Zennie62 On YouTube Upgrades To Apple iPhone XS Max At AT&T Fayetteville GA


Fayetteville, GA – After maybe a bit too much time using the Apple iPhone 8, Zennie Abraham of Zennie62 on YouTube, decided to upgrade ahead of San Diego Comic Con 2019.

The phone of choice? The Apple iPhone XS Max.

The destination was a more tricky affair m. But, complications aside, the good folks at the AT&T store at Fayette Pavilion were very helpful. So much so, that these vlogs were made at the store:

Note the difference in the video-blogs:

Now watch this one:

Note how much brighter the bottom video blo is. Now much crisper. A dramatic difference between the iPhone 8 and the iPhone XS.

Plus, the Apple iPhone XS has a number of changes that add up to a vastly superior product.

Now it’s on to San Diego Comic Con in three weeks!

Stay tuned.

Zennie62 On YouTube Upgrades To Apple iPhone XS Max At AT&T Fayetteville GA
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