
Oakland Must Establish MACRO Immediately Says The Worker Agency

Oakland Must Establish MACRO—an Alternative to Leading with Police for Mental Health Crises Response—Immediately Oakland residents, labor and elected officials are calling on the City Of Oakland to immediately implement this program within the next six months Oakland – A broad coalition of residents, community organizations and labor groups are calling on the Oakland City […]

Oakland Mayor Schaaf’s End Teacher Supremacy March At Lake Merritt Reveals Racial Divide – Part 2

This Oakland News Now post is based on a Facebook entry by famed Oakland Hip-Hop Journalist Davey D. His text forms Part One of this series, and which you can read at this link, then the embed of the multimedia content is below, along with the views of Kev Choice. Davey D note on the […]

Oakland Mayor Schaaf’s End Teacher Supremacy March At Lake Merritt Reveals Racial Divide

This Oakland News Now post is based on a Facebook entry by famed Oakland Hip-Hop Journalist Davey D. What follows is his text, then the embed of the multimedia content. Davey D note on the featured photo: The gentlemen in the front is from Brooklyn.. He says he grew up in the projects.. His kids […]

Howard Terminal Draft Environmental Impact Report Released By City Of Oakland, A’s – PMSA’s Mike Jacob Attacks

The Howard Terminal Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) is out of its cage and here at this link! The City of Oakland and The Oakland Athletics released the Draft Environmental Impact Report for the Howard Terminal Ballpark (or more formally called “Oakland Waterfront Ballpark District at Howard Terminal”). First, the Oakland A’s sent their email, […]

President Biden Executive Order On Tackling The Climate Crisis At Home And Abroad

The United States and the world face a profound climate crisis. We have a narrow moment to pursue action at home and abroad in order to avoid the most catastrophic impacts of that crisis and to seize the opportunity that tackling climate change presents. Domestic action must go hand in hand with United States international […]

City Of Oakland To Cut Salaries Due To COVID-19 Pandemic-Caused $62 Million Shortfall

Oakland – On Thursday, Mayor Libby Schaaf and City Administrator Ed Reiskin shared with City of Oakland employees the stark financial reality the City faces due to extreme revenue losses caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Like all cities and local governments — and barring significant federal relief — Oakland must consider immediate measures to address […]

Oakland Schools OUSD 2020-21 Proposed Reopening Plan Submitted To Alameda County

Dear Oakland Community, Today I am writing to let you know that we have finalized our COVID-19 Health and Safety Reopening Plan and Program (Reopening Plan) for reopening our schools to in-person learning and instruction. The plan includes the components required by the Alameda County Office of Education (ACOE) regarding reopening for in-person instruction and […]

President-Elect Joe Biden Wants Oakland, California, Atlanta, Georgia, America, To Know Economic Help Is On The Way

President-Elect Joe Biden issued this statement to the press, a message that says economic help in on the way, and that’s for every city from Oakland, California to Atlanta, Georgia, and Honolulu, Hawaii, and Juno Alaska. Here are the words of President-Elect Joe Biden, today, as sent to Zennie62Media. Good afternoon. I hope everyone had […]

Berkeley IGS Poll: Defeat For California Prop 16, Diversity, Prop 21, Rent Control, Unless Young Voters Show

Berkeley IGS Poll: Defeat For California Prop 16, Diversity, Prop 21, Rent Control, Unless Young Voters Show. Was just passed a wake-up call press release on a UC Berkeley Institute Of Government Studies poll that, once again, points to the need for California to split into two states, something that may never happen in this […]

Association of Flight Attendants Hold Rally Near Rep Barbara Lee Office In Oakland

Association of Flight Attendants Rally Oakland CA From YouTube Channel: October 20, 2020 at 07:06PM ONN – Association of Flight Attendants Hold Rally Near Rep Barbara Lee Office In Oakland From the YouTube video: This was at a rally or gathering outside the offices of Barbara Lee organized by the Association of Flight Attendants. The […]

Oakland City Council 2020 Race: Union Committee To Replace Lynette Gibson McElhaney With Carroll Fife, Kaplan, Formed

 The 2020 Oakland City Council race gets stranger and stranger as documents show (it’s always “documents show”, huh) that the Alameda Labor Council and the AFL-CIO have formed a committee called “Oakland 2020 Committee to Replace Lynette Gibson McElhaney And Elect Carroll Fife and Rebecca Kaplan to the Oakland City Council, sponsored by Alameda […]

Economic Renewal Agenda: Congresswoman Barbara Lee Joins Senator Markey, Rep. Haaland, Grassroots Coalition

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Joins Senator Markey, Rep. Haaland, Grassroots Coalition in Announcing Economic Renewal Agenda Today, Rep. Barbara Lee joined U.S. Senator Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.) and Congresswoman Deb Haaland (NM-01) and a coalition of grassroots groups; labor unions; Black, Brown and Indigenous leaders from across the country to introduce a bold plan for economic […]

Doc Rivers Blasts GOP Fear-Mongering After Jacob Blake Shooting During Mavs Clippers Game 5 Presser

Doc Rivers Blasts GOP Fear-Mongering During Post-Game Press Conference Mavericks Clippers Game 5 From YouTube Channel: August 26, 2020 at 12:23AM ONN – Doc Rivers Blasts GOP Fear-Mongering During Post-Game Press Conference Mavericks Clippers Game 5 This started out as a routine-for-the-NBA-Bubble press conference with LA Clippers coach Doc Rivers. But he then took it […]

Ben Bartlett Berkeley Councilmember Video On “A New Vision For Housing”

A New Vision for Housing From YouTube Channel: May 31, 2018 at 02:09PM ONN – Ben Bartlett Berkeley Councilmember Video On “A New Vision For Housing” We are solving the housing crisis with prefabricated modular micro-units which lowers the cost and shortens the time to build. The next phase involves labor unions mass manufacturing housing […]

The Oakland Police Commission Needs Our Help In The November 2020 Election – Len Raphael

The Oakland Police Commission needs our help. 1. When the November mail-in ballots come out, look for the as-yet-unnamed charter amendment strengthening the power and increasing the funding for the Oakland Police Commission. Tell your friends and neighbors to vote for it. 2. Now: contact your council member and the City Council President, At Large […]

“We Mean Business” SF Unionists Protest SF POA & Demand Defunding of Police & Ending Militarization

“We Mean Business” SF Unionists Protest SF POA & Demand Defunding of Police & Ending Militarization From YouTube Channel: July 27, 2020 at 04:38PM ONN – Trade unionists from AFSCME 3299 at UC, CFA, SEIU USWW, AFT 2121 and UESF protested the San Francisco Police Officers Association POA on July 27, 2020 and called for […]

McDonalds Food Workers In Oakland Strike Against Racism And Economic Inequality

USA: Food workers strike in Oakland against racism and economic inequality ONN – McDonalds Food Workers In Oakland Strike Against Racism And Economic Inequality Subscribe to our channel! rupt.ly/subscribe As part of a national movement calling on black people and allies to strike for better work conditions, BLM activists gathered with minimum wage activists in […]

Oakland City Council Votes To Send New Business Tax Structure To November 2022 Ballot

Oakland – The Oakland City Council voted unanimously to send a new Oakland business tax structure law into motion by placing a measure on the November 2022 ballot. Oakland’s business tax structure has not seen a major overhaul in almost forty years. The Oakland City Council was united in its desire to see a progressive, […]

ILWU “Bloody Thursday”1934 General Strike Commemoration At SSA Terminal Port Of Oakland

ILWU “Bloody Thursday”1934 General Strike Commemoration At SSA Terminal Port Of Oakland ONN – The ILWU, other unions, community activists and supporters commemorated the “Bloody Thursday” when 2 strike supporters were murdered by the San Francisco police in 1934. It led to the San Francisco general strike. The commemoration also discussed the recent racist attacks […]

Press Conference: Oakland Council President Kaplan To Reopen Budget Vote To Defund Police

Press Conference: In Midst of Mounting Pressure and Day of Action, Oakland Council President Kaplan to Reopen Budget Vote; Commit to Join Bas, Labor, Community to Defund Police Oakland, Ca — Today, Oakland City Council President Rebecca Kaplan will join a press conference of labor and community organizations near her home to commit to reopen […]

ILWU Juneteenth Voices Speak Out At Port Of Oakland

ILWU Juneteenth Voices Speak Out At Port Of Oakland ONN – Participants in the ILWU Juneteenth rallies and marches spoke out about the police terror, systemic racism and the role of the unions in this fight. This took place on June 19, 2020 at the Port of Oakland where the first rally took place. Additional […]

Repeal Oakland City Charter’s Police And Fire Binding Arbitration Protection – Len Raphael

Repeal Oakland City Charter’s Binding Arbitration Protection for Police Officers and Fire Fighters The time has come for Oakland to remove some or all binding arbitration protection for uniformed police and fire disciplinary matters and compensation. Arbitrator decisions overrule decisions by the Chief of Police, City Administrator, and the Police Commission. Binding arbitration is enshrined […]

Oakland Renters And Small Businesses Eviction Moratorium Extension: News From Councilmember Bas

Dear Oaklander, Heading into our 11th week sheltering in place, I’m inspired by recent wins for our community, such as the extension of my emergency eviction moratorium and a fall ballot initiative to provide Oakland youth with more political power! In this newsletter you’ll find: Updates on Oakland’s eviction moratorium extension Efforts to grant youth […]

Sheng Thao Oakland D4 Councilmember With Community Leaders Launch Project MASC


Port Of Oakland Longshoreman Tells Oakland News Now Coronavirus-Hazzard Grand Princess Coming To Berth 20

Port Of Oakland Longshoreman Tells Oakland News Now Grand Princess Coming To Berth 20, Gives Info ONN – Port Of Oakland Longshoreman Tells Oakland News Now Grand Princess Coming To Berth 20, Gives Info Solomon Burroughs, a Port or Oakland Longshoreman, tagged this vlogger via Facebook, to provide a valuable news update on the Grand […]

Oakland Responds To Supreme Court’s Janus Decision To Strip Unions Of Ability To Finance Themselves

Oakland, California has been a “union town” for as far back as I can remember, and I’ve been in Oakland since April 8th of 1974. You can’t build anything in Oakland, or have any hope of getting elected, without the backing and involvement of unions. And over time, even the City of Oakland’s own workers […]

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