Zennie62 YouTube At 2008 DNC Convention, United Airlines Flight To Denver, Meeting Ashley Wolfe Long

Zennie62 Youtube At 2008 Dnc Convention, United Airlines Flight To Denver, Meeting Ashley Wolfe Long

Zennie62 YouTube At 2008 DNC Convention, United Airlines Flight To Denver, Meeting Ashley Wolfe Long

Raw transcript of video:

Well this begins the first video of the trip to Denver for the Democratic National Convention so you’re not going to see me in my little makeshift home last night a studio. I’m just talking – it’s called vlogging.

We’re going to be on the road so got this video I’m going to be boarding this plane United to denver in any minute now right i get like it well look I’m just gonna be boring to play now I didn’t look like my seat ups can I move it up a little bit but anyway I’ll see you on the plane.

Okay so now the flight is delayed. The reason is that they have to change a tire at least they’re going to start boarding in ten minutes but it’s a little scary because last night my mom was visiting me flew out on United flight things 158 I’ll get that corrected just eight minutes into the air on the way to Chicago the engine blew out who knows why they canceled the flight and reportedly treated the customers a lot better than they could but I’m concerned about what’s happening with United because of all these delays and cancellations and it’s a little distressing.

So, after all that, I’m finally on this flight. So we haven’t taken off yet, but I guess they replace the wheel. please have another we’re bored we invite his effect relax once the same we have a big in service of the air polisher to offer the beverage of your choice a complete list of the beverages we offer is okay.

It’s a delight to be here in Denver for my third time give a welcome with my viewers well I want to welcome everybody to Denver we’re having the democratic national convention here have six thousand delegates and 50,000 visitors from all over the world not to miss at 15,000 media over the place and we welcome the media we’re glad to have the exposure so they can see Denver International Airport see our ways of greeting and meeting and guiding

The People ambassador program has been around for about 13 years and actually four jurors I’m an ambassador right yeah yeah absolutely and we wear these hats and vests this identifies us as part of the Ambassador Program and our job is to meet and greet and guide people to the proper place we’re doing an outstanding job

I told me and my viewers what should we see in Denver would you want us to see well downtown has lodo they have museums we have a civic center that’s had a redo we have an awful lot of art we have the museum of natural history which is awesome yes and in fact we had our 50th high school reading in there last year in California Democratic parties that have their kundera meeting yes yeah and then we have invesco field where Obama will speak to it that’s pretty awesome 70,000 people that’s going to be something really just I gotta say I love your hat thank you very much no into Texas-Arlington a hat almost like that well these are Stetsons their regulation. Yes. Yes, sir! Hey thank you thank you.

Hi, we’re in Denver everybody. this is Ashley Long! Hey, Ashley! Hi, honey! Are you excited? I’m very excited! Me too! Definitely! You’re already typing hello typing I’m working already i’ve already posted two blocks here from Denver

Nice yes we’re very excited yes where are we by the way was like this red rocks away minute redbox Florida that’s where at yes fern red rocks bar we’re already ready for the convention we’ve already met people in your ideal working we went to delegates already we are ready to go for the week meet you. Very exciting. What do you like about Senator Obama? The main thing i like is that he does it’s not like other politicians where he has to be the smartest guy in the room.

He acknowledges that he may not always be the smartest guy in the room but he will find the smartest people and bring them all into one room and sit around the table and find the right

She’s right. He doesn’t always have to be right he doesn’t always have to have a hard-line solution to a problem a lot of people i think having a show with that of them and i think maybe that will be a problem for him to this campaign and i’m having these ongoing debates with people about that but i do think that an advantage for him once he gets in the White House you can bring all the right people together to find the right solutions to the problems.

Stay tuned.

#Zennie62​ http://zennie2005.blogspot.com​ – This is the first video of our trip to Denver.

Zennie62 YouTube At 2008 DNC Convention, United Airlines Flight To Denver, Meeting Ashley Wolfe Long
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