transbay joint powers authority

Maria Ayerdi-Kaplan’s Truth About Major Perks – Retires As Transbay Joint Powers Authority Executive Director

Why did Maria Ayerdi Kaplan get major perks for leaving TJPA in 2016? Why do some media outlets focus on the “major perks” that Maria Ayerdi-Kaplan received when she resigned from her post heading the organization she created, the Transbay Joint Powers Authority, without asking why? This new post sheds light on the truth the […]

In Praise Of San Francisco’s Salesforce Transit Center Built By Maria Ayerdi Kaplan

What makes San Francisco’s Salesforce Transit Center Park so great? From YouTube Channel: February 9, 2021 at 10:29PM ONN – In Praise Of San Francisco’s Salesforce Transit Center Built By Maria Ayerdi Kaplan The Salesforce Transit Park is set over 60 feet above the streets of San Francisco. Is it the best part of the […]

Salesforce Transit Center Repair Update Livestream Vlog

The San Francisco-based Transbay Joint Powers Authority (TJPA) issued this report update on the progress of repairs to the Salesforce Transit Center. The problem with Salesforce Transit Center rests in a set of cracked steel beams found at two locations within the structure of the facility, and on September of 2018.

Salesforce Transit Center: TJPA Gives Update On Cracked Steel Beams Problem

San Francisco Transbay Transit Center Reopening Uncertain But Repairs Under Way The San Francisco-based Transbay Joint Powers Authority (“TJPA”, or the organization established by Maria Ayerdi Kaplan and which serves as owner and operator of what is now called Salesforce Transit Center), issued a press release and a 25-page update report on repairs to the […]

Transbay Joint Powers Authority Appoints Mark Zabaneh Interim Executive Director

Transbay Joint Powers Authority Appoints Mark Zabaneh Interim Executive Director

Maria Ayerdi-Kaplan, Salesforce Transit Center Builder, TJPA Creator: Her Story Part One

Maria Ayerdi Kaplan, Salesforce Transit Center Developer: Her Story Part One

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