Trump rally

Julie Jenkins Fancelli: Trump Capitol Rally Jan 6th Funded By Publix Super Markets Heiress

Trump Capitol Rally Jan 6th Funded By Julie Jenkins Fancelli Publix Super Markets Heiress, Says WSJ ONN – Trump Capitol Rally Jan 6th Funded By Julie Jenkins Fancelli Publix Super Markets Heiress, Says WSJ – vlog by Zennie62 YouTube The Wall Street Journal is pointing the finger of who financed the Trump Terrorist Rally that […]

Trump Capitol Rally Points To Plan To Keep Trump As POTUS Even If He Lost 2020 Election

To start, this Trump Rally blog post is, at this point, a purely speculative work, designed to help tie together what is at this point a disparate set of facts that seem to point to one conclusion, but a large set of loose ends stop me from saying the result is absolute fact. The “one […]

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