Oakland Finance Committee to Discuss Informational Reports on Budget Shortfall & My Proposal to Use $10 Million Surplus to Save Vital Community Programs & Services
Oakland – Today at 1:30pm, the Oakland Finance and Management Committee will receive budget informational reports from the Administration that I requested regarding: the implementation of administrative corrective actions to unauthorized over-spending and follow up questions on the Administration’s presentation of the budget shortfall. I, along with Council President Bas and Councilmember Fife , will additionally introduce a resolution to appropriate the additional $10 million surplus funds from the Oakland-Alameda County Coliseum Authority (“OACCA”) which I have found, to save vital community programs and services.
As the City of Oakland undergoes closing the fiscal year 20-21FY budget shortfall and prepares to undergo creating the next budget for the future, it is important for the City Council and Oakland Community to understand the causes of the gap, including corrections both for the over-spending and for the inadequate revenue, to remedy those problems and build a stronger future for Oakland’s communities.
I have asked the administration to present the Revenue And Expense Report and answer following up questions, including:-What are the fund balances for All funds?
Information regarding the December 20, 2020 Budget Shortfall Closure Actions Memo, specifically addressing who was involved in determining the actions which caused the unauthorized over-spending, on what basis, and who has authority to make these proposed reductions?
Status of implementing actions directed by the Council, which would both strengthen economic development and protect public safety, including the Council funded staff for tracing guns and cracking down on illegal gun dealers, who have not yet been hired, and the Council direction and funding to hire more personnel and expand hours for permits/planning/building, so small property owners seeking to add accessory dwelling units (ADUs) and small businesses can get through the permits timely, which have also not yet been implemented by the Administration.
It is important to note that the submitted staff report fails to clearly identify or solve the unauthorized overspending role in the city’s budget deficit.
See Chart from December report showing the growth in unauthorized overspending:

Item 7: Accept and Appropriate $10 Million From The Oakland- Alameda County Coliseum Authority
I will be introducing the Resolution Seeking, Approving and Appropriating the $10 million dollars from the Oakland- Alameda County Coliseum Authority (“OACCA”). The OACCA has been holding funds in reserve pending the outcome of the Warriors litigation. At the January 15th meeting of the Coliseum Authority Board, confirmation was provided that there is $20 million available, which can be disbursed, to transfer $10 million each to the City of Oakland and the County of Alameda. These funds, along with other strategies, will be critical in closing the budget shortfall that the city of Oakland faces.
Item 8: Prevent Certain Budget Cuts, Including to Fire Service
I, along with Council President Bas and Councilmember Fife, are proposing a resolution to amend the Fiscal Year 2020-21 Mid-Cycle Budget to appropriate the $10 million and to prevent cuts to vital programs and services that our communities need to protect community health, as well as Fire Services.
The cuts to fire services and other critical public needs, such as trash removal and sewer maintenance, are a danger to the safety of all Oaklanders and our communities and neighbors. These closures also significantly endanger the health and safety of Oakland residents in the middle of a devastating pandemic in which many are also struggling financially. We are pleased to have already identified significant funds to help remedy these problems, and look forward to receiving the information from the Administration that Council has been requesting, in order to continue to propose effective solutions that protect our community. We will also pursue additional funding sources, including FEMA reimbursement, which is now eligible to provide 100% funding for housing the homeless, and other strategies.
The meeting takes place Monday, January 25th at 1:30pm on zoom.
Zoom Meeting information:
Webinar ID: 868 8917 3027
1/25 Finance & Management Committee Agenda: https://oakland.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=A&ID=832623&GUID=59F8CF6E-ED4D-4296-913B-53171B7AAB12