Wells Fargo Bank In Oakland On Piedmont Avenue Has Garbage Can Newsstand


Molly A. Walker posted on Twitter that “This is an unused news rack alongside the Piedmont Ave #Oakland branch of your bank. I walk by it every day and am thinking I should clean it up. But maybe you could? – at Wells Fargo Bank.”

The Wells Fargo Bank she’s referring to is that 151 40th St, and at the corner of 40th St and Piedmont. The newsstand on the 40th St side has garbage in it, is unsightly, as you can see, and generally reflects a state of neglect that’s common in the age of getting news via smartphone.

Hopefully, Wells Fargo Bank, or someone, cleans this up. Either that, or just remove the newsstand. Far too often, it’s the receptacle for free news magazines that no one ever bothers to grab. So, the papers sit there and gather dirt and who knows what else and contribute to this eye-sore.

Stay tuned.

Wells Fargo Bank In Oakland On Piedmont Avenue Has Garbage Can Newsstand
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