Oakland Forgot Economic Development And It Shows In The Very Condition Of The City

City of Oakland

The Oakland that I knew is dead. It was a city that had over 100 job training programs and several low interest loan and grant programs for businesses. It was a city that was unafraid to embrace manufacturing, transportation, and heavy industry, as much as it demanded and caused the development of an economy comparatively cleaner than most. It was a city that knew how to fix its economic problems. That Oakland is gone.

The Oakland that replaced it is one that’s marked by growing ranks of people sleeping on the streets because no one will help them. It has many who were just one lost paycheck away from eviction, and their ranks so great, a moratorium on evictions was in place before the Pandemic.

It has some who would even resort to an attempt to take property not their own. And do that thinking it will solve an overall problem that is obviously beyond their desire to deal with: an economic design that lacks the use of tax increment financing to fuel the business assistance and job training and affordable housing programs Oakland was once known for. This Oakland lacks people who want to fix the economy and far to many people who want to protest against the economy.

The fact is, we have had march after march and activist after activist, and the problems have only gotten worse. The protests have become nothing more than theater for the media, and tools to be used as part of a campaign strategy by a President who, himself, does not seem to care.

We have people who are willing to say “no coal” but not even asking “can we do coal, clean air, and jobs?” In fact, it seems like it’s just easier for them to just say no, then to try and fix anything.

Where we are is beyond sad.

It has been advanced by some media infected with the same anti-intellectualism – and worse because they believe their approach is smart. It is the complete and total lack of knowledge of where we are as a society, and to such a massively alarming point, that both the activists and that media don’t even bother to read about the past, and learn about the first publication to point to the climate change problem: The Limits To Growth. That was way back in 1971, but don’t tell that to the so-called climate change activists, they think all of this started after they hit puberty, and after 2010.

Oakland Created Its Own Problem And Now Can’t Wake Up To Fix It

What is so awful is that we in Oakland created this problem. Yeah. That’s right. Us.

I recall a 1996 meeting I sat in on, and on behalf of Oakland Mayor Elihu Harris, about the then-new concept of the “jobs / housing balance”. The meeting was at the offices of my long-time friend Alameda County Supervisor Keith Carson. Unfortunately, I have to write that this happened.

The meeting included a number of officials, including Sunne Wright McPeak, then a Contra Costa County Supervisor and main advocate for the idea that there should be a jobs / housing balance. The problem with the concept is that it asks a City like Oakland to be able to have more employment for workers to “balance” the housing in it. The problem is that the idea calls for an industry to be grown in that city to get those workers. Or, let me put it this way: it allows for gentrification to set in, though that was not the word flavor of the day in 1996.

In the meeting, I asked how Oakland was to make sure it followed “Oakland first” jobs policies for its current workers if they did not have the skills necessary to land the biotech jobs that Keith and Sunne, and the others in the meeting prized so much and wanted for Oakland? They collectively looked at me as if I had grown the ears of a Vulcan. I must now admit that I left the meeting out of pure disgust for the lack of any real thinking – it was the typical, Bay Area, “let’s make up something that we think is smart” crap.

It’s the kind of approach that is unconsciously born from the time when white supremacists like John Muir were creating social clubs like The Sierra Club. It’s an approach that calls for the development of an amount of what the person thinks are facts that are undeniable – and so that person is hardened in their beliefs to the point where communicating with them to get them to see another way becomes folly. It’s caused a lot of problems, and in particular, in the East Bay of the SF Bay Area, where the black population is the largest of any other place in my region of the San Francisco Bay Area.

The people who have this sort of tick have become and in many cases still are elected officials and friends of mine – and Democrats. They have allowed the complete destruction of Oakland’s economic development, and allowed it to happen with a nod. They have proven that they are the latest in the long line of people to drink the kool-aid established by John Muir. When he and his friends like famed UC Berkeley Professor Joseph Le Conte formed The Sierra Club, and his ideas of preservation that gave it life, he and they did not have black people in mind. They regarded us, folks who look like me, as “dirty” and “savages.”

Indeed, Joseph Le Conte is also identified as a white supremacist.

John Muir (photo courtesy peoplelooker.com)
John Muir (photo courtesy peoplelooker.com)

I write that because the Oakland that I came to know in 1974 was increasingly one that was called a “chocolate city” but the real problem is Oakland was consistently apologizing for being just that. It always embraced outside white male developers and never, then later seldom, gave a black developer a chance, and a person who was Asian (like my friend Phil Tagami) didn’t fare much better unless he worked himself to near death for ten years just to land the Oakland Rotunda Project (as Phil did with the help of a number of people, including me and Elihu Harris). That problem still exists today, and points to a real problem.

We all know the ranks of those who are jobless and homeless in Oakland are mostly black. We all know that the ranks of those suffering from COVID-19 are more likely to be black. But what we have not done in Oakland, is simply create a black-focused answer to these problems. So, for the Oakland Bulk and Oversized Terminal (for which its co-developer Insight Terminal Solutions, is a Zennie62Media content client) there’s the largely white “No Coal In Oakland” group just saying no, and not doing anything to try and get to yes.

They openly do not care about the same jobs problem that disproportionately hurts black folks in Oakland. Then, they try and make you believe (with the help of irresponsible media) that they have a large young black membership, when the truth is just the opposite. We need a black economic development agenda that is formed in harmony with concerns for the environment. Don’t count on No Coal In Oakland or The Sierra Club, because they’ve drank John Muir’s racist elixir and are too drunk to realize it.

Meanwhile, there’s Tom Steyer, the former coal investor and hedge fund manager who’s now (I contend) trying to hedge the western United States and as much of America as he can into a thought ethic that just says invest in renewables, and not fix the damn traditional energy pollution problem. Tom’s got a number of Oakland elected officials so scared they won’t get his money, they parrot his view about the environment, and don’t care about developing jobs at all, and mindlessly pat themselves on the back for such things as “climate action plans” that lack any interest in economic development.

On top of that, the same Oakland elected officials that signed development agreements to allow Mr. Tagami and Insight Terminal Solutions to build the Oakland Bulk and Oversized Terminal (knowing it was designed to handle bulk commodities like coal in a low emissions way), then set about a process of trying to back out of them just because Steyer started influencing them with money.

Take the example of Tom Steyer investing $500,000 in the Mayor of Oakland’s Oakland Promise program, and allegedly with the quid-pro-quo that Oakland would get involved in a lawsuit against American oil companies that was so silly it was tossed out of court. Why Libby didn’t get Tom to try and jump start Oakland Bulk and Oversized Terminal is a good question, considering its low emissions design, Oakland’s need to create low-skilled, well-paying jobs, and the now decades-long tardiness of replacing the jobs lost due to military base closures.

It’s as if Oakland just plain stopped caring about creating jobs. Even Oakland economic development director Alexa Jeffries, who was hired last year, has no formal background in economic development!

This is Oakland, folks. In other words, for economic development in Oakland, a cuss term is appropriate: we’re fucked.

In Oakland Economic Development Has Reached The “We’re Fucked” Stage

Yep. We’re fucked, folks. The City of Oakland knows it and you know it. We can get out of it, but we have to admit it, first, fast, then take action, and fast. We had the blueprint for the economic engine that can help us in the future and that’s the redevelopment laws of the past. There was no real good reason to get rid of Redevelopment, and since it was terminated, Oakland’s economic divide has only worsened and the Pandemic just made it worse.

And blacks in Oakland need to stop supporting The Sierra Club and form a new approach that fits the needs of the African American community. The problem is too many of us are trapped in thinking about us in a negative fashion, so city policy is focused on crime only, whereas in the Oakland between 1980 and 2010, the policies (like Hire Oakland First) were geared toward the economic needs of black residents. We let that go, and it’s time to bring it back. If you agree that blacks in Oakland are being harmed by a lack of programs and a lack of the social infrastructure that once made sure blacks had greater wealth, then take action. If you believe that you are only as strong as your weakest neighbor, then the only logical action is to help that neighbor, and go tell John Muir what to do with his racist ideas. I know he’s long passed on, but his point of view still holds way too much sway.

Time to wake the fuck up.

Stay tuned.

Oakland City Council To Consider New Homeless Encampment Management Policy

Oakland Councilmember Loren Taylor District Six

Oakland – On Monday September 21st, the Oakland City Council will move one step closer to clarifying to how Oakland will manage and support homeless encampments throughout the city. Led by Councilmember Loren Taylor, the Council’s Life Enrichment Committee hopes to finalize a new Encampment Management Policy.

Councilmember Taylor emphasized that, “When there is a unified chorus from across Oakland including both housed and unhoused residents calling on the Council to provide necessary leadership on this difficult and complicated issue, we must respond to their demand for action. The time is now.”

This new policy explains how the City will reduce the negative health and safety impacts associated with homeless encampments – for both unhoused and housed residents. Although an administrative policy guiding the operational efforts of City departments in addressing encampments has existed since 2017, it was not formally reviewed and adopted by the City Council. As a result, it lacked the benefit of public comment from both housed and unhoused Oakland residents, and it did not reflect consistent policy direction from the Oakland City Council to City departments that this new policy will.

In February, Councilmember Taylor secured a unanimous vote by his City Council colleagues to initiate a robust stakeholder engagement process that would inform the development of a more comprehensive policy that the entire city could align around, ensuring that the City’s activities align with the needs and values of the City and all residents. Since then more than 1,200 residents have participated through the online survey and numerous Council meetings, town halls, and neighborhood meetings to weigh in on open questions including:

1. Should there be areas of the city that are off limits to encampments? If so, where?

2. What rules should be in place for those encampments that do exist to ensure health and safety for all Oaklanders?

3. In what manner should noncompliance with the policy be enforced?

4. For those residents living in encampments, what services and resources should the City provide? Under what circumstances?

Oakland residents are encouraged to share their thoughts and opinions on whether the Council should proceed with this formal policy and what, if any, modifications should be made before final adoption.

To join Monday’s virtual meeting at 1:30pm, login into Zoom (https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84617479852) or dial +1 669 900 6833 (Webinar ID: 846 1747 9852). For those unable to attend, you are encouraged to send an email message with your comments to the Oakland City Council at [email protected].

Councilmember Loren Taylor represents Oakland Council District 6 and serves as the Chair of the Oakland City Council’s Life Enrichment Committee, as well as a Commissioner on the Youth Ventures Joint Powers Authority and the Oakland Alameda County Coliseum Joint Powers Authority, and the Association of Bay Area Governments Executive Committee.

City of Oakland Seeks Applicants for New Homeless Advisory Commission

City of Oakland

City of Oakland Seeks Applicants for New Homeless Advisory Commission. 9-member board recommends strategies to remedy homelessness and advises on priorities for Vacant Parcel Tax funds for homeless services

Oakland, CA – The City of Oakland is establishing its first-ever Homeless Advisory Commission and is seeking nine qualified Oakland residents to sit on the inaugural board. City Councilmembers make recommendations on Commissioners to the Mayor, who appoints them for the Council’s confirmation.

The Homeless Advisory Commission was created by Measure W, the Vacant Parcel Tax ballot measure, a special parcel tax on vacant properties to support homeless services and address illegal dumping, passed by Oakland voters in November 2018. The Homeless Advisory Commission is charged with making recommendations to the City Council about strategies to remedy homelessness and providing oversight of the Vacant Property Tax, which is anticipated to generate about $7 million per year for homeless and illegal dumping services.

“The impacts of COVID-19 on our economy in general, and on housing insecurity and homelessness in particular, make this Commission more important than ever,” said Mayor Schaaf. “I look forward to collaborating with the Council in seating and launching Oakland’s first-ever Homeless Advisory Commission in November 2020.”

The Homeless Advisory Commission will:

Review financial and operational reports related to the expenditure of the Vacant Parcel Tax homeless services fund.
Publish recommendations on how to prioritize the allocation of funds for services and programs for homeless people and the impacts of programs funded by the Vacant Property Tax.
Make recommendations to the Mayor and the City Council regarding homelessness priorities and present budget recommendations for the prioritization of Vacant Parcel Tax funds for each two-year budget.
Review and respond to the City’s Homeless Encampment Policy and the Permanent Access to Housing (PATH) plan.
Hear reports on the housing, programs, and services for people experiencing homelessness in Oakland, including street outreach, homeless shelters, transitional housing, housing exits, and permanent supportive housing.

The Homeless Advisory Commission is comprised as follows:

Consists of nine (9) members who are all residents of the City.
No less than half of the members must be residents of heavily impacted neighborhoods.
No fewer than two (2) members must be currently homeless, formerly homeless or low- income, as the term “low income” is defined by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development.
No fewer than three (3) members must have professional expertise in, or be providers of, homeless services or housing, with priority given to individuals with a background in affordable housing, shelter management, or public health.
No fewer than one (1) representative must have financial expertise.
Members may fulfill more than one (1) of these criteria for the purposes of meeting these requirements.

Applications are new being accepted. Oaklanders interested in being considered for nomination should submit their application online at https://oakland.granicus.com/boards/w/8552f8c4c0e15460/boards/36365

The application period closes on Friday, October 16. The goal is to present a list of Commissioners for City Council’s confirmation in November 2020.

Oakland is suffering a serious housing crisis, making housing at all levels of affordability, and particularly affordable housing, scarce and unavailable for many Oakland residents. The 2019 point-in-time count estimated that there are 4,071 homeless people in Oakland, up 47% from two years ago. This represents about half of the total number of unsheltered residents in Alameda County.

Post based on press release from City of Oakland to Zennie62Media, Inc.

Bike Oakland: Frick to Fruitvale BART

Bike Oakland: Frick To Fruitvale Bart

Bike Oakland: Frick to Fruitvale BART
From YouTube Channel: September 17, 2020 at 06:00AM
ONN – 2020-08-26: 2 mile, 40 ft gain, ride from western edge of the Frick neighboorhood to Fruitvale BART for my first pandemic BART ride. 55th Ave to Bancroft Ave into Bond St, 42nd Ave, International Blvd, 40th Ave, E 12th St, and 35th Ave to BART.

Note from Zennie62Media and Oakland News Now: this video-blog post demonstrates the full and live operation of the latest updated version of an experimental Zennie62Media , Inc. mobile media video-blogging system network that was launched June 2018. This is a major part of Zennie62Media , Inc.’s new and innovative approach to the production of news media. What we call “The Third Wave of Media”. The uploaded video is from a vlogger with the Zennie62 on YouTube Partner Channel, then uploaded to and formatted automatically at the Oakland News Now site and Zennie62-created and owned social media pages. The overall objective is smartphone-enabled, real-time, on the scene reporting of news, interviews, observations, and happenings anywhere in the World and within seconds and not hours. Now, news is reported with a smartphone: no heavy and expensive cameras or even a laptop are necessary. The secondary objective is faster, and very inexpensive media content news production and distribution. We have found there is a disconnect between post length and time to product and revenue generated. With this, the problem is far less, though by no means solved. Zennie62Media is constantly working to improve the system network coding and seeks interested content and media technology partners.


Sanpete Utah Needs Insight Terminal Solutions Oakland Bulk And Oversized Terminal For Jobs

Manti Lds Temple In Sanpete County, Utah, Usa

Sanpete County Utah has a population of over 27,000 people, and is located 122 miles south of Salt Lake City, Utah. Of late, in the ongoing push to build the much-needed Insight Terminal Solutions Oakland Bulk and Oversized Terminal and replaced the lost low-skill, well-paying jobs that went away with the closure of the Oakland Army Base in 2000, Sanpete County has come into focus.

The reason is that Sanpete County is one of four Utah counties (which are Sevier, Carbon and Emery), which intend to provide financial support of $20 million from a $53 million state economic development fund.

The $20 million in support for the Insight Terminal Solutions Oakland Bulk And Oversized Terminal is to come from the Utah Permanent Community Impact Fund Board (CIB).

The media consistently gets what the Utah PCIB does completely wrong. In all of the explanations I have read from traditional news organizations, they express surprise that the Utah Legislature (at least the Republican side) would think of using funds from the Utah Permanent Community Impact Board for the ITS Oakland Bulk and Oversize Terminal.

Without spending more time on revealing those words from traditional media, let’s jump right to the real explanation of what the Utah Permanent Community Impact Board does – right from its own grant and loan program page:

The Permanent Community Impact Fund Board (CIB) is a program of the State of Utah authorized in Section 35A-8-301, et seq. The goal of the CIB is to maximize the long term benefit of funds derived from these lease revenues and bonus payments by fostering funding mechanisms which will, consistent with sound financial practices, result in the greatest use of financial resources for the greatest number of citizens of this state, with priority given to those communities designated as impacted by the development of natural resources covered by the Mineral Leasing Act. TheCIB’s source of funding is a portion of federal mineral lease royalties returned to the State by theFederal Government. https://jobs.utah.gov/housing/community/cib/documents/cibreport.pdf

And the real reason the Oakland Bulk and Oversized Terminal has come into focus is because the words “greatest use of financial resources for the greatest number of citizens of this state, with priority given to those communities designated as impacted by the development of natural resources covered by the Mineral Leasing Act” translate to “we need the Oakland Bulk and Oversized Terminal to help save coal industry jobs, by allowing businesses in our counties a better way to get their coal product to the overseas markets that demand them.” If you understand that, then you do understand why the fund was tapped.

On The Supposed Reason For The Opposition To Oakland Bulk and Oversized Terminal, Climate Change, And System Dynamics

Before I continue, let me get this out of the way: climate change is not something new, and because the fact is that climate change has been with us as a problem for most of my 58 years on this planet. I was born August 4th, 1962, in Chicago. That year, we had an estimated 180 million people in America and about 2.6 billion on the Earth, as a whole. Since then, the United States has expanded to 330 million people and the Earth is just over 7 billion people – we’ve added 4.4 billion more people in my 58 years.

There’s one fact in all of this: as we add more people to a room, the temperature in that room increases.

In 1979, and via a family friend, I was introduced to The Limits To Growth: a book by Dennis and Donnella Meadows, and The Club Of Rome-financed MIT Project on the Predicament Of Mankind (that was the title). It was written in 1971, and introduced to me the problem-framing concept called System Dynamics (I am now an expert in System Dynamics). System Dynamics was originally created by MIT Professor Jay Forrester and introduced in a book called Industrial Dynamics. But that was based on one kind of model made in a programming language called DYNAMO.

What the The Limits To Growth presented was a much more advanced System Dynamics model called World 3. As Magne Myrtveit put it in his paper “The World Model Controversy”:

Limits To Growth MIT Team
Limits To Growth MIT Team

In 1971 Jay Forrester published his book World Dynamics, where he presented a high-level simulation model of the socio-economic-environmental world system. The main purpose of the model and the accompanying book was to encourage an open debate about the long-term future on our planet. The World Model was created in a time where pollution and other negative effects of industrialization and economic growth started to become recognized. Forrester made the assumption that life on earth is bounded within certain limits, such as available space and resources. Based on this he concluded that exponential economic growth cannot continue forever; sooner or later one or more limits will be reached. The question, then, is how mankind can manage its own future in ways that can avoid an unpleasant encounter with the limits to growth.

Since then, a number of researchers have concluded that constant increases in population growth have caused global warming. The World Models forecast that, eventually, population will fall. Indeed, the World Models presented in the book The Limits To Growth, and then Beyond The Limits in 1993, both originally predicted that would happen in the year 2000 and then the forecast was adjusted for 2010; this is 2020. We’re 10-years into living on borrowed time, because the World’s population is still growing, and with it the rate of change in the climate.

Systemdynamics Limitstogrowthgraph40yearcomparison
Systemdynamics Limitstogrowthgraph40yearcomparison

The scientists who have emerged to publish on this and point the finger singularly at traditional energy as the cause of climate change are not trained in system dyanamics. Thus, they collect data, but lack the right paradigm from which to think about what numbers they gathered. World modeling using a system dynamics approach consistently shows population growth to be the problem. Moreover, The Limits To Growth models and books, introduced the concept of climate change decades ago. And in this, a number of scientists who are more focused on ecology have said this:

The largest single threat to the ecology and biodiversity of the planet in the decades to come will be global climate disruption due to the buildup of human-generated greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. People around the world are beginning to address the problem by reducing their carbon footprint through less consumption and better technology. But unsustainable human population growth can overwhelm those efforts, leading us to conclude that we not only need smaller footprints, but fewer feet.

And to bring the point home, zero-emissions will not stop climate change pressures unless population growth slows. The good news, from every indicator, is that the gradual lessening of the rate of growth of population slowed from just over 2 percent 50 years ago to about 1.05 percent, today. So, from this, we have another 50 years of time. The “10 years from now” forecast of climate change impact should have happened in 2000, but it did not. But, the cold fact is the result, a reduced rate of growth in population, is the desired one. The point is, low emissions operation is the focus of the Oakland Bulk and Oversized Terminal, but the opposition to it, as well as the reasons for it, are unrealistic.

To better understand the Oakland Bulk and Oversized Terminal, listen to then-Oakland Economic Development Director Fred Blackwell talk about it with me in 2012:

Note that, at the video’s 3:14 mark, Mr. Blackwell says that the use of rail rather than trucks supports the West Oakland Environmental Justice Movement (which he shorthand refers to as “things going on there”).

If Climate Change Due To Global Warming Is Here, And OBOT Is Low Emissions, Why Stop People From Working?

Now, the opposition to the Oakland Bulk and Oversized Terminal has made a lot of wild and completely baseless comments about it. For example, some claim that it will cause coal in open hopper cars to go through poor neighbors in Oakland. Not true. First, OBOT will use covered hopper cars. Second, the rail lines used run through Port of Oakland land and Jack London Square, where the dwellings are for middle to high-income residents for the most part. Third, still others say that they don’t want coal to be delivered to China and other nations that rely on traditional energy.

The fact is that traditional energy is still cheaper to produce than renewable energy at this point, and efforts are being made to make it more environmentally friendly. Our focus should be in encouraging increases in rates of education as a way to cause a reduction in world population growth, faster. But robbing the workers in Sanpete County, Utah from jobs today because of a future that’s already here in climate change, and one that’s going to come in reducing rates of population growth, is nothing less than evil.

Indeed, Robert Stevens, Managing Editor Of The Sanpete Messenger, wrote this in support of the Insight Terminal Solutions Oakland Bulk and Oversized Terminal:

The four counties invested in this project all have strong economic ties to coal. With the demand for domestic coal dropping all the time, but booming in countries like Japan, the coal industry in Utah could stand to benefit a lot from access to an export terminal like the one ITS is developing.

The unique location of the port, which is being built at a former Army base on the Port of Oakland, has the two important components to make it all happen—a deep water bay for heavy coal ships, and a rail line connection. If the terminal is realized, 10 million tons of Utah coal could come in via rail each year, get loaded on ships and be exported to Asia.

Yet, with that, we have some in Utah, at the Salt Lake Tribune, openly saying that coal workers in Sanpete County should be transitioned to other supposedly “cleaner” jobs. The problem is we are in the middle of a Pandemic that has caused the elimination of many service jobs, while manufacturing and transportation positions largely remain. The Salt Lake Tribune seems more interested in driving support for businesses that the Huntsman Family has an investment in (they own the news organization), than saving the coal industry jobs in Sanpete County, Utah.

The reason I sought Insight Terminal Solutions as a client for Zennie62Media was not just that I have a history with OBOT that goes back to 1991, or because I have a network of 100 blogs and hundreds of social media and YouTube platforms, but because my formal training is in economic development. In other words, job creation for an urban area.

Sanpete County, Utah needs the Oakland Bulk and Oversized Terminal for jobs, just as the homeless in West Oakland do. To deny both for flimsy reasons that crumble when someone asks why 18-wheel trucks are still running through West Oakland neighborhoods is criminal, or should be considered that.

Stay tuned.

Jermaine Ellis Shows The Day After Armageddon In San Francisco On YouTube

The Day After Armageddon In San Francisco! ???

The day after Armageddon in San Francisco! ???
From YouTube Channel: September 11, 2020 at 12:22PM
ONN – Jermaine Ellis Shows The Day After Armageddon In San Francisco On YouTube

A lots of fires in the bay area. Making San Francisco look scary

0:00 skateboarding in soma on a Armageddon San Francisco Day
0:37 San Francisco red sky’s
2:07 back home for a quick minute
3:30 picking up an Amazon package
4:15 boxing this new water bottle from Amazon
5:19 skateboarding 1st st heavy traffic
6:25 The next day
8:11 skateboarding in the mission bay neighborhood
9:15 bye-bye

Stay tuned.

Note from Zennie62Media and Oakland News Now: this video-blog post demonstrates the full and live operation of the latest updated version of an experimental Zennie62Media , Inc. mobile media video-blogging system network that was launched June 2018. This is a major part of Zennie62Media , Inc.’s new and innovative approach to the production of news media. What we call “The Third Wave of Media”. The uploaded video is from a vlogger with the Zennie62 on YouTube Partner Channel, then uploaded to and formatted automatically at the Oakland News Now site and Zennie62-created and owned social media pages. The overall objective is smartphone-enabled, real-time, on the scene reporting of news, interviews, observations, and happenings anywhere in the World and within seconds and not hours. Now, news is reported with a smartphone: no heavy and expensive cameras or even a laptop are necessary. The secondary objective is faster, and very inexpensive media content news production and distribution. We have found there is a disconnect between post length and time to product and revenue generated. With this, the problem is far less, though by no means solved. Zennie62Media is constantly working to improve the system network coding and seeks interested content and media technology partners.


Community Fitness Oakland Holds After Party On YouTube Sept 7, 2020

After Party 9.7.2020

After Party 9.7.2020
From YouTube Channel: September 6, 2020 at 04:11PM
ONN – Community Fitness Oakland Holds After Party On YouTube Sept 7, 2020

Community Fitness Oakland is at 310 41st Street in Uptown Oakland. As the website reads:

CrossFit Oakland Uptown opened in 2013 and is actually located in the Temescal neighborhood in North Oakland. We just like the name Uptown.

In addition to our regular CrossFit group classes, you can also find an Olympic Weightlifting program, Kettlebell conditioning classes, a CrossFit Endurance Program, as well as private coaching in all of these areas.

CFO Uptown is a beautiful, light-filled facility with all new equipment, lifting platforms, and a custom built pull-up rig and powerlifting racks/benches.

You can find a schedule for this location here.

Stay tuned.

Note from Zennie62Media and Oakland News Now: this video-blog post demonstrates the full and live operation of the latest updated version of an experimental Zennie62Media , Inc. mobile media video-blogging system network that was launched June 2018. This is a major part of Zennie62Media , Inc.’s new and innovative approach to the production of news media. What we call “The Third Wave of Media”. The uploaded video is from a vlogger with the Zennie62 on YouTube Partner Channel, then uploaded to and formatted automatically at the Oakland News Now site and Zennie62-created and owned social media pages. The overall objective is smartphone-enabled, real-time, on the scene reporting of news, interviews, observations, and happenings anywhere in the World and within seconds and not hours. Now, news is reported with a smartphone: no heavy and expensive cameras or even a laptop are necessary. The secondary objective is faster, and very inexpensive media content news production and distribution. We have found there is a disconnect between post length and time to product and revenue generated. With this, the problem is far less, though by no means solved. Zennie62Media is constantly working to improve the system network coding and seeks interested content and media technology partners.


Come To The San Francisco Tel Hi Virtual Taste Of Tel Hi Online Fundraiser September 18th 2020

Come To The San Francisco Tel Hi Virtual Taste Of Tel Hi Online Fundraiser September 18th 2020

Come To The San Francisco Tel Hi Virtual Taste Of Tel Hi Online Fundraiser September 18th 2020

ONN – Come To The San Francisco Tel Hi Virtual Taste Of Tel Hi Online Fundraiser September 18th 2020

Come To The San Francisco Tel Hi Virtual Taste Of Tel Hi Online Fundraiser September 18th 2020

On September 18th, 2020, online, you’re invited to a very special event. I’ll let them tell you:

We are the Telegraph Hill Neighborhood Center, but you can call us TEL HI for short. We bring people of all ages, cultures, and backgrounds together, and we try to help everyone in a bunch of different ways. You’ll find a broad range of programs and services in a safe, stable “home away from home,” which is something we’ve offered to the community for well over a century.

Please join us for TEL HI’s 130-year anniversary celebration at our annual fundraiser–A Virtual Taste of TEL HI! Because of this year’s unforeseen circumstances, we have decided to host our annual fundraiser virtually.

Still, we are excited to showcase our exciting event, which will be hosted by Franco Finn, from the Golden State Warriors! We have a spectacular program featuring a fabulous silent and live auction, the announcement of our $1,000 Food & Wine Shopping Spree sponsored by Postmates winner, and guest speakers Mayor London Breed, Supervisor Aaron Peskin, Assemblymember David Chiu, and Rodney Fong, Chamber of Commerce! All proceeds will fund programs that continue to support families living in San Francisco during the COVID-19 pandemic.

On September 18th 2020, we’re hosting A Virtual Taste of TEL HI 2020. The fundraiser helps support the operation of the Telegraph Hill Neighborhood Center. A Virtual Cocktail Party starts at 6:00 PM, and the show begins at 6:30 PM. Early registration is now open! Register now for this complimentary event so you can stay in the loop with event announcements and be entered for a chance to win our $1,000 Food & Wine Shopping Spree sponsored by Postmates! The winner will be announced during the show. Click here to register: https://ift.tt/2QWqDXt

View our virtual silent auction room below and take a look at our catalog of fabulous items! New items will be uploaded daily so come back to stay up-to-date with new offerings. The room will be open for online bidding starting Friday, September 11 6:30 PM up until the start of the show, or Friday, September 18 at 6:30 PM: https://ift.tt/3bwxvEl

For photos of our in-person 2019 event click here: https://ift.tt/3jMIaxO

Explore the link below to learn more about how you can get involved and discover why A Virtual Taste of TEL HI is continually one of the City’s biggest and most memorable fundraisers. For any questions, contact Yvonne Curley at 415.203.6087 or email at [email protected]

More: https://ift.tt/3i2OLnm

Stay tuned.

Note from Zennie62Media and Oakland News Now: this video-blog post demonstrates the full and live operation of the latest updated version of an experimental Zennie62Media , Inc. mobile media video-blogging system network that was launched June 2018. This is a major part of Zennie62Media , Inc.’s new and innovative approach to the production of news media. What we call “The Third Wave of Media”. The uploaded video is from a vlogger with the Zennie62 on YouTube Partner Channel, then uploaded to and formatted automatically at the Oakland News Now site and Zennie62-created and owned social media pages. The overall objective is smartphone-enabled, real-time, on the scene reporting of news, interviews, observations, and happenings anywhere in the World and within seconds and not hours. Now, news is reported with a smartphone: no heavy and expensive cameras or even a laptop are necessary. The secondary objective is faster, and very inexpensive media content news production and distribution. We have found there is a disconnect between post length and time to product and revenue generated. With this, the problem is far less, though by no means solved. Zennie62Media is constantly working to improve the system network coding and seeks interested content and media technology partners.


Oakland City Attorney Housing Justice Initiative

Oakland City Attorney Housing Justice Initiative

Oakland City Attorney Housing Justice Initiative
From YouTube Channel: September 3, 2020 at 09:19PM
ONN – Oakland City Attorney Barbara J. Parker launched the Housing Justice Initiative to significantly expand her office’s work protecting vulnerable tenants in Oakland’s diverse neighborhoods and holding abusive landlords accountable.

Note from Zennie62Media and Oakland News Now: this video-blog post demonstrates the full and live operation of the latest updated version of an experimental Zennie62Media , Inc. mobile media video-blogging system network that was launched June 2018. This is a major part of Zennie62Media , Inc.’s new and innovative approach to the production of news media. What we call “The Third Wave of Media”. The uploaded video is from a vlogger with the Zennie62 on YouTube Partner Channel, then uploaded to and formatted automatically at the Oakland News Now site and Zennie62-created and owned social media pages. The overall objective is smartphone-enabled, real-time, on the scene reporting of news, interviews, observations, and happenings anywhere in the World and within seconds and not hours. Now, news is reported with a smartphone: no heavy and expensive cameras or even a laptop are necessary. The secondary objective is faster, and very inexpensive media content news production and distribution. We have found there is a disconnect between post length and time to product and revenue generated. With this, the problem is far less, though by no means solved. Zennie62Media is constantly working to improve the system network coding and seeks interested content and media technology partners.


Meron Semedar for Oakland City Council – District 3

Meron Semedar For Oakland City Council – District 3

Meron Semedar for Oakland City Council – District 3
From YouTube Channel: September 1, 2020 at 04:45PM
ONN – Meron Semedar is a Political Candidate running for Oakland City Council – District 3. He is known for his work of community organizing, social justice, human rights, refugee plight activism and educator.

Meron is running to build a safe and livable neighborhood and a thriving city for all.

For more: https://ift.tt/2QMOatV

Support our campaign by donating through:


Note from Zennie62Media and Oakland News Now: this video-blog post demonstrates the full and live operation of the latest updated version of an experimental Zennie62Media , Inc. mobile media video-blogging system network that was launched June 2018. This is a major part of Zennie62Media , Inc.’s new and innovative approach to the production of news media. What we call “The Third Wave of Media”. The uploaded video is from a vlogger with the Zennie62 on YouTube Partner Channel, then uploaded to and formatted automatically at the Oakland News Now site and Zennie62-created and owned social media pages. The overall objective is smartphone-enabled, real-time, on the scene reporting of news, interviews, observations, and happenings anywhere in the World and within seconds and not hours. Now, news is reported with a smartphone: no heavy and expensive cameras or even a laptop are necessary. The secondary objective is faster, and very inexpensive media content news production and distribution. We have found there is a disconnect between post length and time to product and revenue generated. With this, the problem is far less, though by no means solved. Zennie62Media is constantly working to improve the system network coding and seeks interested content and media technology partners.


6301 Acacia Avenue in Upper Rockridge neighborhood of Oakland, CA

6301 Acacia Avenue In Upper Rockridge Neighborhood Of Oakland, Ca

6301 Acacia Avenue in Upper Rockridge neighborhood of Oakland, CA
From YouTube Channel: August 31, 2020 at 07:07PM

Note from Zennie62Media and Oakland News Now: this video-blog post demonstrates the full and live operation of the latest updated version of an experimental Zennie62Media , Inc. mobile media video-blogging system network that was launched June 2018. This is a major part of Zennie62Media , Inc.’s new and innovative approach to the production of news media. What we call “The Third Wave of Media”. The uploaded video is from a vlogger with the Zennie62 on YouTube Partner Channel, then uploaded to and formatted automatically at the Oakland News Now site and Zennie62-created and owned social media pages. The overall objective is smartphone-enabled, real-time, on the scene reporting of news, interviews, observations, and happenings anywhere in the World and within seconds and not hours. Now, news is reported with a smartphone: no heavy and expensive cameras or even a laptop are necessary. The secondary objective is faster, and very inexpensive media content news production and distribution. We have found there is a disconnect between post length and time to product and revenue generated. With this, the problem is far less, though by no means solved. Zennie62Media is constantly working to improve the system network coding and seeks interested content and media technology partners.


Oakland Police Community Message On Fake Message Protests, Related Damage And Arrests

Oakland Protest Photos from OPD

Note 1: The Oakland Police Department Officer Johnna Watson sent this Community Message on Fake Message Protest related property damage and arrests via email and with photos to Zennie62Media 58 minutes ago from this time.

Note 2: I call this a Fake Message Protest because, once again, the messages had nothing to do with Jacob Blake and expressed no sympathy for him or solidarity with the Black Lives Matter Movement (see my post on that problem here). The messages, directed against the Oakland Police and “rich people in the hills” look like they were written by a Trump For President 2020 operative, trying to sway votes in Oakland and the SF Bay Area.

Here’s Officer Watson:

Dear Oakland Community,

Oakland Protest Photos from OPD
Oakland Protest Photos from OPD

The City of Oakland experienced large crowds during a three-day period, August 26, 28, and 29. The crowds were violent, destructive and displayed hostility towards our community members and police officers. Several of our vulnerable businesses and civic facilities were targeted and damaged.

Over the three-day period, 24 people were arrested, most are non-Oakland residents.

On Wednesday, August 26, at 8:00 PM, a crowd gathered in the 1400 block of Broadway for an event that was promoted by #Yayarearevolution. Within the hour the crowd size grew to an estimated 600 people. The speakers could be heard inciting the crowd with chants of “Kill the Cops” and “Burn the City down.” The crowd later marched throughout

Oakland Police Community Message On Fake Message Protests, Related Damage And Arrests
Oakland Police Community Message On Fake Message Protests, Related Damage And Arrests
Oakland Protest Photos from OPD
Oakland Protest Photos from OPD

Oakland’s downtown and residential areas. The intentions of the crowd were not peaceful but deliberate; through their words and actions, they demonstrated their focused and targeted intentions to destroy and damage our already vulnerable business community.


Many in the crowd threatened open businesses as they marched, saying if they did not immediately close, they would be “Burned to the ground.” For about four hours the crowd moved from downtown along Grand Avenue to the Grand Lake neighborhood. The crowd set fire to the Alameda County Superior Courthouse, structures, vehicles, and trash cans. The crowd also vandalized businesses and caused more than $100,000 in damages to the Ronald V. Dellums Federal Building and U.S. Courthouse. The actions of the crowd continued to traumatize our community; many residents attempted to deter the crowd in their neighborhoods but were met with threats of violence and destruction. Officers in the area encouraged our community members to shelter in place while attempting to curb the violence and protect the safety of our community as well as our officers.

Oakland Protest Photos from OPD
Oakland Protest Photos from OPDctions of the crowd continued to traumatize our community; many residents attempted to deter the crowd in their neighborhoods but were met with threats of violence and destruction. Officers in the area encouraged our community members to shelter in place while attempting to curb the violence and protect the safety of our community as well as our officers.

Windows were broken at 21 businesses, many of which have been damaged before and a 100% affordable residential housing complex on Grand Avenue had damage. The Oakland Fire Department reported 25-30 fires including 2 vehicles totaled by fire, several structures, numerous trash cans and debris.


Oakland Protest Photos from OPD
Oakland Protest Photos from OPDamage. The Oakland Fire Department reported 25-30 fires including 2 vehicles totaled by fire, several structures, numerous trash cans and debris.

The Oakland Police Department made 2 arrests and one vehicle was towed.

1 San Francisco resident 1 Unknown residency 1 Towed Vehicle

On Friday, August 28, at 7:00 PM, a crowd gathered in the 1400 block of Broadway for an event that was promoted by #Yayarearevolution. (Zennie62Media note: an extensive online search revealed no website or social media home with the name #Yayarearevolution.  The people behind this are only spray-painting the name – along with words targeted at would-be Trump voters.  So, the OPD and media see it, and then promote the group for them.  Since the media  and OPD doesn’t investigate the group, the trick works. Thus, this blogger holds the protestors are working for Trump For President 2020, and working to create the idea that the nation is lawless, and thus must re-elect Donald Trump.) Within the hour the crowd size grew to an estimated 250 people who marched throughout Oakland’s downtown and residential areas. The intentions of the crowd were not peaceful but deliberate; through their words and actions they demonstrated their focused and targeted intentions included assaulting officers with rocks and bottles, pointing lasers at officers and a news crew. OPD deployed minimal gas and smoke. No reports of any damage.

The Oakland Police Department made 16 arrests.

Oakland Protest Photos from OPD
Oakland Protest Photos from OPD

9 Oakland residents  3 Berkeley residents  2 San Francisco residents  1 Clovis resident  1 Unknown residency

On Saturday, August 29, at 8:30 PM, a crowd gathered in the 550 El Embarcadero for an event that was promoted by #Yayarearevolution. The crowd size grew to an estimated 150 people who marched in the Grand Lake commercial and Mandana neighborhoods. The intentions of the crowd were not peaceful but deliberate; through their words and actions they demonstrated their focused and targeted intentions included repeatedly assaulting officers with rocks, bottles, wood shields and pointing lasers at officers. OPD deployed minimal gas and smoke. The only report of damage was graffiti on a commercial building.

The Oakland Police Department made 6 arrests and confiscated multiple wooden shields.

Oakland Protest Photos from OPD
Oakland Protest Photos from OPD

2 Oakland residents 2 Berkeley residents 1 San Francisco resident 1 Los Angeles resident

The City of Oakland and the Oakland Police Department stand with our community against social injustice and racial inequality. We strive for justice, equality and accountability.

Oakland Protest Photos from OPD
Oakland Protest Photos from OPD

Due to the violence and a lack of Mutual Aid based on the court injunction, OPD canceled all days off for Friday and Saturday to ensure staffing to protect our vulnerable infrastructure and community safety at a considerable expense to the city.

OPD will continue to facilitate safe spaces and places for peaceful protests, we ask those organizing gatherings in Oakland to remain peaceful.

#OPDCARES initiative is about all of us working together as a community, to help stop the tragic loss of life and reduce the level of violence in our city. Collectively, we want to ensure Oaklanders and our visitors are safe in our community.

Officer Johnna Watson

The Oakland Police must investigate the members of this so-called fake group, and find out from them who’s paying them to do the damage and civic unrest. I’ll bet those persons are connected to the Trump 2020 Campaign.

Ed Reiskin Oakland City Administrator Email On Jacob Blake Protests Of August 28th

New Oakland Cao Ed Reiskin While Head Of Sf Mta

Ed Reiskin, The new Oakland City Administrator, sent this email to Oaklanders regarding the Jacob Blake Protests of August 28th

Dear Oakland Community,
The City of Oakland is aware of a planned gathering starting at 7 pm at Frank H. Ogawa Plaza tonight, August 28, and possibly continuing through the weekend.

The group promoting this event is the same group that came to Oakland on Wednesday night, which resulted in broken windows at 21 businesses—including many windows of a 100% affordable housing complex on Grand Avenue and damage to a locally owned restaurant that has been serving meals to vulnerable seniors during the COVID-19 pandemic. They also lit more than two dozen fires across the greater downtown/Lake Merritt area.

We stand with our community for justice, equality, and accountability. We support the reasons why people across the country are taking to the streets to express their outrage and frustration during this time of national reckoning about persistent racial injustice. In Oakland, we celebrate passionate protest. But any individuals or organized groups that gather with the intent to cause damage, that splinter off to break windows and light fires, are harming our already vulnerable businesses, many of which are owned by people of color, and hurting our community.

We remind Oaklanders that when they march after dark, they may be providing cover for these groups, who seem more intent on vandalism and stoking civil unrest than advancing social justice.

Oakland will continue to facilitate peaceful protests and demonstrations, and we ask those organizing marches and gatherings to ensure their events and the participants in them remain peaceful. The Oakland Police Department has increased staffing to provide safe space for the demonstrations to occur and will facilitate free speech while maintaining public safety.

We are providing this update in our effort to keep you informed so that you may plan accordingly. Businesses along commercial corridors are advised to secure outdoor fixtures, furniture, and trash and recycling receptacles. Please share this information with your employees, neighbors and tenants. OPD uses a free, web-based application called NIXLE to provide timely updates to our community about traffic disruptions or suggested alternate transportation routes. If you have not yet signed up for NIXLE, we encourage you to do so. Text your zip code to 888777 to opt-in, or visit www.nixle.com.

Ed Reiskin
City Administrator

Stay tuned.

Oakland City Council Special Council Meeting: Approval To Buy Clifton Hall For Affordable Housing

Oakland Clifton Hall Dorm In Rockridge

Oakland – Oakland City Council President Rebecca Kaplan has been urging the City to take action to acquire available buildings, such as SROs, hotels, and dormitories, to help house the homeless. The Council unanimously passed Kaplan’s resolution on March 27, 2020, urging rapid action on this due to the growing COVID-19 crisis, and to protect those most vulnerable in our community.

(March 27th Resolution: https://oakland.legistar.com/LegislationDetail.aspx?ID=4406723&GUID=A7FFA7BB-F313-4D65-9223-686B5985123A&Options=&Search=)

Rebecca Kaplan Oakland City Council President
Rebecca Kaplan Oakland City Council President

Today, the Oakland City Council held a Special Council Meeting to approve the acquisition of a dormitory to help house those in need, and to apply for the State of California’s Homekey grant program. Council President Kaplan is pleased to announce that she and her colleagues unanimously voted to send applications to the state and to authorize a deal to purchase the California College of the Arts (CCA) Clifton Hall dormitory.

The Clifton Hall dorm is a four story building, with 63 units, in the Rockridge neighborhood of Oakland. On the top two floors of the building, Clifton Hall will provide 42 units of permanent housing for seniors experiencing homelessness and at high risk of contracting COVID-19. The second floor will become the permanent home for a 20-household family shelter. On the ground floor, the building will house the offices of Family Front Door, which serves as the hub for the Coordinated Entry System (CES) for homeless families in Northern Alameda County.

Kaplan stated: “It is vital that we take action to respond to the homelessness crisis, prevent the spread of disease, and protect our community, including vulnerable seniors. I am pleased that we were able to work together to pass vital actions, to make it possible to acquire this dorm, and other properties, to help those in need.”

Link to the Item on the August 28th Council Agenda, to acquire this dorm:


See this tweet:

Link to prior resolution to acquire SRO’s, etc:


Masks On District 5! COVID-19 Safety Car Caravan And Day Of Action August 29, 11AM-1PM

Noel Gallo Oakland Councilmember

Masks On District 5! COVID-19 Safety Car Caravan & Day of Action on Saturday, August 29 from 11AM-1PM

Oakland, CA – Oakland Councilmember Noel Gallo and Alameda County Supervisor Wilma Chan will be cruising through Oakland District 5 neighborhoods to promote COVID-19 safety, distribute masks and encourage residents to complete Census and register to vote. Led by the Oakland Fire Department Parade Engine Truck, other participating organizations are: Native American Health Center, City of Oakland, Unity Council, and the Census.

The Car Caravan will begin at the Fruitvale BART Surface Parking lot, 1001 Fruitvale Avenue, and proceed on a route throughout District 5 with key stops at Cardenas Market, 1630 High Street, where four booths: Voter registration, Census 2020 sign up assistance, information about City services, and COVID safety kits will be stationed. (See attached Car Caravan Route/ Media Opportunities.) Another community outreach location will be at the Fruitvale Transit Village entrance on 12th Avenue. Along the caravan route, community volunteers will be at key street corners distributing masks and testing information.

” Please wear a mask! We need to defeat the COVID-19 virus. Your actions can save the lives of our children and families. Wear a mask for Oakland! Wear a mask for yourself!”, said Oakland District 5 Councilmember Noel Gallo.

“¡Porfavor use una máscara! ¡Lávese las manos frecuentemente! ¡Has distanciamiento social! Tus acciones pueden salvar las vidas de nuestros niños y familia. ¡Póngase la máscara, Oakland! Use una máscara por sí mismo” dijo el Concejal de Oakland Distrito 5, Noel Gallo.”

“Wearing a mask in public has proven effective in slowing the spread of COVID-19 and keeping our communities safe,” said Alameda County Supervisor Wilma Chan. “I urge everyone to wear masks, wash their hands, and maintain social distance when outside. Mask on Alameda County!”

“El uso de máscaras es una forma efectiva para reducir la propagación del COVID-19 y mantener nuestras comunidades seguras” dijo la Supervisora del condado de Alameda, Wilma Chan. “Les urjo a todos que usen máscaras, se laven las manos y practiquen el distanciamiento social cuando estén afuera. ¡Póngase la máscara, Condado de Alameda!”

The Native American Health Center COVID-19 Testing Site, 3050 International Blvd. will be open on Saturday from 10:00 am – 4:00 pm.

Track D5 Safety Caravan live: www.facebook.com/noelgallodistrict5

For more information/Para mas informacion:

English: Preston Turner (510) 693-9866

Español: Mayra Chavez (510) 340-3544

Allegiant Stadium Late Night Law Enforcement Car Stops In Middle Of I-15 Southbound For 30 Minutes

Allegiant Stadium Late Night Law Enforcement Car Stops In Middle Of I-15 Southbound For 30 Minutes

Allegiant Stadium Late Night Law Enforcement Car Stops In Middle Of I-15 Southbound For 30 Minutes

ONN – Allegiant Stadium Late Night Law Enforcement Car Stops In Middle Of I-15 Southbound For 30 Minutes

Allegiant Stadium Late Night Law Enforcement Car Stops In Middle Of I-15 Southbound For 30 Minutes

Note from Zennie62Media and Oakland News Now: this video-blog post demonstrates the full and live operation of the latest updated version of an experimental Zennie62Media , Inc. mobile media video-blogging system network that was launched June 2018. This is a major part of Zennie62Media , Inc.’s new and innovative approach to the production of news media. What we call “The Third Wave of Media”. The uploaded video is from a vlogger with the Zennie62 on YouTube Partner Channel, then uploaded to and formatted automatically at the Oakland News Now site and Zennie62-created and owned social media pages. The overall objective is smartphone-enabled, real-time, on the scene reporting of news, interviews, observations, and happenings anywhere in the World and within seconds and not hours. Now, news is reported with a smartphone: no heavy and expensive cameras or even a laptop are necessary. The secondary objective is faster, and very inexpensive media content news production and distribution. We have found there is a disconnect between post length and time to product and revenue generated. With this, the problem is far less, though by no means solved. Zennie62Media is constantly working to improve the system network coding and seeks interested content and media technology partners.


Red Flag Warning, Spare the Air, New Oakland COVID-19 Test Site – Councilmember Bas Letter

Nikki Bas Oakland City Council District Two Councilmember

Dear Oaklander,

I hope you and your loved ones are hanging in there as we in Oakland contend with wildfires in addition to COVID. Big appreciations to our firefighters, first responders and health professionals during these challenging times.

In this newsletter, you’ll find information on these topics:

New multilingual, multicultural COVID Test Site in Oakland Chinatown
Red Flag Warning until Monday 5pm
Spare the Air Alert through Wednesday
Emergency Preparedness

New COVID Test Site in Oakland Chinatown Supporting Multilingual, Multicultural Care

Last Tuesday, August 18, Oakland Asian Health Services and Alameda County launched a new multilingual, multicultural COVID-19 test site in Chinatown at Madison Park, long a beloved cultural keeping spot for our API neighbors. The free public site features testing and support services in 12 Asian languages including Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean, Tagalog and Mongolian.

Tests are available to everyone. Payment or insurance are not required, and immigration status will not be asked. The test site is open Tuesdays from noon to 7 pm and Thursdays and Fridays from 8 am to 4 pm. People who want to get tested can make an appointment at www.color.com/AHS. For help, people can call the multilingual line at Asian Health Services at (510) 735-3222.

I was so pleased to support the opening of this test site and join the public launch. This test site is a place for total care and is a model for the entire state. By partnering with a community health center and several community organizations, this site offers culturally competent and linguistically accessible COVID testing, along with critical resources and referrals for a range of issues, and education about the Census and voter registration.

Councilmember Bas Gets Tested For COVID-19
Councilmember Bas Gets Tested For COVID-19

I also got tested and got my results the following day, which were negative. Please be vigilant by wearing a mask, practicing physical distancing, washing your hands, and staying home as much as possible. If we all follow the County Health Orders, we can slow the spread, protect our community and eventually re-open our schools and businesses.
Red Flag Warning Until Monday 5pm

The National Weather Service has issued a Red Flag Warning for the entire San Francisco / Oakland Bay Area until 5 PM on Monday, August 24. NWS forecasts: “erratic gusty outflow winds can lead to potentially dangerous and unpredictable fire behavior on existing wildfires while additional lightning strikes may result in new wildfire starts.”

In addition to the Oakland Fire Department’s normal operations, firefighters are conducting roving fire patrols in the Oakland Hills. These resources will augment the department’s normal hill company patrols that are out during high fire danger.

Additionally, a State of California Office of Emergency Services engine is pre-positioned in Oakland, and OFD crews will be on stand-by; patrols and staffing may be lengthened or shortened depending on conditions.

OFD Fire Inspectors will also be patrolling Joaquin Miller Park, which is closed on Red Flag Days, to inform the public present at the park of the closure request that they leave the park. The park closure shall be lifted once the Red Flag conditions have subsided and the National Weather Service has lifted the warning for our regional area.

Oakland Fire will continue to collaborate with county partners for mutual aid. Twenty-seven total firefighters are deployed at the CZU lightening complex.

NWS Red Flag Warning
NWS Red Flag Warning

Help Reduce the Chance of Wildfire in Oakland

In accordance with Oakland Municipal Code, Joaquin Miller Park is closed to the public on Red Flag days. Signs will be posted at all park entrances and trails regarding the closure.
Other parks, trails, and recreational facilities may also be closed to visitors due to the high risk of fire.
Barbeques are prohibited in all City parks when there is a Red Flag warning in effect.
The Oakland Fire Department urges extreme caution, because a simple spark can cause a major wildfire.

Get Emergency Alerts on Your Phone or Email

Get alerted about emergencies by signing up for AC Alert to receive phone calls and messages on your mobile, home, or work phone; by text message; and by email. AC Alert will provide you with critical information quickly in a variety of emergencies, including fires, severe weather, earthquakes, unexpected road closures, and evacuations of buildings or neighborhoods.

AC Alert is a unified emergency notification system for Alameda County residents, businesses and visitors. An AC Alert subscription is free, and all residents and business owners are strongly encouraged to sign up.
What is a Red Flag Warning?

The National Weather Service issues Red Flag Warnings to alert fire departments of the onset, or possible onset, of critical weather and dry conditions that could lead to rapid or dramatic increases in wildfire activity. Firefighters will raise red flags at fire stations to warn residents of extreme fire weather, as warnings are issued by the National Weather Service.

A Red Flag Warning is issued for weather events which may result in extreme fire behavior that will occur within 24 hours. A Red Flag Warning is the highest alert. During these times extreme caution is urged by all residents, because a simple spark can cause a major wildfire.

Spare the Air Alert Through Wednesday

The Bay Area Air Quality Management District is extending a Spare the Air Alert for wildfire smoke through Wednesday, August 26, which bans burning wood or any other solid fuel, both indoors and outdoors. Wildfire smoke from numerous fires inside and outside of the Bay Area is causing elevated levels of particulate pollution. Elderly persons, children, individuals with respiratory illnesses, and unsheltered persons are particularly susceptible and should take extra precautions to avoid exposure.

Check air quality with the EPA’s Air Quality Index (airnow.gov) and be sure to use the map to find your closest sensor for the most accurate reading. Another resource is Purple Air which offers real-time air quality monitoring.

Stay Safe When It’s Smoky, Oakland!

Stay indoors with windows and doors closed.
Keep indoor air cool or visit an air-cooling center (see these heat resources).
Set home and car ventilation systems on re-circulate to prevent drawing in outside air.
Stay hydrated by drinking water.
Limit or avoid outdoor recreational and sports activities.

Stay Safe From Smoke
Stay Safe From Smoke

Resources for Oakland Unsheltered Homeless Residents

During air quality events, Alameda County Health Care for the Homeless has N95 masks available for outreach providers who can distribute them to unsheltered people experiencing homelessness. Please contact [email protected] or call (510) 891-8950 to pick up masks. County, city, outreach workers and community volunteers may distribute N95 air masks to unsheltered persons at risk, if air quality is projected to be at dangerous levels (red) for a sustained period of time. Masks provide limited, but important protection to people in open air — however, it’s best to stay indoors. My District 2 Office also has some N95 masks available for homeless residents in our neighborhoods; please email me at [email protected] for assistance.

Oaklander Emergency Preparedness

There are many resources to support us in being prepared for emergencies. Here are a few helpful links:

CAL FIRE Ready for Wildfire
Alameda County Public Health
Oakland Fire Safe Council
Oakland Community Preparedness & Response Program

Stay safe!

With Oakland Love,

Nikki Fortunato Bas
Councilmember, City of Oakland, District 2


DC Fandome Virtual Version Of Comic-Con News By Joseph Armendariz

DC Fandome News By Joseph Armendariz

ONN – DC Fandome News By Joseph Armendariz

DC Fandome News By Joseph Armendariz .
DC Fan Fandome plans to kick off the virtual version of Comic-Con were the we discussing everything DC from future theatrical releases to CW in HBO Max news. Exciting news came out a few days ago went variety until I reported and Ben Affleck has agreed to come back as Batman and Ezra Miller’s Flashpoint movie about the Flash. Some of the exciting panels will be with Wonder Woman 1984 Zack Snyder cut of Justice League Black Adam and of course the Batman featuring Robert Pattinson.
DC Fandome logo photo courtesy of Warner Bros.

Note from Zennie62Media and Oakland News Now: this video-blog post demonstrates the full and live operation of the latest updated version of an experimental Zennie62Media , Inc. mobile media video-blogging system network that was launched June 2018. This is a major part of Zennie62Media , Inc.’s new and innovative approach to the production of news media. What we call “The Third Wave of Media”. The uploaded video is from a vlogger with the Zennie62 on YouTube Partner Channel, then uploaded to and formatted automatically at the Oakland News Now site and Zennie62-created and owned social media pages. The overall objective is smartphone-enabled, real-time, on the scene reporting of news, interviews, observations, and happenings anywhere in the World and within seconds and not hours. Now, news is reported with a smartphone: no heavy and expensive cameras or even a laptop are necessary. The secondary objective is faster, and very inexpensive media content news production and distribution. We have found there is a disconnect between post length and time to product and revenue generated. With this, the problem is far less, though by no means solved. Zennie62Media is constantly working to improve the system network coding and seeks interested content and media technology partners.


Select Remarks From Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton, Speaker Nancy Pelosi: Night Three Of DNC 2020

DNC 2020 Democratic National Convention

MILWAUKEE — The Democratic National Convention Committee (DNCC) released a selection of excerpts from the remarks of former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi as prepared for delivery. Secretary Clinton and Speaker Pelosi will address the Democratic National Convention tonight, August 19. The theme of Wednesday’s program is “A More Perfect … Read more

Select Remarks from Night Two of the 2020 Democratic National Convention: “Uniting America”

MILWAUKEE—The Democratic National Convention Committee (DNCC) released a selection of excerpts from the remarks of speakers as prepared for delivery who will address the Democratic National Convention tonight, August 18, from 9:00-11:00 PM ET. The theme of Tuesday’s program is “Leadership Matters.” A moment like now demands real leadership. A leader who has the experience and character to … Read more

Americans Will Step Up to Lead Democrats’ “Roll Call Across America”

Democratic National Convention 2020

Delegates will cast their nominating votes from cities, locations, and landmarks all across the nation MILWAUKEE—The Democratic National Convention Committee (DNCC) today the Americans who will cast their official nominating votes for president of the United States during tonight’s “Roll Call Across America.” The roll call vote will take place under tonight’s theme, “Leadership Matters,” and spotlight those who … Read more

Robert Warshaw Report Points Mayor Of Oakland, Police Department Faults In Shooting Of Joshua Pawlik

Oakland Police Department

The Joshua Pawlik Shooting is the focus of the just released report by Robert Warshaw, the Thelton E. Henderson court-appointed monitor of the Oakland Police Department in the wake of the events of The Riders Case. Below, is a digitized version of the report. You can also download it here. You can also read former … Read more

Democrats Lay Out Road to Economic Recovery

Democratic National Convention 2020

Senator Bernie Sanders, Congressman Cedric Richmond featured in convention segment “We the People Recovering” MILWAUKEE—Tonight at the Democratic National Convention, Americans shared their vision of a future where our nation’s leaders once again look out for the middle class, and bring access to affordable health care, housing, and education within reach for hardworking families. The … Read more

Lovecraft Country Premiere Live Review With Jessica Dwyer

Lovecraft Country Premiere Live Review With Jessica Dwyer

Lovecraft Country Premiere Live Review With Jessica Dwyer ONN – Lovecraft Country Premiere Live Review With Jessica Dwyer VIP Reporter Jessica Dwyer gives her reaction to the premiere of the epic HBO series Lovecraft Country Note from Zennie62Media and Oakland News Now: this video-blog post demonstrates the full and live operation of the latest updated … Read more

The Oakland Police Commission Needs Our Help In The November 2020 Election – Len Raphael

Len Raphael CPA Oakland

The Oakland Police Commission needs our help. 1. When the November mail-in ballots come out, look for the as-yet-unnamed charter amendment strengthening the power and increasing the funding for the Oakland Police Commission. Tell your friends and neighbors to vote for it. 2. Now: contact your council member and the City Council President, At Large … Read more

Bill Carroll’s COVID&College Footbball Series Continues: The ACC.

Bill Carroll’s Covid&college Footbball Series Continues: The Acc.

Bill Carroll’s COVID&College Footbball Series Continues: The ACC. ONN – Bill Carroll’s COVID&College Footbball Series Continues: The ACC. he ACC hopes to play in the fall, but already issues are emerging at Florida State, Pittsburgh and Syracuse. Will players feel safe and are they being given the information they need? Note from Zennie62Media and Oakland … Read more

Oakland’s Tanya Holland Star Chef On Selena Gomez’s SELENA + CHEF HBO Max Show

Oakland’s Tanya Holland

 That was Tanya Holland on Zennie62 YouTube / Oakland News Now at the Super Bowl LIV 2020 Culinary Kickoff Super Bowl Party with me, Zennie Abraham: Oakland From A Distance – Tanya Holland, Oakland’s Chef, and widely regarded as one of the best in the World, will join other famed czars of the kitchen … Read more

Jessica Dwyer Interviews Lovecraft Country Creator And Writer Matt Ruff Ahead of HBO Premiere

Jessica Dwyer Interviews Lovecraft Country Creator And Writer Matt Ruff Ahead Of Hbo Premiere

Jessica Dwyer Interviews Lovecraft Country Creator And Writer Matt Ruff Ahead of HBO Premiere ONN – Jessica Dwyer Interviews Lovecraft Country Creator And Writer Matt Ruff Ahead of HBO Premiere: Zennie62 Entertainment Reporter Jessica Dwyer chats with creator and writer Matt Ruff about his novel Lovecraft Country ahead of the Jordan Peele and JJ Abrams … Read more

865 West Grand Avenue, Oakland, CA – Kim Cole Real Estate

865 West Grand Avenue, Oakland, Ca

865 West Grand Avenue, Oakland, CA From YouTube Channel: August 3, 2020 at 04:09PM ONN – 865 West Grand Avenue, Oakland, CA – Kim Cole Real Estate European Inspired West Grand Avenue Home in Oakland This uniquely European inspired city house is the modernist’s perfect nest. With three-bedrooms, two baths, this home is the epitome … Read more

AXIOS On HBO: President Trump Exclusive Interview Full Episode On HBO

Axios On Hbo: President Trump Exclusive Interview (full Episode) | Hbo

AXIOS on HBO: President Trump Exclusive Interview (Full Episode) | HBO From YouTube Channel: August 3, 2020 at 11:57PM ONN – AXIOS On HBO: President Trump Exclusive Interview Full Episode On HBO AXIOS On HBO: On the return of Axios on HBO, Axios National Political Correspondent, Jonathan Swan, speaks with President Donald Trump about multiple … Read more

Fisher’s Oakland Coliseum Privatization Scam, Malcom X Academy & Port Sale With ILWU Willis & Thomas

Fisher’s Oakland Coliseum Privatization Scam, Malcom X Academy & Port Sale With Ilwu Willis & Thomas

Fisher’s Oakland Coliseum Privatization Scam, Malcom X Academy & Port Sale With ILWU Willis & Thomas From YouTube Channel: August 2, 2020 at 06:05PM ONN – ILWU Local 10 president Trent Willis & Former ILWU Local 10 Secretary Treasurer Clarence Thomas on August 1, 2020 talk about the Oakland Coliseum privatization scam of A’s and … Read more

Hilarious Nextdoor Reports Ask “Lost Your Cock ?” And “Tired Of Being Worried About Cats” In Oakland

Hilarious Nextdoor Reports Ask “lost Your Cock ?” And “tired Of Being Worried About Cats” In Oakland

Hilarious Nextdoor Reports Ask “Lost Your Cock ?” And “Tired Of Being Worried About Cats” In Oakland From YouTube Channel: August 3, 2020 at 07:50AM ONN – Hilarious Nextdoor Reports Ask “Lost Your Cock ?” And “Tired Of Being Worried About Cats” In Oakland Are we reaching end times with Oakland Nextdoor reports like these?: … Read more

Oakland Police Report National Night Out Is Postponed To October 6 2020

Oakland Police Report National Night Out Is Postponed To October 6 2020 ONN – Oakland Police Report National Night Out Is Postponed To October 6 2020 From Oakland Police Department: National Night Out 2020 Postponed Oakland, CA –In the interest of community safety, National Night Out has been postponed, due to COVID-19 conditions and restrictions. … Read more

Lovecraft Country: Comic-Con Sneak Peek | HBO

Lovecraft Country: Comic Con Sneak Peek | Hbo

Lovecraft Country: Comic-Con Sneak Peek | HBO From YouTube Channel: July 25, 2020 at 11:00PM ONN – “This is some Journey to the Center of the Earth type shit.” Catch a sneak peak of #LovecraftCountry, premiering August 16 on @HBO. #HBO #LovecraftCountry Subscribe to HBO on YouTube: https://goo.gl/wtFYd7 Official Site of Lovecraft Country on HBO: … Read more

The Details Of Defunding The Police In Oakland: The Kaplan / Bas Budget Memo Of July 21, 2020

City of Oakland

The Oakland City Council is discussing Agenda Item 16: “Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Budget Amendments”, which includes the “Defunding The Police” report filed by Oakland City Council President Rebecca Kaplan and Councilmember Nikki Fortunado Bas, the text of which has been digitized and is presented below. But also included below as links to the Scribd versions, … Read more

Union Pacific 8029 South At Sacramento CA Bound For Oakland On 7/19/2020

Union Pacific 8029 South @ Sacramento Ca 7/19/2020

Union Pacific 8029 South @ Sacramento CA 7/19/2020 ONN – Union Pacific 8029 South At Sacramento CA Bound For Oakland On 7/19/2020 UP 8029 heads up ZG2OA-19 Intermodal train heading southbound for Oakland on the UP Fresno subdivision at 5:54pm Engine UP 8029 GE (ES44AC) UP 7733 GE (ES44AC) UP 5745 GE (AC44CWCTE) UP 6745 … Read more

SF Bay Area Bicycle Is Back With “Bike Oakland And San Leandro: Lake Chabot Dirt”

Bike Oakland & San Leandro: Lake Chabot Dirt

Bike Oakland & San Leandro: Lake Chabot dirt ONN – SF Bay Area Bicycle Is Back With “Bike Oakland And San Leandro: Lake Chabot Dirt” 2020-06-17: 14 mile, 950 ft elevation. Day 93 of the SF Bay area coronovirus shutdown and I’m trying to ride something close to the reverse of my day 59 ride. … Read more

Andreas Cluver Is The New President Of The Port Of Oakland Board Of Commissioners

Andreas Cluver Is The New President Of The Port Of Oakland Board Of Commissioners

Andreas Cluver Is The New President Of The Port Of Oakland Board Of Commissioners ONN – Andreas Cluver Is The New President Of The Port Of Oakland Board Of Commissioners As reported Andreas Cluver is the new Port of Oakland Board Of Commissioners President. Here’s his biography: Andreas Cluver was elected President of the Board … Read more

Addressing Institutional Racism that Impacts the City of Albany

Addressing Institutional Racism That Impacts The City Of Albany

Addressing Institutional Racism that Impacts the City of Albany ONN – Please join us for a community dialogue to address institutional racism that impacts the City of Albany, moderated by Nicole Anderson (CEO and Founder) & Dr. Shelley Holt of Nicole Anderson and Associates Consulting, LLC. The event starts at 7:30PM, but the webinar will … Read more

Oakland City Council Unanimously Approves Councilmember Sheng Thao’s Right To Recall Law

Oakland District Four Councilmember Sheng Thao

Oakland – Today the Oakland City Council unanimously voted to approve Councilmember Sheng Thao’s RIGHT TO RECALL ordinance which grants over 10,000 hotel, airport, and restaurant workers the first right of refusal for jobs from which they were laid off due the COVID-19 epidemic. Once certain hotels, chain restaurants, event centers, and airport concessionaires begin … Read more